Chapter 75

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His brothers and fathers lead him to where the deceased Tera is, lying on the back of their cart, still freshly wrapped in linen cloth around her naked body. She had been cleaned thoroughly to remove any remains of blood or dirt before being placed here under the blazing heat of the sun.

The only visible thing on the wrapped cloth is her sleeping face, peaceful and serene, as if nothing is wrong with being dead. Seth wanted to climb on the cart and hug her dead body, but he couldn't bear the thought of doing something like this in front of them.

They needed him to be strong, strong enough for his followers to follow closely behind while making sure no one succumbed to their fears during the journey through the hardship of making it across land that may possibly be filled with bandits and other dangers lurking within its shadows.

"Carry her and make sure she has a proper burial." His commanding voice resonated across those present, making them nod in understanding at this request before beginning preparations immediately. Mathias approached from behind as they carried her body somewhere else.

Then the holy man heard his voice: "What now?" Mathias voice inquired in a spiteful manner while folding his arms together, glaring daggers at him. "Our temple is destroyed along with everyone else except for those who survived." Seth noted how much this person still despises him.

But he knows that he will never hate them. "We occupy Sister Tera first; I want to see her properly buried before anything else," Seth instructed with a gentle yet firm tone of authority. "After that, we'll move on from there," and he left, following where the group of priests had carried her.

Mathias was left there astonished, not understanding why their false prophet hasn't even taken his revenge on the empire. But he knew it deep within his heart that the holy man simply doesn't have hatred as strong as theirs, only a blinded idealist with no direction in life whatsoever.

How foolish Seth has become.

"Hey!" Solomon angrily called out to the priest, "What's your fucking problem with him?" He demanded, staring at him from behind with an intense gaze while trying to remain composed, "He saved your asses before, and yet you treat him like a shit when you're the one who caused all this mess."

Clenching his fists, Mathias turned around to see a boy who was no more than fourteen years old. "Who do you think you are to question my motives?" He asked, rather irritated by his insolence, "You think you know what's best for us?" He gestured toward himself and others around him.

Glaring at the arrogant asshole, Solomon was ready to draw out his sword only to be stopped by a gentle hand being placed on his shoulder. "Stand down," the poet said sternly. "We don't need more deaths than necessary; it's not worth it to start another conflict on top of all this."

Sighing irritably, "fine!" The boy shouted before leaving, stomping loudly in each of his steps as if being a brat while doing so, which made Mathias chuckle at this, finding it amusing how childish this type of people are despite how strong they are individually.

Bruno then turned his attention to the man. "We need to be somewhere in private," he stated in a determined voice with brows furrowed. "There's much to discuss concerning events that unfolded earlier today and their importance," his voice full of dread, unsure whether he should partake in this or not.

Yet Bruno knows it's far better to let them know beforehand than get caught unprepared again. He understands this is destiny calling out to him, urging him to carry out such duty once more after experiencing so many horrors that will never be forgotten, even if they wish to.

At first, Mathias wanted to just scoff at this request as he looked around, seeing most of the curious townsfolk following Seth like little puppies begging for attention while a few went back to doing their business, not caring if anyone was dead or dying on their streets.

Though the request puzzled Mathias, nonetheless, he agreed to it with the utmost caution. "Very well, just don't stab me in the back later on when the opportunity arrives," he jested in a sarcastic manner while crossing arms together underneath armpits before walking in the opposite direction of where Solomon left.

In which the other man followed suit, walking side by side, "You don't really like him, do you?" Bruno frowned as they ventured farther away from the crowd. "Is there a reason why?" He asked curiously, wanting to hear the answer directly from the source itself rather than relying solely on hearsay, as rumor has it.

It took a few seconds before a reply finally came: "I hate him." Stopping in his tracks, they landed themselves on a less crowded part of the street, safe from prying ears or eyes as neither party is concerned about being overheard by anyone. "Seth brought shame to our temple with his heretic ways by claiming himself to be the Son of God," the man said bluntly without any remorse whatsoever, "and because of that, he was stoned like a dog and left to die by his own family."

Bruno was shocked to hear this; it was cruel and uncalled for. Seth always showed kindness towards those around him, even going as far as putting their needs above his own at times. Yet they cast him out of their own home because the holy man believed himself to be chosen.

Taking a step back from this answer, "That's it?" He said surprisingly, raising his brow slightly as he glanced at his companion questioningly, "Surely you must be joking about being the only reason for his departure," his tone indicating disbelief due to how absurd that sounded.

He turned his body around to face him directly. "This is not a joke," Mathias frowned at Bruno, giving him a stern warning about what's happening right now. "The Temple of the Lamb was once a sanctuary for the outcasts and desperate, but now it's gone because of the false prophet," disdain was visible in his voice.

When those words left his mouth, the scholar found it hard not to believe how cruel the world truly is—being so unforgiving against anyone because of what, being heretic? "But Seth is a good man; he took good care of all of you, didn't he?" Bruno was questioned defiantly, with obvious confusion written across his facial features.

Mathias looked at him like an idiot for asking that question, "Yeah, he took care of us," sarcasm lingering in every syllable spoken by him before continuing on, "but the moment he became blasphemous heretic, then things took a different turn for the worse, and now...well, you can see what happens next."

Silence hung between them as no words were exchanged afterward, making Bruno ponder, "Are there no other reasons?" He inquired further while attempting to dig deeper into more important details regarding the current issues at hand at the moment.

Only a simple shake was given from him. "No," Mathias responded simply, turning away from the other man before saying quietly, "that's all there is to it." His eyes focused on the weeping Seth and the people surrounding him as they buried Sister Tera's corpse into a hole that would soon be filled once her burial process was completed.

Bruno turned his own attention to where the priest was looking, seeing the fellow priests and Seth themselves weeping terribly while everyone else watched in silence out of respect for the dead that lay before them outside of the town itself. "Who was Sister Tera?" Trying to sound as polite as possible in order not to offend another person here with an inappropriate inquiry.

"She was more of a mother than a sister," the priest answered fondly, reminiscing upon memories that made him smile lightly while recalling happier days spent together. "Sister Tera was an old lady and considered to be the first follower of Seth who founded this newly religious movement," he said wistfully before adding another comment: "She was always a kind and patient person, always helping others regardless of their circumstances, and most importantly, a wise elderly woman who followed and believed in the Lord in all her heart."

Hearing this, he became saddened to see how many good people have to suffer in this world while evil is more triumphant than justice itself. "Why would someone do that to an elderly woman?" Bruno whispered mostly to himself at such a sad scene.

Mathias shrugged. "We are all sinners, as Christianity says; no one can be completely sinless and perfect," he said grimly. "That goes for you, me, or anyone else in this god-forsaken world. Deserving fate for us in being such degenerate species," the man clenched his fist tightly before continuing with an angry expression plastered across his face.

"This is why we believe in the Son of God so that after our death, we can ascend to the kingdom of God; no more pain or suffering, only eternal peace and happiness for eternity of endless paradise," he explained briefly on this topic, although "with infinity experiences, there are infinity treasures to behold," remarking thoughtfully.

"Infinity?" The poet questioned, tilting his head while listening intently as man elaborated more about such a concept, "What are you implying about having infinity experiences?" Not understanding what exactly Mathias meant by those words, as if referring to something beyond their comprehension itself.

The man smiled faintly before answering back with an amused tone in his voice. "God is infinity, so his kingdom will never run out of boredom," he informed simply, but then quickly added afterwards, "Compared to here, there are only finite things you can do or experience, for example, death being the most prominent example out here. It's unavoidable, but unlike God's realm, the world we live in is limited, while the other isn't bound by any laws or rules; there are unlimited possibilities."

Shocked by such a revelation, Bruno didn't know whether or not he should believe him, but he does damn well know there's truth behind those claims, though perhaps not an entirely correct one either. Everything exists for a reason; that's what makes reality so strange.

"And you think the Son of God is Seth?"

Anger immediately entered Mathias's chest as he heard that statement coming from his companion's mouth: "Don't be stupid; I hate that heretical bastard." He spat out fiercely with strong revulsion at the idea of worshiping such an individual who brought nothing but misfortune upon others without care whatsoever about the consequences resulting from these actions.

"Didn't I tell you before? His nothing but false prophet, that is all there is to it," the priest clarified in strong conviction, "the sacrifice has already been fulfilled, so why would God send another son to this world in the first place?" Not getting any response from other the man who simply stare silently while awaiting an explanation for such an unusual claim.

Scratching the back of his head awkwardly, "That's food for thought," Bruno said, uncertain about this topic, "but there is something else that might pique your interest," he mentioned casually while gesturing toward a certain location where the crying Seth is.

"Do you want him gone?" Bruno offered with coldness seeping through his voice, making the priest raise eyebrows at him upon hearing this suggestion, "Because if so, then..." Looking away with a sad expression, he said, "You can make that happen," his voice trailing off before finishing.

Mathias understood what the man was saying, nodding slowly before looking at the ground below them. "Yes," he breathed, closing his eyelids as well as trying to contain himself from lashing out again. "I would love to do that," an evil grin spreading across his lips while keeping his face hidden from sight.

The poet felt disheartened about having to go through this, but knowing it was part of something greater, it was worth the price. There is nothing else he can do now besides stand and watch as everything unfolds before his very eyes once more. "Good," he mumbled to himself sadly, "then I wish you the best of listening to what I will tell you."

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