Chapter 48

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Horror crept within Seth as he continued to stare at the monstrosity with undeniable fear. "The prince of lust?" whispering under his breath in uncertainty, "Lust..." One of the most common sins humanity has had since the beginning of time is the strong urge to want sexual intercourse for their own satisfaction. "Why are you here, demon?" Mustering the courage to inquire for an answer, "Why are you here?" The question that the teen demanded was, "I demand to know what you're doing here!" His voice rose in confidence, which gave him an advantage over Asmodeus in revealing everything in return.

Lust is usually associated with sex, but it can also be for longing for anything, a destructive desire to have something so badly they are willing to go down in having it regardless of the consequences and morality that come with it. Very horrendous trait in every one of them, for lust is also part of human nature.

However, he hadn't forgotten the name it gave itself. The king of demons, even though he stands below some others in the hierarchy, is nonetheless a force to behold, commanding seventy-two legions of demons to serve under his power, an unimaginable power that cannot be underestimated.

He has to be careful in dealing with this monster, for it is not the run-of-the mill demon but the prince who rules over a circle in the burning inferno. "God tells you to answer," sweat dribbled down his face, "speak, demon!" Directly commanded with a firm voice, "Answer my question?" Questioning for a reply to this troubling situation he landed himself in.

The possessed Billy sighed, stretching his arms in the air if it were being uninterested in Seth's presence. "I shall indulge you in telling you why I am here." Turning around, he placed his feet on the wooden floor before standing up, causing the nervous child to move away. "But not in this poor host I've borrowed to take the shape of a human," mentioning the blond with a blank expression on its face.

Out of nowhere, reality around them in this room very completely morphed and twisted in Seth's very eyes as it became nothing more than an empty bedroom, along with the once-demonic Billy changing into something demonic in appearance as it now stood in front of the horrified boy.

Taking the form of a tall figure with a black-robed person with a small red eye in the middle of its head, two horns, and the face shape of a mutated dark cow as its opened wide mouth displayed blackened, rotting teeth, "This is better," Asmodeus said with a grotesque, guttural voice that sent chills down his spine.

Holding the crucifix as if his life were dependent on it, he looked at the once human form of his friend being turned into an otherworldly appearance and asked, "What did you do to him?" demanding the answer to what it did to Billy. At first, there was silence as Asmodeus didn't seem to register the question; it merely cocked its own head to the side, gazing at him with amusement and thought.

"Oh, you do not have to worry about him, for he is still inside," reassuring the worried boy with a fake tone of kindness. "Billy is just asleep, taking a good rest while I am in charge of his body for now," chuckling at the situation in a lighthearted manner, "although taking different forms is what we do, I simply have no interest in masquerading around with this disgusting human shell." contempt in referring to the blond.

Backing away a bit with caution and fear, he pointed the golden crucifix at him, expecting his holy weapon to work. However, nothing affected the prince; even after he kept pointing at him, "I don't understand," whispering to himself, "why isn't this working?" Puzzled by the result, the demon just stood there in place, unbothered by the powerful weapon.

"Its not working because you lack the necessary amount of strength in faith to vanquish a powerful demon," exclaiming the reason, which Seth didn't expect to hear. "Maybe if you were not sleep deprived at this moment, it might have worked," the robed monstrosity laughed. "It's pitiful how much you rely on silly toys," the mockery evident in its tone.

Bringing his arm down, Seth displayed a sign of defeat and depression: "So my cross is useless in fighting you," the boy, who is trembling in cold sweats, asked with hopelessness in his voice, "All this time, I have wielded a weapon to protect me, and it is now rendered useless?" Lowering his head, he clenched his right hand into his fist as despair grew within. "I have prayed to God, and still my strength in faith is not enough to use his powers against the dark forces, but what's the point if my strength in faith is not enough to fight you?"

The sound of defeat and lack of purpose was music to Asmodeus ears like a beautiful symphony: "See? This is what I have been telling you," his words flowing with sugary sweetness that only a seductress would use on her unsuspecting prey, "your precious God has never given you anything you have always wanted, is it?" The demon said as it shifted his hand to grab the boy's attention, "Do not lie to yourself, boy. Your God never gave you any chance to use his abilities to fight against your problem. In fact, it is he who cursed you with his power; isn't it obvious?" Its voice carried the sound of sympathy, but it was not there in his words.

He doesn't know anymore; the words Asmodeus spoke have merit. Ever since he learned the power from the cross, God still has never spoken to him, "Did he create hell?" Question that is needed to comfort him, or else he will completely lose all hope and faith if he gets the truth.

For Seth needed something to help him about some of the flaws mentioned in the Bible, even though he couldn't find the right answer in those holy books. The truth perhaps might ease his mind and help in strengthening his faith, or worse, make him question his beliefs. "Just tell me, what is the truth?" The teen pleaded with desperation.

"He c—" His mouth completely shut after intending to make a false answer to the curious boy, as even though he wants to lie, he cannot, for God has spiritually intervened to make him speak the truth, irritating Asmodeus in the process of being close in breaking the distraught teen, "We created it." The answer was bitter for him, "It was not he who made the everlasting torment; it is us demons who created that place out of spite," shrugging his shoulders with a frown on his face in being forced to say these words, "Hell is our playground, a place to torture souls that are deemed to be ours."

Hope and horror flickered in Seth's eyes as he looked up. "You mean...that God didn't create a horrible place?" Desperate for any information about the truth, "why? Why would God allow this to happen? And why are there people there?" Inundated with questions, the prince is growing more angry about answering question after question in an honest manner.

No matter how much the demon tries to lie, he is unable to. "Because of a certain belief he made for himself," stating the reason that has never been told to the teen, "free will is given to both us and his creation; that is why he doesn't want to intervene," the demon explained with venom in his own tongue, "why do you think he made everything? He wanted them to make their own choices. In doing so, he allowed everyone to pick their choice rather than rule over them with an iron fist, "exhausted from all the truths he had to say, "Are you satisfied?" Irritated at revealing his knowledge to this greedy child, "have I answered all your questions?"

"What about the people there?" Reminding the demon for the last time, "Why is eternal suffering a thing? Are you saying that they deserve to be there for all eternity?" Wanting to know if the innocent are there or if they are guilty in some way, he said, "It doesn't matter the crime; if God is completely perfect in goodness, then no one will be damned," holding his crucifix tight at this ethical problem.

Pathetic, utterly pathetic display of desperate questions. Asmodeus is becoming annoyed by the need to answer them: "Unless you completely believe it exists in all your heart and you feel like you deserve there or have associated yourself with one of us, then it makes it easier to bring your soul down," responding to him, "if not, then you are going to get reincarnated over and over no matter what until the right time comes to save or doom you forever." The revelation made Seth speechless at this answer.

Whether or not this demon is lying or speaking half truth, he felt some reassurance, as it wasn't God's doing to bring them down in such a horrible place. Moreover, reports of some people remembering their past livelihoods with complete accuracy have proven such memories are true.

The concept of reincarnation existed even before the Son of God arrived to save everyone from their sins. Although this is a rather difficult and controversial topic to think about, there are a variety of verses that seem to support a plurality of views. And he believed it to be part of the religion up until a certain Roman emperor pushed for it to be removed from the doctrine.

If the reincarnation of Elijah is a vital element in the messianic prophecy that he must return in the flesh, including the early works of it when this concept existed during the religion's earlier days at its formation, then it is not in the realm of possibility when John the baptist were written in rather conflicting manner to be Elijah reincarnated or something along those lines. It would also explain why God's beloved son would also call himself the son of man—a possible hint of the reincarnation of Adam himself.

There are so many ideas running through his mind and possible conclusions or doubt that he is forced to accept whether the prince is speaking the truth. "Then would you tell me the—" He was interrupted by a horrendous howl as the demon's mouth opened wide, its supposed facial features filled with extreme anger.

"YOU THINK I WILL KEEP ANSWERING YOUR RIDICULOUS QUESTIONS?!" Asmodeus's voice boomed like thunder, rattling Seth's eardrums as his mouth turned into a crooked grin. "There is always a price to pay for this knowledge you have gotten from me," the robed monster approached with a menacing aura surrounding its whole body.

Clutching his crucifix and stepping back, fear began to return when the prince of lust was directly advancing towards him. "Stop!" Bringing his weapon face-to-face towards him, "Stop, please! I was only asking a question!" Trying to defend himself with this, "I have rights in knowing the truth; you were the one who accepted and offered to answer it!" Pointing out to him, "This is all you, not me!" Avoiding the wrath of Asmodeus

Then the monster stopped its tracks, frozen like a statue. "You speak of pride and vanity!" Yelling at the terrified teen, "I have answered the foolish child's questions, yet he wishes to test my patience and force more from my mouth," the creature's tone lowered and became softer than before as it made Seth shiver in fear.

"However..." An idea sprung into his mind: "I still have unfinished business with you; I wonder if we can come to terms on making an agreement." The devilish voice whispered, "Perhaps you might be interested in doing a little game?" Offer was presenting to the young teen a "game of sorts that might change your life forever in just one day," enticing him into his web of lies, "What will it be? Listen, or let my power consume your soul to oblivion?" Threateningly questioned with a grin.

After hearing the tempting offer, Seth's curiosity peaked at the idea of making a contract. "What's" Suspicious of the whole idea in itself, "and why should I take it?" He said while clutching his cross, "For all I know, this could be a trick," observing the demon and watching for any sudden movements.

Truly, this was a simple question that easily put a smile on the wicked spirit's face: "a game in which you will be sent into place with the many desperate and lost souls I have collected." The answer was ominous in itself: "they will try to kill you and feast upon your flesh, of course." The explanation from the demon's lips was rather frightening for the boy to hear: If you manage to find the right room, "then I will award you in healing your friends and leaving this body." The words spoken from the beast's mouth held a great importance in this.

Listening to the proposal, Seth began to wonder if this was really a good idea to consider. It could be a trick, but the possessed cannot lie if God is mentioned in this conversation. "Okay...okay..." Breathing in and out, calming himself down, "It's a deal," taking the deal in such a dire situation, "I'll do it, but on one condition," putting it his own way, "once I win, free the tortured spirits under your hand," negotiating with the demon, "give them their peace," he demanded.

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