Chapter 41

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The rising sun cast its light across the landscape as Guan Yu and Seth stood behind her, her hands gripping Billy's hat with intense concentration, breathing heavily for the spell she's casting; doing so without distractions requires a lot of focus and energy.

Although any non-magician is unaware of the costs of using magic, Morgan knew better than anyone else that the more powerful and dangerous spell she uses has a higher chance of backfiring like any other normal spell; hence, it requires her to be fully aware of the repercussions.

But, despite her exhaustion from performing this spell, it is more worth getting this over with so she can finally be done with this troubling task of rescuing that ungrateful teen who had painfully hurt Seth both physically and emotionally to the point of not wanting to save him at all.

Alas, she has no choice in doing this, as long as it makes Seth happy, then her own personal feelings about this matter aren't priority anymore. "Please be silent as I begin the incantation," she asked the witch to the others, "Remember, stay back while I perform this spell; it will be over in a flash," explaining what to do and expect from her instructions.

The two nodded, stepping further back and observing the process of the incantation with anticipation and worry in their hearts. Seth felt hopeful that he'd finally see his lost friend once more after losing so many people, while Guan Yu, on the other hand, holds differing paths that could lead to something devastating for not only the old warrior but their entire group.

Morgan closed her eyes, taking one last breath as she brought the hat up in heaven with both of her hands, beginning the spell altogether while pouring all her willpower into one spell: "llac ym raeh,senivid taerg dna lufrewop hO!" The voice echoed throughout the clearing of this surrounding forest: "Nekat si dlihc eht erehw em wohS!"

As she spoke these words with intent and forced will in hopes of succeeding this perilous ritual, the once blue hat that belonged to Billy began to burn in a mix of different colors: red, blue, and purple, and in a blink of an eye, the whole object combusted in a fire of colorless flame that disintegrated the once whole piece of clothing, leaving only small fragments of ashes.

Then she opened, glowing in a purple hue, where visions of Billy's attack and disappearance lead to a secret cave deep within the woods itself. While she is limited in being able to see who or what attacked him, she nonetheless was able to learn the location where he is currently being held hostage.

Seth and Guan Yu, who were still watching from a distance, are taken back by what she had achieved through spell alone, unsure of what to do before she finally returned to normal, falling down facing directly at the ground only to unexpectedly be held by the elderly man.

Wrapping his entire right arm around her stomach and holding the woman in her place, he asked, "Are you alright, lady Morgan?" He worriedly asked, not expecting her to drop all of a sudden in what she had accomplished, "Do you require a glass of water?" I asked the exhausted witch if there was any way to recover her energy.

However, the answer came with heavy panting, sweat dropping down to her face as she was lifted back up, standing straightly in a slight daze. "I'll be fine," the witch reassured him with a shaky voice. "It is merely a side effect of the spell." Her words concerned Seth, but he still decided to heed her words while he stayed silent.

Removing his own arm from her, Guan Yu stroked his beard in anticipation and asked, "What have you gotten from this performance you have shown us?" Wanting to get the details of this information from the mage herself, "did you find where he is currently? Was the location successful and precise?" Questions that the elderly warrior asked in a demanding tone of voice.

Gathering her bearings, she exhaled a sigh of relief before proceeding to share the intel she gathered from the results: "I saw everything about what happened to him—the event, his capture by an unknown assailant, and the location of the area they're holding him hostage at," giving them what they desired.

Immediately, the boy sprinted towards her after hearing this loud and crystal clear, deeply eager to get their friend back. "Where?" Stopping just in front of them with a look of desperation in his face, he says, "Please, tell me where he is!" Voice filled with panic and terror: "Morgan!" Begging in the pleading tone of his voice

Her expression softened in pity from the pure sight in begging for the information needed to save him: "You don't need to worry, sweetie," reaching a hand forward before caressing his hair gently, "his alive, and I'm going to lead you two there." Morgan's comforting touch and words eased the boy, feeling safe by her kind words and hand. "Is that okay?"

Seth closed his eyes, controlling his emotions through deep breaths, before he opened them back up to give a short and curt nod in response. "Yeah," his voice was low in muttering the words, "as long as he is alive, then that is what matters the most," bringing hope to himself, "if bringing him alive to us is what you saw through the spell, then I trust you that he is alive and will stay alive," determined to believe in his friend's safety.

The old warrior smiled in this scene, firmly gripping his guando while seeing the determination Seth has in saving his lost companion. "So, which is the direction where Billy is being held against his will?" Getting back into the business of saving the unruly child, "it is best for us to move now than continue to stall here," the man pointed out to the importance of haste and efficiency in this rescue.

Taking her hand away from Seth's hair, Morgan glanced up at the tall man; her expression became serious and stoic from the question he just asked her. "To the south," she answered, "is where I will lead the both of you?" She turned with her spear and moved in the direction of where the vision had shown her.

Seeing her move, Guan Yu and Seth followed suit after a few steps away. Both kept their eyes on her in case they got lost, which will never happen if they stick together in a group of three—one that can lead another to the right path. So with their objective and destination in mind, the trio continued onward to rescue Billy the Kid as they entered the forest in a hurry.

They weren't running nor walking; instead, it was more like jogging, which is easier and faster for all of them in contrast to slow pacing, especially given how dense and complicated this particular woodland is. Though this fast pace only lasted less than ten seconds, he felt sudden, immense pain in his left leg.

"Ahh!" Seth screamed in agony as he fell to the ground from his back, clutching his injured ankle, while tears began to swell up from his eyes. Guan Yu and Morgan quickly stopped in their tracks, rushing over to him before crouching down to his level of height. "What happened?" The two said it in unison, glancing at him.

For a moment, he didn't understand why he was feeling this pain before memory of the reason why: "I..." He felt stupid for having forgotten the injury. "I forgot that I have a bite wound on my left leg," he explained to them while breathing through his teeth, trying to suppress the stinging sensation in his calf.

Shaking her head in frustration, Morgan then placed her hand over his legs and the other around his torso, carrying the injured boy in bridal style while still holding the spear. "How could you forget about the injuries, you reckless child?" She scolded him while gently holding him in place. "Be more careful of what you do, or you'll end up getting hurt again," she said in a worried tone of voice.

"Lady Morgan," Guan Yu intervened, "let him ride on my back, for you seem to not be able to carry him forever, especially in this perilous task of rescuing the blond teen," applying logic to the situation at hand, "after all, were almost there, and I insist he get well deserved rest for his being," giving sound advice for everyone involved.

At first, she did not know what to say to that but realized there is truth in his words, "Just be careful with him," replying to him before placing him at the man's back where his arms and legs wrapped around him like koala, "I do not wish to see him get hurt all over again," clearly showing concern for what may happen.

"Do not worry, for the boy is under my protection," he assured the witch. "I will not allow any further harm to befall upon any child as long as they are under my watch." His answer relieved her, for she doesn't want to see Seth hurt again, especially how fragile and mentally unstable the boy has become during this difficult time. "Come, lady Morgan," Guan Yu gestured. "We should resume our travel, for the sun has already set upon this forest."

Seth and Morgan take a glance around their surroundings; the once quiet and peaceful atmosphere in these woods turned to more lively, energetic, and active with the incoming sunset illuminating the blue sky. It wasn't long before the two noticed it, for not only has the place brightened but also with many birds and small mammals such as foxes or deer coming out of their hiding places, grazing across the grass and dirt below their paws.

It is always a pleasing sight to see having to witness such beautiful creatures freely roaming in their habitat, having the freedom to do whatever they wanted to do. "You know," the old man suddenly said, catching the two by surprise, "nature is very important in our world," expressing his knowledge of the subject in mind.

Morgan shook her head, already knowing where this is going: "We must refrain from getting distracted," reminding them of their current predicament, "that includes the wildlife around us," sternly telling them, not being so carefree for a mission such as this one, "Now come on, we mustn't delay this any longer." She then walked away in the direction where they were supposed to go.

Forcing Guan Yu to sigh in disappointment at himself for complying with this command, he moved himself and his passenger with swift movements, causing the boy to gasp in surprise before clinging tighter to him. "You needn't be frightened, young one," he said, smiling at the black-haired teen. "I will not let you fall off of me as we continue our journey," promising him his security.

"I'm not scared," he denied, embarrassed in being called out. "I'm just surprised how fast you moved all of sudden," defending himself in what he's been accused of, trying to not sound like a coward, resulting in the veteran warrior letting out a small chuckle, amused by the reaction of this conversation they are heading into while they followed her from behind once more.

Chuckling in amusement at the boy's behavior, "I see," the old warrior acknowledged while they continued on their way to the south of here. "Tell me, young one, how do you feel so far after everything that has happened since you came to this foreign world?" a curious question that was directed towards him.

"How do I feel?" He repeated his question in confusion, unsure of what to say; many things had already happened to him during these past few days, and so far, it has been stressful, "tired," a simple answer while not wrong in the least, "it feels like this world still has given me nothing but grief and pain, even when I try to make things better for myself," saying in a low and disappointed voice, "a part of me wishes that everything would've been better compared to where I come from," Seth admitted at his take.

"Hmm, go on, child," Guan Yu encouraged in learning more about his experience of this world, "what else are you feeling in your heart and mind?" Asking more questions and seeking answers from his perspective, "do not worry, for there is no need to keep it down," his tone is serious but not harsh, "it is healthy for you to express your true feelings to those you trust," his words sparked some life back into the boy's face.

Nodding in understanding, Seth replied with more detail to his honest opinions on the subject, "It's just that...everything is so confusing of being thrust into a strange place where I have to now defeat powerful evil if it was run of the mill activity," starting his explanation, "but while everything is almost horrible in where I came from," pausing for a moment before resuming, "its not all that bad," sounding positive at the end.

A raised eyebrow spawned in the man's face, eager to hear the good stuff. "And why is that, child?" He said while still focused on their track, "What makes it better than the world you originally came from?" His answer caused the boy to take a moment of silence, not out of embarrassment or uncertainty but in order for him to properly phrase his response.

"Despite all the violence and horrors that this world has, I never would have thought to finally have people that cared for me." His optimistic answer touched Guan Yu's heart. "After I meet you and experience the first kindness I have gotten aside from my adopted father, it is a memory I will cherish in my heart," stating how much of an impact he had had on him since their initial meeting.

Chuckle escaped from the man's lips, thrilled to hear what the positive influence had done to the boy. "I see," his expression grew tender. "It is good to know that I have given a purpose in helping and supporting someone who needs help as yourself," feeling proud of him for bringing out a silver lining to the boy's miserable life.

Seth laughed out of joy, giggling and smiling at him in appreciation for everything: "I don't feel alone anymore," thanking the old man for the moral support, "because of you, there are people that I can finally depend on for the future," sharing his perspective of their relationship and how it affects him greatly, "so, thank you, Guan Yu, for being a father to me after all this time," which led to a surprising reaction from the elderly warrior.

Guan Yu had a dumbstruck look for a short moment before closing his eyes with a smile of his own. "I'm glad to hear that, son," happiness and pride surged through him in the most pleasant way possible. "It is an honor to have met you and made you a part of this family," his heartfelt statement warmed the boy's heart. "So, don't ever be afraid of opening your heart to people; for there is always someone that would care for you, even when you're not alone," reassuring his words.

Unbeknownst to them, Morgan was eavesdropping on their conversation the whole time; her smile appeared after hearing how grateful Seth is towards the man who has given purpose to a boy who needs help. It is wonderful to see that even in these grim times, there is still good within the people of this land.

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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