Chapter 49

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It has been a month since they started living in this lonesome cabin, and he wasn't sure whether Bruno could continue this any longer, as he hadn't forgotten his promise in regards to reaching Empire's capital and finishing his final book for the sake of spreading his knowledge to others.

As he lay comfortably on the couch facing the fireplace in this cozy living room while staring at the ceiling with a look of indifference on his own face, he was the only one in this waking world who rested peacefully. The whole house is quiet, with the exception of the crackling fire near him.

How long has it been since he last started living here with them? It's nice to get away from all the troubles of the world, but he and his friends hadn't forgotten the most important mission of their lives. Bruno is here to become a philosopher whose words can move mountains and create ripples within society itself.

Although he is considered an outcast by those fanatical clerics and fanatic religious folks alike, he will hopefully one day inspire people through his writing and lectures to accept other cultures and creeds altogether. That is why he traveled far from his home to the land itself.

Being able to find out about new places and experiences is something that he enjoyed immensely during those youthful adventures of his. And yet here they are, not outside continuing their travels but rather resting inside an old cabin, like they're trying to hide from the world itself.

That is how he feels, hiding away from conflict and danger in order to feel safe. This doesn't seem right with him, and it will be a matter of time before he takes action to complete his dream of uniting all religions and philosophies as one. Maybe then they can go home together as heroes.

Sighing tiredly, he got out of the couch and sat upright, shivering from a slight chill in the air due to it being early morning. "We can't stay here anymore," he commented under his breath at the thought of being here for so long. "We should leave today," he reminded himself as he prepared for the upcoming journey through uncharted territory ahead of them.

Before Bruno could decide to wake his friends from their bedrooms, he hears approaching footsteps from somewhere else as they became louder by the second, bringing his attention to the source, "Hello?" Bruno asked confusedly at the presence coming from his side, "Is someone there?" No one responded and instead remained silent for a moment.

He raised his eyebrows at this as Bruno decided to investigate the disturbance. "If any of you guys are playing pranks on me, its not funny," he said, accusing whoever was hiding from doing so as he turned and took several steps forward while cautiously peering around his surroundings.

The young philosopher stopped moving, observing the short hallway in front of him in search of something out of the ordinary. He is very uncertain if this is just his mind playing tricks on him or someone lurking in the shadows; either way, it has left him somewhat terrified. "This better be a joke."

Without warning, a rope wrapped tightly around Bruno's neck from behind and began pulling him backward with tremendous force, forcing him to fall on the hard ground as the mysterious assailant continued to yank harder than ever.

Eyes widening in complete shock, he gasped for air while grasping his own throat desperately, attempting to claw the object, constricting it as Bruno struggled greatly to breathe. He tried to speak but couldn't because his airway was being slowly crushed by the pressure placed on it.

His eyes filled with tears from feeling excruciating pain emanating within his flesh itself from struggling; whoever is doing this has some muscles, as they were stronger than him by far. Deep down, he should have given up, but no matter how much he wants to, he can't.

Because his ambition to finish his final book was what kept him going, along with his friends support, Bruno couldn't fail them. He refuses to do so, as with every strength remaining within his body, he used his back head to ram backwards, hitting his assailant's stomach hard.

Causing the rope to loosen its grip on Bruno, allowing him the chance to swiftly regain his footing and escape, turning around as he held his pained neck desperately, the sight was greeted by a person he couldn't have believed in doing in the first place.


He can't believe his own eyes upon seeing the young woman, whom he started to trust, standing a few meters away from him while wielding a noose that is used for hanging, as she looks onto him with empty eyes like she has no soul itself.

Seeing her act like this is difficult to understand, making him wonder what could have made her snap in this way. A woman who was composed and well mannered turned into a psychotic killer within split seconds—a transformation that would scare anyone on sight.

"Why...?" Bruno doesn't understand why she's doing this in the first place. "Did I do something wrong again? Why are you attacking me all of a sudden?" Although he didn't trust these people, he nonetheless respected them for giving them a temporary home.

A few seconds have passed, and so far, not a word has spoken from her mouth—just the empty stare that she has given to the man, unnerving him greatly as she remains unmoving from place to the point of giving him the creeps. Slowly, she approaches Bruno at a slow pace with her hand gripping his nose firmly, keeping it close to her chest before taking another step closer.

As much as he wants to run and scream for help, fear has taken a firm hold on his entire body and soul, paralyzing him completely. While the mere thought of this creepy young woman trying to kill him this morning made Bruno feel as if everything was a dream, unable to fathom or comprehend whether whatever was happening was real or not,.

Stopping in front of him, Alisha continues to stare into his soul before responding quietly, "You will come with me," her cold voice spoke, "if you refuse..." Slowly reaching her hand from her own pocket, revealing a knife of all things while holding it close to Bruno's cheek as he flinches from the cold blade, "I'll cut you," she finished her sentence as a small line of blood flowed down her thumb from using her knife.

Bruno winced as he backed away in fear, but not too far away, for he didn't want to provoke her. "What is the meaning of this?" He questioned, in a confused tone, at this bizarre situation itself, "What is wrong with you?" Question after question, she never gave him an answer to that.

Instead, Alisha stands idly, waiting patiently for a response to her offer. Bruno gulped as he gathered enough courage to speak, "Your kidnapping me, aren't you?" The mere idea of being taken by some strange person against his will is disturbing. "Where are we going?" I am wondering the location of where she is taking him.

Smirk slowly formed on her lips as Alisha pointed at the fireplace with her weapon, "Go there and sit by the fire, now," ordering the man to move, "If you resist or try escaping, I will kill you." Her fingers rubbed the blade's sharp tip for emphasis.

"Alright, I understand," he said, nodding nervously in obedience as Bruno walked slowly to the sofa and sat down. "Now what?" He asked warily, sweat running down his forehead, anticipating what would happen next, as he was very confused. Not dying is the one priority he is currently on.

Alisha then stood facing the firepit for a brief second before pressing a hidden switch on the wall, making a low metal grinding sound that echoed throughout the entire living room as she turned back to the surprised man. "Go inside, now," she threatened in a dangerous tone, gesturing at the passage that had opened between two shelves, leading downward into a pitch-black tunnel, "and don't try to run."

Gulping his throat from this threat, he nodded and walked inside, where there was nothing but an endless staircase heading down to unknown depths below. "What is this place?" He asks her innocently as he continues downward with shaky hands.

The tip of her knife was gently placed onto his own back, pushing him onward, "Keep moving," bluntly refusing to provide him any details on their destination whatsoever, as the only thing to do now is walk down the stairs, as her lack of empathy was beginning to frighten him even more.



Without choice, he descended further into darkness with dangerous woman wielding a weapon along the murderous intent to kill him. Bruno doesn't have a clue where he's going to end up, but he knows for sure that it isn't going to be pleasant.

After a long walk down the stairs, they eventually landed themselves in what seemed to be a private dungeon full of cell bars, tables stacked with various torture devices, blood-stained floors, and chains in the shape of X with rusted metal. Overall, the atmosphere of this room is unsettling enough for him to gasp in horror.

"No...please NO!" He's going to get tortured, isn't it? That is the first thought after seeing this: "I'll give you anything, just anything but this!" She begged for mercy, but instead she smacked his head with the hilt of her knife, telling the panicked hostage to be quiet.

"Shut it," Alisha snapped aggressively. "You are not going to get tortured or killed if that is what you are thinking." The answer surprised him greatly, giving him further confusion but the relief of knowing that he was not going to be seriously hurt by this.

As they moved further out of this darkened place, the two stopped in front of a horrific creature. A silhouette humanoid of a tall man, naked and with horns on top of his head, along with messy hair and glowing red eyes glimmering through the darkness, "I have been expecting you, Giordano Bruno," he said with malevolence pouring out of his tongue. "Now that you are here, we can begin our meeting."

Gesturing her to let him go, the demon proceeded to stand a few feet away from the duo and reach out a shadowy hand towards the terrified man, "Asmodeus, the prince of lust; it is always nice to meet a fellow intellectual such as yourself," introducing himself through a sinister voice.

Instinctively, he grabbed it with his own; not knowing the moment they shook hands, the deal was already sealed by the contract of their touch. "What are you?" Were the words that left his mouth after withdrawing their hands from one another.

"I am an angel to some, a demon to others," Asmodeus responded proudly of himself, "and to those who serve me, I'm a generous god or benevolent master; take your pick," stating those names through sarcasm, "but I assure you, there is something you deeply want in this world that can only be granted through your wishes."

Looking up, Bruno noticed the man with anticipation and asked, "What is it that I want?" Carefully choosing his words before speaking, he tries his best to hide his trembling with hands clutched to one another, causing the demon to chuckle maliciously.

"Isn't it obvious that you have the ambition to unify religions and philosophies into one, writing the last book for humanity?" the prince of lust said with utmost delight, "and I can give this all to you with simple offer," tempting him with a forbidden gift in exchange for something simple: "All you have to do is follow my plan and let it happen naturally, nothing more."

An offer to make his goal achievable by himself—how can he reject it? Bruno never hesitated in such a bargain; the greatest of desires was given to him in return for service, a small price to pay for accomplishing what he sought, and all he needed to do was say yes.

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