Chapter 26

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Birds sang outside of Genno's house as the sun shone through the window of his room. Seth slept peacefully, unmoving except for the gentle rising and falling of his chest as he breathed softly while his right hand was still tightly grabbed by unconscious Sister Tera, sitting on a chair beside him with her head low and eyes closed.

Even though it was daytime outside, the bedroom was dimly lit from the sunlight coming from a nearby window, but it was enough for those inside to see each other. The wooden floor creaked under his weight as he shifted around anxiously before finally opening his eyes.

Slowly, blurry vision became clearer and his surroundings more defined as light continued to shine into his bedroom. When he finally regained his senses, Seth found himself lying on a comfortable bed covered by blankets to keep him warm.

Confused in where he is, Seth turned to his side, seeing the elderly nun fall asleep and exhausted beyond repair after what happened as a smile tugged on his lips at witnessing her resting state, but sadness filled his heart at seeing her this way when he noticed her tears falling from her shut eyes.

Hurt by this notion, he gently removed himself from her and moved towards her shoulder, ready to wake the woman up to have a conversation about what happened yesterday, only to be stopped in midway after a thought came into his mind.

"It's dangerous for me to stay here." Withdrawing his hand, he sighed exhaustively before looking at the ceiling above and saying, "Nor can I live here anymore," finding it hard to come up with a solution in this matter. The safety of both the village and church is in trouble the longer he stays with them.

And yet, why did the king's daughter become an evil woman? He remembered Cinder as a sweet, friendly, and cheery little girl. Now that she is grown and committing terrible atrocities, for what? To bring him into her grasp, all of this to satisfy her longing to meet him again?

Seth doesn't want to believe the queen is the same person he met long ago. People change drastically over time. In fact, Cinder would have grown to be a wonderful queen when she became the ruler of the empire, but what could have happened to make her like this?

What triggered the humanity in her heart to turn into a tyrannical madwoman? He wanted to believe the queen was a different person, but there is no mistake that it was her when the announcement of a new ruler was made after her father's death.

Was it that? Is it because King Midas fell ill that she became an entirely different person? Its possible to go this far in committing evil, for what? Revenge? No, it's too unlikely to make a vengeful human in such an extreme form. Something else must have happened, and he'll have to figure that out. He may not like it, but there is only one way to get some information, and that is by meeting her face-to-face. This reckless decision is the only way to possibly make Cinder realize her mistakes and atone.

This is just how he sees her and how he wishes to save her from corruption. There is nothing in this world that can't be forgiven or redeemed by someone like him. Because Seth is the Son of God, the Redeemer, who is willing to give a helping hand in saving a person from darkness to be enlightened by the divine light that brings forth peace and salvation to their troubled souls.

Although the journey will be long to reach the empire's heartland, he is willing to do anything to bring the government back to its feet, whether they like it or not. And with this mental note, he sighed once again before nodding to strengthen his resolution in doing his duties as the messiah.

Her body stirred slightly as Sister Tera shifted around uncomfortably until she groaned in fatigue, waking up from a daze. Slowly but surely, the nun's eyes flutter open, revealing her blue pupils while they struggled to focus in front of her before her eyes widened upon seeing him awake.

"Seth!" A burst of joy erupted within her very being in finally seeing him up and alert; her worries disappeared like dust being blown away by strong winds. "You're finally awake; how are you feeling?" Relief was evident in the woman's tone.

Smiling in return, Seth sat up and stretched his muscles before relaxing and answering, "I'm fine, Sister," kindly responding to her as his body felt like he hadn't moved for centuries, but this isn't important because there is something that needs to be talked about.

Leaning his back on the wall behind him, he sighed dejectedly, having felt like sleeping for a rather long time. "Can you bring Genno?" He said in hopes of talking with them, "We need to discuss something very important." His expression and voice were serious as he looked at her with those determined eyes.

Giving a respectful nod, the nun got up and left the room. Seth took this moment of silence to recollect himself and mentally prepare himself for whatever they're going to decide for him, as he knows well enough that they're not going to like what he has in mind.

Staring straight ahead, he understands how selfish and stupid it might sound, but that's the only way to find out what is happening. He needed to meet the queen and see her again, just so this madness can stop and everyone will be able to live in peace without worrying about being harmed by her forces.

However, it isn't going to be easy or possible to just convince her. He has to bring God if pushed to shove, knowing that if anyone can convince someone, it is the Lord of Lords, one who sits above everyone in a higher realm than any mortal. God is omnipotent and omnipresent, a being no man can understand yet a force full of love.

Memories flashed before his eyes: the many sisters, brothers, fathers, and mothers who joined his double monastery had betrayed him; going back is near impossible because if they found out that he was still alive, then surely they would do something about it.

He's not going to let that happen for their sake and for everyone else; he wouldn't dream of causing more problems by staying here anymore. Seth needs to go and leave this place, no matter how much it pains him to do it. It is the only way to possibly save their lives by removing himself from the picture.


"False Prophet!"


Voices rang in his ears as a harsh and painful reminder of how much they detest him when he made the claim of being the Son of God, something he understood and expected, especially in how ridiculous and blashemous that sounds. The religious people of his home called him a heretic and other names for proclaiming to be God's son.

Yet that doesn't change his relationship with them, because he still loves them all as they are his very family; he raised them like his own children, making him unable to even disown or despise them with all his being as his own love outweighs any sense of rejection, disappointment, or anger towards them.

The door opened as she allowed Genno and Mabel inside his resting place; where the young woman laid her eyes at him, her expression quickly went into marvel: "Teacher!" She said in joy to see him well and alive as she dashed toward his direction.

Kneeling down with both of her knees, Mabel grabbed his hand and lifted it up. "Please forgive me for doubting your teachings and abilities; I have shamed myself for having the inexcusable action of even doubting you in being the Son of God." The young woman apologized profusely, but Seth chuckled at this.

"It is no need," he calmly replied, letting go of her hand and patting her head. "There is no shame in questioning yourself; it is a good thing to overcome self-doubt and learn what the truth is by yourself rather than to be told by someone," Seth softly answered.

Although his words weren't exactly what she expected him to say, Mabel smiled at him, expressing deep gratitude for understanding and being patient with her behavior. "So we are going back?" I was questioning him with anticipation. To which her teacher sadly frowned, much to the woman's surprise at the sight.

"I can't go back," she answered with remorse, which took her by surprise for many seconds. Before Genno stepped forward, his own expression remained stoic and his posture calm: "They will kill me if my brothers and sisters know that I am still breathing," clarifying the situation with great consideration in regards to the situation they are in.

Genno and Sister Tera walked closer to him as he sat on the chair while she remained standing near the other nun, who was perplexed by this sudden turn of events. "Live here," another option to solve the problem they're having, but he shook his head in response to that suggestion, much to her surprise.

"Because I am leaving."

The answer he gave made Genno and Sister Tera gape at him as Mabel gasped in shock, "Wh-what?" Confusion enveloped their faces at hearing this: "Where will you go?" Sister Tera then inquired about the reason for his departure as Seth turned away and looked out the window, allowing himself to stare at the peaceful scene outside.

"To stop the queen from doing more harm to her people," Seth solemnly spoke to them with firm determination, ending her tyranny and destroying the very thing that tainted her once kind and pure soul. "Is that so much to ask?" He smiled sadly while a tear streamed down his left eye.

This shocked the others for many seconds before Genno spoke up to this incredulous decision: "It is too far to reach there without a horse, especially through the mountain paths without knowing what shortcuts to take," trying to discourage the young man from doing something incredibly foolish that'll result in getting himself killed.

To which he simply responded, "Then I will walk barefoot if it takes days or weeks to get into the capital," taking the path of unknowns because of how close it is to the capital, "even if it takes years, I will still march there," not even taking no for an answer.

It is true what his friend says: the empire got here due to knowing specific points and shortcuts to reach them at a faster rate, some hidden and man-made. However, anyone not being a soldier will be unaware there is even a shortcut and will be forced to travel the long distance while taking many weeks or months to even reach the destination, but he didn't care.

Time means nothing to him as long as good works are done, and this is how he operates. Although he has to admit it, the idea of encountering dangerous parts of this land is a terrifying thing to think about, but it will never stop him from doing what's right.

Sister Tera wasn't keen on this decision at all. "My dear boy," motherly tone replaced the initial shock. "It is too far and risky to even speak to a tyrant who calls herself queen," referring to the depraved Cinder in how wicked and merciless she is. "That woman can't be reasoned with nor redeemed. She has gone mad with power and lust," remembering the rumors and stories from travelers who visited their temple.

But even in the darkest moments and hardest struggles, man is never beyond God's redemption.

Besides that, he himself is the only one who can stop the queen's reign of terror and bring out the humanity in her that was hidden for years. "If I don't, then who will?" Facing his friends as he showed them his confidence in stopping the queen, he said, "It isn't just about you or me but the Lord," smiling brightly at them.

There is no way they can counter that because it is the truth. If he didn't try and confront the queen in her corruption, then who shall? A vengeful man or woman who will bring the empire to its knees without God's guidance? Shall it be a revolution to overthrow Cinder for her crimes and restore it to its former glory?

None will fix the problem because humans will always sin unless he intervenes. For he is the Son of God after all, and it is duty to bring the Lord into this, "I am sorry, all of you." Tears streamed down Seth's cheeks as he began crying. "I'm so sorry for having to keep hurting you three, because I—"

Mabel, Tera, and Genno suddenly embraced him in a group hug, shocking him by the act of action. "We aren't angry or hurt by you; we're only worried for you," Tera said while the others nodded in agreement. "If anyone should be at fault, it is us," Genno followed afterwards.

"You will always be in our hearts, father," Mabel sweetly said with a bright smile on her face before snuggling her cheek onto his arm. "It is your good works alone that made me realize our suffering; it is thanks to you that we became the people we are today, and I don't regret joining your sect," confessing her undying devotion and loyalty towards this person.

Letting all his burdens be lifted off his shoulders, he cried some more, but his cries were of relief and acceptance. The need to move on from his own family is painful, but their memories will always be in his heart. "I'm going to miss you, every single one of you at the bottom of my heart," he sniffed loudly, sobbing on their shoulders in grief.

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