Chapter 35

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Morning has finally arrived as the three wise men continued their journey throughout this vast forest, having rested well after the long troubling night they had to endure altogether. Bruno silently followed the two from behind, who were currently speaking side by side.

His eyes followed the two, specifically the holy man himself. Bruno cannot think of anything else besides this very person, for he had never thought that the immanent deity of all places had physically manifested itself to lend a helping hand.

Something that is sure impossible to do, as he knows full well that such powerful beings who call themselves gods are incapable of doing so. But the monotheists have done otherwise, and so far, Seth hasn't given a sign of anything deceitful.

The only reason he is keeping his distance at the moment is that he isn't familiar with properly handling these kinds of situations and might ruin them instead of making progress, though the thought of one single God being the supreme deity is rather appealing and confusing in his eyes.

What is he? He wondered why, when he continued focusing on Seth's back, Bruno had only met the two of them yesterday, and so far, he is thoroughly impressed with how this holy man saved a person's life with magic he had never before seen in his eyes.

Bruno did not hear a spell being cast; that is what makes it so surprising, as no incantations, gestures, or other kinds of artifacts were involved. By faith alone, this man was able to grant life to someone who was previously thought to be dead.

He can't fathom the kind of power Seth has; what is the reason for his existence, and more importantly, how is it possible to even revive someone from the dead? No magician Bruno knows of is capable of doing such a thing. Of course, there are definitely some who resurrect others from the dead.

But those who did it resulted in the resurrected individual becoming undead; therefore, Seth is not like other magicians or wizards, for he can actually bestow life on others with simple help from whatever God he prays to. Just the sheer concept is incomprehensible but fascinating nonetheless; perhaps that is why this young man is gathering so many followers despite it being a brand new religion.

Sighing from all of these things, he lifted his head up to see the wonderful morning blue sky filled with clouds and its wondrous rays that shined down on their skin. Wiping away his sweat by using his sleeve, he noticed some squirrels and rabbits that ran around in panic.

Birds also flew away from the treetops; he spotted multiple birds of various types taking their leave from the forest. It was a nice sight to behold on a day like this, as their chirping was enough to provide a calming melody in his ears compared to the night before.

Divines, he shuddered at the thought of it. The memory was still as clear as the day when he was attacked by one of those things; the smell from its breath was all the more traumatic than anything else in his lifetime. Bruno couldn't believe he actually screamed like a girl; it must have been terrifying to anyone who experienced that kind of atrocity.

Thankfully, he's alive because of Seth, and he's grateful for that. He cannot imagine how bad things would have been for him. He prayed and thanked all the virtuous gods in Spheroidal for their blessing, with hopes that they would hear and hopefully grant them the blessing they sought in order to fulfill their long journey.


The two stopped as they turned and looked at him with anticipation; their faces were comprised of confusion and worry. "Are you alright?" Seth politely asked, tilting his head sideways as the other man patiently waited for the surprised poet to respond of their inquiry.

Blinking twice, he nodded before shaking away from the distracting thoughts, "sorry for that," apologizing to the two of them, "I was...lost in thoughts." Placing both of his hands behind his back, Bruno flashed them a sincere smile of reassurance, "What is that you two needed?" He asked them in a calm, confident manner.

Nodding his head, the holy man greeted him, "We were calling you multiple times, but you appeared to be in a trance." He approached him and rested his hand on his shoulder, "You weren't injured by the undead, did you?" I was worried for him with Genno only watching from afar.

Chuckling softly at the assumption, Bruno shook his head at Seth's worry. "Nothing like that; may I ask you something personal if I may?" He inquired with permission as Seth replied with a nod, "Why are you so concerned about a stranger like me? We just met and were not truly friends yet," though they themselves are aware that they were acquainted nonetheless.

Removing the hand from Bruno's shoulder, the young man took a step back as his smile remained intact. "I have walked throughout my life observing and meeting every person I see, whether I talk with them or not. And out of everyone, I know one that is important." Pausing for a brief moment, the man raised an eyebrow as he continued, "I love myself, do you?" A question that the poet would never expect to be asked by him of all people.

It baffled him, not because of the weirdness in context but because of how absurd it sounded to ask him. Yet, when he dig deeper into it, the answer finally revealed itself. This person is actually able to see his cowardice and selfishness.

Bruno was rather baffled; this wise preacher was truly perceptive in seeing people's personalities as if he were capable of reading their minds. He was definitely a lot wiser than most individuals Bruno encountered in his years of living. "Is it rather too early to speak about my insecurities?" It was his honest opinion on this, having slight concerns about where it was going.

Placing his arms on his sides, the holy man answered, "Perhaps another time." Turning around, he urged the both of them to keep following him, "Let us just hope we find a village before night falls once again." His smile never faded, while Genno only smiled in response before trailing after Seth passed him.

Although Bruno can't help but think it was peculiar for him to suddenly change the topic just like that, He too wonders what that was all about and how Seth manages to guess the type of person he is without judging him. He pondered this heavily while following the two men from behind.

Everything resumed normalcy, which he didn't mind if it wasn't for the fact that a wild brown bear appeared out of nowhere and charged at his side, scaring him a bit as the poor poet stumbled over his own feet while screaming, "What the!?" Surprised by the sight, the bear took this opportunity.

Its opened jaws locked onto his waist as blood profusely came out of the fresh wound that the bear had created by its jaw. It's canine teeth were dangerously sharp; more precisely, the crushing power these things are capable of was unbelievably powerful.

He screamed in pain, reverberating throughout the whole forest as its intense agony caused him to alert the others to turn around once more. Their faces turned to horror at what they had witnessed before their very own eyes in front of them.


Seth shouted at the top of his lungs, bringing the bear to remove its jaw from Bruno before switching its attention to him as the mighty beast growled and then charged at them with full speed. However, he was not deterred by this incoming attack, for he knows every animal ultimately belongs to the Lord.

Genno clenched his fists, ready to defend themselves if need be. He greatly respects and honors animals in all their forms, to the degree that he became a vegetation who, on occasion, rarely eats meat at all. It's still heartbreaking to kill wonderful beings who roam and live in the world.

Again, Seth made the sign of a cross and commanded the brown bear to cease its attacks in his father's name, "Be at peace and return home," using God's authority to order the wild creature, "for our very presence holds no harm unto you," speaking gently at the mighty beast.

It stopped immediately, docilely walking towards the Son of God before putting its own head onto Seth's hands. The gentle creature began purring as its body pressed against him like a mere domesticated dog. As such, Genno and Bruno could not believe their eyes at what they were seeing.

This beast has completely changed its behavior entirely from violent and hostile to submissive and obedient to his commands. They watched as Seth caressed the bear's furry head and said, "Go home and don't cause more trouble, will you?" Tenderly suggesting to the creature.

The brown bear raised its paw as a display of handshake, making Seth smile kindly at this, while the two observers remain utterly astonished by Seth's ability to tame dangerous animals in mere seconds. They can't help but be amazed at this.

After they shook hands, the bear then turned and moved to where Bruno was standing, making him all the more terrified as he quivered uncontrollably from this. Many things are happening in his head, and one of them is that it's going to attack him again.

Glancing at the two of them, he couldn't believe that Seth was finding this amusing with his smile still present over his face while Genno remained in a bewildered state that somewhat reminded him of Statue. Nonetheless, the brown bear got close enough to lick Bruno's injured wrist.

A form of apology that he can't believe his seeing, "Oh, now you are being friendly?" Glaring at the animal, who whimpered at his comment, "nearly biting me to death, and now you're licking my wound to apologize?" Asked in annoyance, but then Seth's stern frown gave him the message that he should be a little nicer more nicer.

Bruno quickly moved his hand away from it, causing the bear to look down in sadness. letting out a whine that clearly said 'I am sorry' in which it earned him displeasure from the observer, "tch," not wanting to deal with the guilty creature anymore, he scoffed and waved his hand dismissively.

Before he could say anything, however, three bear children came out of the woods to reunite with their mother, which caused him to realize something entirely different: "That's why..." Finally understanding what the animal's reason was.

Happily, the female brown bear was relieved to have finally found her cubs and took them aside to prevent them from interacting with them. Their joyful reunion was enough for him to feel a growing sign of forgiving them if it weren't for the fact that his maimed wrist wouldn't be hurting too much.

Seth and his friend approached him; their facial features were of concern as they were worried for his condition. "Are you hurt badly?" The tone of his voice was like that of a loving father who cares for his own child. Bruno is not sure what to say after hearing this.

"Let me."

Grabbing Bruno's injury, Seth placed his hands on it as he mentally called upon God to heal and cure any diseases within it, which, to everyone's surprise, miraculously recovered and returned to its healthy state.

With the curse of being in pain no longer upon him, his eyes grew wider. "Is it... healed?" He is not sure to fully comprehend what has occurred. "How...?" He is always taught that wounds only heal with potion, herb, ointment, or the use of magic, but nothing else.

Stunned and in awe of his restored physical health, he was at a loss for words to describe what just happened. "It's alright to be confused, Bruno," Seth calmly reassured him, "God's power is beyond comprehension," explaining to him in detail, "but there is another thing I wish for you to understand," continuing on from what he meant by withdrawing his hands and glancing at the family of bears, "forgive them so your hatred won't consume you," requesting in a mature manner.

Dumbfounded by this, he would be lying if he said that this is near impossible to do: "Why? Their mother almost killed me for divine  sake."Answering with confusion, "Isn't it obvious that I don't want anything to do with them?" Continuing to rant on more while the man remained patient enough to listen.

"These are animals, Bruno. They only kill to survive and protect their children," she said, staring sadly at the happy family. "Can't you blame them for what she did to you? She only thought you were a threat, not out of malicious intent." Seth knew full well that nature itself has a price, and sometimes it's either kill or be killed.

But animals are innocent, helpless, amoral and living creatures who do things in order to survive and, in many cases, fight for their lives. "She even apologized to you by licking your hand after learning we were not threats to her children; isn't that good enough?"

A painful silence came between them. Seth waited patiently for his answer while the other two observed the interaction between him and the family of bears themselves. He was waiting for a response from him, though it was quickly broken when Bruno sighed loudly in defeat after much thinking.

"I forgive them; I do." Sighed louder in resignation, "But can you be careful next time, please?" Requesting of them as his eyes fell upon the family, "I don't want to be mistaken by walking as a tree and having it decide to chew on my body because they were hungry," jokingly said the holy man, earning him a laughter from Seth.

Genno smiled warmly at them, glad that everything had been resolved. The family of bears thanked them for showing them mercy and allowing them to continue on their travels. "Farewell," the monk waved his hand as goodbye to them, "may you be safe wherever your path will lead you."

The mama bear acknowledged what Genno told them with her growling back; afterwards, she guided her  babies away from the group of men she had once foolishly believed in being threat, finally leaving them in peace after receiving forgiveness and making amends for what they had done.

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