Chapter 25

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Dodging another strike from one of these monsters, he quickly placed the barrel of his revolver at the monster's forehead before pulling the trigger, sending a bullet straight through its skull that fell onto the ground with a loud thud.

Feeling more than prepared to kill more of these bastards, he spun to where the old man is currently at as the warrior's bravery cleaved through the hordes of these beasts like a knife cutting through butter. Their bodies are easily sliced into pieces by the sharpness of Guan Yu's weapon, the Green Dragon Crescent Blade. Blood spews into the air after each strike from the guando as their bodies lay dead on the ground.

Each blow of Guan Yu's blade sent forth a blast of wind that nearly knocked Billy backwards, but he managed to stand in awe while the rest focused on the big guy himself, forgetting he existed in the process. This allowed the cowboy to shoot several more times at these monsters to slow them down with precise shots at their heads.

Slowing down time within his perception, he quickly pointed and pulled the trigger of his pistol five consecutive times, with each bullet penetrating through their heads in a half-second interval, effectively stopping them in their tracks before dropping dead afterwards.

And yet, despite how much he kept killing them, not a single one had decided to avenge their fallen kin, as they were all too focused on the elderly man instead. Making him feel envious of being left in the dark by these monsters—who should they truly fear? Either way, he wanted all the glory for himself, and so far, he isn't getting anything from it.

Billy then calmly stood on his spot in these eerie woods, observing the warrior effortlessly killing these monsters if they're nothing more than weaklings against him—a true warrior in comparison to these soulless husks who don't even seem to feel anything when getting slaughtered.

There is not a single hint of emotion in their eyes other than malice and hunger; their thirst for blood and flesh is beyond salvation, while their intellect is equivalent to that of a clever predator. They are worse than animals whose instinct is to kill and feed without any remorse or guilt; these things aren't capable of sympathy or even reason whatsoever.

Throwing aside the thought, "Why am I getting jealous?" He felt in disbelief that their enemies are not paying attention to him anymore. He is an excellent marksman and bounty hunter with incredible shooting skills who kills most of these things compared to the elderly warrior, who is seemingly too old to be on the battlefield in the first place.

Nonetheless, the fact still remains that this guy is getting all the attention he doesn't like; Billy wants most or all of it to him just to display his awesome skills of being able to shoot without even aiming the gun's sight at them! That's what's so impressive about his abilities.

And yet, they are all too focused on some old fart that is somehow still able to move despite the fact that he should have retired from this kind of thing, especially at his age of seventy years old and counting. So why can't any of them fight him?

He wants all the fame and glory, damn it! This isn't fair! But then another thought occurred to him: "Am I just being lazy that I can't kill the rest of these fuckers?" He said quietly, with an annoyed tone, that he was the only one left in the open.

His wish came to fruition when Billy was then lunged down to the ground, face flat, with the monster putting its feet on the cowboy's back, causing him great pain while this thing attempted to push its weight on his spine for the bones to crack from underneath.

Shit! What was he thinking? Of course, one of these sneaky punks will eventually catch him off-guard the moment he lets his guard down from standing idly. He shouldn't have let go of his focus on keeping his guard up and maintaining that concentration at all costs, no matter how long it takes for him to stay attentive.

That's what separates an idiot from a fighter; anyone with brains can fight, but it takes smarts for a person to know when and where to fight back. But, alias, the old man is not going to save his ass anytime soon since he is too busy with what's happening.

The beast's head then lowered itself down behind the boy's back, forcing him to feel his stinky, hot, and wet breath against the back of his neck, causing Billy to shake his head to try pushing the thing away by thrashing left and right like some trapped animal.

Forming his hand into a fist, he didn't feel like holding the gun anymore, catching himself in surprise and horror at what had become of the object that should be in his possession. "Where is it?" The boy struggled in anger and confusion in his panic, "Where's my damn gun?"

Frantically moving around with his blue eyes, he finally spots the destroyed gun being shattered and broken just inches away from a boulder, causing him to curse his luck upon seeing the broken metal and wood, leaving him defenseless in this deadly situation. "Shit, shit, shit!" Panicked by this mishap that he is in

Billy had nowhere to hide or run when the monster's mouth grew closer and closer to his neck, wanting to taste the flavor of human meat from its prey that would soon be lunch. "Come on! Just go away already, you ugly motherfucker!" He cursed in irritation at this monster's attempt to consume his head.

Damn it! If he is going to die here, then at least he wants his death to be befitting of his character, unlike this pathetic ordeal; there must be something he can use as a distraction for this monster to stop pestering him. Otherwise, it would end in embarrassment for him.

Moving his limbs around in desperation, his left hand made contact with a rock. "Rock?" He blinked twice, questioning if he was seeing this correctly. "I got it!" He couldn't help but laugh triumphantly upon reaching the small stone with his fingertips.

Grabbing it in tight grip, he turned his whole upper body in one swift motion as he slammed it hard against the monster's face with the stone, stunning it as its jaws loosened from the blow before it stumbled backwards, howling in pain from this sudden action.

Smiling devilishly, he was ready for round two in beating the shit out of this abomination until it did something unexpectedly—it howled in pain, causing him to briefly stop from this unusual reaction for a creature of its kind, "did that hurt?" Billy raised an eyebrow in wonder, feeling surprised that they were capable of feeling pain to begin with.

However, what appeared to be the monster screaming in pain, he made a huge mistake by suggesting such a thing, as it would draw the other monsters in their area to also begin howling in pain from their ears. This caused him to cover his ears from the loud screech echoing in his eardrums: "Ugh, what the fuck are they doing?" He asked in annoyance, trying to block the noise from affecting his hearing.

To make matters worse, it got worse for Billy since the howls are also drawing in more of them monsters in this, and some are heading towards him to his horror and surprise from what he did, knowing full well that the longer they are here, the faster they are going to be killed.

While he is a selfish teen who wants glory and fame, he is not willing to risk his entire life over this gamble that may or may not be worth his life in general, forcing him to turn in the opposite direction and run as fast as he could with his legs and shoes that will surely wear out by time. "Damn it! This is bullshit!" Cursing loudly while avoiding more of these monsters that are still running towards him like hungry packs of wolves

He continued fleeing as his pride was forced to be abandoned, replaced by a desperate will to live when his life began to depend on it. This is definitely not the kind of situation that he wanted to be involved in, especially after losing his weapon.

Sweat profusely pours down from his forehead like a waterfall while the blood inside him pumped wildly with adrenaline from having to continue sprinting with his full speed, jumping from one rock to another, almost losing his footing upon landing a jump from one platform before sliding on the ground that nearly caused him to trip. "I can't keep running forever!" He gasped in exhaustion from all this non-stop sprinting.

Glancing at his back shoulder, he saw dozens of those things following behind him at their own pace, if they're chasing after prey that would escape to safety, leaving them starve for a long period of time due to failure in catching the meal.

But these things aren't living creatures; they are monsters that don't stop at anything until their task is accomplished or when they die. One way or another, they will catch him regardless of the circumstances; there is no escape unless he finds a hiding spot.

What is he even saying? Unless he manages to lose them for a moment, which will never happen because of how fast these things are coming after him, and the fact they can sniff his scent like some goddamn dog makes everything worse.

So hiding is likely useless, and having no way to defend himself, Billy felt the need to go out with a bang at his own volition, something that he can be proud of at least and not something that he is unwillingly doing in this terrible ordeal that is happening.

Running through the forest this night, he searched for the right place to confront them with whatever he could use as a weapon in this time of need. Until that moment arrived, he saw a figure approaching from a distance with pale skin, long purple hair, and a purple dress and hat.

Realization then dawned on him like a revelation when he noticed his friend, Seth, being carried around in piggyback style by this smiling woman with a silver spear that glimmers in the moonlight. "Who are you and what have you done to Seth?"

Billy stopped his tracks as he demanded the lady's answer, only to feel his hair growing at the back as one of those chasing monsters took the chance to lunge forward with both arms extended towards him, "You got to be kidding me!" The teen spun around to see it moving through the air like a cannon ball. "You son of—"

Before he could finish his sentence, the creature was frozen in mid-air, including everything else in this world, as if time itself had stopped, making everything freeze completely into place except for him and the woman. The young woman smiled at the bewilderment on his face after turning around to meet her gaze.

"Time has stopped," Morgan answered his silent inquiry, "nothing moves at this time nor space." Her tone sounded so confident and mysterious. "In here, I decide who lives and who dies, and now is your turn to tell me who you are," she grinned in amusement before stepping closer to him in one step.

Noticing Seth, his eyes narrowed down in suspicion and curiosity. "What did you do to him?" Pointing a finger at her with a demanding tone, "Are you working with these monsters?" Accusing the mysterious woman of her involvement in kidnapping his friend for nefarious reasons

Shaking her head with a laugh, she looked amused by his ridiculous accusation. "Me?"A beautiful lady who not only saved a boy's life but also took care of him when he was in his worst  state."Her smile disappeared before she frowned in displeasure, "You outsiders are so quick to judge without any evidence, much less interrogations," stating her opinions with disapproval in his attitude.

He reminded her of silence, not knowing what else to do other than give a long glare at the individual who came in to save them: "Do you realize that you have my friend?" Billy crossed his arms in discontent and asked, "Why are you carrying him on your back like some luggage?"

She remained quiet, smiling mysteriously while she casually walked past him as she went straight to the monster, who is currently frozen in mid-air, placing her mouth near the thing's ear before whispering an incantation that the cowboy himself didn't hear.

After she was done, the witch took a step back and then stomped her spear on the ground two times, resulting in time itself returning to normal, with the exception of these monsters having a chain reaction of lightning, starting first from the monster in the air and then the rest from behind for only a few seconds.

Turning them into ashes while Billy stood there in complete shock upon witnessing a chain of thunder erupting from them like a volcano, causing the attack to spread throughout the land as if a wildfire was suddenly formed on purpose.

Everything exploded like fireworks, and he was there to watch it all. As these monsters disintegrated into ashes while they shrieked in agony, the forest that surrounds them was covered with the smoke of sparks flying through the air before collapsing down upon impact with the ground below.

Remaining petrified in his current stance, he could not help but marvel in astonishment at this work of magic. "This is magic, right?" His eyes switched on the woman. "Holy shit, that's amazing." His body trembled from seeing this with his own two eyes. "I never would have believed that magic is real."

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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