Chapter 68

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As they head inside the tavern, where a few of the residents are resting in their respective rooms while the remaining few are chatting in the main hall, all of them don't seem to mind their presence because of the long conversations these people are having.

Not like either of them mind, as the group has gotten tired of all the negative attention they were getting ever since they came into this village. Receiving the cold shoulder was getting annoying for them, but thankfully it is gone for the moment, allowing them to have some time for themselves to relax and enjoy a long nap this night.

With wooden floors, stone walls, and plenty of tables and chairs for guests. The atmosphere is warm and inviting. Many of the guests seemed to be too focused on their time, drinking their mead and wine like tomorrow, speaking of their stories and the recent events that happened in their lives.

Behind a wooden counter with several stools in front of it, the bartender, who was wiping mugs clean, noticed the group. The man looked to be middle-aged, sporting a clean black and white shirt along with brown pants, a matching hat, and brunette hair.

"Come in and make yourselves at home," he gestured for them to enter with a smile. "Name's Ron; don't be shy to share a few drinks or enjoy a meal while at it," he said, welcoming the guests despite not noticing there was a witch or unconscious teen who was currently slung on Guan Yu's back.

Looking around the large room, the elderly man and others moved their way towards the seats before stopping. "Hello, sir," he said politely. "We would like to have one room for me and my three companions." Guan Yu requested the innkeeper for the sleeping accommodations.

"Of course, it is a pleasure to—"

Ron's composed face had completely drained into a paleness of utter horror and disbelief when he glanced at no other than the infamous witch, Morgan Le Fay, resulting in his dropping his mug as the impact created a loud smash on the ground, with many eyes now staring at the female magician.


"No way, she came back."

"We are truly cursed now."

Whispers among the patrons broke out from their gaze, comprising fear and confusion as they faced the reality that this sorceress had decidedly returned to this village after having kicked her out. Many of them are quietly conversing with themselves while their eyes remain glued to the unfortunate witch.

Just hearing all this talk behind her back made Morgan feel like an outcast for who she is. These people do not treat her as a human, but rather like a monster or an unkillable disease that will destroy everything it touches. This is how her life has changed since they betrayed her.

Slowly, her eyes turned to the people sitting on their chairs, looking at her with their judging gazes; it was obvious they feared or hated her very existence and despised her with all their being. This is how the world works; all of them are hypocrites and liars, manipulating those whom they are trying to fool, for they are no better than the scum that roams the earth.

And for Morgan, this horrific attention she's getting now is beginning to take a toll on her mind; her heart rate is increasing, and her breathing is getting heavy. She's clutching her spear tightly with anger. Her eyes were burning with hatred for these people; she found them revolting and pathetic for what they had now.

Now they have the audacity to talk behind her back while she is in their presence? It is shameful and humiliating; she can't even begin to imagine what the people must think of her as a traitor and a witch. She wants to hurt them and remind all of these traitors that she has protected and cared for them before.

These people aren't her family anymore; they have forgotten the bond she had given them when they were close to her; all they see now is a dangerous person that needs to be locked away or killed, forgetting the fact that she is also a human like them, living a miserable life like everyone else in this world.

Just when she was about to do or say something, a warm hand touched her right shoulder, promptly glancing at the elderly man from behind who was smiling at her with gentle, knowing eyes. The look he was giving her made her pause and calm down as she remembered their reason for coming here.

"Do not let them provoke you," he spoke to her with a quiet tone. "Your will is strong, and so is ours," showing a firm expression that hid a tinge of disappointment. "Do the right thing, Lady Morgan," the elder continued in encouraging display to the woman's surprise, "and prove them wrong," adding a smirk that made her lips curve slightly upwards.

The fear and anger in her heart dissipated rather quickly from the encouraging words of wisdom from Guan Yu, returning it to a state of serenity. The old warrior really has a way of calming her nerves with simple gestures or encouragement.

A friendly nod was her response before feeling his hand retreat from her shoulder, allowing her to focus on what they came for as she turned her attention to Ron. "Are you able to provide us with service or do we have to look for some other place to rest?" She calmly asks him with a serious and flat tone, causing him to jump as if someone had fired a musket.

"Y-yeah," stammering nervously from her intimidating gaze, he can't help but sweat nervously from her mere presence. "I mean yes! "Of course we can, uhhh," the bartender who is trying to maintain a professional look while failing miserably says, "just take any unoccupied room upstairs with the door open," not even charging them money for the services.

Seeing as she received her answer, "Thank you," Morgan nodded and briefly spared a glance at the others, "We should keep going or these fools will keep gawking on us," mentioning the patrons who were still watching them. A few of them still look nervous and confused, but one particular man, a black-bearded, grown man with a shaved head who is taller and bulkier than the average person, spoke out while glaring at Morgan and the group.

"You have a lot of nerve showing up here, witch; I'm surprised you dared to return here." The man, who is probably around the late 40s or early 50s, snarled viciously towards the magician, "Unless I'm mistaken, you brought more slaves under your spell for us to dispose of!" He pointed an accusatory finger at her with absolute disgust as he stood up.

Morgan gritted her teeth in hearing this, not from the accusations but from how this nauseous man she had known for a long time had dared to bring her friends into this; she really hates her past here and has regretted ever associating herself with people who don't appreciate anything that she does for them. "It has been a long time, Mr. Finnegan," the magician replied coolly as her grip on the spear tightened.

Finnegan, or simply Fin for short, a former friend of her whom she used to get along well before her exile had taken a turn of betrayal after that day. "Not long enough, if you ask me," the large man said with loathe in his voice. "I'll say it again; we don't want you again after what your kind has done to our community," blaming the magician for everything that happened.

Billy, who was listening to the whole ordeal, stepped at her side. "Hey, watch it, you weirdo," he said, glaring at the bulked man in hostility. "There is nothing wrong with her; she's a sweet person unlike you are," he responded defensively towards the large man.

Frowning at seeing the kid, "Now you are brainwashing children?" Fin spat in her direction, "To what extent are you making you look innocent to the public's eyes for the sick plans you have in store for this village, or are you just planning to destroy it like what you magicians are capable of?" Anger filled his veins as he shouted, "It's no wonder why everyone calls you an abomination!"

This is why she will never return to this place. "I didn't mind control or using any spell to enslave these three," Morgan said, sounding outraged and hurt for having her innocence denied. "They are here by their own accord, while you choose to deny this fact by using misinterpreted evidence or lies you have fabricated to fit in with your agenda," she pointed out the flaw in his judgment.

Fin shook his head in disgust. "Like I will ever believe that," the large man snorted before continuing his spiel. "I just hope you will stay away from our community after what you have done." The large man shot her a final glare before walking away, loud steps reverberating across the wooden floor, leaving the group and others alone.

"Well, that was dramatic," Billy said, trying to make the tension in the air disappear by saying something cheesy to ease the mood. "Were you ready to get going?" He turned his attention to the woman as she secretly expressed guilt about having others see such an interaction between her and the person she once considered a close friend.

Morgan sadly nodded. "It is better we just go," her quiet voice said lowly. "This place brought me many memories I would rather forget, and I'm not referring to good ones," expressing the ugly truth of her time here, which made everyone wince at such knowledge.

Understanding her plight, Guan Yu started moving in the direction of where the stairs are. "Let the mind and body recover; our thoughts will be clear when morning comes." His soothing voice helped relieve the unease in her mind that she felt as they followed the elderly man to the upper floor.

She wanted to leave this town now, but she knew that wasn't possible in the dead of night when everyone has their stamina nearly drained. She needs rest, and so do her friends; she hoped that things would be different when the morning comes.

Reaching the floor, where the entire hallways are made out of wood, Guan Yu leads the group as many doors with their own carved numbers are present in their left and right along with cylinders handing at the chilling walls, containing little lights within their confinements, while the floor itself has a carpet that has been dirtied over the years.

Every door they see is completely closed, indicating they are already occupied, much to the disappointment of the group. Even Billy was annoyed by this as they walked the hallway, continuing to scan in hopes of finding one that was opened.

"Hey Morgan," the blond boy nonchalantly asked her, "do you know that guy? Both of you seem to know each other," curiously wondering about the connection the two have with each other, "were you both lovers?" A mischievous grin formed on his face.

Rather than getting embarrassed or irritated by the question, she is quite somber in her reply: "He is Finnegan, or as the others call him Fin; he was a good man and friend that I had known through my early years, but after the reputation of magicians fell ever since the dark lord made his appearance, he too eventually became like all others here when false rumors about me spread around, blaming me for things I didn't do."

Upset at having to hear this again, he frowned. "Bah! Who cares about these ungrateful assholes who can't appreciate the things you have done for them?" Billy waved them off like it was not important to worry about: "People are always jealous of the greatness within others, especially when it benefits them more than it should be." Noticing that his words had no effect on lightening her mood, he added, "But hey, their loss for not appreciating a person who had given her life to others for free," tapping her shoulder while giving her a small, gentle smile.

But rather than frowning or giving an uncaring attitude, the magician had found the boy's attempt at cheering her up somewhat amusing; the corner of her mouth curled into a slight smile once again. "You're truly adorable whenever you say something nice; I hope you remain that way," Morgan said in approval.

Billy paused for a second, not expecting that from her; his eyes widened with a reddish face that seemingly continued to grow. "I, uh... His speech became incoherent as he tried to speak with a stammering tongue, "No problem, miss," folding his hat while also turning his head away as he nervously chuckled.

Guan Yu laughed softly from their interaction. "Looks like you are getting along nicely with the boy," he jokingly said to the woman while giving her a small grin. "We always struggle against those who betrayed or hurt us, but it's nothing to be ashamed of." His expression softened with gentleness as he explained further. "We must never slip into despair," the old warrior gave his personal opinion.

The two listened to the words of wisdom, unable to seriously respond to this as they were too contemplative of the hopeful message this man was speaking, making them almost frozen for having heard of this from an old man like him.

However, Billy was able to say something despite still being awestruck by these words from before: "Thats great advice, but it will be better if we focus on getting stronger so we can fight against whatever hell this world will throw at us," he replied, hoping that his comment will give a hint of motivation to the people who are listening.

But he shook his head, not agreeing with this take: "The true meaning of strength isn't power but the will and hope to move forward despite the trials and tribulations that come against it; never be afraid of what is out there or what may come to pass; only through faith in what you truly believe in can the road ahead become easier to overcome with obstacles," speaking with confidence and clarity, "always have something to hold on, be it love and hate or everything between; the goal is what drives us towards the light at the end of the tunnel, and without it, we would have to suffer in the dark."

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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