Chapter 90

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When morning arrived, the group of four wasted no time standing idly as they left their campsite. Preparing themselves for what lies ahead of them. It was clear there are possible other dangers, such as the bandits they encountered yesterday, so it would be better to prepare for what they can expect in this large forest.

But their expectation and worry completely disappeared after a couple of minutes of walking from following behind Genno. The moment they exited the woods, what was shown before them was no other than a village, or rather, a large settlement at the shore.

Its buildings were identical in terms of texture but different in architecture, exclaiming the possible services and their status within the area. Aside from the small, parked wooden boat, they were nonetheless thrilled to know that they had finally reached their destination.

"Welcome to the town of Galahad," the Japanese teenager said as he pointed his finger to the place in general. "It is the fishing and trading community that excels in this industry," he remarked before glancing at Seth. "A perfect place to have a rest and stock up for your journey before heading to the seas," the boy commented, making the group nod their heads in agreement.

Billy, the most hotheaded but logical out of them all, was questioned about the lack of boats aside from one that is likely being used by someone else: "Where are the rest of the boats?" He asked when he noticed the lack of ships near the water, "Aren't fishermen supposed to go to the ocean and fish for their daily meals?" He interrogated.

A sigh escaped from his lips. "They'll arrive sooner or later in an hour," Genno answered. "After all, most of the population on the coastline is highly dependent on fishing for food or buying it in the market," adding another important detail about the town.

"I thought you said this was a village." Seth said, confused at this new information, as the terms of town and village are the same, or is he missing something? Either way, he was quite intrigued by the different environment here for it to be labeled as a mere village.

With the exception of the stoic teen's expressionless demeanor, he once again shrugged nonchalantly. "I don't see much difference between village and town," he said without much. "To be frank, it's basically the same thing but varies depending on how big they are," he responded with another shrug. "But let's focus on first enjoying a meal by going to a special place I occasionally go to," gesturing them to come along with him.

They agreed and followed him once more as the group entered this supposed town from a couple of distances away. "At least there's little people here," Billy remarked, having noticed only a handful of people scattered in the streets in this place.

The locals wore simple but ordinary attire, indicating how their priorities are for their food and livelihood to support their families and themselves. However, what separates them from their previous encounter with the community is how wealthier or cleaner they all look.

Everyone here appears to be living in the middle class. There weren't beggars on the streets, as everyone looked relatively healthy and in good shape compared to some places they'd been. It is a nice change of pace compared to a village they previously went to.

Unlike them, the people here didn't seem to care or stare at the group like they were some sort of strange people. This helped the group relax a bit in this new location as they began to loosen up while walking through the dirt road.

Eventually, after all the walking, Genno stopped in front of a building. It appeared to be a store for trading goods; from the windows, they could showcase fish and fish, to barrels of salt being kept inside, as the owner had a hanging sign at the door with the words 'open' on it.

"If it isn't Genno, what brings you back to my little home?" A male voice spoke that caught their attention after the moment they entered: "And who are your new friends?" Eyeing the three newcomers, whom he himself never thought would bring people with him,

The merchant was an old man; his long white beard, balding, and wrinkly skin with bluish eyes combined with his slim but fit build gave him the appearance of a man who lived a long, active life fishing. In addition to his clothing, which consisted of a plain red tunic and brown pants, a pair of black leather boots that were a bit worn out completed the look.

Despite his age, he managed to give them a heartfelt, welcoming smile in his business while he sat on a stool behind the counter. His attitude was so friendly and hospitable that one wouldn't suspect him to be capable of harming others.

In short, he is a kind old man.

"How are you, Earnest?" A smile graced his lips when the teen approached the old merchant. "I was wondering if you had some room to spare for lunch, or do you still have the same menu from last time?" asking, in which the elder man snorted with an amused smirk on his face.

Earnest scoffed, "Of course I have food to feed you, but before I comply with your request, may I get to know your friends first?" The term 'friends' had taken Genno aback, but he nonetheless composed himself back in responding to the man's inquiry.

The first one to speak up was Morgan, "I am Morgan Le Fay, witch and magician," revealing her identity. She had expected this person to at least kick her out or start throwing rocks at her, but she was glad to have her assumption proven false, as he was merely surprised by her reveal and not hateful.

"A witch? Is that what they're calling magicians nowadays?" The merchant showed distraught at this: "For a beautiful woman, you do have some unfortunate misunderstanding, and as a man of hospitality, I welcome you to my humble home," he grinned, to which the woman returned it with her own: "I assume those two are your kids?" glancing at Seth and Billy with genuine curiosity.

Before she could even answer his question, Billy spoke up, "Her kid? Hell no partner, this old hag ain't my mother!" The boy bluntly stated that he received an irritated glare from Morgan. But it seems that it was meant to intimidate him because he only laughed in amusement.

"Wow, his personality is completely opposite from yours, Miss Witch," he jokingly quipped at the female magician with a grin. "Hopefully his father will teach that boy some manners for being impolite towards his mother," Earnest added as he sent a joking wink at the blonde boy, who rolled his eyes in response.

"And how about you?"

Seth sweated nervously when the merchant finally decided to get to know the last member of the group, as the boy himself wasn't confident in doing it alone. "My name is Seth," he said quietly, but sadly, his words weren't clear enough for the man to hear properly.

"I'm sorry, son, but can you repeat it again?" Earnest politely requested, having not heard the boy clearly, but unfortunately, his words remain incoherent and unintelligible. He waited patiently, but no matter what he did, the boy never seemed to be able to properly speak his words.

After clearing his throat after a couple of tries, the black-haired teen gathered enough courage to speak up and do it again: "My name is Seth!" He announced in a much louder voice, although his cheeks were flushed red in embarrassment due to his difficulty introducing himself to strangers.

"You're quite shy when you don't know people, aren't you, son?" The merchant complimented him when he heard it loud and clear, giving him a look of sympathy. "Well, Seth, I am Earnest; welcome to my store," he introduced himself before standing up. "So what is it that you want?" His attention is now focused on Genno.

When the two talked about the meal they were going to eat, Billy glanced at the nervous boy, who was still sweating profusely with cheeks colored red like tomatoes. Usually, a cowboy like himself would be annoyed or even angered at this display of weakness.

Not anymore, because his travels with the group had made him understand the type of person Seth is, and he had respect for that as he walked to the boy's side and said, "Relax, pal. Everything will be alright; we're here for you," the young gunslinger reassured his companion, and to his pleasure, he could see him relaxing upon hearing it.

"T-thanks, Billy," he said, smiling. He was thankful that he wasn't the only one who was aware of his weakness in being socially inept. "I don't know why, but I feel better that you're being nice to me," he admitted before sheepishly laughing. "I never saw that side of you the moment we met," he remarked with some amusement.

The blonde boy crossed his arms and grunted. "I only acted like that because I was prick," he admitted, showing some guilt in his eyes. "Because of you and Guan Yu, I was able to become a better person, even if I don't show it often," he said, recalling how kind and patient they were towards him.

Having not seen this type of behavior from him, Seth embraced him at the side, surprising and embarrassing Billy altogether. Luckily for the both of them, everyone wasn't watching as they were all occupied with their own discussions.

"Get off!" Blushing visibly, the upset Billy pushed his companion away, his face still red with embarrassment. "Can you please stop hugging me out of nowhere?" he exclaimed with an exasperated voice, while Seth apologized for his reaction. "Anyways, can we talk about something else?" Switching to another topic as the other boy nodded.

"Hmm, okay! What do you want to talk about?" Asked Seth, getting to know what's on Billy's mind, "I'm happy that you wanted to make me feel comfortable, but do you have something you wanted to say?" The fourteen-year-old boy asked with his eyes filled with patience and understanding.

Crossing his arms again, the blond child tried thinking of one: "It's about religion." Pausing before taking a deep breath, "Are you still practicing that God crap?" Billy bluntly asked, sounding interested and confused at the same time while also choosing to keep it between themselves so as not to get the others to pay attention.

Upon hearing that question, he was startled at the bold choice of words, "God Crap?" Finding himself a bit shocked by the phrase Billy used, "um, is that supposed to be an insult?" I wonder his friend's reason for asking this particular question.

Widening his eyes, he said, "Ah, shit. I mean—oh, damn it," stumbling over his own words, "this isn't what I meant." Frustration filled him while the black-haired teen started to feel bad for him. "What I was saying is that, why are you still worshiping a God that never helped you?" Exclaiming while having regretted his word choices.

Seth slowly let his own head move down, staring directly at the floor. "Even though God hasn't helped me during my time of need, he still helps me in many ways." His words sounded a bit sad from being reminded of this. "It's simply because I have something to hold onto, and that is faith, to have something to keep going no matter what happens," he revealed.

The explanation took Billy by surprise: "Father, huh?" Gazing at the ceiling with his hand holding his chin, "That is certainly something that I don't have," he muttered under his breath, "honestly, after seeing being transported to a fantasy world made of magic and monsters. I'm starting to believe that mambo jumbo stuff is actually legit," he confessed, to which the boy next to him listened more intently.

"Are you..." Revelation flashed through his eyes: "You are? Wow, that's great  news."Clasping his hands together in delight as he was ecstatic in knowing this, "If you wish to become devoted to God's teachings, then you begin by—"

Billy then interrupted with a mere shake of his head, "No, I'm not interested. Just seeing you and the others believe in that makes me believe that it's real," he explained, not wanting to continue their discussion any longer. "Don't take it as the wrong idea; I don't hate your God or whatever the hell his name is, but do you think it's overly repetitive to rely on him every day?" Asking a legitimate question.

Silence fell between them as neither spoke, until the boy with black hair finally responded to him, "You have a point." Sighing in resignation, "I admit, even I sometimes get tired and ask why he never answers my calls," melancholy began to fill his heart. "All I ever wanted was for God to be there for me," he murmured under his breath.

Noticing this, Billy decisively changed his mind: "Hey, forget about what I said? You're alright the way you are," he said while trying to cheer up his companion. "Still, do you think he's even there and listens to you?" I was curious to ask him about it.

Looking up to face him, a wave of conflict and sadness appeared on his face. "I don't know," was the only honest reply he could manage.

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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