Chapter 60

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Home sweet home, as Billy imagined it to be when they finally got back to the house while he carried Seth on his back, the storm had still been raging outside, which is the worst part of their journey. Although it is extremely wet and cold out there, their clothes, on the other hand, were also soaked in water.

But after entering back at the house, where the dancing fireplace lit up the living room, providing a warm atmosphere to everyone present in it, he realized it would've been better to put his sleeping friend on the couch than in the bedroom.

Being tempted to place Seth there, Billy sighed with a smile on his face. "Better than nothing," he mumbled under his breath as the blond boy made his way through the living room, stopping just at the couch before gently dropping the exhausted teenager into the soft cushions. "Sleep well, partner."

Guan Yu and Morgan remained in their spots near the entrance, watching the headstrong cowboy carry the boy all the way there. Both adults were also completely soaked in the rain themselves due to being outside with them for awhile. However, their attention is more focused on the two.

"What happens now?" She asked in a soft tone while glancing at her companion, "Now that they are safe and sound, I suppose it would be better to let them rest for the night." Her own advice met with a nod. "After that, where is our next course?" I asked the woman with uncertainty about her facial features.

Stroking his beard, he hummed in thought. "We should discuss this in the kitchen," said the elderly warrior, serious and calm in this moment as he casually approached them. "Billy," he then looked to the blond teen, who then turned his attention to him.

"Yeah, what?" The boy asked in annoyance, "You need something, old man?" Giving Guan Yu his cold stare along with an equally cold response, "If you haven't noticed, I had to carry my injured friend all the way here," his sarcastic retort is a sign of impatience from the warrior's call, "Mind telling me what it is?"

Morgan stepped in, bothered again by the attitude this child is showing. "You should show more respect, young man," she said, scolding him with a motherly tone in her voice. "This man here risked everything to save you two, so he deserves more respect and gratitude than you are showing," reprimanding him for being more grateful.

This pissed him off greatly, making him look towards her before standing just a foot apart from her. "Like you have any idea what we have been through," Billy clenched his teeth, gritting them with fury. "You witches are all the same, devil worshiping heathens with nothing in life to lose," coldly insulting her from head to toe.

Guan Yu was the one who intervened, grabbing Billy by the shoulder and saying, "You know it's not her fault," stating calmly, "Neither of us are," the elderly man then stood at the boy's side in case things went violent. "Show some respect for Lady Morgan; she had given us shelter and food," he reminded the irate teen who was taking care of them.

She had hoped there was some common ground between them, but knowing now that it appears to be nothing more than fantasy, "for someone who had bullied and harmed Seth, I am surprised you have changed of heart," Morgan mused in how quick-tempered he is. "It is a miracle he still sees you as a friend despite everything you have done to him." She felt disgusted by his presence but held back her true emotions.

He froze in place with his jaw tightened; the words had hit true of what he had done to his former classmate: "Take that back, bitch," anger once again ignited in him; "you have no idea the life I have," words dripping venom at its recipient; "don't make me hurt you, wench," sight to behold of what he is capable of doing.

Enough of this, Morgan raised her hand, pointing her finger in his direction. "I wish not to start conflict, but I will not stand this menace in my home any longer," she declared, declaring her decision, "If you try anything to me in regards to your little threat, then I am willing to use force if needed to," warning the angry teen of the consequences: "Do I make myself clear?" Her cold, monotonous voice conveyed her words.

In the split second of seeing this warning, Billy snapped at her, "You're probably working with that demon!" Accusing her of this fact, "There's no way you can use magic unless you're connected to those unholy scum!" Throwing out his baseless claim in pure malice and hate.

"You know it's not—" Guan Yu tried to intervene before he was interrupted.

"Are you aware that you are nothing more than a filthy urchin who has no right to speak to me this way in the first place?" Her words were spoken in the coldest way possible, with her lifeless purple eyes staring deeply at the boy who has his teeth clenched. "Are you forgetting what my station is? As a magician, I have every right to throw you away, and if it means your permanent departure, then I will not hesitate to use force," she explained to him.

The old man doesn't know what to do in this situation anymore; it was all sudden, and this frustrates him. He can't find a solution between these two incompatible things. One is a hot head while the other is an ice queen; both of them have seemingly different ideals that contradict each other, but Guan Yu believes they should work together despite the hatred between them.


With his mighty guando, he strongly pulled down the bottom of his polearm in a powerful manner, catching everyone's attention. He gave a stern and serious glare towards the two, "Can't you see how the both of you are making more problems for ourselves? These pointless arguments are useless; we are allies and comrades, not  enemies." Making them realize their actions and the mistakes they made, "you must be reasonable to one another; instead of acting like children and ignoring what is important to the group, if there are conflicts between us, then we should talk about them rather than fighting, which is the most logical way to solve them, not by raising hands at each other."

Their mouths were open, gasping from being scolded like children who have been caught stealing cookies. The blond teen clicked his tongue in aggravation before crossing his arms. "Fine, whatever you say," he gave up, admitting defeat for once in his life. "Just don't expect me to be buddy buddies with her anytime soon, got that?" He sent his last glance at Morgan before stepping back away from her.

Hearing these words made the magician smile in amusement. "My, what a surprising turn of events," her calm voice echoed. "Promise me you won't hurt him anymore," looking directly at Billy, who flinched by those piercing eyes of hers, "he has done nothing to you; why do you hurt him in the first place?" She wondered how he had become the way he is.

Turning his head away, shame written all over the kid's face, "If I tell you, you'll never understand," he muttered sadly, "people like me will never know what it is like to feel or have what I have." Billy stated this to them in serious display: "This world is cruel; it does nothing but hurt and take advantage of others who are too weak to fight back." No one uttered a single word; the atmosphere grew heavy with silence. "You wouldn't understand."

As he said this, Billy walked away without a second comment or remark, heading up to the stairs before finally disappearing into the corridor, leaving the two adults alone in the living room as they stood there with conflicted expressions. "He's not an ordinary child, is he?" Morgan commented after a moment of quietness.

She isn't sure anymore other than feeling some pity and curiosity for him; she does not know what has gotten him into becoming a rude teen, but Morgan can relate to whatever he is going through. "I do not know what to say to him," she answered with an honest voice in this difficult conversation.

"Sleep and drift to slumber lady Morgan, It is beneficial for everyone to have some rest after what happened tonight, especially after everything they had gone through," Guan Yu suggested in a low voice, reminding his friends to always gather their strength when stress becomes too much for them to handle.

At first, she tried to defend herself by refusing the offer, but realizing his reasoning, Morgan changed her mind. "I shall go then," she said in a small yet audible voice, "it would be better for me to have some sleep instead of staying awake with a heavy heart." She bowed down slightly, "but before I go," turning her eyes towards Seth, "who will take care of him?"

Guan Yu smiled at this question. "I will stay behind; keep guard if necessary," the old warrior said. "I will take watch if anything goes well." His trust in his companions is proven by this suggestion, as the woman was filled with doubt and worry about this.

"Are you sure?" She asks the concerned witch, "What about—"

"Please, there is no need for you to be concerned for me or him," he cut her off in mid-sentence. "I have nearly lived my entire life knowing fighting," said the experienced veteran. "Trust in me as your comrade," giving reassurance for her to have peace of mind in leaving the situation to him.

There wasn't a need to debate it any longer. After a brief moment of pondering her options, she decided it would be best for them to rest as well. "I shall leave," she accepted his offer without protesting furthermore, "please, take care of yourselves, for I will do likewise," wishing them luck on this stressful night.

With that final conversation, she went up to her room by heading to the stairs where the blond teen had gone as the stress and worry became less and further the more she thought of going to sleep from this long, tiring day everyone had to experience.

Finally alone, Guan Yu sighed tiredly at this never-ending conflict. "When will those two ever console?" He questioned this with a hopeless expression while glancing at the fireplace. "There is always infighting in every group and party," he said, shaking his head in dismay. "I only hope they will be able to settle their differences sooner than later." He closed his eyes in deep thought.

It is human nature for people to fight over certain issues that cause conflict between them; some may learn to forgive and forget while others do not, can't, or refuse to. It is what makes them unique in their own way of thinking and doing things differently from the rest. "They must find peace within themselves first before facing reality itself," he whispered underneath his breath with a sad tone.

Hate and grudges are dangerous to keep, and when they destroy the ones holding them or being the reason for them, they can be led into blind rage and many more dangerous possibilities that none of them would wish to encounter.

So, he hopes they will find a common ground where they can reach out and help one another. Guan Yu just wants the fighting to stop; he has gotten too old to see it every time he has to face the frontlines of battle and has enough of seeing people suffering from their problems. "If only there was more time before my death comes knocking," he said, opening his eyes. He turned and walked towards a nearby window.

Looking out the heavy storm with rain pouring down through the glass, his wrinkled hand placed against it, "Why does this happen? Why must everyone suffer even more?" He wanted to know, for so many deaths of young and old in past battles he fought in, that "war is everywhere and hate is the fuel to feed the flames, destruction of homes and families being torn asunder by hate, nothing can be done when people cannot stop fighting in senseless violence," lamenting the tragedy of war itself.

Frustrated by all the suffering and conflict, Guan Yu wanted to bring peace, but there was only so much he could do. "Even if I die in battle, it will mean nothing in the end," he said, depression in his heart as he lowered his head down. "Is this my fate as the god of war?" The old warrior spoke in a whisper as tears came down from his eyes. "Am I nothing more than failure as a father?" His memories of his son sacrificing himself to break his fear were too much for his old heart.


Seth's voice broke his distressing thoughts: "Boy?" The green-robed man turned to see him still asleep, causing him to frown in confusion as he quietly approached the couch where it was facing the fireplace. "Is there something you wanted to say?" Asked the elderly warrior.


Eyes still closed, Seth was sleeping, not awake after learning this fact when Guan Yu carefully studied the boy's face. "Ah, your dreaming," a smile crept on his lips. "Hopefully, a pleasant one," he concluded it to be as he put his own head on the child's forehead.

"You gave me something else to fight for after living all those years as a hermit without purpose of living," the old man's expression displayed sadness and acceptance, "to protect and care for my loved ones," softness was within his voice in speaking those words.

"I thank you for giving me a reason to keep fighting, young one."

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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