Chapter 58

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Guan Yu already knows the rebellious teen would simply go do his own way of handling the problematic situation they are currently in rather than wait for him. As the elderly warrior finally left his room with a weapon in hand, sighing in disappointment at Billy's behavior, "so young, and yet are driven by emotions instead of patience and discipline," he will teach him in regards to managing one's emotions, which is an essential key to maintaining a rational mindset and understanding of any circumstances.

Standing behind the closed door, he was too deep in thought of how troubled he was after his own injuries were miraculously gone, like some kind of spell was used to cure him. For this notion, it is concerning to know that this notion is by no means normal.

Having known Seth for so long, he feels it was the boy's doing in healing them when his suspicions were true in meeting the now-recovered Billy. I believed that magic was in play here, but who would be responsible for causing the magic unless it was Seth himself who did this spell without knowing it?

But if that is the case, then surely the child should have done something supernatural in front of them? Maybe this is the item he was always seen holding, but even so, this still doesn't feel right in any way. "How he manages to do such a thing is a mystery to me," deciding to forget it, he shook his head in disagreement. "This is pointless; I must focus on finding him now."

Breathing in, he calmed himself by inhaling the natural oxygen in the air before exhaling slowly, "Time to locate and find that troublesome youth," saying to himself in a humorous tone, "I hope he didn't go too far from home; I worry of what might happen if he suddenly encounters a wild animal without weapon to defend himself," inferring in the teen's lack of experience at learning one's enemy and their weakness.

With this in mind, he took one step forward and turned around in the direction of the stairs leading down to the living room. "That boy will surely die from getting mauled to death," he said, casually strolling in the hallway to meet with the impatient teen. "It will be most unfortunate to lose someone in his prime," he said, remembering the many deaths of young men during his time in war.

Children, especially teens, should never be in battle, for life itself holds far more important value than meaningless fights or disputes, leading to senseless slaughter. It was a horrific scene and tragic to behold, for there are many careers to choose from besides being a warrior.

But seeing those two, he knows they have become true warriors by fighting the battles of their personal struggles—challenges they must overcome for themselves. Each of them is growing stronger because of it, making him feel proud of them.

Having perspective eyes, he had seen them slowly grow to become better men, but Guan Yu still sees the gaps in their flaws, especially in Billy, who is a troubled youth to begin with. The boy has to learn how to manage his own temper if he ever wants to become the man he wishes to become.

And Seth is already one by trying his hardest to overcome the struggles of his own fear while remaining calm, despite the dire predicaments they are in. The boy has heart and conviction, for no child in his age has rarely ever wield such a power.

It is not the skill or talent that a warrior has, but rather their perseverance and ambitious goals that drive them to surpass the impossible. He is well aware of how they are considerably still novices in their respective training, but they are improving, and that itself is an achievement.

Even a small sign of improvement means they are strong warriors, whether they accept it or not. "These children are more worthy than most knights and soldiers in my time," a small smile appeared on his lips at the notion that "to call Seth weakling is a complete error to me, for I had seen the fire that burn inside of him, persisting to continue in shining until he succeeds and proves himself worthy of his own resolve."

No matter what Billy or anyone says to Seth, he has a strong spirit and mind. Nothing will ever break him, for he has shown the characteristics of a true warrior, one who will fight til the end, no matter how hopeless it seems. It is that kind of display that will make him successful.

Just then, a door opened on his right, stopping in time to see dazed Morgan opening the door of her bedroom with a tired expression, "Hmm?" Noticing her appearance, the old warrior quickly spun in motion, "Lady Morgan, you're awake," telling the exhausted woman with a relieved smile.

Morgan yawned in response to his words while raising her arms in order to stretch. "What happened while I was away?" Asking in a groggy tone, "Did we manage to kill that creature?" Stretching her body for a couple of seconds before she finished, "Besides that, is Seth alright?" She spilled out many questions as the concerned sorceress waited for a reply.

Stroking his beard, the elderly man was hesitant to answer; however, he complied with her demands: "A lot of things had happened after the beast knocked you out cold," recalling the series of events that happened right after they left the cavern.

Gathering her thoughts, the woman lowered her hands down with narrowed eyes. "A lot of things, you say?" Worry grew in her heart after hearing this: "Do tell me of the events leading up to my waking?" She wanted answers as to what transpired while she was unconscious.

Retreating his hand from the beard, he sighed exhaustively, explaining everything from the beginning to the part where they were brought back inside the house by Seth. "But I assume it is more wise right now that we focus on finding them," he suggested. "Billy, whom I am certain, is searching for Seth right this moment as we speak," he stated in a sure tone.

Morgan, who heard everything the old warrior said, could only form a horrified look from this news: "Oh my goodness." Putting her own hand over her mouth in pure shock, she quickly turned back to her room and went inside unexpectedly, "Give me a minute to prepare; we will depart this area at once after I am done," firmly instructing him, and he simply nodded in return.

After doing so, she closed the door behind him, confusing him in the process of what had happened, but nonetheless, the warrior complied with her wishes and waited out in the open for what appeared to be exactly as long as she had told him so.

The door then finally opened, revealing her holding the spear she always brings whenever there is conflict at foot: "Let us go; I do not wish for the boy to continue being lost in the woods; I fear Seth will get severally killed in the case," exiting her room as Guan Yu took a couple of steps backwards, giving some space between them before she closed the door, speaking to him, "Shall we?"

Giving his respected bow in return, he responded to her inquiry, "Lady Morgan, are you also forgetting someone else?" Raising his eyebrow in a questioning manner, "another boy we must also locate in case he too gets himself into trouble?" Mentioning Billy in her short memory loss

In a brief pause, the sorceress furrowed her eyebrows together from having to remember such brat, "ah, him," sarcasm filled in her words, "well, Seth needs us more than that ruffian does, I presume?" Provoking the old warrior, "Don't you think?" Smiling at her own cunning words, she couldn't help but want to see how he responded to that statement.

Frowning with a smile, he shook his head in disbelief. "Despite how you feel, the two share a powerful bond that only they can understand," referring to their relationship. "Shall I have to remind you about this again, my lady?" Guan Yu playfully replied to the teasing sorceress.

Rolling her eyes in defeat, she shrugged her shoulders with an audible sigh escaping from her lips. "Very well, if that unruly boy is truly important for him, then I am always willingly to take that sacrifice as my own," agreeing to his words while being sarcastic nonetheless. "I hope Billy can be just a bit nicer than hurt him," she said, scowling in disgust at the mere mention of his name. "Anything else you request of me?"

He felt glad to know she was starting, or at least, trying to accept Billy one way and another. It is difficult for any loved one who is constantly seen being bullied, for mothers are protective of their children, and they will do anything to ensure the safety of their family, especially those they love.

"I'm sure your child will turn out okay in the end," his comment caused the woman to blush deeply from this response. "Did I say something offensive, lady Morgan?" Concerned by her reaction, I am unable to get a clue as to why she is embarrassed by such a response.

Under this impression, Morgan is slightly furious at the old man. Although she is flustered, the woman remains calm and collected in responding to this question: "There is nothing wrong with what you said," she says to the bewildered warrior, "but can we please get onto finding him right now?" Changing the subject to hide her embarrassment

Smile turning into frown, the warrior nodded again in understanding as the two then walked together through this hallway before reaching the stairs; one by one, the two made their way down while, at the same time, thinking of what to do in regards to how to find them.

"Where do you think they went?" She inquired of her companion, "Maybe you might have an idea of where to start?" If push comes to shove, then Morgan won't mind using magic again if it is needed once more. "If not, then we should look through the nearby forest that lies north of the lake."

Coming down to the living room, the old man did not hesitate in replying to her suggestion. "That is what I was thinking," he stated in agreement with her plans, "and it is the most reasonable approach to where Billy had gone," thinking of where these teenagers might have gone or were heading.

Scratching her own chin, she was a bit confused by this particular observation: "I see, so Billy ran off without taking care of himself first?" She was astonished to hear this: "How foolish and typical of him; I always believed he had some rationality to begin with," murmuring in a soft tone.

"Do not be so negative of him," defended Billy in response to her deeming words, "he might not be the wisest or calmest group member in our midst; however, he has the courage to stand up for himself when it matters most," describing how the blond will go on ahead in achieving a goal even if it costs his life, "it is not his fault if he is only a child in his age after all."

Even though that boy lacks maturity and tends to be hot-headed, Morgan cared little of these traits, as what mattered to her the most was how terrible this supposed friend has treated Seth, "if you say so," shrugging her shoulders in indifference, "I for one still dislike that child," folding her arms in indignation.

Guan Yu sighed in response, understanding her contempt still exists: "having hatred for any peculiar person is never good to one's soul or heart," saying this in the utmost confidence: "They are more to him than what you see, Lady Morgan."

After saying this, she ignored him when the insightful words brought her to continue their walk across the living room before finally they reached the door and opened it, leading them outside where the beautiful ascended sun is already high up in the horizon, shining light rays through the many trees and grass all around.

While it is beautiful to observe, there are far more important things to do than enjoy this beautiful nature. Right now, the two have to find Billy and Seth altogether. "Is there anything else you have forgotten?" He politely asked the woman standing next to him.

This caused her to stop in her tracks and stand for a moment in silence before replying, "Apologies, I was thinking of using my magic to find them," informing the elderly warrior of her intentions, "but at the moment, I feel too exhausted to cast such a spell." Her distressed tone of voice was noticeable in her words.

Listening intently, the old man closed his eyes momentarily and said, "Perhaps it is time for me to use the old ways in finding them," giving the sorceress a thoughtful look. "Tracking is never easy, but with senses sharpened from experience, locating missing people will become less of a struggle," he assured her of this fact.

"Hmm?" Curious to know more: "You sound as if you have done it before; do not tell me you are actually an adventurer at some point." She was intrigued to learn more. "A renowned tracker by the looks of it, are you not?" He sounds like an expert hunter, able to sniff out prey and enemies from many miles away. "Tell me, have you trained with special techniques?" She eagerly inquired about this knowledge.

Only for him to give her a lighthearted laugh in return for her comical words, "adventurer?" He repeated back the word before chuckling, "Of course not, lady Morgan," denying that statement, but there was a hint of humor within his words, "for I am neither of those," confirming as such, "However, you can say that I sometimes rely on my instincts to find people in times of distress," smiling at the end of his words.

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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