Chapter 93

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"Goodnight, Billy."

His friend and brother smiled in return, "Aren't you going to sleep to, partner?" He asked in a friendly manner, arms crossed together in patient display. "Everyone here has already fallen asleep," he noticed, but nonetheless, his attention returned back to Seth.

Closing his eyes for a moment before reopening, "I don't know," he answered in an unsure tone. "I don't feel sleepy, but it is better if you go ahead and rest; I will be fine here by myself," he advised before turning around to watch the endless and beautiful night sky in silence.

Nodding, he sighed in agreement, "If you say so," saying with some hesitance in his words, "Just head to my room if you need anything." Billy walked away from his side. "Sleep tight, brother!" His voice called out as he waved.

Waving back, he responded back in a soft tone, "Take care, my brother." He greeted back with a warm smile while gazing upon the large full moon that illuminates across the darkened ocean as the blond boy quietly left without anymore words being exchanged.

Eyes entirely focused on the moon itself, he breathed in and exhaled out before lifting his right hand and holding them together with the cross altogether. "My Father in Heaven..." Beginning a prayer as his hands clasped together, "Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven." Lowering his hands with a bow, he said, "Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us."

Dropping down to knees while continuing the prayers, "lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, forever and ever." And so he looked back up at the night sky and said, "Amen."

Prayers help him feel secure in a place that is very different from where he is; however, Seth finds himself staring at the celestial beauty with a sorrowful gaze as its gentle waves continue rocking the massive ship across the vast waters in a melodic tune.

He couldn't shake off the feeling of hopelessness as he lowered his head down to stare at the dark waters below him, finding everything hard to understand for his one and only God. For all the troubles he faced in facing his obstacles, he wondered if it was actually God or just himself.

"It must be him," shaking any doubt of this, "if it weren't for him, then I surely would perish," firmly standing to his beliefs that the almighty is there for him, "but if that's the case, then why am I in this predicament?" Facing back to the moon in deep thought

"There you are!" Hearing a familiar voice, it was Holt who walked in his direction, "thought I would find you here," stopping short beside him, which in turn made Seth stand up and turn around in surprise, "Morgan and Genno told me to bring you into our conversation."

"Conversation...?" Tilting his head, "What is it about?" He asked, unsure of what this was all about, "Did something happen?" Worry and concern seeped into his eyes, wondering if it had something to do with the ship itself or his friends well-being.

Seeing the boy's concerned expression, captain Holt laughed in amusement, "Everything is fine as it is," reassuringly patting Seth's shoulder in good display, "In fact, it is important that you might need to hear this," trying to tell him once more, for he wouldn't want to have him getting paranoid about their discussion.

Unable to understand, he nonetheless agreed, for he could sense some urgency in the air: "Okay," nodding without much question, "Lead the way," gesturing for the man to begin the trek back to where others are at, "What is the reason for this conversation?" He inquired once more, eager to know why he was required to attend.

As Holt started to move, he answered, "It involves our trip to their place," said the captain as they entered one of the many doors inside the tower, bringing themselves into what appeared to be the crew quarters. It was decorated with paintings, maps of the oceans, a desk filled with charts, paper, ink quills, and writing boards, along with many pieces of furniture and hallways leading to different rooms and exit points. "The journey will be dangerous."

But Seth was already aware of how it would cost them their lives despite his discomfort at knowing this fact: "I'm aware," the sad truth of the matter cannot be avoided as it is reality itself; "I just hope there is a way for everyone to survive this ordeal," wishful thinking, for he truly wants not just his friends to be safe but everyone else as well.

Heading to the stairway where they slowly passed through some floors of this enormous ship, the captain sighed in a regretful gaze. "Lad, this is indeed a very risky decision, not just for you but for me, Morgan, and Genno as well," he informed the young teen who stared at him in confusion. "However, if we truly managed to defeat them with a magician at our side, then ending the crimson knights and their dark master once and for all will prevent anymore deaths from occurring," he explained, having to take the risk of taking this deal.

The teen became confused and hesitant at the prospect of coming closer to The Dark Lord than he would ever like to be, but nevertheless, they have no choice, for it is destiny that has brought them. "Aren't you worried about your crew?" questioning his loyalty in regards to his family of men.

Look of disbelief spawned on the man's face. "Of course, lad! I definitively care and worry about them, but I've been with men for so many years; they already face battles of life and death," he explained of how he interacts with them, "but that is what makes us family, lad; no matter who or what may come, we have each other's back." Putting up a smile, he patted the boy's back as they proceeded to continue their walk upstairs.

Surprised by this notion, "they experienced fighting before?" He asked, eager to know more about the captain's life and wanting to know more about his crew, "How long have they been sailing under you?" Seth asked once while following him closely from behind, not wishing to stray away from Holt.

In return, the man chuckled for a bit, "long enough for the boys to learn how to hold a sword or gun," mentioning how he trained his men to fight sea monsters or bandits alike; "although some died, it is to be expected since this is the life of a sailor," he pointed out as the two entered another floor once more.

Widening his eyes a little from the realization, "That is...awful," he was unable to process this information well, for it is upsetting to know the risks they have to endure. "Even though you are their captain, don't you worry for their safety at all?" Feeling unease by this as they ascended once again to further levels.

At the corner of the man's eyes, he said, "Of course I do, lad," revealing this emotion while focusing his eyes on Seth, who silently listened to his words, "But they are grown men, and I can't be their daddy all the time, you know?" Chuckling lightly by how childish it sounded, "like I said, it is life. No matter how hard I try to protect my brothers, there are some things for which I cannot do anything but wish for their survival."

Looking down, he wonders if this will happen to his friend at some point. Even if they survived this whole ordeal, what is to say? Will someone kill them? Life is so fragile and fleeting that he wonders why God has made it like this.

Animals to those poor creatures likely suffer more in the wilderness for their incapability to be smart as humans, but they still have the ability to survive. Regardless, he wished the killings and deaths would cease to exist, hoping for a brighter future ahead of them.

But he knows there is no such thing as a happy ending.

"Were here!" Holy loudly announced as they reached the top floor of their ship, "Come on, lad, they are awaiting your arrival," said the man while taking the first step, making the teen follow his lead while gazing at the wondrous view that lay before them.

It is a large, circular room with a high ceiling, a full wall of windows facing the outside, and multiple pieces of furniture and decoration in the area, including couches, tables, bookcases, rugs, and more. The walls are made of wood planks with wood accents, and the ceiling has exposed rafters.

However, what caught the young teen's interest the most are the crew walking around in their working uniforms, and not only that, there is one sailor using the wheel in the very front of this room to maneuver through the water while others are cleaning the floor and doing their own personal activities to pass the time.

"Seth!" Morgan's voice called out, and instantly he saw her and Genno walking side by side towards them. "I was worried that you might've been lost or worse," her relief changed into a smile, happy that he was unharmed and okay, "I'm glad you are here now."

Genno also spoke up. "We have something to talk about," he reminded Seth, having Seth pay attention to them with a serious and cautious glare. "You already know what we were on about, correct?" I am trying to confirm his suspicions in regards to their upcoming topic.

"Yes, it's about them," Seth answered with a nod. "Are you two sure you want to do this?" Asking them in an uncertain tone despite wanting to end this all and finish their purpose of being here, "I'm not sure if it is a good idea to face them like this," shocking the three of them.

She frowned in this response: "We came all the way here, and you want to call it quits now?" Unimpressed with his answer, as in truth, she is beginning to get sick of dealing with his uncertainty despite how much she cares for him but nonetheless managed to hold her feelings together: "Don't you want to avenge Guan Yu's death?"

He was taken back by this: "Revenge...I..." No, he's not doing this out of vengeance but doing what must be done to stop anymore deaths from occurring. "Well yes—actually no, but maybe?" Conflict rose within him, but regardless, he needs to clear things out. "I'm doing this because everyone deserves to live peacefully; I don't want anyone else to die," finally letting out the reason why.

Before she could continue, Genno began the details of why they brought him here: "We need to talk about The Dark Lord and The Crimson Knights. Are you listening?" He questioned it because he noticed Seth spacing out while he gazed around the entire room.

"Yo lad!"

Breaking his trance of mind, he said, "I apologize for getting distracted," quickly apologizing to the captain and magician, whom he received nods for forgiveness. "I was, nervous," he answered while feeling guilty for his actions, as he then noticed a few of the sailors staring at him nearby, but they paid no heed to their conversation.

A softening expression appeared on his face. "Aye, I can understand," he said, patting the boy's head to reassure his apology. "This is quite tense. To think that we will face these foes, it is natural to feel a little uncomfortable at times like this since we are going to war." The last word of his sentence had brought anxiety to Seth.

"W-war?" Freaking out, "I didn't realize this would lead to that!" Panic started to grow within him, for he doesn't want to cause such tragedy. "This is war." Unable to comprehend the concept behind it, "How many will die?" He asked out of concern while trembling in fear of what could possibly transpire.

Snapping her fingers, "Seth!" Bringing him out of his state, he said, "Listen to us carefully, okay, sweetie?" Her voice was soothing and smooth, gently speaking to him with compassion: "This is war; we are invading their territory, and what you hope to accomplish is for no blood to be shed, but it won't happen because we are going to fight," words piercing through his soul, "and you have to accept that." It hurts her to say this to the likes of him, but the truth must be spoken.

Seth's heart began to beat fast, having heard of wars before, only hearing destruction between opposing people but not being able to fully grasp that there was more than that. He didn't imagine what they were doing—a declaration or part of war—as it began to take a toll on his body.

Sweat starts to pour down from his forehead, breathing heavily and having to swallow his spit in order to breathe properly while his body shakes like a leaf in the wind as Morgan and Holt look at him with worried faces at this display.

Before the two of them could say anything, the ship suddenly moved violently, causing everyone to slip and fall except the man who was currently on the wheel. "Captain!" Calling out Holt to respond as the crew and guests get up from their fallen state.

The captain and his guests quickly ran to where the person was and asked, "What happened, lad?" Surrounding him with a worried look, "answer!" Noticing the movement of their ship moving left and right in a rather unstable manner, they asked, "Is there something wrong with the currents?" He demanded an answer while waiting impatiently.

Frantically nodding his head, he then pointed towards the windows.

"The storm is here."

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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