Chapter 28

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She led them to a large clearing outside of the woods, where the evening morning was present in the sky itself. Grass and a couple of scattered purple flowers are everywhere in this field, with various types of bushes in different locations, either large or small.

Their journey to the supposed cottage was short from where they walked, having to cross a river and go past a hill that lasted no less than five minutes. Aside from their new surroundings, they continued moving up the path until they reached inside.

She opened the door to her home as the rest of the group entered through it with Seth on her back, casually asleep and not bothered by the environment they landed themselves in, as there were various furniture and objects throughout the place with candles burning and windows clean of dirt. The furniture is primarily made of wood with some metal, and the room's floor is paved with large square tiles.

Upon entering the house, they saw a fire crackling in a large stone fireplace that dominates one wall of the main room, an old, rickety table, some chairs, and a small cooking pot on the floor in front of the fire. The light from the window reflects onto the walls, providing a warm glow.

It is small yet comfortable enough for a single person, with only a few decorations adorning the place and bookshelves filled with ancient-looking scrolls and books. This is not how he imagined a witch's home to look, but then again, they haven't seen many of them to begin with.

Gently placing the sleeping boy on the couch facing the fireplace, she then turned to face them in a polite manner. In response, they thanked her to indicate their appreciation for the woman's generosity. "Thank you for saving the young ones," Guan Yu said in gratitude while bowing in respect.

Billy silently nodded and tipped his head, showing his sign of appreciation without embarrassing himself with words. Something he isn't fond of doing, as he is not the kind of person who opens up so easily in a day or two, not when he has yet to earn their trust in the first place.

She waved her hand in a dismissive manner, indicating that she would not bother using honorifics. "Oh, you don't have to thank me. I am just doing what is right as a person should do," Morgan smiled at their gesture. "Are you two thirsty? Would either of you want tea?" She asked the group of two

Feeling the dryness of his throat, Billy nodded without hesitation; this will help in relieving his thirst from the long fight he had to endure, plus of being stuck in that dirty dungeon. "Can I get water instead?" He asked as he felt himself exhausted from the long trip.

Her eyes shifted to the man who was gazing at her. "What about you, Guan Yu?" Morgan politely asked the elderly warrior, "Would you like water?" She offered the warrior a different beverage: "Or do you prefer tea?" The woman raised her eyebrow.

Being considerate of their choice in beverages, the elderly warrior thought for a second before releasing an approving hum. "Very well, lady Morgan," he complied to her request without complaint, "tea is fine for my preference," answering the witch's inquiry.

Morgan then nodded before going to the kitchen, leaving them alone with the unconscious boy on the couch. "Wait here," the witch said to them as she prepared the drinks for them in another room as the two stood in silence, contemplating what to do next.

Turning to Billy, who was looking down with a frown, the general stroked his own beard for a moment before opening his mouth and asking, "How is your health?" Asking the unruly child if he has sustained any injuries, "I have no idea what happened to you during our fight with those monsters, but seeing you still standing here alive is a relief to me," he admitted with a hint of pride in his voice.

Taking a moment to recollect his thoughts, Billy shook his head with a sigh. "Can we sit while we wait for that idiot to recover?" expresses his displeasure with standing after all the moving they have done on that battlefield. Honestly, he's tired and wishes to be in bed as soon as possible.

Smiling, Guan Yu headed to a nearby chair as the boy followed suit, both of them seated across from each other at a small wooden, round table while waiting for the witch's return with their requested drinks in hand.

"What troubles you?"

Billy narrowed his eyes at him, suspicious of the old man's question. "That depends on what kind of question were talking about," he answered the warrior's inquiry while crossing arms in discomfort over this subject. "If it is about me, then yes, something is bothering me," he admitted in reluctance to the question.

Sighing, the elderly general's face displays weariness. "What is it? Are you concerned about what will happen to your friend?" The latter struck nerves in the young cowboy, causing Billy to narrow his eyes at him even further while gritting his teeth in anger. "If so, then worry not; he will—"

Suddenly, fist was brought down on the table between them as the young boy expressed anger in his face, staring down at the crack he made. "His. Not. My. Friend," each sentence spilled out of his lips, sounding harsh and cold from his declaration.

There was long silence between them; the warrior didn't do anything to provoke him or anything; he simply waited for him to talk to himself. But seeing how the elderly warrior continued to stare at him with a calm demeanor, Billy exhaled before continuing his statement, "Even though it pains me to say that," his voice becoming softer.

He doesn't know how to describe his relationship with that moron. Billy felt like their friends, but at the same time, they have differences of personality and ideals. They may have an argument about something stupid and then go back to being friends, or he himself might end up arguing with him.

In the end, he was conflicted on how he should completely feel in the situation they were in. In this weird dimension, where no one understands them, He is more focused on himself than others, always running away from problems rather than helping strangers or allies alike.

His survival is his priority above all; they are not his problem. Nor does he consider them people worth protecting. Because their lives are not of his concern, especially when their goal is the same. All Billy is after is fame and glory; that's all to it.

Guan Yu furrowed his brow at his answer, "Is he your enemy, Billy?" He wondered out of curiosity. The young boy was silent for a while before responding to the man's question with his words, which came out slow but precise and sounded uncertain enough.

"Maybe," he said quietly, as if trying to speak without confirming him. "His...idiot," the cowboy described with uncertainty. Rubbing his eyes with his fingers, he said, "Anyway, I don't want to talk about this anymore," ending his reply while looking away.

"I'm just tired, okay?" he said, sighing in exasperation at the whole thing. Then he closed his eyes, slumping down on the chair while taking a deep breath. "What matters is that he needs to wake up and be fine so we can continue our task in getting to the dark lord," his words dripping with venom and exhaustion.

"Rest then, Billy," Guan Yu nodded in understanding of his words, "take your time and rest well; your body is exhausted." His words pierced through him, causing the cowboy to release a loud snort from the elderly man's words, "you fought hard last night; warrior deserves a break after such a battle."

Shaking his head, the boy then opened his eyes, displaying blue irises to the old man as he took another deep breath. "Yeah, guess your right..." He yawned loudly while stretching his arms in a lethargic manner, "I could almost sleep for the rest of the month and not be able to complain about it," laughing as he spoke his thoughts out.

Then he placed his hands on the back of his head and reclined the chair a little, looking at the ceiling and seeing how well decorated it was. This place is definitely the home of a magician. "Wake up me when my glass of water is ready, will you?" Demanding the elderly general wake him up.

The green-robed man grunted at his reply but didn't say anything further. "Sleep and be well rested," he said, accepting the boy's demand from him as he looked around the room and noticed that the lady hadn't arrived yet with their beverages.

"Finally..." Billy was happy to know he was free from the awkward conversation they were having. "Now if only that idiotic nerd wakes up. But whatever, it doesn't matter as long as he stays asleep during all of this mess." Closing his eyes, the darkness surrounded him as he fell asleep almost instantly.

Seconds passed by, and Guan Yu sat on the chair, his body beginning to grow weary from all the fighting he had to do that lasted the entire night while waiting for her to return with their drinks. His mind slowly drifted to sleep while thinking of how lucky they are to be alive in this foreign world.

It is bizarre to know there are others living somewhere else aside from China, especially with this child stating to be from another planet or world, an unfamiliar land he has never heard of or seen. And for all his years of living in one place

He would never have expected there were more things outside of his homeland than what meets the eye—something to behold and ponder. The possibilities are endless, though his expectation will likely fade as the years progress with more discoveries.

But his body felt heavier from the fatigue that continues to increase with every passing second, and he wondered to himself if he should also fall asleep just like everyone else is doing. Reasonable response after what they have to go through to begin with.

A tiring and dangerous adventure they are forced into, a journey that will no doubt change their lives forever in one form or another. Whether good or bad, it'll still affect their outlook on life afterwards as long as they stick together on their perilous path to whatever destiny holds for them in the future.

Just as the elderly warrior was about to fully sleep, her presence then came with a cup of freshly brewed tea and a glass of water in her hands. Which caused him to open his eyes in slight surprise at seeing her appear before him. "Here's your tea, Guan Yu," he said, smiling pleasantly at the warrior.

"And this is your water, Billy," placing the cup of glass facing towards the sleeping cowboy, "feel free to drink it whenever you have the chance to do so; he won't be awake for long." Her eyes remained fixated on the young boy before looking at the elderly warrior, "why don't you also take a nap? You seem like you need it," she advised kindly.

The warrior shook his head, smiling in return as he drank the tea before giving out a satisfying sigh. "Ah, how wonderful," he commented on his drink. "It has been years since I tasted something as delicious as this, Lady Morgan." His eyes flashed with gratefulness while continuing to sip on the cup of hot tea. "Thank you again," he said, thanking the woman for her consideration.

Smiling once again, Morgan bowed her head as she remained standing in front of their table. "Is there anything else you need?" She asked him curiously, "Are you sure you don't want to sleep? You should do that after finishing your tea," she gently suggested to the elderly man with a concerned look.

For a second, he wanted to deny falling asleep in a stranger's house, but after everything she had, especially saving their lives, it wouldn't hurt to try resting his sore muscles and bones for a little bit before going on with their mission of traveling to wherever that destination of theirs leads them.

"Please take care of Seth while I'm asleep," Guan Yu implored her while tilting his head toward Billy and then the sleeping Seth on the couch. "I trust you can do that for me, correct?" His gaze was steady when he focused on her as she listened to him intently without blinking.

The woman inhaled sharply before nodding with firm resolve, "Of course I can," assuring him of her promise while glancing at the sleeping boy with concern in her eyes. "For someone who has fought against the army, an old warrior like yourself must be extremely tired from everything you've gone through," pointing out his predicament without criticizing his actions.

Guan Yu gave her appreciative look before taking a sip of his tea once again. "Indeed, it has been years since I experienced the thrill of battling against a foe. Those beasts were quite formidable opponents to fight, I must say," remarking on his brief encounter with them.

"But thank you once again," he said, turning his attention to her with deep gratitude for everything she had done. "If it weren't for you, I wouldn't think neither of those children nor I myself, for that matter," taking another sip from his teacup and setting it down. "We owe you a great deal, Lady Morgan."

Closing her eyes in understanding of the warrior's gratitude towards her, she nodded and smiled back at him. "I'm glad everyone is alive and safe. Rest assured that all of you will be treated under my care with respect," she said, opening her eyes to reveal a purple hue in them, "so please don't worry and have faith that things will be okay." Her voice carried sincerity and kindness as she spoke to him.

The elderly warrior hummed and leaned back in his chair before staring back at her. "Well, it appears you are a very benevolent person. Despite meeting you in mere moments, I feel like we can trust you. Because from what I saw of your interaction with the children, you genuinely care for them even though you don't know them personally," expressing his trust towards her.

This made her smile even wider from the compliment she received from him: "I'm pleased to see that you can put some faith in me; it really makes me happy that someone acknowledges me for my actions rather than what I am." Her eyes narrowed a bit as she smiled gratefully towards the old man, "It means a lot coming from you."

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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