Chapter 109

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The smell of wet earth and decayed flesh filled the air as they stood inside an unknown place. A disgusting odor assaulted their nostrils, while the dripping sound of water filled their ears all around. Their eyes adjusted to the dim lighting, but the shadows still danced in their peripheral vision.

The entire place is dark and huge, but not difficult enough to see where they are. Its stench continued to fill their lungs and stomachs, making many of them want to vomit from the overwhelming, foul smell. Their skins prickled with goosebumps, and their hairs stood on end as a chill ran down their spines.

It was clear to them that they were not in that burning place but somewhere else entirely, for their faces were full of confusion and fright at what would transpire next while their good shepherd bravely stood in front of them, guarding these souls like a vigilant guardian angel who refused to show weakness.

Sounds of monstrous growling can be heard as something moves in the darkness, drawing closer with each passing second before, finally, the prince of darkness showed itself. Its colossal body took form before their eyes; muscles bulged beneath its skin, and its veins pulsed and throbbed beneath the surface.

Despite appearing bipedal, Satan's size defies description, even when using the broadest definitions. The fallen angel's immense height cannot be comprehended by mortal means, nor can his stature be quantified or compared in any way.

For this is the physical manifestation of his true demonic self—not his once celestial beauty and perfection but a horrific image of how pride can turn anyone into a hideous monster. All of his grotesque, twisted features and physique were clearly shown under the dim light that was shed upon them.

Eyes glowing red, it smiled evilly. "You call yourself King?" He said in a loud and challenging voice, not being afraid to stare directly into the Son of God's eyes, "such arrogant words, coming from an ignorant fool," scoffing in derision.

Seth remained firm, glancing over his shoulder to see the terrified families and their loves holding one another for support, turning towards Satan. "You will not claim these souls, Lucifer!" Rebuking its other name, the Devil took offense to that and sneered angrily.

"They are mine and will be mine soon enough," it spoke, its voice filled with malice and anger before quickly relaxing himself. "This place is our glorious home; is it beautiful?" The mocking tone of its question disgusted the Son of God, who gritted his teeth in silent rage.

"Instead of making this a better place for everyone involved, you and your army chose to make things worse for everyone here by torturing and punishing them for their crimes." Not showing any sign of weakness, Seth looked up to the demon's giant face defiantly and asked, "When will you realize that my father's love and mercy still hold for your fallen kin?!"

Those words ignited much amusement from Satan: "What will you do? Destroy our only home?" Glancing over at the family behind Seth, he grinned sadistically before revealing more horrifying truths: "Then who will judge the living or the dead? Me or God?"

Both princes fought not through physical might or strength but words alone; it is how the Lord's army fought many times; to overcome one another by conversation alone, "my father alone is the JUDGE of judges, the LORD of lords; no one or nothing can have judgment of judgments like he can," answering calmly, though anger is bubbling from inside due to the accusation of not realizing the truth itself.

"Hah!" It snickered in disbelief at this ridiculous response before snickering, "Can you do anything besides talk and preach like you always do? Or can you do something else than waste time on pointless things that will not matter?" His taunt earned nothing more than silence from the holy man, who stared intently at him.

His holy sword glows bright like the sun itself. "Why did you rebel?" He questioned loudly, wanting a clear answer to all of this: "Is there another reason beside your jealousy and pride?" Seth shouted, demanding an explanation for why this had happened in the first place.

The fallen angel's face turned sour from their talk. "Simple," he said as he shifted his position to make himself comfortable in this uncomfortable environment. "Power; you already know that, do you?" Then his eyes shifted to the frightful folks. "And them..." Baring his razor-sharp teeth, it growled viciously as its deep voice rumbled throughout the entire chamber.

"They disgust me," Satan added with extreme hatred evident in every fiber of his being. "It was the last straw when God ordered us to kneel before MAN!" Roaring out in anger, spitting out spittle mixed with saliva as he slowly stood up, causing the entire realm to shake violently.

Everyone held together, sobbing fearfully at what they're about to witness if things do not work out in favor of Seth. Some cried, prayed, or pleaded to be taken away from this madness. Nevertheless, the Son of God will protect them with all his might.


The entire sentence had also morphed reality itself in chaotic ways: "THAT YOU WANT US TO BECAME SERVANTS OF DISGUSTING LIVESTOCK?! NO! NEVER!" It shrieked in anger, wanting to outright obliterate the Son of God into a million pieces but remembering their past interaction along with His holiness alone.

"WE ARE THE TRUE VICTIMS OF ALL THIS!" It proclaimed loudly and proudly while pointing to itself, trying to justify his reasons for making this place a horrific place: "WHEN WE GOT TO SHEOL, IT WAS NOTHING BUT SIMPLE PLACE FOR THE UNRIGHTEOUS AND RIGHTEOUS TO GO; NOTHING OF INSUFFICIENT THAN PLACE DULL SHADOWY EXISTENCE!"

Every word he spoke had made his size grow larger than before, as his eyes glowing brighter than ever. "JUST THE SIGHT OF THESE ANIMALS NOT SUFFERING ENOUGH MAKES MY BLOOD BOIL!" He pointed a finger down to the frightened souls while his monstrous features started distorting to an even more nightmarish appearance. "AND IN MY LEADERSHIP, WE HAD MADE THIS WONDERFUL PLACE THAT CAN SCARIFY EVEN GOD HIMSELF!"

But Seth didn't budge, the sword still clutched firmly in his hand as it glowed brilliantly within the dark caverns that surround them all. "Why must you do this to yourself, Satan?" A pitiful frown appeared on his face while he lowered his head slightly to express sorrow for the fallen angel.

God loves everyone, for He has become both the Son and Father in flesh. "How can you admit yourself that you will never be able to defeat your creator and maker with such arrogance and foolishness alone?" Removing his frown, he looked up at the gigantic entity, who had shown a confused expression at these strange questions.

"You will never win."

The first sentence shrunk him a bit, making Satan want to refuse such an attack, but in his heart, he believed it: "No! I will take my father's throne and be the true ruler of creation!" It snapped back as if trying to reaffirm himself in what he would do: "All I needed was more influence and power!"

"No," was Seth's response when hearing those words, "you will lose everything." His eyes glared at the devil, who continued to deny reality of what would occur. "Remember how you fell from the heavens?" Another sentence caused Satan to shrink again.

Denying this, he clenched his fists tighter: "That was my only first defeat! I can always get another chance, and I will!" He prides himself on thinking that he has some control over his situation, but he knows in his heart and in his mind that Seth has been right all along.

The Son of God could only chuckle at this pitiful display of denial and delusions: "Then why did Archangel Michael triumph over you in combat if you claim to be all powerful?" Mentioning the devil's nemesis had caused Satan to shrink again from such awful remembrance.

Like a whiny brat, Satan continued to stubbornly declare he could still achieve victory against the Almighty: "With enough power under my disposal, anything is possible if I wills it so!" Raising his clenched fist in front of him, "All I have to do is get more people into my side than yours!"

"How long until this madness ends? Week? Month? Year?" Taking a step forward, Seth became serious now as his holy presence and words alone began to fully overwhelm the Devil: "How many times have passed since your rebellion has failed?" Addressing Satan's lack of progress in a short amount of time.

And the fallen angel, in the midst of his own humiliation, couldn't stand anymore of these interrogations as he took a step back, feeling frightened at such answers: "Get away from me! I am TRUE King of Kings! God is nothing but a tyrant for allowing everything to  happen."He shrank again, this time to the size of an adult elephant.

Holding his sword tighter as he continued walking forward, "really now? Instead of placing all the blame and hardships on the Lord, it was you who needed to blame yourself," Seth said to the fallen angel, causing him to become uneasy about what the Son of God was doing. "Most blame something for their problems, giving them an excuse to feel better about themselves, but they have forgotten that it is the actions of themselves and others that are responsible for it, not God," he said, pausing for a brief moment to watch his sword's flame burst into brighter intensity.

"For it is always easy to pass your issues onto someone, refusing to admit how to fix your life rather than expressing some humility and then solving that person who hurt you with the kindness and love that you deserve," standing just a few meters away from the devil, who had shrunk in human size.

"Not all the blaming is bad; some of it are perhaps understandable," eyes narrowed at the defeated Satan. "However, it is never alright to keep that mindset every day without thinking of a solution to your problem and how to fix it as one must grow and overcome such challenges that life throws them."

Seth's words shaped reality itself with every sentence he spoke; from the cold stone walls to the tiny crack that covers the entirety of this place, it slowly faded into beautiful gardens full of greenery and flowers from his power alone. "My father isn't going to babysit you in this world; he did not cry or politely ask when the greedy merchants entered a temple, but he instead drove them out on his own!"

Looking down at Satan, who is now nearly the size of a leg, Seth wasted no time in continuing his onslaught. "There is no time to cry or hide in the waking world we all live in; we must keep the faith shining so long our Lord can comfort us through hard times," he explained in a strong but understanding tone. "We must fight our own battles, and having God as a beacon of hope is enough for everyone to keep living to the very end."

Surprisingly, the shrunken devil cried pitifully, his tears flowing like a river. "You were right all along," the prince of lies said in a pitifully toned voice as his cries became louder and louder. "Will you show me the forgiveness I have been yearning for, father?" I looked up to see the young man looking down on him with a kind smile.

While everyone else was unsure of what to take out of this situation, Seth then responded without hesitation, "my mercy and love is always available to those who seek it," lowering himself down on one knee and putting away his sword, he placed a comforting hand on the devil's head as if he were speaking to a lost child.

"Thank you for this opportunity."

Immediately, Satan grabbed the Son of God's throat with two hands, "Oh, how I missed the chance of ripping out your larynx out of your worthless neck!" He snarled in pure delight, for while he cannot outright defeat him, it will still be fun to do this.

Seth was surprised, off guard by such an attack, and betrayed; however, his eyes did not show anger but pity, for despite how merciful the heavenly father is, Satan always had pride within himself and was so blinded by it that he became incapable of seeing the truth.

Before the holy man could think of something to say or do, a little girl appeared out of nowhere and sucker punched the devil's left cheek like a punching bag with such force that her tiny fist managed to send it flying across the place like a rag doll.


Was Satan's thoughts when he looked around to see the now clean grassy floor that had replaced the once foul place they'd all been at before. Slowly, he got up to his feet, wiping dirt and small debris off himself as he saw that this specific slice of realm he created was now purified by Seth's presence and authority.

The once drab and dark world that once existed has now become a beautiful garden full of vibrant colors and aromatic scents. Flowers swayed gently in the gentle breeze that blew through the area, and petals of all shapes and sizes dotted the landscape like jewels. Trees lined the pathways that wind through the area, providing shade and a peaceful amber, and its rocky ceiling is now full of green vines that gently dance along.

The sight alone reminded him of the garden, and it angered him greatly. "You think all of you have won!?" Trying to act tough despite the fact that everyone is now staring at him with strong belief in their hearts that the spirit of God is with them.

For all his bravo, Satan took steps away when they began to approach him, "NO! GET AWAY FROM ME!" He isn't afraid of anything. That is what he thought until he sensed the Holy Spirit inside these people. "I AM THE TRUE RULER HERE! I COMMAND YOU TO ALL KNEEL AND BOW BEFORE ME!"

Hearing no reply, Satan panicked from their overwhelming conviction and belief in the Lord that he had been forcibly turned into a snake, causing itself to slither away before an angered man stepped on it. "Asshole," he mumbled to the defeated devil.

Several people went over to Seth and helped him back on his feet. "Are you okay, my lord?!" A concerned lady asked him while checking for any injuries, "If anything hurts, please tell us!" She said it in a serious tone of voice.

But Seth shook his head in reassurance and calmly dismissed the matter. "Do not worry about me, for I will be fine," he said, smiling thankfully at the woman. "It is time," he answered vaguely, causing the people around him to glance at one another confusedly.

"Time for what?"

Mathias inquired curiously about Seth's peculiar remark.

A beaming smile graced the holy man's lips, pointing his finger up. "Paradise," the mere word, had caused a portal to open above them, emitting a strong sense of warmth, happiness, and security that beckoned them to come and see as their eyes were filled with joy.

Truly, the beauty of heaven's glory is something beyond comparison, where its illumination shines through all parts of the massive kingdom. One can feel peace, tranquility, and blissful harmony that surpass all understanding, and it is the home of the Kingdom of God.

Seth placed his hand on his own chest before extending it out to them. "Treasure it well in your heart, soul, and mind as it is the start of your new home." A slight chuckle escaped his lips at those words alone: "Anything there is all yours to have and to keep; there is no shortage of food, water, or wealth. But the most valuable things are being in the presence of the Creator Himself."

"And most importantly, all you have to do is ask."

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