Chapter 32

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Once again, Seth flashed his eyes open with sweat running down from his forehead. He blinked as light greeted him before confusion spawned inside the young boy's head as he found himself standing at an opened cabinet, staring directly down at his firmly held crucifix.

Did he sleepwalk? He didn't remember standing up from his bed prior to heading to sleep. "I guess my exhaustion is really getting to me," he said, talking to himself while still wondering why he was up this early in the first place.

But seeing himself, having found his beloved cross, return to him was a blessing in itself, as a smile grew from this occasion. Regardless of the reason, the important thing was that it was back in his possession once more, which meant a lot to him, and he was going to make sure this item never leaves him ever again.

Heading back to his bed, he sat at the edge of it while looking down between his hands, fiddling the golden cross together with contentment. This brought him relief to see this again after what transpired during the previous night, when they were attacked by a bunch of monsters.

Hideous, abhorring creatures emerged from the shadows to feast on them; this still caused some shivers to run down the boy's spine, despite being fine and alive right now. While he was happy, they managed to get through all of this without dying.

He still suffered an injury that would last around a week or more, depending on the healing process. Seth prays to God that he won't be permanently crippled by this accident. Honestly, it is rather disheartening to imagine spending the rest of his life not being able to do what he loves most.

Which is running like the wind, enjoying the fresh air against his skin, especially on a wonderful morning. Something he is fortunate to have done for so many years in his life, but he fears that this incident may hinder him from achieving that because running is the most important thing he loves doing.

Not only is it sort of fun, but sprinting away from danger is also crucial to survival. Not to mention that his preference to escape his captives is more important than fighting them head-on. However, it shouldn't be permanent because he has placed a strong level of trust in God.

Where his faith and devotion will be rewarded for being patient, all he has to do is wait for a miracle to happen. Even though he is still disturbed that such a benevolent, omnipotent entity would allow evil and hell to exist for reasons unknown to him, Something he wished to get answered from this journey that is bound to be long.

Glancing up to the ceiling, he patiently hummed in lack of direction, unsure of what to do next as the day had begun and sunlight finally showed itself with radiance from a nearby window. Everything else seemed to be calm and quiet in the atmosphere, which he greatly liked.

So, with that being said, should he get up and start his day of...what? What exactly should he do now? He was supposed to continue stopping the dark lord with the friends he made, but is it really the right time to do it now at this time? He isn't sure in the slightest.

Maybe he should ask them when they will leave? Oh, never mind; it would be rude to interrupt whatever they were doing. Moreover, Seth would sound like a spoiled brat to the lady who has saved their lives and taken care of them; that is the last thing he should ever do, being selfish.

Looking down again, he sighed in exhaustion at not knowing what to do. "What should I do?" Frustration, confusion, and sadness took over. "What should I do...?" This kept repeating in his mind repeatedly, trying to find an answer from within in hopes of getting results.

And yet, no matter how much he demands a solution, the problem always persists in this reality. Why couldn't everything be as simple as it used to be? It's unfair to him to be tossed into a world that is beyond anything that is considered normal or at least familiar for someone like Seth to grasp.

Then an idea entered his mind: a faint memory of a short prayer whenever he gets off course or is lost in life; a powerful prayer to God for guidance and direction will encourage him to get back on track in remaining faithful to the Lord’s will for his life.

Smiling briefly, he stood up and moved to the middle of his bedroom before kneeling down with his knees touching the floor as he placed his cross at the side of the floor before holding his hands together in a praying pose, eyes closed to focus on the words that were about to leave his mouth, just to give thanks and praise to the one who watches over him.

While he still feels empty and depressed over everything that has happened to him in the past 24 hours, he is going to be hopeful and confident in order to become stronger from it. If there is one thing he should learn from this, it is that being determined is what pushes people to do something or persevere to overcome all adversities.

"O Lord, in you I have taken refuge. Listen to me and come quickly to assist me. Be my rock of refuge, the stronghold of my deliverance. O my rock and my fortress, lead me and guide me for the sake of your name. Free me from the snares laid out for me by the adversary, for you are my redeemer and my God of truth. I commit my paths, my decisions, and my well-being to you. Amen."

The young boy finished his prayer as he then opened his eyes and looked at the cross laid at his side with hope in his eyes. He picked it up and clutched it close to him like a lifeline, "Please God," begging the Lord to watch over his loved ones and friends, "protect them from the dangers ahead." Seth prayed that they would survive this ordeal that would soon unfold, "help me save them."

Deep down, there is doubt of his existence: "Will you answer to my pleas?" Uncertainty clouded his mind as he knew the reality of how cruel this world is: "Is this all I have left to pray?" Feeling somewhat weak and hopeless at the idea of not getting a response.

Many questions were forming: "Am I being unreasonable with this?" Thinking he is being far too dependent on God for getting this far, "should I rely on myself more than you, lord?" He asks himself this with a conflicted mind, as he isn't sure of what the almighty wants him to do or become.

"Is it because—"

Loud knocks came from the door, interrupting his session with God as he turned his head to look ahead of him. A surprise look was shown on his face. Quickly collecting his crucifix with his hand, he stood up before politely asking who it could be knocking at this early of the day.

"Who is it?"

He said it in high volume while not trying to appear as if he were shouting; the door was then opened, almost startling Seth in the process. But the moment he saw that it was none other than Morgan, his shock was replaced with a mixture of relief and happiness upon seeing her again.

Smiling, she waved her hand while holding her spear on the other. "How was your sleep?" Morgan asked, stopping in front of him with genuine concern for the boy's well-being, "Did you get the proper amount of sleep, Seth?" She wanted to ensure that he slept well.

Hearing this made the young boy grinned brightly at her with kindness, "It was fine," reassuring her that everything was alright. "I slept well," his response was pleasant news for the witch, "thanks to you," blushing shyly by giving a compliment to someone he had just met.

Complimenting others isn't really his thing due to how embarrassing it is to do so, for he is still quite shy, albeit less so when it involves people who are kind to him. Another reason is because he is afraid of getting rejected by others, which he often experiences in life.

"That is good to hear!" Her smile widens, almost like that of a mother, "because it means that you will have strength to carry on today," encouraging him to be strong for himself and his companions. This made the boy feel relaxed around her. "I was worried that you would be still feeling ill and tired after everything that had transpired last night," she said, referring to the attack.

Rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly, Seth smiled sheepishly at her, "I am a little tired," confessing the fact to the woman, "but I'm doing good overall," revealing the condition in his health and state of mind to her. This made Morgan feel relieved upon hearing it.

Although it is odd to him for she acted like a mother would, "What about your leg?" The kind witch asked, concerned that his wound might still be hurting him, "How does it feel?" She inquires patiently; anticipation is seen in her expression as she waits for him to answer.

Noticing her worried gaze, "my leg is fine," Seth said calmly, not trying to sound scared or worried. "It's not bothering me that much anymore," he replied while trying to keep his emotions in check, "but I don't think I can run through." The latter made him saddened by what he had to tell her.

He doesn't want to admit it, but it's the truth. Even if it hurts to say it, he has to be honest with her, for God is watching him, and he prefers not to disappoint the Lord's teachings. At the same time, it might help them prepare for the worst-case scenario, where his inability to run might prove fatal.

Her reaction was far from what he was expecting; she remained expressionless, not showing any form of surprise or anger at this news, only sadness from having to hear it. "I see," Morgan nodded in understanding of what was said to her, "would you like to be carried?" Asking if he needed assistance from her, "I don't mind helping you around, dear," she offered him with no strings attached.

Appreciating the kind gesture, he gently shakes his head with a smile and says, "No thanks, I can walk by myself," feeling that it's unnecessary for him to burden her in this difficult journey that is before them. "I also, um, don't want to trouble you with that," telling the witch that it is a bad idea, "so I will be okay," denying her offer in order to protect her from harm.

Even though he was capable of walking normally without struggling at the cost of not being able to run for the time being, Seth still has his friends to protect and care for him, for he isn't alone in this adventure. Therefore, it wouldn't make sense to have to worry about himself.

"Ah, alright," she nodded with understanding of his answer, "then are you ready to begin a new day with me?" The woman asked with enthusiasm while clasping her hands together. She appeared rather excited to go outside for some reason, perhaps because of the weather or maybe she likes the fresh air. "And as a reward for being a good boy, why don't you help me prepare breakfast?"

The woman's request stunned the boy a little, but he nevertheless accepted her offer. "Wait, really?" Stars sparkle in his eyes; he never learns about preparing food, for he always relies on finding scraps of it from the outdoors or having others do it for him. "Should I, uh, should I really help you?"

Frowning at his conflicting question, "You sound like you don't want to," and sounding disappointed in him for being indecisive about something that he had never learned to do before, "Are you afraid of cooking?" Wanting to understand the reason behind this unusual behavior, "is that why you are acting this way?" She asked for confirmation.

Not wanting to appear ungrateful for the woman's kindness, he shook his head and said, "No!" Denying the accusation with strong denial, "I do, I definitely do!" Expressing his eagerness to help her with breakfast, "I'm sorry, it's just that I've never cooked before, and I do not want to mess it up."

Smiling more kindly at him. "You don't have to worry, Seth." Her reassurance worked wonders as he calmed down from this ordeal. "All I want is for you to try," she explained, explaining her goal in letting him participate in the act of starting the day: "This will also be a good opportunity to learn something new for the future."

His eyes widened upon seeing how she was treating him with kindness and compassion never seen before. Aside from Guan Yu and the old pastor, Seth had always encountered people who used him or were cruel to him. He wondered why and what made him deserve it.

Nonetheless, the young teen was touched by her words; tears formed in the corner of his eyes, for this is the rare moment another human being would be this generous and compassionate in not treating him like trash. "Thank you, Morgan," she said, wiping away his tears while trying not to cry. "I don't know what to say; thank you so much."

Seeing how he reacted, she gently wiped his tears with her other hand: "Don't cry, it will be alright," consoling him while saying her words softly; "do not fret, little one," patting his head as she comforted the boy; "Just have fun, okay? There is no harm in trying," the witch told him in a comforting tone.

Sniffing, the young boy nodded, "I will try my best," accepting his task with determination in his heart. "Just please tell me what to do," Seth pleaded with resolution, for it seems that he doesn't know anything about making a decent meal for his friends.

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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