Chapter 46

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Rain and thunder darkened the morning sky as Seth had worked endlessly throughout the night taking care of his injured friends, learning to prepare food, and managing clothing and items to make a comfortable sleeping space. This left him sleep-deprived, but he wouldn't have it any other way since this is what he chooses.

Currently, everyone is sleeping in their respective rooms; there is still unconsciousness like before, but Guan Yu is still awake at the cost of having his spine permanently broken, severally paralyzing him from the waist down. This led Seth into a state of further depression because of his inability to rely on someone anymore.

Morgan and Billy haven't been since the past few hours, forcing him to watch them to see if they wake up. Although he knows deep down that is not possible since they are practically comatose at the moment, They may as well be dead at this point if they are never awake.

Pacing alone in the living room without his crucifix, sadness and frustration were all over his face. "Why...?" He spoke to himself, "Why did it have to be like this?" Looking down at the floor, "Is God truly there for me, or is he lying like everyone else?" Sitting down on the couch by the fireplace, he cupped his own tired face. "Why have you forsaken me?" Asking in prayer for a divine response.

However, he received no reply whatsoever from the Lord; either God is not responding or he simply doesn't exist. Worst case, their creator is dead, like that monster said. Or perhaps he needs more faith in himself and in God so he can be worthy; however, what kind of deity does this for his followers?

Many times, they have prayed to him for salvation or guidance, only to be left with emptiness in their hearts. The overbearing silence of having nobody to talk to is enough for anyone to feel abandoned and alone in this vast universe.

Staring at the flickering fire, his hands embraced together in a praying gesture: "Where have you been since my loved ones suffered? Where have you been during my years spent in purgatory? And most importantly, where were you during all this time?" His voice trembled as he began to cry, begging desperately for a response.


Yelling to the dancing fire in vain, there are only the sounds of the crackling flame and rain violently pouring down outside of their home. Not even the slightest whisper of a heavenly angel could be heard or felt, just like there is nothing else to indicate the divine presence.

All of the courage and bravo in facing that creature seems like nothing more than a show, a ruse to trick himself into believing that he isn't afraid anymore. And after its defeat, now he felt his faith swaying back and forth, especially since he had not gotten a sign of encouragement from the angel of the Lord.

He was so tired, sleepy, emotionally hurt, and betrayed; the only thing he wanted was some support to get through this tough time. But none is given to him, only the dreadful reality of what is occurring around them. This is the terrible, horrid life he had to go through.

Just this one, he wants God to say anything; give a sign he is there with him; that is what matters everything in this moment. Seth needs some sort of confirmation that he isn't forsaken. Because this is what matters most to him than anything in this very world.

Could he be because he was born from a demon? If so, then he is probably not worthy of the heavenly father's love. For demons, they are the enemies of man and creation themselves. But is he really a demon when Seth doesn't look like one or act evilly?

Leaning back and letting the arms drop themselves, his eyes gently closed, feeling the calming warmth of the warm atmosphere on his face as he tried to relax, he said, "Take a breather, Seth," talking to himself in an attempt to lift his own mood, "try to calm down; everything is okay." Taking deep breaths, he said, "Everything is okay," repeating those words.

Resting for nearly a minute, his stress levels begin to dwindle. "See, this is nice, isn't it?" Saying it out loud, "I am home now and the threat is gone," reassuring his subconscious self of reality, "I'm safe again," he muttered with a smile at this wonderful notion.

However, his short meditation was then interrupted by a very familiar smell entering his nostril, an enthralling perfume he recognized very well from their arrival: "Muriel?" Stating her name in a surprised tone and opening his eyes to see no one in the room, he asked, "Are you there, mother?" Still sitting on the couch.

"I'm here."

Her voice sounded nearby, like she was beside him. Seth turned his head to the right, seeing the kind-hearted woman once more. "Mom?" Surprise filled his voice from the unexpected visitation. It has been many days since they last saw each other. "Why are you here?" His head was tilting in confusion.

On one hand, he is happy to have her again, but on the other hand, he is suspicious if this is all hallucinations from the lack of sleep. Either way, he doesn't care anymore because seeing her again is what made him feel better after what transpired yesterday. "I missed you..." I felt joyous seeing her again.

"I know, I know," Muriel sweetly told, smiling brighter than ever. "I heard your call, my little angel. What is your request of him?" Prying the boy for wanting something, she said, "For I have come to bestow his word onto  you; all you need to do is ask," presenting her words with the utmost kindness.

Seth stared down, his hands now shaking with dread. "Am I a demon?" His voice sounded frightened as the words he feared for came to surface: "I'm born from one; does that make me one?" Stating his fears, "Am I not worthy of his love, forgiveness, and grace?" Questioning deeply the almighty father's love.

Humming, she caressed her chin in deep thought, staring at the flames still persisting in dancing in their hypnotizing manner, "God banished the fallen angels not out of anger or lesson to teach, but out of love and mercy instead of killing them," mentioning the reason, "he will always wait for his favored angel to repent, but for now, our father shall allow the course of existence and free will to go on as it should be for he is the source of all good and holy."

Confusion swirled inside of Seth from this revelation. "W-wait, I don't understand," he said, tilting his head in perplexity as he turned to her. "Are you saying that he's going to accept me regardless of whether I am a demon or not?" The hopefulness of being forgiven by the great father

Closing her eyes, the smile remained on her face: "God is a mysterious and unfathomable being that can never be understood by human minds, but through our devotion, we will be able to glimpse his true and benevolent nature." Her words have touched Seth's heart: "Always remember to stay strong, Seth, for one day, you will meet him once your destiny has been completed, as he has always accepted you in his arms what you are," having a clear indication of the path that awaits him.

Putting his hands on his own face to cover himself from the tears that formed in his eyes as he looked down, he said, "Thank you, mom. Thank you so much!" He couldn't control his joy while having appreciation for being given the insight of what would happen later on. "This means everything to me; it means so much more than you will ever know." Wiping the teardrops from his eyes

Warm laughter emanated from her: "It is my pleasure." Reaching her hand, she gently patted the teen's head and said, "Be proud, for he is with you from the beginning to the end," praising the child with a genuine voice of praise. "You are a strong and brave young boy for being able to protect your friends, something that I and the Father have taken note of."

Looking back, he nodded with determination. "Of course, I will do anything to make them proud, especially Billy!" Boasting to Muriel, "But there is one thing I need to know," he had yearned for so long, wanting to get to the bottom of this: "Why is it written of moments that God commit terrible things?" Controversial and personal subject about the Bible's stories.

Again, the loving archangel of heaven closed her eyes for a few seconds and said, "Even in the darkness, there is light. And in the light, there is darkness," Muriel explained with eyes still closed, "the creator of everything has all intentions, and it is his decisions whether good or evil," explaining God's perspective on this.

It is strange for him to hear that, but Seth still didn't understand. "What does that mean?" Asked for clarification, not getting a clear answer at all as this is what Muriel says: "How is God doing good if he had  committed questionable things before?" Not understanding the way he acts.

Reopening her eyes, she said, "You're not ready to know. For the holy books have been written by his followers, who still carried sin with them as all have suffered human flaws in their interpretation of who their heavenly father truly is," she said, telling her side on this, "until you are mature enough to learn the truth, you will have to discover it by finding the answer within yourself once the set of casualties has found its course," elaborating on the reason why she can't say anything more.

That wasn't what he expected at all, but it will have to do for now; he already learned the first part, so that is more than enough for today. "I will see how far I can go with this," he said, nodding his head with understanding of the situation. "It is really—" As the moment he blinked, she already vanished into thin air, leaving him alone again.

"Was that all hallucination?" Slowly turning back to the fire, he focused on it and thought about everything they'd just discussed: "Was that all a dream?" Questioning his reality or what this world exactly is, "did I fall asleep, or is this the actual reality?" He doesn't know anymore.

But there is one thing he learns from this, and that is his hope in faith in the Creator of all. As his lips curled upward, "That's right, God is always with me. Even if it is only a vision sent by his angel, he will never be far away from me." Now confident of this fact, he stood up with renewed faith. "Mother, I will find the truth of his reasons and what he is behind everything in this world." Smiling happily at this information, he inhaled deeply and exhaled.

Sometimes, faith is not enough to keep fighting if the people have been wronged countless times and are suffering from many misfortunes or calamities. which is what made him so fearful to put his trust in him. However, that all changes now because Seth finally made up his mind to seek the reason why life is difficult and to find the meaning of his purpose.

He continues to put his faith not only in his beliefs but also in himself to become a better person through hard effort and work. Seth needs to always preserve his goals in spite of the many adversaries he has to face in life. "This is my one goal in life, and that is to find the truth in all of this," another task added to the list of things he should do.

Turning around, he headed to where the stairs were, moving at his normal pace with a calmed mind, intending to check Billy to see if the boy was all right. It has been a while since he last checked on him, as he was too focused on Morgan and Guan Yu, important friends in his circle.

Taking each step in the stairwell, he reached the second floor before moving to his own bedroom, expressing his desire to get his golden crucifix again after having left there for many hours in his troubled state with his faith and the situation that had brought him in.

Opening the door, he entered his room without closing. Seeing his beloved holy cross laying on the bed while the thundering roar of rain and lightning from the outdoors was still happening outside, "there it is," he said in delight at having it back again.

Putting himself close to his only weapon, he carefully grabbed it with his dominant right hand, saying, "You are still there," holding it in his grasp, "waiting for me," admiring it for a moment as he raised the arm upwards. "Have you been waiting for me?" His left hand stroking the center of it said, "It looks like you have been waiting for a long time, haven't you?" Eyes closed with a smile of this knowledge before opening them, "for she has seen me for what I am and accepts it," she proudly confessed while staring at the beautiful object.

"Isn't that right, God?"

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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