Chapter 36

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As they wandered within the morning forest, they encountered a few predators, mostly wolves and bears, that were a threat to them, but oddly enough, the presence of Seth caused many of them to become docile around him and his companions. His companions didn't know how to explain this, but Bruno was relieved they weren't going to get attacked again.

Birds flied, the wind blew air at them, and the leaves on the trees rustled around. Their footsteps made noises of cracking twigs and branches along the grass. Though at least the sun's light kept them company, so did the clouds in the bright blue sky.

For miles, they traveled through a vast sea of thick woodland without conflict as they enjoyed the serene scenery while also marveling at its breathtaking landscape. Many different forms of plants and animals inhabited this forest, including rare and endangered species of plants that he hadn't even witnessed before his eyes.

However, as the group of men continued moving further into the woods themselves, a new biome emerged. Once green and flourishing woodland is now cherry blossom forest with pink petals falling from the trees to the green grass while also seeing barely any animals to begin with much to their relief.

There is one thing about wildlife, and that is encountering the dangerous ones that can kill a grown adult easily. The last thing they wanted was to be eaten by the bear or get a nasty disease from an infected animal. Although it would have almost happened if it weren't for Seth's intervention,

"A pink forest?" Bruno commented on the new sight they are seeing: "Never have I ever seen this before!" Growing excitement and curiosity towards the trees: "What are these trees even?" I let out a question that caught the monk's attention.

"Cherry blossom," Genno answered as they continued onward with their journey. "I haven't seen them in many years, and now it feels wonderful to be back," recalling fond memories of his childhood when he would often climb up trees just to pick up pink leaves.

Casually scratching the back of his head, Bruno nodded in response to that before shifting focus back onto the trees around them, "a beautiful sight to behold that's for certain, especially when they're blooming," stating in fascination with the place they are currently in.

Casting a glance at a particular tree nearby, the poet was seriously relaxed by this calming atmosphere that surrounds them. "Now this is the type of forest I'd gladly camp in," he said, happily admitting to them without second thought as he appreciated this scenery with full contentment, "if only those damn bodyguards I hired didn't betray me," cursing himself of that memory.

Seth chuckled at the statement, "It's always unfortunate to have colleagues betray you, especially during times of peril," thinking on what should have been done before returning to reality as his face slowly became serious. "If there is anything I can teach you from this Bruno, then it is that you need to be more careful in choosing the people you trust," advising in the most peaceful way.

Giggling a little at this, Bruno agreed with that take: "Indeed, that is a lesson for me to learn from," confessing with honesty, "but thankfully, they aren't the only people I can trust," smiling widely at him, "you not only saved my life once but twice!" Saying in gratitude for the things he had done for him.

Seth can only chuckle at that. In return, "do not praise me for it," a little bashful of Bruno's thanks, "praise my Father, who is the one who orchestrated the entire event, for it is not by your might that it was done. I did nothing to warrant your praises; all glory belongs to the Lord himself and him alone," he answered humbly, as the other two could only gaze at him in disbelief.

"You really love your father, don't you?" Genno commented to his friend, "It almost sounds like you're inseparable with each other," he stated with a growing smile as well, "which is good, I might add," adding in a lighthearted manner, "I'm sure he's proud of his son; I certainly would be if that were me," confidently smiling at him with eyes closed.

Their faces were full of happiness and contentment, as the bond between each man was growing stronger with each passing day. The group of three were about to rest underneath a tree on the ground for a few minutes, only to be met with an odd encounter.

Stopping in front of a laid-out round table with three chairs around it, they were intrigued by these, as they never recalled anybody doing something like this in the middle of nowhere, especially when there is no one in sight besides a few animals moving about.

"Seems like luck is at our side," Bruno grinned at finally being able to sit down on a comfortable chair, "sure beats sitting on rocks and dirt," chuckling at the mere thought of it. "No offense," he said to the two of them, but they responded with laughter of their own.

Without wasting anymore time, they headed towards the table, where the three wise men sat onto their respective seats as Seth sat between the two as the moment their butts touched the seat; the feeling of ease and tranquility overwhelmed them greatly.

Finally, the three of them can relax without having to keep walking or worry about any monsters, wild animals, or bandits coming their way. For the first time, their journey seemed a little enjoyable, minus the deadly undead monsters that hunted them down last night.

For a moment, silence overcame them, as no one said a word to break the peaceful atmosphere. Genno looked at the birds above them in the sky and felt how a gentle breeze blew some of the pink leaves off of their branches to the ground. Bruno was mentally studying the very trees themselves in contemplation, looking at how magnificent the place looked in daylight.

Though Seth sat peacefully with hands over his lap, eyes closed as his mind wondered through infinite possibilities in what lay ahead, challenges to overcome, and obstacles to conquer. Nothing is impossible when the Lord is watching, but that does not mean their journey will not be difficult.

Many horrible and pessimistic thoughts played before him, returning to haunt the holy man again. But he was pure in both mind and soul, as the temptations of the flesh still continued to torment him. It was a constant battle he must endure, but not without divine support from those who know him better than himself.

The Lord shall guide him to the right path, for all that matters is to achieve what is necessary with complete faith in him and only him. Though doubts are beginning to emerge within himself and terrible acts of himself doing evil acts, they are only nothing more than fantasy, and no adultery will ever cross his mind.

As he is saved, not a single sin can prevent him from reaching damnation. Seth has been saved, and he will use that to save others for the sake of himself. It is both his wish and the wish of his heavenly father to spread faith into the world and help those in need.

And so it was his purpose—what he must achieve.

Opening his eyes, he glanced down at the wooden surface and spoke in a tone of calmness that matched the setting they were currently in. "Speaking of, what is your purpose of heading into the capital?" Directing his words to Giordano Bruno.

Turning to Seth, the poet couldn't help but answer this: "You know of my works, right?" Glancing at the two who were now focusing on him as both men nodded, "However, there is one unfinished book I need to finish before my work will be complete," he declared with passion and determination to succeed, "I have researched so many things about reality itself and one that I have the ultimate goal of doing," admitting slight nervousness on his part.

Genno blinked and tilted his head in curiosity. "What is it exactly that you seek to accomplish by writing a book on a subject of utmost importance that has to do with reality?" An important question that needs to be answered by him is, "Tell us; we wish to know more about it," requested the monk as Seth nodded in agreement.

Bruno has a thought, his mouth open in silence as he considers what he should tell them; if he says it, then surely they'll abandon him or, worse, be backstabbed for what he is going to announce. It's a great offense to discuss the ambition he holds dear.

Glancing at them, he noticed the genuine patience in their eyes, and that eased his nerves in any negative emotions of uncertainty that are constantly plaguing him. "Okay," breathing deeply, he answered with uttermost confidence, "here it goes," exhaling air from his lungs as he cleared his throat.

"I want to unite all religions and philosophic differences in the world," finally revealing to them his true intentions with his final words being heard by his friends. The very revelation made their faces fully intrigued by the concept: "To me, they are simply ripples across a vast ocean of underlying truth," explaining the teachings he studied since his youth, "and in order to make those ripples sink into the water, it requires that those religions and philosophies unite as one."

Seth and Genno were astonished at this; they don't know what to say as this was indeed a bold claim, but the sheer scale of his goal is much greater than their wildest imaginations. Nonetheless, they have listened and contemplated it.

The founder of his church was deeply conflicted; he knew that his beloved father wouldn't be keen on such blasphemous ideas. Religions are based on several belief systems; thus, creating unity between them is a separation of God rather than simply trying to make everyone accept other religions.

On the other hand, the wise monk can't imagine putting every philosophical idea in the same boat; there are concepts that contradict or agree with each other as well as being false. So telling all of them to become unified is foolish, for not everything can be solved by simplistic ideals, or it has to be gradual for things to be fixed.

They were both having mixed reactions, as both were thoughtful of the very concept of unifying all religious and philosophical ideologies. In one way or another, their friendship will be tested during their pilgrimage when Genno has to ask something else peculiar.

"Why keep it secret?" He asked curiously, not fully understanding why Bruno would keep such a bold goal a secret to avoid possible confrontations with others, "There is nothing wrong with you saying it to us as we share the common goal of uniting the world and freeing it from chaos, isn't it?" Reminding him of his own past mistakes.

Seth nodded. "Indeed, is there a reason why you chose not to mention anything about it to anyone else?" Raising an eyebrow on that question, "perhaps the fear of your own life in being prosecuted?" The thought of it has entered his mind, but he has brushed it away.

Bruno's expression soon became serious. "I feared my life because of those religious nuts who would gladly behead my head due to the mere idea of unification," he stated with controlled emotion. "All I wanted to do was make people see things differently, and in the end, I nearly got executed for it!" Explaining with slight irritation.

Getting this, Genno turned his head. "Execution?" He is truly surprised to hear this: "Those who call themselves students under me are never my students if they resort to such actions to condemn an innocent person." Frowning at this as it only shows him how little this type of students learnt from him, "I would be greatly ashamed if they did that," the monk can't help but feel slightly guilty.

But Seth knew better about this; the consequence of worshiping other gods in the Old Testament was far harsher, as it could result in being stoned to death if caught. But then again, couldn't God have just force the crowd directly himself?

No, because there is only so much that God can change them until it completely changes their own free will. Forcing others to have correct thoughts about the Lord would hamper the progress of their journey to faith. Along with the ability to freely respond to God's love.

Just like how the Lord tried to desperately convince the tyrannical pharaoh in Egypt to free his chosen people from slaves before the ten plagues happened, so did Moses and the followers, whose hearts were hardened, that God had allowed them to have kings and instituted divorce.

Likely, the reason for such stoning was the fear of offending God itself. But Seth will correct that mistake in his father's name; man will no longer need such things because he himself is the very representation of God's forgiveness in this fallen world.

So he shall show the world how they were supposed to have treated one another under the Lord's benevolence rather than pleasing others out of wrath and what these people view as good from man's flawed perspective of God's perfection.

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