Chapter 43

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Cautiously walking through this horrid tunnel of the cavern, where its disgusting and decaying flesh are in abundance, they kept moving were the three tried not to gag at the smell and sight. It was like some sort of abattoir or morgue, except much worse for the torn faces show deep agony in their expressions; pain that no living being should experience in life.

Seth wondered the kind of creature or man would be capable in doing such thing? If it was animal then there must reason for it but when committed by person however, what manner of wicked person could be behind all of this? How can someone be so cruel and heartless to kill with such barbaric methods, one that rivals that of the devil himself.

He doesn't know as the three stick close together in group, making sure not to get lost within this disturbing setting, "Seth," the witch called out, "why did you pray for the dead when there is little you can do to save them from their suffering?" Questioning the reason of his actions.

Glancing at her, the boy didn't understand what she means by that but took the opportunity to give a response, "its um," Seth started to speak, "more of prayer for them to move on from their earthly bindings," he explained, "when they die, God takes them to heaven if their good actions outweigh the bad," hoping that she would understand his reason.

Humming in curiosity, she then asked another question in regards to it; this time, a more philosophical one, "what happens if one's actions are too evil to pass judgment on?" Pointing out the flaws of his religion, "where will a person go if their good does not outweigh the evilness they commit?" Morgan wondered from his perspective.

Looking down, he thought for moment as this is one of the flaws on God's judgment of determining who lives and who dies; where sinners are bound to go in hell for eternity without hope of returning back in the living or reunited with God.

For regardless how evil man has become, being sent to the lake of fire for eternity contradicts the idea of God being all loving and merciful for no pure good creator would be this unforgiving and cruel. Regardless of the reason for that is, people don't deserve to suffer in flames forever.

Even if the father in heaven is justice itself; having his sinned child to be eternally tortured is far to much to imagine, for someone who cares and love his children as God does to humanity itself, "I...don't know," his tone sounded disappointed and depressed while uncomfortable to talk about it any further.

Others say it is not God's fault but on humanity; it is they send themselves or the devil who drags them to be damned forever. However, there is nothing just and righteous about it; for all beings deserve the right to life, even those who are evil in the eyes of others as it the teachings of forgiveness will do more good than harm.

But factual accuracy of the claims and moral tenability in the holy books is morally inconsistent at times. However, it is possible this is human flaw of his children see God in their own way.

Yes...that must be it, possibility where power hungry men who holds vast influence has at times modify or edit these books in order to match their own views or beliefs but he isn't too sure. Moreover, demons has tenacity to manipulate others so it is not the realm of possibility all the evil actions is done by them as the teachings of the bible are powerful and beautiful, yet it is likely written by humans who has all sinned in one way or another.

In the end, there is chance of having fabrications or truths within those text and no matter how far his dwindling faith in God's love has become; Seth will follow the true path of the creator's teachings by following the virtuous parts of the bible themselves.

Seeing the silence, Morgan was about to respond before Guan Yu cut her off; "let the young one rest his mind," saying in manner that she shouldn't pursue the matter any further. He then glances back to the boy, watching him as Seth kept his head facing forward, "son?" Placing hand at the teen's shoulder, he then gained his attention.

"S-sorry about that," snapping back to reality, reacting in surprise from the contact before relaxing at it. His attention is now on him, awaiting what the man wants while they continued traversing, "I'm being weird again, haven't I?" Asking in low tone of voice as to what others would have thought.

Frowning at the behavior he's seeing, the green robe warrior shook his head in disapproval; "there is always nothing wrong with you, Seth. You are just confused and unsure just like any child," stating in seriousness, "even as adults we too have fears and concerns that are outside of our control," he assured him in comforting voice that greatly calmed the boy down.

"Oh...okay," Smiling sadly at this of being so moody in this conversation, "it's just that I'm trying to make sense of everything in my life. But every time I try to find a way out, it seems like I'm just getting pushed back down again," admitting the truth in everything he's been through.

Retreating his hand to give the boy some space, Guan Yu nodded understandably; "I have dealt with people who are like you, so I understand where you coming from," he sympathized with the child, "but instead of drowning yourself in sorrow and confusion, why don't you take the opportunity to find the answer you seek," giving advice to him, "for only by doing so will you understand what to do with your life."

Then, Seth blinked as the insightful words sank in, "you're right," he said with a smile before realizing of what he has been doing, "I guess I have been to desperate in thinking there is nothing I can do," agreeing to the father figure he holds highly.

"We are all helpless at times, Seth. We can't always depend on others when there is a solution waiting in plain sight," telling him how this world works, "and that solution is within you all along," encouraging him to have more confidence, "all you have to do is also believe in yourself and what you follow," believing that he can overcome anything.

Taking the words of wisdom to heart, he nodded happily in being refreshed from the way of thinking, "thanks Guan Yu," Seth smiled. His expression showed genuine gratitude as the boy can never forget of this moment, "you are really helping me a lot these past few days, so I guess that makes us family in that case," referring to his newfound bond with this group.

As the two talked, Morgan watched them with jealously and envy for Seth holds relationship with his mentor than the one she have with the boy himself. She has no one else in this life other than them and to the boy, the witch herself sees him as her child.

However, she know that this isn't healthy for they are all family together and Guan Yu is simply helping him. The witch hoped to be more helpful than the old man, something a mother should be for her child. And that is what she will strive to do; to be a great parent figure in Seth's life.

The trio continued their time in the journey of walking through the creepy tunnel; passing by more carcasses along the way in which the stench and decay of rotting flesh made it harder for them to breathe. Luckily, the passageway seemed to be getting brighter up ahead as they went on, and they soon came to a room.

There, among the flesh writhing across the walls itself is unconsciousness Billy; wearing nothing but his underwear as dozens of fresh cuts and scars are all over his body, bruises and wounds shown through open flesh and dried blood in the middle of this space.

The once rebellious teen is painfully crucified in upside cross as visible green pentagram on the ground can be seen while being nailed to the structure, including his feet and wrists. Gruesome sight to behold in their frozen eyes as the blood of his injuries continued to drip onto the dead ground from his torture.

Seth eyes widen in shock to see his friend in such state, "Billy!" Running to him in horror of what he has to see, "oh god...s-someone h-help him!" Trying to pull the nails away from his friend's body but to no avail, "please help me!" Turning his head back to them in desperation.

Guan Yu and Morgan wasted no moment of getting the injured blond cowboy down from it, where the two gently removed the sharp nails away from his body before finally, the concerned Seth carefully carried him with his own arms.

Just like before, this place reeks of blood and decay. Its walls are filled with rotting corpses, blood and gore covering the space. This very cavern is horror itself and they need to get out of here as soon as possible just to recover from terrible nightmare they have to get through.

"Okay, I'm going to—"

Morgan didn't finished her sentence when sudden blur of humanoid figure made impact on her as she was sent flying at nearby wall, where the force had greatly knocked her unconscious before sliding down at the ground with heavy thud.

Seth and Guan Yu was alarmed by the attack that went inhumanely fast for them to detect it, having barely have the time to react the mysterious assailant when he finally appeared itself behind them; the malevolent presence of their attacker immediately caused the two in turning around.

Hideous mockery of human with having bunny features that is seemingly demonic looking. In fact, the sight of it had made them realized for few seconds that what they are dealing with isn't person at all but evil monster who is more than ready in killing them for intruding.

However, what they didn't speak was this thing speaking to them in very polite manner, "welcome to my humble abode," spreading his arms wide, "I never would have expect guests to arrive, especially with such delightful friends that have traveled to me," mentioning their presences in his domain.

"What...what are you?" The old warrior narrowed his eyes at the abomination, gripping his guando tighter, "speak creature, who are you?" Demanding from its kind while readying his weapon, "are you the one responsible for Billy and the other lives this forsaken place has took?" Threateningly glaring at it.

Moona laughed as his volume bounced around the cavern, "I am simply an existence who wish to make the best of its life while taking others of their miserable one," introducing itself to the elderly man, "now as for this charming cowboy here," pointing at the unconsciousness blond being carried by terrified Seth, "I found this handsome fellow wandering around in my home, so naturally," it shrugged, "I thought of welcoming him as a guest since it's rude not to do that."

Feeling anger surging through Guan Yu's face, he pointed his Green Dragon Crescent Blade at the monster, "for what reason in doing all of this to people, do you enjoy terrorizing them?!" He shouted in fury to this wicked being who still has not shown remorse or guilt to the innocent it killed, "killing for the sake of killing is madness and insane," keeping his distance while still protecting his companions from imminent danger.

But Moona chuckled in amusement, "its art!" Lowering his arms and tilting his head in smug appearance, "surely you must have seen it many times before," saying in mocking tone of voice, "the paintings and sculptures created by artists, each representing their vision of beauty, grace and pure emotion," explaining in more details of what he is saying, "of course, I simply want to express my own visions that are different from yours."

"And those are...?"


Guan Yu has no words for this as it was enough to silence him of this realization. There is a few moments of pause until the monster turned its focus on Seth, "cherish the new experiences you'll come to find," smiling in mirth to the black haired boy, "because the devil has no shortage of temptation in this world," informing of this sinister truth.

Seth widen his eyes from hearing that name, "you know him?" Seeing the crucifix, pentagram and this creature knowing the name of God's favored angel who has fallen from pride, it is shock to see in having someone in this world who knew of his religion.

Drooling at the teen, he nodded slowly with mouth widened into a grin, "indeed I do," admitting of it, "it has been centuries since I've last seen him, and this is why I was gifted with power beyond my wildest dreams!" Then it sprinted towards the man with his immense speed.

Knowing this attack is avoidable, Guan Yu is forced to predict of where this rabbit man will do once its close enough to hit him, making the situation extremely difficult when its now all about luck and guessing on where the monster's next moves are going to be.

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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