Chapter 3

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Seth helped the nuns with the upcoming supper as they prepared the ingredients. While the others were chopping vegetables, he and the eldest of the group, Sister Tera, were at the stove, making a pot of beef stew. The room was filled with the aroma of onions frying in butter. The bubbling sounds of the boiling broth wafted through the air, along with the smell of fresh bread baking.

It was a long and grueling process for everyone to evolve, but together, they all managed to carry on and endure. Although being with people who loved and cared about him is refreshing, However, he shouldn't get too distracted; there are always priorities to consider.

Once the stew was finished, they brought out all of the bowls, plates, cups, utensils, and napkins to the large wooden table, arranging them neatly in the order the priests and their founder would be sitting in. Then, when all is set and done, Seth can finally breathe in relief after the women begin to depart from the kitchen, leaving only Tera and himself behind.

What food lay on the table was more than stew but also other presented delicacies, fruits, vegetables, loafs of fresh bread, and also a large slice of cheese. "After the father blessed the meal, it will be time for a big break," he said with a smile plastered on his face.

Turning around, he thanked Sister Tera for inviting him here. "I appreciate everything you've done. You did a remarkable job in training them to be good cooks," his words touched her heart as the old woman blushed bashfully, "and they also managed to pull through this all together despite it being stressful at first."

She felt pride swelling inside of herself upon hearing his kind comment. But it is not solely hers to claim, "What I did was not alone." Her hands moved to hold the young man's cheeks firmly yet tenderly. "The credit goes to you, Father Seth; you are the one who gave them new lives and homes," she said, nodding in agreement. "All of them owe their gratitude towards you," she revealed in gratitude.

Taken back by the unexpected confession, Seth tried his hardest to not be prideful or arrogant towards her words. It is truly a blessing given to him that these people in this world are thankful for being alive and existing in the first place.

Taking her hands away from his face, she said, "When I first met you, I was nothing but a sobbing elderly lady who had her grandchildren taken away by evil men. I lost everything that day, but when you came into my life, you have given me hope and purpose to continue living," expressing her gratitude as well as regret for him, "you taught me so much while showing that there can be goodness in the world."

Sympathy flowed in his heart: "We live in a world full of sin," truthfully speaking, taking a few steps away from her, "and we shall always sin for its part in this fallen world," the young man stated bluntly, "for no man is perfect or will ever be perfect except God," an answer that he believes with all his heart.

Glancing at him with disbelief, the old woman's eyes were filled with sadness. Her lips were quivering and her hands clenched at the sight. "Then what hope do we have for reaching the kingdom of heaven?" I was desperate to hear his response.

Silence fell upon them. She waited anxiously, fearing that his next words would destroy her faith entirely. Seth let out a sigh and shook his head. "I...believe in him." The words came out as if he said them with ease and certainty. His gaze turned to the old lady with determination burning in his eyes. "Trust in all your heart of the Lord; have faith in him, and he shall guide us into his kingdom of everlasting peace and bliss. He shall purify us of sins and cleanse away the impurities as long as we continue our good works under his name."

Sister Tera was hesitant at first to answer a personal question; she swallowed the lump stuck in her throat. "How do we know if our souls will be redeemed by his grace?" Staring straight at the man who claims to have met the Lord in person,

Placing his hand on her shoulder, Seth assured her, "believe and have faith," squeezing lightly on her frail skin, "our Lord will answer our troubling question in due time; it is just that we must continue trusting him through his teachings and lessons. As for now, let's pray to him for a good harvest and health," she suggested with a warm smile.

Exhaling deeply, the elderly nun returned his gesture by gently laying her hand on his. "Thank you for everything, truly. Without you, I would have remained in sorrow and depression. But thanks to your help and guidance, I have a reason to live now," admitting the truth in her heart, "and the Lord, who has given me hope."

Grinning at her, she said, "Think nothing of it, sister. Just know that everything will be  fine."Seth then embraced her in a loving hug, which she returned with tears falling from her eyes. "If your soul is weary, ask me or God for help. We will always listen, and we will always care; even when times are rough for you, remember that." The compassion and warmth radiate in his voice, comforting the elder.

Sister Tera was sobbing; she couldn't hold back the emotions overflowing from within. "I wish you were my grandson," the nun sobbed as she clung tightly onto him, her entire body shaking uncontrollably when she cried, "because I would be so proud of you for being strong and faithful, as a man should be," unable to resist feeling saddened about losing her precious loved ones.

Breaking away, Seth's face changed into sadness. A single tear streamed down his cheek before the old woman wiped it away with a thumb. "We are all family under God," she said sweetly, remarking with all sincerity, "flesh and blood do not define who we are. They only represent physical aspects of ourselves and no more; our bond is what defines us," he clarified in their relationship, for he viewed everyone here as his family.

Unable to formulate a response, the older woman nodded in agreement with how true this was. And that she would love to believe in his words, to believe in God who has guided them through this world, "thank you for listening to an old lady's story," chuckling softly while wiping away the rest of her tears.

"You don't need to thank me. We are all equal in God's eyes; no one is worth more than anyone else. There are no privileged or poor people in his eyes," repeating the lesson he believes, "everyone has value and place regardless of their gender, age, and race," adding one of the reasons for accepting everyone equally in the church.

Bowing her head, "then I will take my leave," the once troubled heart and spirit were repaired by Seth's soothing words of healing that had mended all her sorrows. Turning away from the young man, she approached the door and left without another word.

Seth watched her leave before silence began to fill the entire kitchen. It was deafening when the air grew heavy. He sighed once more, trying to figure out what to do now that she was gone. "I don't want to lose them." Looking down at his open palms, "no more..."

Guan Yu, Morgan, and Bill were three special people he had since his quest to defeat the dark lord. dead just so he can defeat the madness from ever occurring throughout the land itself. The memories were still fresh in his mind; all three sacrificed their lives for the sake of their mission.

Losing them wasn't easy for anyone, especially himself. He should have died with them, but he and Genno lived. Was it fate that kept him alive? Or maybe it was divine intervention itself that prevented his death? He cannot deny the fact of being left out for dead, and the pain he feels now is hurting him to the core.

God, however, finally showed up to greet him. to comfort and explain everything the reasons he did. But Seth still can't wrap his head around the idea of losing them forever. It is still troubling and heartbreaking as he tries to cope with their absence.

Regardless of how much he tries to recall the past memories, he should accept what has transpired and move on. More importantly, his close friends are already in heaven, as his God told him, making him feel happy knowing they will have a wonderful paradise.

But what will come to his new friends and everyone else in the future? Surely, the Lord will make his presence in this world; being an all-mighty and powerful being, the heavenly father will find ways to fulfill his promise of redeeming this sinned world itself.

A knock on the door snapped him out of his daze. "Is the food ready?" A man's voice called out from outside, wanting to clearly first get a response before rudely entering the kitchen and disrupting the nuns' work: "Open the door when it's all done!" impatiently said by a fellow priest.

Seth blinked twice as he realized that it was time. "Yes, just one moment!" He called out loudly while swiftly walking to the door as he opened it, "Welcome all of you," releasing a bright smile where hundreds of huddled fathers and brothers were looking at him in varied expressions.

The one who knocked stood face-to-face with him, his beard neatly trimmed along with his short brown hair slicked back. "Is the food ready?" Expressing eagerness to eat a good meal with fellow priests, "Can we enter the kitchen now?" He was glancing at the dozens of fellow men standing behind him, waiting to enter.

Moving to the side, he gestured for them to come in as the clergymen began to flood inside the kitchen. Most of them greeted him in a friendly manner; some, however, were too excited for the upcoming feast itself, for everyone was chattering, discussing, and praising the Heavenly Father in gratitude for what was about to be served.

Sighing in relief, Seth sat at a chair facing each side of the long wooden table, where the men had then taken their respective seats across one another in anticipation. waiting for the main event, their dinner itself, to be blessed and enjoyed together.

Clearing his throat, "today is the day we celebrate," raising both of his hands over the meal that awaits them, "today, we give thanks to our creator for giving us such a wonderful opportunity of bringing our minds, bodies, and hearts to be gathered and enjoy this delicious meal," speaking in praise for the Lord.

For the Heavenly Father will always provide them with everything they will need—all the things that they could never imagine. In times of trouble, he will be there for them in every way. "So now, let us pray together for this great feast," he said, beginning to close his eyes and lowering his hands down in a praying stance.

Everyone did the same thing while saying their prayer individually. Their voices echoed through the whole kitchen, resonating with the holy presence that lingered in this sacred double monastery. Their prayers will surely reach God and be heard, "amen," concluding the prayer as they raised their heads.

One of them grinned and said, "Now, let's eat!" Eagerly announcing while everyone shared similar enthusiasm, going so far to grab the food to serve onto their individual plates. Each priest took various kinds of food as the sound of silverware scratching against porcelain surfaces filled the room.

Seth watched happily at his followers eating in enjoyment; seeing them so happy, like how family should be, made him feel tender within. Seeing their content faces, they spoke to one another while enjoying the food they all prepared with care.

It was moments like these that made his suffering worth it, after everything he went through. This is a reward; to have company in a large party of cheerful priests that are behaving is simply a miracle. This is what the temple is supposed to be: a place for faith and worship of their religion.

It is also time to share a bond of friendship and comradery, good food, and good time with fellow Christians. This is the true essence of being together, sharing meals and stories, and learning about each other's histories, problems, and accomplishments.

Everything was nice for a while until a young priest broke the peace by asking a question in which all had their eyes widen: "Father Seth," asked hesitantly, moving the food in his mouth with a fork, "why does suffering exist if God is all good and loving?"

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