Chapter 7

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Waking up with a gasp as sweat ran through his face, the holy man could barely move his body, trembling heavily from what he saw, causing him to become cold despite wearing clothes while he stared up at the wooden ceiling with a horrified expression.

He never wanted to see her again; the terrified image of that woman was too much for him. But now that he is finally awake, staying any longer in that nightmare would be a death sentence for him. Catching his breath, Seth sat upright in bed with a rapid movement of his chest. He stared blankly at the wall for some time until he was finally able to stand up.

His brain once again began to taunt him, bringing possible and impossible disturbing images between her and him, causing Seth to feel sick in the stomach once again, for not only are his dreams his attackers, but also his very brain is torturing him by revealing terrifying things he wishes to avoid altogether.

This is beyond normal, even for a person of faith; however, he had grown to learn to be persistent in believing in the master of creation, who will always forgive and guide those who seek repentance. So he should use this opportunity to fight against these dark thoughts by focusing on the positive instead of negativity.

By remembering his friends, the happy moments, and the joy of creating the temple, along with his followers, who are dedicated to spreading his teachings to others. He is hopeful that they will help his church grow to become greater in number so the whole world will accept one another as family.

A smile grew on his lips as he stared down. "I'm not alone," he reminded himself over and over again, "I am not alone," encouraging him to keep moving forward, for Seth will always have people by his side who will support him through this darkest time.

It is heartwarming to know that the fact he has family to begin with is truly a blessing sent from the divine, his supporters, and the ones who came from all corners of the world to learn of their new religious movement. He will be forever thankful for being blessed with the greatest gift of them all.

For now, Seth is slowly returning to reality after experiencing horrifying thoughts as he turned around and approached a nearby window, staring out the night along with its raised moon at the horizon. "How long was I out?" He questioned himself.

He felt like hours in the nightmare, but could it be simply a few minutes or more? Time was blurry as all he knew was that he was back in the temple where he belongs, surrounded by people who love and care for him more than anything. "It's peaceful; everything is how it should be," the young founder muttered as his eyes watched over the quiet night.

Maybe he should go outside and take a breather; it has been a while since he was kept inside this building. Fresh air might do him some good after being in an enclosed environment, and he thinks to himself that maybe that can help him forget the horrible dream.

Plus, he doubts that he will be able to sleep again after the terrible experience. He might as well just get it over with and enjoy the outdoors as best he can. The longer he stays here, the more vulnerable he becomes, and he cannot risk anything that might happen during this night.

Releasing a loud sigh from his mouth, he turned around once again and moved to the door, opening it and closing behind him in the silence of this voluminous hallway. With a single goal in mind, he began to walk away from his room and onto the entrance.

There is no one except him, and the moonlight is piercing through the stained windows. It is nighttime, and everyone is sleeping. How lovely it is to witness; he should consider doing this more often. After all, it feels relaxing to be alone during times like this.

But who is to say he was the only one? Maybe others are having a hard time of their own, fighting their own inner demons and problems. It is a depressing thought, for most people will have to deal with their own problems for the rest of their lives, and they won't get rid of them easily.

The matter of willpower and faith itself is what helps a person cope with them. If one lacks willpower, they will be the victims of their own fears and anxiety, as they are ultimately controlled by them. If one also lacks faith, they will give into the temptation of dark desires and indulge themselves in pleasure.

To be honest, it is better to be prepared beforehand with self-control rather than waiting until the last minute to fall into sin, especially if they're considering that they'll live with a boulder strapped around their necks for the rest of their own lives.

That is how he feels right now, knowing that he is destined to battle against his inner self for years to come. This is merely a reality he must face on his own and with everyone else. A fallen world filled with sin is something that is beyond reprehensible.

Nobody can live peacefully with the way things are right now; it is a reality everyone has to realize and face in their own lives. Sad but true statement; he sadly had to learn the hard way. However, not all things are doom and gloom, for there is a ray of light that shines in the midst of the darkness.

God is that light, the supreme creator and master of all things; the Lord will always forgive and have mercy on everyone. No matter what they did in the past, it's never too late to turn away from them and towards the eternal Father for guidance.

Upon reaching his destination, Seth carefully unlocked the large double doors by pulling the large iron handle near their center. After which, he physically opened the main gates before stepping outside. "It's refreshing," she said, letting out a calm breath after entering the cool air.

Proceeding to look around the forest, he let the calm breeze enter his nostrils for some time as he stood there, unmoving from his spot. "So beautiful..." staring out at the scenery. He witnessed how the moon illuminated the trees around the area.

creating a powerful illumination, unlike anything he had seen before. The sky is shining a light across the land, allowing all living beings to witness the celestial object as it glows upon them. The leaves of the trees swayed softly, causing a gentle rustling noise.

Despite the dark atmosphere of the night, it is more welcoming compared to daylight, bringing more mystery and wonder to the surroundings. He had wondered why some people are afraid of the dark and even see darkness as something evil.

True of the subject that monsters lurk in the shadows, it is never a reason to see it as devilish itself. Because darkness isn't always the evil one, sometimes it's the person's responsibility to know how to use it; it's up to them if they choose to use it for good or bad.

Heck, Seth couldn't believe that he was at one point terrified of it, for he knows now it's nothing to be afraid of anymore. He's no longer that poor kid who hides himself under the blanket whenever the candle blows out. Instead, he found himself staring back at the abyss with a display of bravado.

Like a real man should. In addition, there's something that makes the nighttime more appealing than the daytime. He is enjoying the period of isolation because he gets to reflect and contemplate without having other people around to bother him.

Perhaps he enjoys having that small moment of tranquility that's more likely to make him feel more relaxed, and the way the world looks underneath the moon and stars gives him a different perspective of what he usually sees every day during the day.

Those stars are like an ocean—one that's filled with unmeant possibilities waiting to be discovered by people. Whether it be space travel, exploring the vast lands that surround them, or discovering new inventions and technologies that will change the world,

Reality itself is a box filled with various contents. Everyone just has to dig through it in order to find out what they want and what they can achieve in life. Because the truth is that all can determine their own fate and destiny, they are in control of their own lives rather than God and nature themselves.

Why? It is due to their free will that their heavenly father has given them a beautiful choice that allows them to choose their own path, rather than do good or evil alike. Every path a person chooses is unique, unpredictable, and limitless in variety; thus, their individuality defines the type of person they become.

As he stared up at the starry sky, he thanked the Lord for not making them only beings of evil or good because neither one could truly appreciate and understand the other. Even though darkness and light are constantly in conflict, it is necessary for balance to be maintained within the world.

Looking at each dot in the sky, he wonders just how many stars are up there and what kind of life they contain. Do they have planets similar to Earth and possess animals and vegetation of their own? Does water exist on them? Are they able to contain life on their own?

It is foolish to think God made only humans in his image, for surely there are other planets with monotheistic religions just like theirs. It is also relieving to acknowledge that the Lord isn't limited to one planet but also to infinite ones, thus making the master of creation all the more amazing and complex.

Like the universe itself, there's no end to it and no beginning as well, but the entirety of the great cosmos is nothing short of a miracle of the heavens, one that will forever hold a question mark within itself, one that will never have an answer for everyone.

In short, God is both incomprehensible and incognizant to humanity. He is infinitely greater and superior in everything, so his existence can likely be understood through faith, intuition, and revelation. Even though the human mind is finite, his grace has always transcended the physical limits of understanding to grant knowledge that's beyond comprehension.

Regardless, he should focus on this life and leave all that scientific stuff for the scholars as their job to study such things; after all, Seth is more concerned with spreading the word of God and being a theological Christian than a scientist of all places.

Then suddenly, he noticed something up in the sky, above the forest itself, as a mysterious holy light brought his attention in awe. There, from the vast reaches of the trees, are doves made out of yellow radiance, beckoning him to follow.

Could this be a sign from God himself? What is the purpose for it? Questions after questions popped into his mind, but Seth chose to shake these troubling thoughts away, knowing that it was better to follow them than return inside and expect this miracle to work itself out for him.

Anything that speaks of holiness is an angelic messenger from the heavens themselves, nothing less nor more. And he is eager to find out what the master of creation is trying to say. Seth knows better than anyone to not ignore such an important message.

It would be disrespectful to do so. Although another part of his mind thinks it could be a trick again, something in his heart tells him not. If God told him to follow it, then he would. "One way to find out," Seth quietly said to himself with determination in his voice.

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