Chapter 103

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Descending into the infernal regions of fire and brimstone with a glowing sword in his right hand, Seth hovered down with his scarlet robe that flutters along the raging flames of the cursed lands as numerous lesser demons sensed the Son of God, cowering and fleeing away in utter fear while many others prepared themselves for this intrusion.

Imagine a vast, fiery pit of darkness stretching for miles below, with walls of jagged, unforgiving stone and no way to escape but to climb up the infernal incline. There are pools of boiling sulfur, rivers of molten lava, and countless torture devices designed to torment the wicked for all eternity. The air is thick with the acrid stench of brimstone, and the howls of the damned echo throughout the bowels of this hellish domain.

Hell is a truly horrifying place, filled with unimaginable suffering and torment. It is a realm of endless torture, where the souls of the wicked are subjected to eternal damnation regardless of whether they are righteous, for all of mankind is already condemned to this horrific place.

But he who sacrificed himself to the world, the souls across this infinite realm of Gehenna, heard of the Holy Man's arrival, becoming relieved, hopeful, and ecstatic at once, rejoicing at this news where a light in the purest of all shines brightly on these damned souls.

In his healed form, Seth watches many souls being thrown down into the fiery pit of flames and burning sulfur as they scream in pain and agony for all of these helpless sinners. But that day is over, for he had arrived to announce the great news.

Salvation is at hand, and the Son of God shall announce it to these pitiful, unfortunate souls who have been suffering for long enough. The holy man's mere presence has drawn many souls to him, whether they are righteous or wicked; none are left untouched by it.

As he touched the hot ground with his feet, the entire pandemonium shook, announcing his presence in this foul, corrupted place as the shadows fled in fear of his immense light and heat. With each step he took, the flames around him bowed, leaving trails of scorched paths in their wake while the earth rumbled beneath him as if it were a small quivering creature.

Some demons fled, but many took arms out of fear from their superiors or arrogance in believing they would be able to vanquish him from their unholy realm. However, no one would expect what he would be like when confronting such irredeemable abominations.

In front of Seth were a host of horrible monsters, each more fearsome and terrifying than the next. These monsters came in all shapes and sizes, from towering giants with claws and horns to slender, snake-like creatures that slithered across the ground with ease.

The stench of decay and rot emanated from these monstrosities, making the air around them feel sickeningly foul. Their hideous appearances only added to the sinister aura they exuded, making them seem even more wicked and monstrous than they already were.

They did not just look grotesque, however, for they also moved and acted in ways that were unnatural and disturbing. Their movements were jerky and spasmodic, like marionettes being controlled by an unseen puppeteer. They hissed and growled at the Son of God with predatory intent, daring him to continue.

But the King of Kings did not falter at their threats, walking gracefully with his sword, radiating immense authority that symbolized his absolute power. As he stepped closer to the fallen, his heavenly brilliance shone upon the creatures of darkness in a brilliant display of raw divine power.

"You are not welcome, Son of God!"

They all shouted, demanding for him to leave in a threatening manner, for Seth had entered the unholy kingdom that is considered the antithesis of everything he represented—the den of sin, the nest of evil, the bastion of corruption.

However, the Holy Man stood unafraid before the massive host of demons, looking directly at their monstrous eyes. His winged expression showed a mixture of pity and authority. "I came here to announce the great news," he said to them in a soft, benevolent tone.

The fallen mocked, ridiculed, deceived, and anything in their power to make Seth turn his back, "Leave this place at once and never return!" They commanded, "Return to where you belong, to the heavenly places. Leave us alone in our misery!" Roaring monstrously.

Not swayed by their attempts nor threatened, for he is greater than they are; the mightiest of all, "I shall pass with my own accord; the souls shall come with me out of their own free will," he announced, proclaiming that anyone who would wish to be rescued by his hand will be.

In frustration, the demons charged at the Holy Man to slaughter him for trespassing on their domain, while some attempted to persuade Seth by saying, "Please, let us remain in our misery!" They begged pathetically, trying to sound convincing but failing miserably.

All their efforts to harm him came to naught, for the Son of God's presence alone repulsed the vile ones with his mere holiness. Their attempt proved futile in stopping the Light Bearer from announcing the good news. They were forced to conceptually destroy all of their forms.

Every step Seth took, hundreds of demons fell to the ground; every word he spoke, millions of demons wept in sorrow as they knelt and begged for the Savior to cease this judgment; but their pleas were nothing more than lies, for all of the fallen have already seen God's love.

No demon was spared, for their deceiving nature was vanquished by the King of Kings, and their greatest demons cried out before falling to the ground with the rest; bodies lay before him like bridges, and yet the Holy One felt no hate for these fallen ones; rather, He grieved their condition as one who suffers to see another suffer.

Many bodies were spread across the hot, charred floor, while some writhed around in agony as the Lord stepped on their backs and fronts with a sorrowful gaze, looking at their demonic appearance and twisted bodies as He proceeded onwards without lifting them up.

Others whimpered and moaned while hiding behind rocks, knowing how they were incapable of deceiving or even defeating the Son of God, for their powers were nothing compared to the chosen one who had saved the world through his sacrifice.

Seth raised his sword while he walked, drawing many souls onto him who wished to come with him in his father's kingdom. While most demons cowered and ran after seeing this awesome power, some bravely gathered together and rushed to attack the Lord all around, attempting to overwhelm the Savior through sheer numbers.

Lowering the sword, Seth calls upon the seraphim from his father's heavenly throne, resulting in the rapid manifestation of seven hovering attendants surrounding the Son of God with their mighty wings wide open, displaying the many eyes in which the fallen dreaded.

The highest of orders, each present seraphim of them is said to have six wings, with two covering their human face, two for flight, and two to cover their legs. Having many eyes and speaking in song, singing praises to the Almighty. Their beauty is beyond that of any mortal creature, with a fiery glow that radiates from their presence as the flaming wings of each seraph illuminate the atmosphere around them in an incredible display of divine radiance and glory.

"Holy! Holy! Holy! Is the Lord of Hosts!"

Praise and worship at their absolute as they continue to sing in the most beautiful, ethereal voices that cannot be described in mere words but instead must be experienced with each ear, soul, and spirit. Their six wings move rhythmically like waves, a subtle motion that is accompanied by a series of powerful chords that are followed by another wave of melodious verses.

Every charging demon burst with tears of their own, covering themselves from this volley of sounds. Their hearts can be seen on the floor along with their bodies convulsing uncontrollably, and many were crying with excruciating pain for the holiness and purity coming from them.

In this terrible realm, hell is a form of mercy for these demons, for their suffering and agony are nothing in comparison to the splendor, harmony, and magnificence of the seraphim. It is why they fear heaven in itself, for it is worse than being in the very presence of God.

Just like the previous demons who tried to prevent Seth from continuing his journey, these wretched angels who had fallen from home had been conceptually destroyed altogether by the seraphim, who sang a chorus of melody without delay, creating a circle of annihilation that wiped every trace of them out of existence.

Every body present had vanished, erased into an impossible reality where concepts could not exist within their physical properties. The ground itself trembled intensely, cracking and shattering underneath the holy foot steps. The molten lava splashed everywhere as it cooled, leaving steaming rocks and dry grounds.

As he continues to walk with his guardian angels continuing to praise him, a poor soul on the ground has been reduced to nothing more than a black, crawling mass of rotten flesh, struggling to raise its broken body. "Lord!" He called out to the holy man from a distance, "Have mercy on me!" Begging desperately.

Looking in his direction, Seth gently smiled at the pitiful man, shedding his tears of mercy as the seraphim behind him ceases their beautiful song and vanishes without trace, allowing this moment to transpire. The Lord lowered himself with both of his knees on the scorching land. "Rise and come forth," the Son of God said softly.

Hearing those words, the scorched man was immediately healed and returned to his human form, allowing him to stand up with all the pain gone from his body and finally take his first steps towards the Light Bearer as the once hopeless soul finally reunites with the Lord of Lights.

He was tall and muscular, with broad shoulders and thick arms. He wore a white tunic with a hood over his head, and his feet were bare. He was bald, with a round face and piercing green eyes. His cheeks were covered with scars, but when he smiled, it reached his eyes.

This man was once alive; he lived a simple life: a peasant working in a field till the sun went down, returning to a modest home with his wife and two daughters. However, that man held many secrets. He was a cheater and greedy individual, often stealing from others for his own benefit while sometimes allowing his anger to consume him.

"Rejoice," Seth said in tearful display. "You are finally free from this place." He placed his hand on the man's bald head, causing the soul who had suffered in this place for many years to be overcome with joy and delight, falling onto his knees as he began wept hysterically for his deliverance.

"I don't deserve this," the recovered soul said, still wiping his eyes from the tears of relief and happiness. "I have sinned, Lord. I have sinned greatly. I am a miserable sinner." The man told me without hesitation, "I cruelly abandon my family, leaving them to their own devices because of my selfishness, and I was a greedy gambler who stole from others and allowed my anger to take over my heart," he confessed as he finished sobbing.

Nodding in understanding, Seth answered the repentant soul, "Yes, you have committed crimes upon others through your greed and rage while committing adultery with five women, seducing the daughters of noblemen through alcohol and manipulation." He revealed what the man had done, "but every man that walked onto the world has sinned."

Lifting his head, he asked, "Why show me mercy, Lord?" The man asked, not understanding all of this, "After all of the things I have done?" He wonder if the Light Bringer is genuine about this, especially considering the crimes he has committed.

Gently rubbing the soul's hairless head as he hums a peaceful song, the holy man replied kindly, "Don’t you be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. Yes, I will help you. Yes, I will uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness." grabbing the man's hand, Seth lifted him up.

"Look at me," Seth instructed as the soul complied, raising his green eyes to meet the Light Bearer's gentle yet firm gaze. "Walk with me; learn to love yourself and others; as you do these simple things, seek forgiveness from those you who hurt." Smiling in response to what he said, Seth finally comforted him: "The Kingdom of Heaven is resting within your heart; the heavenly Father loves you still and welcomes you with open arms to anyone that wishes to repent from their sinful past while following me."

Tears streamed down his eyes, and embracing the warmth of the holy man's body, "Thank you," he cried out with an expression of deep gratitude on his face. The soul was overwhelmed with emotion from all around him, as if every cell in his body sang, danced, and laughed for joy.

Grace in its magnificent glory. Pure and true. That's what this felt like, as if every burden and pain of the past were removed and replaced with newfound strength, courage, mercy, and love. More importantly, it's hope. It's hope for redemption and a new beginning. A chance at reconciliation between those who were once estranged.

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