Chapter 17

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As Seth traversed through the peaceful forest of this night, his mind was occupied by his previous encounter with his alternative ego, or perhaps a demon trying to make him lose his faith. Though he thought of these things, the young man decided not to dwell on them, as the whole situation itself is nothing more than a bad dream.

He must keep fighting to not let it consume his mind altogether, for these are temptations he will endure alone and with God's will as his guide. With these thoughts put aside, he is focused on getting back to the temple altogether, as his fellow priests and nuns are likely beginning to question his disappearance.

Although they likely aren't, nearly everyone is currently asleep at midnight. As the man traveled further through the forest, he began to spot multiple small birds in their nests and rodents scurrying around the dirt. Insects flying above and crawling the earth's surface—the abundance of life itself—made him happy on a peaceful night like this.

Going through the path that only he knows of while remembering where the silhouette of his home is prior to entering the woods, Seth was confident in not getting lost in this forest, as he had memorized every tree, bush, and leaf of this forest altogether.

Traversing further into the depths of the woodlands, a sound of screeching animals echoes as a swarm of bats fly above and pass the wandering founder, who glanced up at the creatures in surprise before turning his attention in front of him and asking, "What's going on?" A sense of trouble can be felt in the air.

Whether it is a person or an animal, he nonetheless needs to see what is going on as he follows the source of where it came, quietly moving through the bushes and stomping the earth below him. Determined to save whoever or whatever needs assistance.

It is not right to leave one alone in these dangerous hours. From a distance, the son of God managed to locate the origin of where the sound is coming from, discovering the same young man with whom he had philosophical conversations about why suffering and evil exist.

It was the young man who had doubt, hatred, and grief about losing his beloved sister. Something that Seth greatly sympathizes with, as it's horrible for any man or animal to experience and go through. However, his eyes were on something entirely else.

A fellow priest was holding a knife, staring directly down at something. At first, Seth was confused by what the young man was trying to do and a little alarmed by seeing a weapon in place like this; he decided to get a better look and move further to the bushes separating between them.

His confused expression turned to horror at seeing a crying infant deer placed on a small boulder; its legs were tied down alongside its neck to prevent any movements whatsoever. Helpless and innocent, it had done no wrong. It then stared up at the young man with pleading eyes, hoping that the human could put mercy upon it.

"Almighty God," raising his knife up higher, said, "I present you this sacrifice so my sins can temporarily be washed away, for I must be pure and cleansed as you would have your people be," addressing himself with piety and faith alone in this offering.

Grunting loudly, the young priest was ready to plunge it down before he heard a voice he was all too familiar with, freezing him in place as the tone was one of disappointment and sadness, for the sudden presence of his own leader at his side made him panic in shock.

"Let the animal go."

Turning around, "master?" The priest was astonished to see him again, especially in this secluded place. "What are you doing here?" He asked in curiosity while lowering his weapon, confused about even seeing someone else outside at this late hour.

However, he could tell by the looks on the founder's face that there wasn't a hint of cheerfulness; no, it was different, and he knew exactly what the man was upset with. Letting out a quiet sigh, the young priest knew that the chances of the beast's life being spared were slim at best.

"That doesn't matter," Seth scolded in a stern voice while furrowing his brow. "Why must you sacrifice an innocent creature to the Lord? Was this the will of God for you to slay that deer?" Crossing his arms together.

The young man, who goes by the name Mathias, frowned at hearing this: "Isn't this a common practice? Every religion in this world, even your old scriptures, says it is a natural occurrence among followers of the Lord to wash away our sins," explaining his point of view, "How is this any different?" I want to have a reason in this situation.

Seth shook his head and said, "Common it is," pointing at the deer that looked up at him with saddening and sorrowful eyes. "Right, there is life that hasn't lived enough," gesturing at the creature. "We should not be taking innocent lives for our selfish needs, nor should we sacrifice them in hopes of washing away our sins," adding his belief.

Disbelief appeared all over Mathias face. "But you know fully well that this is tradition," he said, being utterly shocked at his lack of knowledge regarding this topic alone. "God demands sacrifices to be offered on the altar to atone for the sins of his people!" Continuing his argument on the matter, "when an unblemished male lamb or goat is presented as a burnt offering, the follower of God will place his hand on the head of the animal," emphasizing the importance of this act "while it is being sacrificed," he slowly looked at Seth with suspicious intent.

Staring at Mathias with a pained expression, "you misunderstood; it is said that 'For you don’t delight in sacrifice, or else I would give it. You have no pleasure in a burnt offering.' Statement that disproves your notion, for it is committed by those who lack true understanding in the way of God's teachings," educating the younger man regarding his incorrect views on the book alone, "killing an innocent soul or any kind of life will never wash away sin forever; it is pointless to do so and never should be in the first place," discouraging him from committing more.

The priest did not like to hear that "you are telling me washing away the sins of man is evil, for if that is the case, then why were my actions allowed to happen in the first place!?" Finally snapping, he argued back at his master regarding the logic of this.

Expressing further frustration, he continued his assault: "Do you want the world to continue its cycle of evil and darkness that consumes all life it can reach?!" Slightly raising his voice while frowning, "for every human, every animal, and every insect to be damned for their sins for eternity?!"

But Seth remained firm, unflinching and unmoving, "For I desire mercy, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings," quoting from the scripture itself, "as the reason he gave the formal sacrificial system was because his people had already made sacrifices and would continue to do so," trying to enlighten his student, who is still struggling to understand the concept.

"Why did God enjoy the aroma of these sacrifices then?!"

"It is the faithfulness that has pleased God, not the sacrifice," he told the man of the reason alone, "sacrificing that innocent soul will never atone for sin and is unnecessary; it's nothing more than a useless endeavor," reiterating the fact of this in an attempt to change his mind, "carrying your cross and embracing the word of the Lord is far more important than sacrificing anyone."

So many emotions filled Mathias heart to the point he tightened his fists, gritting his teeth in pure confusion and anger as he turned to the deer he was supposed to offer to the Lord, staring down at its pitiful appearance, almost begging for its freedom.

Closing its eyes, he finally accepted, hoping that the Lord could forgive him for what he had almost done. After taking a few minutes to contemplate what he had said, he loosened his grip on the handle and let the dagger fall to the ground with a clink.

Walking away from it and stepping back, Seth approached the bounded deer before carefully untying the ropes, restraining its neck and leg. Later, the child of God picked up the creature like a newborn, being light and docile. The baby fawn looked up in awe of its savior.

Fully carrying it on his arms, "there is no need to be afraid," kindly comforted, smiling warmly at the little one, "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep," he then turns to Mathias, who looked down on the floor, disappointed and guilty with himself for having failed to please the Lord. "Do not fret, for I shall be the sacrificial lamb so all sins will become naught," bringing full attention from the young priest.

"What?" Taking a step back, he was bewildered by hearing this claim: "You? Being the sacrificial lamb? How can you claim such a thing when you are simply a man in the flesh, just like any other?" questions his superior in disbelief at this. "Like you said before, sacrifices are only temporary," unable to comprehend what the master is trying to say.

Then a gentle smile formed on his face: "I am the son of God; therefore, I shall lay down my life to appease all the evils in the world so that whoever believes in me should not perish but have eternal life," informing the words coming out of his own mouth.

Mathias could not believe what he was hearing; the sheer thought itself was outrageous. "Please do not joke about this," the disciple pleaded in boiling anger at this. "You can't be the son of God! For you are only a man!" Shouting at the top of his lungs.

But Seth didn't hinder nor shout back; he smiled contiguously while gently caressing the deer's fur, "because I am his son," not minding the young man's hostile attitude, "as I speak the truth alone, and the truth shall set you free."

"You are speaking blasphemy, master!" The disciple raised his voice at him before slowly picking up the dagger on the ground, gripping it hard in his hand. "It is unacceptable for you to assume yourself as the son of God!" Intimidating him into backing down or apologizing for saying such blasphemous words alone.

Yet the master remained calm, for the words spoken were the truth and only truth: "perhaps you speak of truth in different place or time, but in this world, I am," saying nothing but honesty itself.

Seething in fury, Mathias raised his arm up, intending to rush and stab the founder. For he cannot stand any longer having to hear such blasphemy, but he couldn't as he knew this was murder. "Do not expect this to be a secret between us," he said, lowering his arm and narrowing his eyes. "I will tell everyone in the temple of the lamb, all the other brothers and sisters shall know of this blasphemous claim!"

Finally, the young man turned and fled, intending to spread the rumors to others, but stopped in his tracks, glaring back at his master, who turned around and stared at him and said, "Let the faithful know how you are nothing more than a pretender." With his final words, he dashed off and disappeared from sight.

Seth watched as he left, not angry nor hateful for what he said as the truth will come forth in due time: "It is alright," looking back at the sleeping fawn with sadness in his heart, "no one will have to die in vain anymore, because I shall set all of you free," soothing themselves in assurance.

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