Chapter 28

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Stepping out together, the warm sunlight and gentle breeze greeted them with a gentle caress on their faces. Taking in the fresh air while listening to the sounds of birds chirping as they fly high above them, he smiled in peace, knowing that he did the right thing by leaving The Temple of Lamb, though Seth couldn't shake off the nagging feeling at the back of his mind.

Did he make the right choice? Is it really okay to just leave them like this? Will it be better if he stays at home? Such thoughts clouded his judgment as the young man found himself struggling to maintain focus, but it's the right choice, isn't it?

A light pat on his back caused Seth to look at his side, only to see Genno grinning at him. "I'm with you no matter what," said the monk, reassuring the Son of God that he has nothing to worry about at all because they got through worse together. "Besides, nothing interesting happens around here; this gives me a chance to go somewhere else," humorously adding in the conversation with a wink.

Fond memories resurfaced within him as Seth reminisced about the fun and adventure they had during their travels when he was only fourteen. While there were many horrors he and his friends encountered, they nonetheless had moments of happiness or peace.

"Your right," sighing heavily, Seth calmed himself down before taking another step forward, looking up in the morning blue sky. "Its just been a long time of having to save the world again," chuckling in amusement over himself, "this feels like I was summoned by the king from another world again," finding all of this both nostalgic and strange to consider it at the same time, "ah, those were the days." His mood lifted considerably after the conversation they had.

Genno also laughed in return, reminiscing about the past adventures they've been through and what challenges came at them. "To be honest, it wasn't such a bad experience overall," well, truthfully, it was, but he did enjoy it nonetheless for the simple fact that it brought them closer than before. "I mean, who else gets to travel around the world, saving it from imminent doom?"

Shaking his head with smile, Seth looked ahead, where dense forest surrounds the area. "Let's go," he answered without much else as he took a few steps forward, making his traveling companion follow suit. Entering the forest, the duo began their walk toward their destination.

Birds were singing overhead while animals scurried about among the bushes, running across their paths, or just sitting on tree branches, watching them. It was a serene atmosphere that they enjoyed and a pleasing scene for the both of them.

Moving to Seth's side, he then asked a genuine question, "Where to?" Genno asked, as the only one who doesn't know what they should do exactly, "Well, do you have any ideas what direction we're heading in?" He continued as they were making their way further into the woods.

Blushing in embarrassment, "honestly," admitted to the truth, "I'm going there blindly, no plans, no preparations whatsoever," making it clear of how spontaneous he acted out on his decision to travel by foot, "I am placing all my trust onto God," stating what he believes in, "the Lord will guide us in our path of righteousness," holding hope of reaching their destination soon enough and ending Cinder's tyranny once and for all.

The wise monk, while accepting these claims, remained skeptical on the matter due to not having faith in higher powers, unlike Seth, and he found himself thinking about how his friend could just depend solely on miracles that might not even come. Yet he was also aware that it wasn't fair to doubt his abilities as a man who had miraculously performed magic.

"What sort of spell have you done?"

Seth became confused at this "spell?" Furrowing his brows in confusion, he stopped walking in order to stare at Genno in bewilderment. "Can you elaborate your question?" Wanting to gain a deeper understanding of what exactly he meant by that question.

Expressing stupidity on his own behalf by not giving a clearer question, he sheepishly smiled before speaking further: "After you were severally injured by being stoned to death, you stood up like it was nothing before a strange phenomenon happened," mentioning the event that occurred, which left them speechless about what they witnessed.

Tilting his head, Seth curiously asked, "Hmm?" Not fully grasping what's being said, "strange phenomenon, you say?" Saying those words, he tried to figure out what in the world Genno was talking about, as he clearly remembered everything that led him to wake up from his bed.

Inhaling slowly, Genno closed his eyes as if gathering his thoughts: "The clouds above projected a beam of radiance at you," answering him without hesitation, "then your injuries and wounds were rapidly healed like they never were there in the first place," opening them again before shifting attention to his friend. "Yet somehow, we all sensed a tremendous surge of energy that is whole and benevolent," trying his best to describe everything in detail.

A soft gasp of surprise escaped from his lips. "I don't remember that part!" He exclaimed, completely unaware of the incident itself, while his body trembled lightly in astonishment. How can such a miracle occur without his knowledge or awareness? It baffles his mind greatly, but after all, he is, however, the Son of God.

"But..." Smiling innocently, he showed appreciation towards the person beside him. "I did claim myself to be the Son of God, didn't I?" Telling the truth with laughter as well as humor, "a healer through and through," crossing arms upon chest proudly on this information.

Genno was likely the only skeptical person among the spectators who saw such a miracle. Part of him thinks Seth is simply a magician who doesn't know any advanced magic, but the other half believes that maybe his friend is actually telling the truth about his claims.

Thinking thoroughly, he decided to ask something else: "Can you tell me more about the holy trinity?" Having not forgotten this concept long since they were teens, they were exchanging what the two of them believe in: "I am not to say that I doubt your belief," rubbing the nape of their necks, "but curiosity is what makes me want to know more about your faith," clarifying their intentions clearly.

Clasping his hands together with a beaming smile, he blushed lightly, like a child who just got praised for doing something wonderful. To him, this is an honor to have someone take an interest in religion, and he'll gladly answer to the best of his ability.

"I would love to, but why don't we walk while I explain the whole thing?"

Seeing no problem with that, Genno nodded affirmatively while beginning to move forward. "I'd appreciate that." Moving alongside his friend, the monk heard every single word that came out of his friend's mouth, absorbing information like a sponge absorbing water.

Hours have passed since they began to start chatting aimlessly, learning more and more in regards to the trinity itself, as it also confused him altogether: "It concerns the nature of God and has three distinct persons." Expressing confusion with his brows furrowed tightly, "That is hard to think about when everything about your religion is nearly full of contradictions," a truthful statement coming from a person whose religion itself is rather simplistic and easy to understand.

Giggling humorously, "truth to be told, it confuses even myself, but life is always full of mystery, isn't it? Wonderful to behold when free will is given to us by the Father," cheerfully declared with a wide smile on his face as he moved towards the next topic.

"Now onto the trinity itself," returning to the subject altogether without second thought, "you see, it doesn't divide God into different parts. The father, son, and spirit are three persons but one being." This answer turned Genno pale after hearing this. He continued onward with an explanation, "Think of someone having three different identities or personalities," trying to make sense of all the things said earlier.

After hearing everything said thus far, he can only speak out a single sentence: "You? God?" His throat became dry and hoarse with his voice cracking, unable to accept the fact that this person right here with him is the omnipotent being who created the entire universe and beyond itself.

But the founder of his church simply laughed at this. "Truly, you do not know much of our heavenly father," she softly told him with calmness that could rival the ocean itself. "To answer your question, I and my Father are one." This confession caused the other to simply express a mixture of confusing emotions inside.

Genno doesn't know what else to say; it's too confusing overall to say, "Could you fix everything?" He asked, challenging this: "If you are omnipotent, then should you be able in wiping out all our problems with a single snap of your fingers?" Curious about what is actually being said, "or you are saying that because of some obscure reason that the Lord has allowed himself to be harmed for a greater purpose?"

But Seth remained silent, staring down at the ground with a conflicted look. "There is no clear answer to that while we still walk upon this earth," he said, shaking his head slightly. "In my view, if God fixes everything, then the choice he purposed for us to have would then be gone." A reasonable conclusion was given along with possible reasons that might justify this outcome, "and yet, he still cares about this world." A sad frown formed on his face as a sign of sadness about his own impending sacrifice.

Difficult theological debate to comprehend, it never was Genno's intention to ponder in the first place after beginning their rather interesting conversation, "regardless of what logic behind that, we still have duty to uphold," sighing tiredly before walking onwards ahead, "what is more important is stopping her from bringing more harm onto others," making Seth blink momentarily at this before quickly regaining composure, "Come on, we must hurry," beckoning his friend to catch up.

Hesitating a little, "right," responding hesitantly, Seth complied nonetheless as he followed right behind him. This discussion reminded him of how people can be so cynical and skeptical of God. The Lord is ever present in their lives and always provides opportunities for those willing to accept him, though some refuse out of ignorance or skepticism.

That is okay, for the Son of God himself, who sees them as lost souls waiting to have the light bask onto them. But he understands that, in time, they will come around to change their ways and repent in front of God. For every man shall acknowledge the mighty one who sits on the throne.

Catching up to his side, its quiet atmosphere once again returned between them until Seth broke the ice by asking a rather unexpected question, "What are your thoughts on everything that lived up at this point?" changing the subject altogether.

"Our lives were full of pain," an honest, blunt, and straight-to-the point remark with expression showing displeasure and frustration towards existence itself but nonetheless keeping going, "perhaps it's better that way, no?" He added after a few seconds of contemplation, "We need to accept trials and tribulations in order to become strong or weak; it depends on how you react to them."

Good analysis on everything that has happened so far. Seth wouldn't deny that in itself when he shared the same thinking for many years since childhood: "Yes, it is, but through pain comes moments of peace and happiness," admitting to his opinion likewise as they continued onward. "All these events have taught us many things that we can't learn unless being exposed to them," firmly stated while following close.

If they both never suffered, then the two of them wouldn't become the men they were. Neither of them would have gotten to know each other as good friends who trusted one another or learned what growth is as humans. While the road was arduous at times, the reward was more than enough to overcome any obstacle placed ahead of them.

"Our pain has shaped us into people who wouldn't waver when confronting dangers head-on," Seth summed up in delight. "Because of that, I am certain that we will prevail against anything that may try to prevent our journey from succeeding," optimistically announced in hopes of easing his companion's anxiety.

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