Chapter 18

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Seth followed the rest of his companions after heading back to the castle. Titus was away at the moment to take the unconscious girl to the servants, who decided to take her when they realized that she still had a pulse on her. At least the princess is alive in that regard.

Garnet was leading them to the throne room. Silence filled the air while the boy kept thinking about everything that happened today. He never expected this turn of events leading to his newly best friend becoming critically injured because he couldn't do anything but watch what had unfolded.

Moreover, he is also conflicted about witnessing the death of the drunken mad, as despite feeling delighted about getting what he deserved, he also felt fear and remorse for being part of ending a man's life. Seth isn't sure if revenge is worth it in the end. When the drunkard died in front of his eyes, the boy himself still felt pain over losing her to such brutality that even killing those who had wronged him wouldn't bring the dead back from the living.

But no matter what had happened, his kind heart said otherwise, believing that neither of those two should die. The reason being that it is not right for either side to kill one another, he believes that no one deserves to die because...he doesn't know why.

Is it just the way he feels about the situation? Or perhaps it was his supposed mother who told him about how he should love his enemies? The boy didn't know anymore as he stared down at his shoes, his mind wandering aimlessly until he heard the doors being opened by Garnet.

Revealing several silver-armored knights in full plate mail as they stood guard against the walls of the large throne room, where Ada is patiently standing next to the king's throne, silently watching the summoned heroes walk towards the center of the place.

As Billy and Guan Yu stood on the opposite shoulders of the veteran knight, Garret then began to bow his head to Midas for a brief moment. His gaze was filled with dread as well as disbelief from his expression alone: "Your majesty..." The old soldier saluted when he straightened his back: "The princess has been brought back, my king." The news brought a sigh of relief from his king.

"Ah, that is wonderful news," he said, smiling from ear to ear. "Where is she? Shouldn't she be with you?" Anticipation filled the aged sovereign while he sat on his royal seat, eagerly awaiting his precious daughter's return, while Seth awkwardly stood behind the three, gazing at the conversation as he listened to them.

"Well, you see..." Sweat dripped down his forehead. "She is currently recovering at the infirmary," hearing that caused the girl's father to widen his eyes in horror and surprise at the unexpected revelation. "However, please don't get mad at them, your highness, I beg of you." Kneeling down, the elderly knight placed his palms against the floor with a pleading tone of voice. "I understand the situation is grave, but..." Raising his head with seriousness on his features, he says, "Let them explain what happened to the princess."

Everyone was now speechless; even Ada became terrified of what could possibly happen next. "My lord..." She called out, catching his darkened expression after hearing her advisor say, "Please let them talk." She requested hesitantly, "It might be wise to—"

Slamming his fists down at the armrests, the king angrily demanded full details of what had transpired during the princess's absence. "I want the truth!" Glowering at his subject, who stood frozen on spot with visible fear reflecting within his eyes, he said, "Speak up!" Shouting before staring down at Garnet, causing the veteran to flinch under pressure before beginning to narrate everything that went down to this point.

"From what Billy has told, Seth and Cinder went outside to explore the city before being attacked by a drunkard, where he," glancing at the cowboy before returning his gaze back at the king, "had to kill the assailant in self-defense; afterwards, I believe she is fine for the most part, sire." The old man stated this to his ruler, who grew silent, remaining seated on his throne.

No one moved or spoke; his expression was covered with darkness from learning what had taken place. He wasn't expecting this to happen. The monarch honestly assumed his daughter would be safer staying in the castle with these heroes, but unfortunately, his poor judgement led to her being hurt.

He shouldn't have trusted them; the king knows what they did and now regrets ever putting his faith in them. "All of you..." His eyes focused on the heroes that were summoned to "apprehend them." The sudden order shocked everyone in the room, including Garret himself.

"But your maj—"

The veteran knight was cut off when the king bared his teeth in anger, tears now streaming down his cheeks in fury and hate. "I SAID APPREHEND THEM!" Roared in a booming voice, causing many guards to immediately march forward toward the three, catching them in surprise as the knights grabbed their arms forcefully, pulling them away from their location.

"Get your fucking hands off me, you pricks!" Billy cursed when his wrists were restrained by shackles being wrapped around their wrists: "Damn it! I should've used my gun when I had the chance!" He growled in frustration at letting these guards get the upper hand in the fight.

Guan Yu sighed, not even fighting back when he allowed them to put the said shackles on him. "You're making a mistake..." He warned them with serious expression, "These children have done nothing wrong; they're not at fault for what happened," informing them of how this whole event escalated to this point.

His words fell on deaf ears when Midas didn't even bother to listen as he glared daggers towards the three individuals who remained silent: "You will all be executed tomorrow morning at dawn!" He declared to the trio, who were shocked upon hearing that, "To think that I would place my trust in you!" There was pain and betrayal in his voice as he cried out angrily.

Seth didn't expect for it to get worse; his eyes widened at what he heard, unable to believe this man who was supposed to be kind after taking them in for shelter, food, and information about the world itself only to be rewarded with the death penalty instead, "W-why...?" His soft voice managed to reach everyone's ears as he was easily apprehended by one knight from behind, causing them to halt. "I-I-I..." Fumbling words while stammering towards the king, who stared down at him with disdain, "didn't do anything wrong..." He pleaded tearfully.

The king clicked his tongue in annoyance at the sight, "Guards! Take them away to the dungeon," ordering his soldiers to take them elsewhere while Garret and Ada could only watch in defeat of seeing the heroes being dragged away into the depths of the dark corridors, "Make sure to keep a good eye on them!" He pointed to his subordinates in charge of locking them up.

When they left the room, Ada protested her lord's decision: "My king, maybe you should reconsider about this." She tried reasoning with him: "You are not in the correct state of mind." Making The archduke frowned when she pointed out a good point.

But he didn't care anymore, for his rage and pain were too much for him after having lost his wife. Never again will he allow an foreigner to corrupt his daughter. If Seth and the rest are going to play monsters, then they will become one. "I will make them pay for everything that has happened." He clenched his fist tightly. "It's all because of that boy that Cinder is hurt."

Garret, who is standing up, defied his liege of his decision: "With all due respect, my majesty, but don't you think this is a bit too harsh punishment on them?" Questioning in a calm manner when the monarch then dangerously narrowed his eyes at him for talking back, "Besides, if they were to be executed, then it would be detrimental to us in the long run, sire," reminding them of the reason why they summoned them in the first place.

Slowly, reason and logic seemed to get into him as the king's face contorted with contemplation, considering their words but still too stubborn to let it slide: "Not to mention, you will need them if The Dark Lord's army attacks our empire anytime soon; I highly doubt they'll do that when there are no heroes here to protect everyone; isn't that correct, my lord?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

Ada smiled warmly when she saw Midas slowly coming back from his enragement, only to be disappointed when the man returned back into scowling at the elderly knight. "No," he answered bluntly before shaking his head once more. "I made up my mind, and no amount of persuasion or reason will change it!" The sovereign firmly said to him, "Do you have a problem with my decisions?" Sneering at his prized veteran for talking back.

The man widened his eyes in complete disbelief, for he had served the king ever since they were both young, just to see that man who was composed and an honorable ruler turned into an ungrateful, vindictive, and misguided king. "I have no problems with your judgment, but I do question your sanity for choosing this path," he said, finding it hard to believe what Midas has become, for it wasn't the heroes fault.

The three, especially the boy, were only children like the daughter, and seeing children being executed in broad daylight gives him an awful taste in his mouth. "Then who will watch them?" He asked his superior, who is acting illogically at the moment, "Do you expect the guards will always keep an eye on them, twenty-four seven? because frankly, my king, it's unreasonable of them when everyone is already occupied with their lives." Garret's reason was strong and rationale, something Midas managed to acknowledge in his blinded anger and sorrow.

"Nonsense," the king snorted dismissively, folding arms together as an act of defiance. "My loyal subordinates must surely understand that keeping the prisoners locked away is their main priority." He waved his hand nonchalantly. "If they refuse to follow my orders, then they shall suffer a fitting punishment for failing at their jobs." Not once did he consider that his men have lives outside their work, nor the fact that they have families or loved ones that they wish to see every day.

But still, he deeply cares about the kingdom and only sees these knights as tools or weapons to be used for peace and order in their society; regardless of who they are or what they do in their daily lives, "you are all dismissed." He dismissed both the woman and elder man without even batting an eyelash towards them.

Knowing now that no amount of persuasion will convince their beloved, they sadly complied without comment as they left without saying anything else, allowing himself to stay in his private room, where he sat alone before slouching back against his chair with conflict overcoming his heart.

"Did I make the right choice...?" He whispered softly before sighing loudly, rubbing his temple in annoyance and stress from everything that was going on. "Cinder, I'm sorry for letting this happen to you, my daughter," he said, looking to his right to see the descending sun going down the horizon.

They were right about one thing, and that is that the fate of this land depends on those three heroes to defeat the dark lord, but now he has condemned them to death for actions they never meant to do. Now that his anger had subsided, he was left only with guilt over his own stupidity.

Nonetheless, the king will find another set of heroes to summon; "that high priestess should be able to make another one of summoning rituals," he told himself, recalling Ada, who had been in his service for quite some time, "yes, another chance," nodding with determination before leaning back to close his eyes.

He shouldn't worry too much and allow this opportunity to pass him by; after all, what's the worst that can happen? This thought lingered in his mind for the longest time, unaware of the dangers lurking within the shadows of the castle walls.

It is for the best that justice is served for these fools; the price is due for their crimes in getting his daughter hurt. Those three men will feel regret for ever stepping foot in this castle, especially for befriending her in the first place. That boy shall die as he watches him get his head chopped off at the public square with a smile on his face.

Now enough of daydreaming, he had work to do by getting up and seeing Cinder. He can't be an awful father by just staying here and sulking like some homeless beggar. "Visiting her might brighten my spirit a bit," the old man smiled warmly as he stood up from his chair.

The sky outside of his windows then turned dark as the ascending moon arrived, revealing countless stars in its vast blanket of lights above them, bringing beauty to their lonely night. And yet, it only serves as a reminder of how hard life is to live in when he is the ruler of an empire that governs an entire land.

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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