Chapter 10

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Opening his door quietly, he took a peek outside to see the entire empty hallway filled with dim light radiating out from candles and torches, illuminating his vision and making it easy to see the whole passageway without issue, even though it was already morning.

Seth prefers to start his breakfast by himself without relying on anyone in particular, as it is better to avoid humans altogether, especially in this kind of environment where there are many of them running around doing their daily routines.

He prefers to spend his time alone, wanting to become a phantom that no one will pay attention to. Making sure the coast was clear, he started walking through the long corridor, his shoes being heard with each step he took while trying not to think anything else.

His stomach growled menacingly, noticing how hungry he was after not eating a delicious meal for so long, making his body crave something substantial to fill him up. It wasn't until he stopped himself from walking any further, glancing down at his cross still within his right hand.

Bringing it up closer to his face, he stared at its gleaming surface, feeling his fingers touch along its smooth texture like glass or rock. "Was it a dream?" Recalling the events of his vivid dream, Seth could've sworn that they seemed more like an illusion than just some regular nightmare or hallucination. "I'm not sure how to explain it." He was sighing silently with his eyes shut.


Calling out her name, it felt strange in his tongue while bringing it back to the ground. "Mother," he whispered the term carefully, "how am I your son?" The person he was born from is a demon, monster, or evil entity who isn't human.

How can she be his mother if he is not her biological child? It doesn't make any sense to him, so why would she make all the effort to treat me like her own son? He wondered with a conflicted expression on his face, "Why would she call me that in the first place?"

Tap on his back shoulder surprised him, yelping loudly like a startled cat, "AHH!" Stumbling forward a few steps, he turned around instantly as he dropped down on the floor while scrambling back until stopping himself. "STAY AWAY!" Screaming frightfully from whoever or whatever was standing there.

Raising his hands in a surrendering manner, Titus said apologetically with a raised eyebrow, "Hey! I mean no harm; do not go all hasty here." Standing in front of him is a young man with silvered armor. "I just saw you standing here while I was patrolling, which I then saw you talking to no one and there, I decided to check up on you," he shrugged nonchalantly. "So, are you alright, kid?"

Feeling stupid for being scared like that, he stood up with a look of embarrassment written on his face as Seth glanced away from the knight's eyes. "I...uh...I'm fine," he muttered weakly while scratching the back of his neck shyly. "Sorry about that; I was lost in my thoughts and didn't hear you coming."

Laughing it off, the silver-armored knight walked next to him with a relaxed posture. "Don't sweat it, kid," he said, placing his arm on the boy's right shoulder. "Is there anything you need?" He asked, looking at him with a worried expression.

Just by the look of this guy, who he never met in his entire life, is he now showing concern for him? Seth finds it rather incredulous to think about when, most of the time, he is always judged, chased away, or attacked by people because of his desperate nature in wanting to live.

"Well...I, uh...." Trying to find his words, his stomach decided to growl loudly as it interrupted his speech. Blushing in embarrassment, the young boy lowered his head shamefully when the knight chuckled at this response. "Yeah, I thought so,' Titus said knowingly as he patted Seth's right shoulder once more before releasing him. "Come on, I'll bring you to the dining hall."

"N-no," he responded immediately, expressing how uncomfortable he is being around strangers. "Just tell me where it is," Seth pleaded in a timid voice, hoping the guy would understand that he doesn't want to be occupied by other people.

The two turned to face each other, and Titus folded his arms in disbelief. "What? How come?" Not understanding why the young boy would refuse to accept his help, he said, "It will take you some time to get there, plus you've got to learn the layout of the castle eventually, why not take me along as your guide?"

Looking down at the ground, the boy felt his arms tremble a bit while he clenched his fists tight. "I'm just not good around other people, so yeah." His explanation made the young knight frown in puzzlement. "I'm used to being by myself," Seth explained to him.

Seeing this, Titus shook his head with disapproval, "Come on, its not a big deal, just relax and enjoy yourself," comforting the boy in hopes he'll change his mind, "Besides, the food is delicious and everyone here is nice, especially the servants and maids," offering another idea in convincing him.

Unconvinced, the fourteen-year-old teen glanced up at the tall knight with skepticism, "I just don't think so; I'm not interested in being around people," denying him once more, "Please tell me where it is," his voice becoming firm yet shy as well, "I'm fine by myself, and I don't want to trouble you further."

Approaching the young boy with a stern expression, the knight stopped in front of him and said, "You can't keep pushing everyone away like this; trust me; it's not good to isolate yourself from others." Seth didn't respond to this remark, looking away instead as his eyes focused on something else.

"You remind me of that blond kid," referring to Billy, who isn't nervous or shy but easily gets into fights; "he doesn't seem to like people either, especially when it involves insulting him." Seth raised an eyebrow at this statement, "though he can be reasonable when it suits his fancy," chuckling to himself before clearing his throat.

"Look, if you are so against getting company, then fine." Titus rolled his eyes but still smiled afterwards: "The dining hall is located on the west wing, down the stairs, and in the second left hallway," pointing directly in that direction with his index finger.

Without saying a single word, Seth walked away from the knight, who watched him leave with interest as Titus rubbed his chin in contemplation, thinking about the interaction between him and the boy. "Now, what could possibly make you so reserved around others?" He quietly murmured to himself, "And why does he have that strange object in his hand? Strange kid."

Finally escaping that place, he placed his left hand on the wall, slightly lowering his torso as he looked down with a panicked look, sweat pouring down from his face while staring directly down towards the ground. He tried to slow his breathing and heartbeat, but it wasn't working very well.

"That was close," he said, satisfied that he managed to escape having a conversation with a complete stranger, "but he didn't sound like a threat though, just curious more than anything." He was not bothered by finishing that thought by taking a moment to cool down.

This is why he didn't want to talk or meet others; they make him feel uncomfortable, scared, and insecure about his surroundings. If everything was going to end badly, Seth would be forced to flee and runaway, escaping the problems entirely. That's why he rarely engages in conversations with anybody since most of them usually involve threats.

It also didn't help that his negative thoughts and feelings of others are what drive him to push others just to protect himself from getting hurt in any way possible. "It's for the best," Seth convinced himself while starting to walk through the long and wide corridor. "Being alone means being safe," his voice echoed within the empty halls.

Everything was there to get him—anyone who would want to use or hurt him—these things are what made him decide to live and survive; however, the words her proclaimed mother had said to him in his dream were about loving his enemies. Something that he found impossible to do because no one has shown him kindness, well, except for some exceptions, of course.

After turning at the west wing corner, he then proceeded to continue moving through the long hallways of the large castle, admiring its walls and ceilings of different paintings and sculptures alike. When he noticed a set of stairs that were going downward, Seth finally realized this was where he must go.

Carefully, he went down the flight of stairs, which only took a minute or two to reach the bottom of it, allowing him to proceed through the large open space called the great hall, which is filled with various tables and chairs; most of the furniture is crafted out of oak wood with elegant designs and decorations attached to them.

Floors were made out of marble with elaborate patterns carved into them, and the walls were decorated with portraits of important people such as knights, lords, and ladies. There are also tapestries depicting the history of the kingdom. The ceiling is very tall and adorned with colorful stained-glass windows.

There are several doors on both sides of the great hall, each leading to different rooms such as kitchens, dining halls, sitting rooms, and entertainment areas. In the center of this hall stands a massive stone fireplace, surrounded by several chairs.

To his luck, no one was present in this area at the time. All alone and hungry, the boy wandered towards the nearest table, finding it vacant. So he sat there by himself for many minutes or hours before it became boring to sit down alone.

What is he doing? He was probably just tired, hence why he subconsciously felt the need to take a breather since his conversation with the young knight. At least, that's what he thought it was. But when he glanced around the room again, a slight feeling of unease came over him, causing Seth to feel increasingly anxious after noticing one of the doors opening.

Maid came out of the kitchen and spotted him. She was carrying a plate of food in her hands when an elderly woman looked surprised when she noticed a lone child sitting by the table. "Oh dear!" Her attire consists of a Victorian black dress along with a white apron, bonnet, and shoes. "This is most unexpected; I apologize for my behavior." Her apology caused him to flinch in anxiety. "I was not aware that a child was here." She approached him without displaying ill intentions towards him.

"Would you wish to have some?"

Lowering her plate at the table his in, displaying delicious cooked meat that smelled so appetizing, it made the boy salivate a little. "Here you are; it's roast beef with some vegetables. I hope you are hungry, dearie," her smile was kind. "You do not have to pay with gold; this is on the house, young man."

He was hesitant at first, even after being treated kindly again; he was still doubtful that someone wouldn't try to poison him because they thought he was an easy target, but maybe... Maybe this old lady is truly being genuine; Seth is still skeptical, though.

Taking the silver fork that was lying on the plate, the boy pierced it through the meat slice. Tearing a piece, he brought it to his mouth, taking a small bite to taste it. Once the meat hit his tongue, his eyes, however, widen from the taste that he never would have imagined having.

"Its..." Slowly, tears started streaming down from his face while he continued to chew the cooked delicacy. "Delicious," complimenting of this meal, Seth had never dreamed of being this real thing to happen in his life in scavenging food.

In nearly all his life, the only types of edibles he ate were bread and other rotting or moldy food laying on snowy ground, but none compared to actual food like this. Especially of how his belly ached and his taste buds are telling him how scrumptious it is.

How he missed this flavor. "Thank you," Seth muttered at the kind servant, showing gratitude towards another person who, once again, was kind to him. "The food is really amazing. Thank you." Mumbling between eating as his teeth chewed

"Oh, you're most welcome, my child; I hope that you'll find everything to your liking." Pulling out a handkerchief from one of her pockets, she began to wipe away the tears that streamed down on the boy's cheeks. "There, there, you are safe and sound within these walls," she said, cleaning his face with her cloth as she smiled happily. "Is there anything else you want, dearie?" Her kind words were like honey on a hot summer day.

Shaking his head, he replied, "Not really." He lied while feeling awkward for having an old woman wiping away his tears. "Is there a bathroom here?" Asking politely while gulping down the rest of the juicy meat after having swallowed it whole.

Chuckling, she pointed towards another hallway that he didn't notice from the get-go. "Down the hall, fourth door on your right," the elderly maid gave clear instructions as she picked up the empty plate before leaving him alone at his seat.

So far, it's been a good day for Seth; that's something that's pretty rare. It's been so long since he felt safe or enjoyed himself in this type of environment. Maybe even forever? He doesn't remember how long ago it was when he experienced joy.

Getting up from his seat, he went to where she instructed him to go, landing himself in a long hallway filled with another set of doors. Just like she said, he spotted the fourth door on his right, confirming where he needed to go. But before he did, the voice of a familiar girl humming at the far end of this place caught his full attention.

Curiosity getting the best of him, the young boy investigated who that person was while following the source of the humming, which was faint but still loud enough for him to hear, "Who could it be?" He wondered, not being able to shake off this nostalgic feeling.

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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