Chapter 14

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"You can't be serious, Gus?!"

General Solana stood face-to-face with the man she considered to be her closest friend and ally of the empire, a nine-foot-tall intimidating knight with his black facial hair and short, pulled-back hair along with his metal armor, which is made of steel plates that cover the whole body, protecting it from sharp or blunt damage.

Gus took a step forward. "Listen to yourself, Solana," he said in a gruff and deep tone of voice. "If we catch the man shes looking for, then all the men working under the empire shall have their wages increased." He tried to convince her of his argument, "Its a win-win situation for both of us and the Empire," showing a sincere smile.

"Really?" Doubting this reason for the general is that, knowing the consequences of it, "can you guarantee that will happen?" Her question sprung into his head in slight surprise: "The queen will cause more deaths if the rumors are false again," not finding his reasoning as justifiable as he claims.

Solana, being the loyal soldier of the empire despite how corrupt it became, where greedy nobles mistreated commoners, abusing them for their own satisfaction. And despite how much she hated how her beloved country turned, she has no choice but to obey the ruling authority if she wants to remain in her duty.

"You know what the empire is doing to its citizens and how nonchalant we are to commit atrocities in daily basis," she pointed out to this issue. "If the rumors of a holy man residing in Lighthaven were nothing more than fluke, then she will surely let her frustration onto those innocent people," the general stated, just how many times they have done this before.

It is no mistake that their once-sweet princess became a cruel tyrant, whose obsession with childhood friends became the queen's main priority, no matter what the cost or means she would use. It was her corruption and lust that the whole empire suffered alongside the lives of the people living within its borders.

Because of that, she hated Cinder with all of her being, but what can she do? If she ever raises an army against the queen, then she will only be labeled as a traitor and executed. What's more, her loyalty is far more important to her than her morals and beliefs.

Gus crossed his arms and said, "If it does, then that's their problem," not concern for the innocents that will suffer the wrath of Cinder. "Don't let it get to you, Solana," the large knight frowned in displeasure at her concerns. "It is what our soldiers, their families, and the empire mattered."

Her patience was slowly draining with each second passed. She clenched her teeth as her mind filled with the corpses of her comrades, just for the sake of a fleeting kingdom. "How long do we have to keep doing this until she is satisfied?" Enraged by so many horrors they have to commit to satisfy their ruler's will, they ask, "How long will they keep slaughtering these people and use their lives for nothing but to fulfill the queen's obsession?" in disbelief that Cinder's desires will lead them down to ruin.

However, Gus gave a response: "Who cares? It's better to get that man so all the knights of the empire can have stable income," answering her rhetorical question as his mind is set in stone: "It's all that matters, not the people but our comrades who had bravely fought for everyone under its rule, defending civilizations from barbarians beyond the south," remaining adamant in his stance.

She stared down at her own feet. A mix of emotions engulfed her entirely as she questioned the decision of having to live a lie for the greater good while throwing the lives of innocent people to the queen's whim. It is, however, only fair to sacrifice them to have many saved.

Despite all the suffering and loss, it will be over once they capture the holy man everyone talks about. The empire will greatly benefit as Cinder's everlasting thirst shall be quenched, promising them better quality of life for all in the empire.

"I need to think about it first," the general answered in a clear and soft voice, turning around to look at the window in her room. "Please leave the room, Gus." The only thing that is important to her is the empire itself, and she wouldn't have it fall into ruins. "I have a lot to ponder about," she said, walking towards it.

"And I shall, general."

Hearing the door closing behind her, Solana stared out the window at the vast city below, bustling with life as people were going about their daily activities. Even though the sun has already set, the sounds of the city remain bright, as if there is no tomorrow.

Sighing exhaustively, she folded her arms together with contemplating and saddened display, "so many lives lost for the sake of a woman's childish fantasies," recalling the many massacres they have done in hopes to appease their ruler.

"But if what she says is true, then not only our men shall have better wages but also the people who demand improved quality of life," her inner self is trying to justify the actions she and the empire have taken and will take. In spite of this, she remains unsure whether this plan for capturing the holy man is worth pursuing.

If it does prove to be a success, then everything will be solved, and all that will be left are the memories of the lives they have taken. There will be a scar that will be etched into their souls, and that is fine. As long as it is for the betterment of the Empire, then everything will be fine.

For the greater good, as some would say, she could understand that sacrifices are necessary, but would it be for the good of the Empire or the queen's selfish reasons? She sighed again. Perhaps the decision isn't so hard if she tries not to dwell on it.

"I don't like this," she said, shaking her head. "I really don't like this," wishing that they never agreed in the first place and refused the orders given. Albeit, whats done is done, and there is no way of taking back what they have already done. "My comrades had given up their lives in exchange for a woman's delusions, he said, clenching his fists in tightening grip.

How could she even put a straight face on taking advantage of a person's plight? especially when it is innocent. Yet, she literally has no choice, as there is no one in the empire that can help her do that. It is impossible for commoners to gain enough support to raise a rebellion to take down the empire.

Anyone outside of the military is laughably easy to destroy; where each one is raised, they are easily captured and disposed of. This is why she became ashamed of what her beloved country had become. There is a pool of corruption, depravity, and debauchery.

"Even so, I still have to do what is right," she said, shutting her eyes before opening them once with strong conviction. "As much as it hates me to do the things I need to accomplish, it's always for the greater good," forcing herself to believe it is all for everyone's benefits.

That's right; if hundreds die, then more will be able to live better. Isn't it the right thing to do? For the future generation, who shall have a life as good as theirs or maybe better than theirs. They were merely sacrificed for a purpose.

Looking up at the blue sky, she frowned with an angry look. "Just how long will this pointless struggle last?" Her curiosity peaked as she pondered this topic: "It's not going to be any longer," sighing once again before turning around at the wooden wardrobe.

Facing the piece of furniture, the general walked towards it as the distance between her and the wardrobe grew closer before arriving at her destination. Without a second thought, Solana opened it and began switching her dress to the usual attire whenever she goes out for military expeditions.

Wearing a general's apparel with long sleeves, a vest wrapped below her white shirt, a red scarf on her neck, stockings, and short pants, along with her high-heeled boots and hat that fit her appearance of being general, Feeling complete, she was ready to get out of the room and meet Gus before briefly stopping in front of the door.

"My sword."

Having forgotten the most essential item a knight has without it, she moved to the mannequin standing near her bed, holding her beloved sword, which she retrieved with ease. Wielding the long blade with her right hand, she glared at the weapon with a furious glint and said, "It is time to fulfill my duties," staring at the sword that symbolized everything that she stands for.

So much innocent blood spilled out because of a spoiled queen; she herself, however, has to bear the shame of being responsible for it. She had no choice but to take part in the horrid acts because of her own loyalty. Sometimes, Solana wonders if she is a bad person.

Rising the sword, she stared at the blade's reflection of herself: "Am I the villain here?" She questioned her very existence: "Am I a bad person?" Breathing in, "no." Breathing out, "I am the only hero that can save everyone," she realized the importance of her role.

This is for her comrades who sacrificed their lives for her; this is for the family who cried at night; this is for the people who are suffering for the sake of the Empire. This is all for the greater good, and this is what she firmly believes in, no matter the cost.

Their queen is the only thing that is not turning them into lawless, as they are kept in check through fear and respect alone. Without the tyrannical figurehead who rules the land, they will devolve into beasts who are driven by their selfish desires.

Thus, this is for her people: "Everything will be fine once this is over, and once it is over, it's all over." Remaining unfazed of what is to come in her path, "that is if the rumors of him are true," she whispered to herself, a hopeful smile spreading across her face.

Her men are counting on her to do what is right; she can't fail them after all she has put through to herself and others. Stopping now is simply out of the question; it is only proper if she finishes what she started, even if it ends in tragedy.

Sometimes, doing necessary things that can be considered evil by others is still the correct choice if it serves the greater good. In the end, she can rest knowing that her job is done and the Empire is safe after they successfully captured that man.

Lowering her sword, she extended her hand and grabbed the door knob, closing her eyes for a brief moment. "This is just your everyday thing," she said, repeating the reminder of what her job is: "You're a soldier of the empire, and you are following orders." Repeating it three more times, she twisted the knob and pushed it with all her strength.

A long hall full of richness displayed with grandeur and opulence was what she saw before her eyes: paintings of historical figures and landscapes from the past hanging on the wall, colorful red carpet stretching across the floor, windows showing the view of the outside, and a chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

Walking across the hallway, she began to admire the hard work put into making the interior of the palace, which showed the beauty of the culture and craftsmanship of the Empire itself. To have seen so much in her lifetime, Solana felt better doing what must be done.

As it makes the situation easier to cope with, "I can't be wasting time on being melancholy, not when I'm sure everyone is waiting for me," focusing ahead as the general walks across the halls with determination, "it needs to be done," that's all she has to say as there is no way of backing off or escaping now.

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