Chapter 96

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Loud agonizing screams echoed throughout the torture chambers as Seth was forcibly placed on a dirty wall with chains wrapped around his wrists to keep him in place, his expression full of despair and pain from the amount of injuries she had inflicted on him.

Starved for a week without food or water, he was raped, beaten, and whipped daily every hour by the queen herself as his own genitals were eventually ripped off by Leon for no other reason than being a gift for the boy's twisted mother, a horrendous act to see.

As this room is damp and dark, the only source of visibility is the iron bars on the ceiling, which barely provide enough light to see anything around. The floor is made of rough stones and mud, while the walls are stained with blood from previous victims. The smell radiating from rot and decay fills the air to an unbearable degree.

The sounds of screams and cries also echoed across the underground level of this palace, as it is filled with many other victims who are also doomed to follow his impending crucifixion. Whether they were righteous, innocent, or evil prisoners, none of that matters anymore when death is upon them.

Bruno cried miserably at the corner, chained up without clothes and malnourished just like the rest, but he was one of the lucky ones who weren't tortured. A sign that he will get a less painful death despite knowing it will be painful nonetheless.

On the opposite side, facing the sobbing poet, Genno sat with closed eyes, focusing himself in order to endure through it all with little emotion showing on his face besides serenity as a visible display of his bleeding head being scalped by Leon himself with a hot knife before Kayo ate it with delight.

Solomon wasn't present in this cell of theirs; whether that is a good thing or not is up to interpretation since it can mean that he is still alive somewhere or dead in a pitiful state. In either case, both options are awful, for if he is alive, then they are likely torturing him as they speak.

With nothing else aside from burn marks around his body and skeleton frame, he looked up to see the once-kind and smiling girl Seth used to know. Now replaced with a smile as her eyes reminisce of a demon rather than a person, "I still believe in you..." He weakly answered, crying for his own mistakes in not returning to her.

He had forgotten the promise he made to her; it was all his fault for not coming back; none of this would happen, and it hurts to see what she had become. Seth can't think of anything other than the hopelessness, sadness, and loss he is experiencing right now.

"Are you going to be mine?" She said with a wicked smile, holding the whip tightly after taking joy in whipping him a thousand times in every hour and the fun of seeing his blood staining at her own tits while being aroused by the suffering his showing towards her. "It's not too late, my love," she added with a seductive voice.

Despite having lost all hope, he still believes in her. "I can' you like this," unable to open his own mouth anymore, he breathed out with strained effort, "repent before it's too late," his voice pleading, trying one more time to change her mind despite the futility.

Only to have her laugh at this repetitive plea of his, "How foolish, you should already know that I don't care for redemption or forgiveness," Cinder answered while gently caressing the face of her old friend, "why can't you love me like before?" She asked sadly, placing the whip on top of a nearby table. Were there more tools for tormenting him?

"I'm sorry," was all Seth could manage before being slapped across the face once more by her own hand, causing blood to come out of his nose from the impact. The blow is notstrong to knock him unconscious but enough for him to flinch in pain.

She sighed disappointingly at this. "Why is it always like this?" Looking at him with sorrow, "All you have to do is accept my love." The queen pondered as she kissed him on the cheek with affection, "Say it and I will release you," her words soft and gentle like before as Seth remained silent to this.

In her desperation, Cinder tried to give him a chance, but seeing that he wouldn't even reciprocate her own feelings after a week, she gave up before grabbing the whip again, hitting the man continuously without letting him speak or cry while wearing her famous demonic grin. "No one will save you," she chuckled while relishing in the torment that follows afterward.

Each strike on his skin was agony as Seth bit his teeth together, enduring the endless pain upon him. "Forgive her, Father!" He silently prayed to God as she continued whipping his body. His faith is the only thing keeping him alive.

Her laughter sounded through the cells as Cinder saw the fruits of her labor: the tears running down his face, the pain and suffering he endured beneath her, and above all, his resistance against her. Even now, she feels aroused by his suffering, how much he wants to die, and how much she loves to make him suffer more.

When she finished her session, Seth tried to drop his knees to the ground but was immediately pulled back by chains around his wrist. "Cinder..." Crying out her name in utter anguish, he used all the strength in his body to raise his head upward, looking straight into those blue orbs filled with nothing but evil desire.

"Have it your way," she sighed, shaking her head in disappointment. "If you won't be mine, then you will die just like the rest of these prisoners," she said, gesturing towards Bruno, who only wailed with fear in his own eyes while the monk sat motionless like a statue.

Upon hearing this, Bruno started to kick the floor in desperation, trying to break free from his own chains, only to find them securely wrapped around his arms and legs. Shouting like a feral beast from the wild, he cried out, but no one came.

Amused, she turned around and moved towards the door, stopping in her tracks after placing her own hand onto the door knob. "I will miss you," Cinder said sadly before leaving him alone inside the dark cell, full of pain and suffering penetrating throughout the entire underground.

Seth remained in his spot like always, having several fresh and bleeding wounds all over his body, lifting his tearful eyes up to the only light entering this filthy prison. He watched with despair, seeing the beautiful birds and blue morning sky that reminded him of simpler days he had lived long ago.

Closing his eyes, he let his thoughts wander while he still could before dying a terrible death alongside the prisoners. How long has it been since he was captured? Days, weeks? Months, years? He does not know at this point that time itself became naught from this prolonged torture.

"As the deer pants for the water brooks, so my soul pants after you, God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and appear before God? My tears have been my food day and night, while they continually ask me, “Where is your God?” These things I remember, and pour out my soul within me, how I used to go with the crowd and lead them to God’s house, with the voice of joy and praise, a multitude keeping a holy day."

"Why are you in despair, my soul? Why are you disturbed within me? Hope in God! I shall still praise him for the saving help of his presence. My God, my soul is in despair within me. Therefore, I remember you from the land of the Jordan, the heights of Hermon, and the hill Mizar. Deep calls to deep at the noise of your waterfalls. All your waves and your billows have swept over me."

"Yahweh will command his loving kindness in the daytime. In the night, his song shall be with me—a prayer to the God of my life. I will ask God, my rock, “Why have you forgotten me? Why do I go mourning because of the oppression of the enemy?"

"As with a sword in my bones, my adversaries reproach me, while they continually ask me, “Where is your God?” Why are you in despair, my soul? Why are you disturbed within me? Hope in God! For I shall still praise him, the saving help of my countenance, and my God."

Tears continued to fall from his tired face as he opened his watery eyes. "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" The misery was too great; he was unable to stop his sobbing as he cried like a child lost in the dark forest, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" Repeating himself constantly like a broken record.

How did he end up here? To be tormented, abused, and raped by the one he loved so deeply? What happened? It doesn't matter; he's here, and the time has already come. Seth smiled painfully at this, realizing that all is over and no one will be able to rescue him from this torment.

Bruno struggled weakly in his own spot, being restrained by chains to the wall without clothes. He glanced at his friends, refusing to speak as the fear of death still lingered within him despite being resigned to it. The poet kept rapidly breathing in panic.

The poet cannot believe this is the end for him. He had so many things to do in his life, but now that it's over, he made one mistake by being with Seth. He had regretted ever being friends with them. However, deep down, Bruno still cares for them.

Regardless of never seeing his precious book again, at least someone will find it in his home one day and hopefully read it just so he can leave some mark in this lifetime before dying from a brutal death. That is the only thing in this life he has.

Just one person getting it is enough for him to accept his death. But it's not going to happen because there is no such thing as a happy ending in real life. There is only a continuous cycle of pain and suffering that repeats itself over and over again.

Like a wheel that is never stopped from rolling forward, it will forever spin on its own axis while crushing everyone in its path, bringing only misery and misfortune to those who dare defy it. Every prisoner knows there is no hope at all.

Rescue is never going to happen, and no hero in shining armor is going to save the day. This is the end for everyone, and they must accept that, no matter how much it hurts. He just hoped Solomon wasn't tortured, just like the rest of them.

"God help us." Bruno whispered to himself, expressing his emotions in their finest form by simply staring blankly at the cell door, "If you are there, please give us a miracle." He cried as tears fell from his eyes, wanting this nightmare to end.

Patrolling outside were two guards near the entrance; their armor clanked loudly when they stood in their positions. "Their calling God," he mocked with a snicker on his lips, "can't you believe that?" I found a prisoner praying for some deity when they never intervened in the first place.

The other guard shook his head and said, "Now leave them alone; let's see if God will come down and save his so called children," laughing at the ridiculous notion while glancing at his partner, who had joined him in amusement, with this comedy show playing before their very eyes.

And when Seth wept again with a reverberating voice, the Son of God gave up his spirit.

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