Chapter 71

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Hordes of skeletons marched into the village while the rotting zombies followed behind. Their hunger and lust for flesh consumed every aspect of their rotten minds. Their dead eyes saw nothing but the need to obey the one who had summoned them, for there was no hatred, anger, love, or sadness; everything was gone from the empty shells of dead bodies.

Some forcibly entered the homes of families, slaughtering and consuming their way through them, dragging the screaming adults and children to the streets before tearing them apart to devour their entrails; others ran after fleeing villagers as they chased them with savage grunts and groans escaping their throats.

Few went directly to the fields of crops, where they began eating raw fruits and vegetables unbeknownst to the reason why, for even anyone lacked basic knowledge and understanding in regards to why the unliving would still eat despite having no need to sustain themselves.

Regardless, their frenzy of depredation in pillaging this humble settlement is known to the group, as they patiently stayed inside their temporary room, thinking this through in a desperate attempt to escape as everyone except the unconscious Seth sat on their respective beds.

In the middle of the room was Guan Yu with his weapon in hand, pacing around as he continued staring down at the ground in deep concentration; he knows they can't possibly escape without being noticed by these invading abominations, who are more happy to tear them apart.

Meanwhile, Billy decisively spoke up after long silence in contemplating what to do next: "It looks like we're in a shit situation," announcing his thoughts on the predicament they are in a worried tone of voice, "are we going to fight or try to run away from these things?" questioning their course of action.

Although this is not what Guan Yu was concerned about, "there are too many of them," he stated as he stopped in place to face him. "These monsters will catch us before we get too far from this place," imagining the possible critical injuries they would suffer if they made any rash decisions. "Even with our abilities combined, one of them will hurt and attract others to come for us."

Crossing his arms, the blond teen then arrogantly scoffed, "So? Even if we do get hurt, then it's not a bad  deal."Not finding this a big problem while not seeing the bigger picture, "at least were alive in the end," oozing confidence in their survival of escaping from the doom they are forced to be in.

He sighed, shaking his head in disagreement with the boy's comment, "But what if those rotting things took a bite of you? We do not know what will happen to us or what diseases they possess," putting up a scenario as an example of how dire the situation is: "being wounded is one thing, but being infected by something worse than wounds themselves is another," reasoning this out to him.

Trying to think of what to say or do, Billy then realized his mentor was right in this assumption, "fuck," swearing after realizing the implications of their predicament, "Your right, we don't want that," admitting his error in haste in his decision, "I can't believe I haven't thought of that; thanks for the reminder, old timer," and thanking him for seeing the obvious.

As the two continued to think of ways to escape their current state, Morgan, on the other hand, had a different idea in mind: "What if I turn the three of us invisible?" She made a sudden offer of a solution for their problem: "This will give us a chance of slipping out of here without getting caught," suggesting that others agree.

Billy shrugged on this escape plan, "sounds easy enough, what do you think?" Turning his attention to the elderly warrior who was listening attentively to whether this was a good choice or not, he asked, "Do you think we can pull this off?" I asked him once more, hoping to get a proper response.

"Perhaps, but there is a catch for every spell," he countered this suggestion. "The concept of magic in this world is rather too complicated for me to comprehend, but is it true in what I said?" Gazing at Morgan for an answer that would hopefully make sense for them to understand.

Nodding with a sad look, she looked down to her lap and said, "Yes, as always, you are right," answering in a resigned voice as her hand reached for her standing spear placed near her bed. "It would be simpler if the spell focused on one person but the four of us? This would require a ritual for me to perform in order for that to happen," she grimaced before saying with a heavy sigh, "However, this ritual isn't too difficult to make, and I can caste it in a few minutes if we start now," she answered in a gloomy tone.

Hearing this wonderful news, Billy chuckled proudly, "Wow, that sounds pretty simple in getting away from here, alright! Now we have an escape plan that won't endanger us or make things worse," in relief of finally having broken through in dealing with their problem.

However, the magician shook her head. "One of us has to remove an eye as a requirement for doing the ritual," she said in a serious manner. "Do any of you want to do it?" Gesturing all of them to volunteer being blinded by having one eye plucked out

Suddenly, the whole room fell into dreadful silence, especially for the once confident boy who completely felt like his whole face was drained.Wait, "you mean..." He stuttered upon comprehending what the magician had offered: "Someone has to lose a fucking eye for us to get outta here?" Surprised and confused by this, "Come on, don't play games with me!" Refusing to even allow this

Turning her gaze to Seth, who remained still on the bed, she explained in low volume, "Yes, this is the simplest method for this peculiar spell, "it will cost more if it requires the use of blood to cast," mentioning as her hand gripped tightly around her weapon, "we only need someone who has strong will to do this, for magic itself always has sacrifice in exchange for something else," her tone sounding bitter.

Guan Yu finally spoke after a prolonged silence: "Why must this spell require an organ?" Asking curiously while maintaining his posture, "Does it apply to other spells, and why can't you pick others that are safer than this?" He had questions that he wanted answers to.

Morgan sighed tiredly; her eyes showed tiredness from this difficult situation. "Magic in this world is complex; there can be a variety of spells with different effects, some the same but slightly altered in one or another," she said, trying her best to explain to them that "aside from turning invisible, the other ones I know of, like teleportation, will require me some time to set up, especially if it is a group of four," becoming increasingly exhausted.

Understanding her blight, Billy softened his expression. "So that means..." Clenching his fists, he angrily felt towards himself rather than the woman, finding it difficult to even think of sacrificing one's own organs. "Maybe there is another way out of here?" Suggesting a different option once again, "let's just continue our—"

"I'll do it."

The elderly warrior said in a firm voice as he stepped forward to her, "I will take my eye out for the chance of us escaping with our lives intact," volunteering himself to become a victim of such a thing. "It would be wiser to have experienced a man like myself doing this; I am no stranger to enduring pain," stating with a neutral tone of voice.

Not wanting to agree with this, the boy raised his voice, "Are you crazy, old man? You're going to become half blind because of that!" Not allowing him to go through with this, "we can find other ways than...this!" I am disgusted at the thought of anyone here being harmed just to get out of this dangerous situation.

She was baffled by this decision. "Are you sure?" Her eyes are showing signs of hesitation and confusion in this action. "This is irreversible; you will lose an eye for this," warning him of the outcome that will occur should he decide to go through it.

Yet, he was calm in this decision. "That is an acceptable risk for the sake of our survival," he pointed out before holding up his hand. "Please hand over the knife." He politely requested that she have those items used in completing this task. "My body can handle worse punishment in my days as a military general."

Hurt and enraged, Billy tried to convince him out of this: "What are you doing!" The teenager screamed in frustration, "Think about what you're doing, damn it! Don't make a foolish choice that will jeopardize your life!" Desperately attempting to have this madness stop, but to no avail, "we can find another way, like maybe—!"

The man laughed heartily, interrupting him while clutching onto his own stomach. "You must be really worried for an old man like me?" He asked with mirth in his voice, "I appreciate it, young one. But fret not, for I will still live even after this," reassuring him that he can survive.

There is no doubt in the boy's mind that this warrior can and will survive the simple removal of an organ or even a limb. But still, it isn't right: "Why...why do you even have to take your eye out like that?" Frustrated by why it had to be that one organ, "I don't get it, old man! There's got to be more alternatives than this," wanting to find a more hopeful and safer option.

Guan Yu approached the worried boy before putting his on the child's shoulder. "Trust in me just as you trust in Seth," he said as his voice full of confidence, "for I have seen death itself in the battlefield, the greatest and cruelest fate for anyone unfortunate enough to meet with." He took his hand off Billy as he turned his back towards the witch. "May we proceed, lady Morgan?" He said it to her in a polite manner.

Even she wasn't fond of this idea but understood why he was willing to do it. "Okay, then I will get some alcoholic beverages to lessen the pain," she reluctantly said to him. "It will help with the process of removing the eyeball as well," informing him of the use of alcohol in doing the procedure. "I will also grab bandages for it too."

But the man only shook his head. "No need," said the warrior, finding such things unnecessary. "If anything, this experience will improve my fighting prowess in future battles." He cracked a grin upon hearing himself say such words, "even old men like me still have plenty of life left to live for," boasting confidently of his age.

Though Morgan frowned at his claims, "then we shall begin," she said in a dark and ominous tone, "stand in front of me," directing him where to stand, which was the center of the room. The witch then raised her thumb toward her own face before biting it hard enough for it to bleed.

Using her bleeding thumb, she draws a magical rune around Guan Yu in a circle with various symbols and lines within. While doing so, Morgan spoke a chant in an unknown language, which Billy found weird and intriguing at the same time. The runes inside the circle then glowed bright red.

Looking back at him, she asked, "Which eye do you want me to pluck out?" Her thumb was still bleeding even after she had finished the part about setting up the ritual. "Your left or right?" The woman questioned him with a regretful stare at having to do this.

Billy wanted to do something about this, but he can't because this is his mentor's own volition in having such a horrible outcome happen. "Guan Yu, please don't do this," he pleaded as his hands trembled in fear and worry. "There has to be a better way of getting out without losing eye," trying desperately to reason with him.

Slowly, the old man turns back to his disciple, giving a small yet gentle smile. "Trust in me," he calmly responded, reassured before his attention was back to her. "My left," he told her in a firm tone of voice as his index finger was raised to touch his own left eye.

Nodding, "will use my fingers to pull it out, or do you wish for the blade to make a more clean and quicker cut?" She inquired, giving him a second option for which to be taken, as while both are painful, using a tool to remove one's organ or limb is rather faster.

His answer was immediate: "fingers," he answered bluntly with certainty. "Take your time; I don't mind," he said while straightening his back with unflinching resolution. "Do not be afraid of what might happen, for I am always prepared for situations like this," having steeled nerves in facing any consequences in the future.

Stepping forward, she then stared at the man's left eye. Her own breathing intensified as she thought about what she was about to do. "I can do this," she said quietly, encouraging herself to do it before slowly bringing the hand closer to the old warrior's face.

"Here goes nothing."

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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