Chapter 62

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After stepping out the hotel, Adam could smell the fresh air of the wind entering in his nostrils, enjoying its crisp sensation that had entered in his system while looking at the neon lights across this area just to see advertisements or signage indicating which buildings or stores are nearby to it; glancing at one billboard just to see advertisement of some pornography brothel known as Girl's Nightout at the bottom with image of busty naked women smiling while saying.

'Want to meet hot ladies at Girl's Nightout? Come to our party tonight! We'll make you feel like king!'

Rolling his eyes, he could see advertisements indicating various nightclubs at Hope City alongside bars just to see several pedestrians casually walking at their ways; taking a deep breath just to relax himself, he begin to walk through this crowded sidewalk filled with numerous individuals wearing different style outfits that Adam have never seen before in his life while thinking.

Some wore casual clothes, others were dressed formally just to indicate their jobs while few even worn retro styled outfits; glancing at another pedestrian right ahead of him just to see middle aged man with buzz cut black hair, bearded Caucasian man wearing blue vest over his white long sleeve shirt and jeans along with cowboy boots.

Humans aren't the only residents of this place, several mutants, aliens and cybernetic folks could be seen at every corner, all having various appearance that was foreign to Adam, just by seeing man wearing metallic legs along with tail emerging from his lower back while humanoid lizard-like alien having orange scaly skin carrying shopping bags just to see another pedestrian at far distance right ahead of him is weirdly odd of having everyone all packed into one.

Whether he should be scared or not is up to his judgment but considering everyone are non-hostile just to glance at Adam himself while continuing their daily routines just to walk their ways; Adam conclude that Hope City is relatively safe enough for him to wander around regardless of the origin or species they come from.

However, he should be cautious of who he might interact with; danger still persist and lurk everywhere regardless of the population despite what his instinct tell him, reminding him to not judge a book by its cover in order to protect and save himself from whatever is waiting for him ahead. Regardless, he begin to look at advertisements across Hope City just to see multiple colorful neon lights just to indicate several clothing brand or product.

How does he describe this?

Well, this isn't like New York before; technology and entertainment isn't limited or restricted by law, only governed by companies and stores as he believes to be. The place is far better than the place he used to lived, although it doesn't as quiet as he expected to be when traversing through the busy sidewalk.

Unlike New York City where humans are the primary residents, in this night city; its completely diverse of variety of residents aside from humans due to Hope City being cyberpunk metropolis inhabited by countless variety of creatures or individuals all living together despite how loud it sounds when crossing through a busy street.

On one hand, he likes how there is more freedom in this metropolis while the other, there is too much noise and traffic going on which he dislike of dealing with, seeing numerous variety of residents he saw for himself right ahead of him. Its all crowded than New York City, not sure if that is good thing for him or not but Adam preferable deals with less crowded places.

Aside from continuing his mindless walk, what should he do tonight than simply roaming around just to observe his surrounding. What a night, a somewhat peaceful time with nothing bad had happened so far, hopefully. He isn't a tourist nor he plans on doing such activity until he notice an gas station at the far side of where his walking, deciding into stopping by just to grab something edible or useful.

He's starving but Adam just to grab something warm to eat right away and along of item he wants to buy from. What was it? He feels like a teenager again just trying to remember something, important that he always has to have whenever his stress and frustrated to the point he needs to get relief from?

Pack of cigarettes; the holy grail for stress reliever he desperately need right now, he doesn't know if his pack is still running out but this is important as hell; more important than his life itself even. The latter, he doubts but cigarettes are indeed are life itself even without joking about it, literally speaking.

Heading towards the gas station, he entered the small store, noticing few individuals already inside grabbing few snacks with one clerk sitting at the counter table, reading some newspaper as he waits for a customer. The clerk appears to be rather old, around in his sixties with a short gray mustache and cap around his bald head, wearing jacket over his blue polo shirt with glasses and smoking tobacco in his mouth.

First thing he does after entering is scanning the aisle to look for pack of cigarettes, hearing few individuals chatting from other aisle nearby. All of the people in this store is comprised of middle age men, some older than that with no young men or women at sight; feeling strangely isolated despite wanting the feeling.

The only youngest present here is Adam; which he doesn't mind nor care about as he's fine with this fleeting moment in searching for pack of cigar to no avail. "I guess I'll just buy chocolate bar," he mutters himself, sighing at his lack of finding before having decided to purchase chocolate bar along with soda just to drink something refreshing.

Moving to line behind the old clerk and customer discussing about each other's daily lives, something he finds irritating to see for he simply wants to get what he wants and move on; waiting for his turn patiently when these two old geezers are wasting his time more than what it already is with their unnecessary conversation about irrelevant topics while the said customer is more than prepared to pay for his groceries.

After what appeared to be hours of waiting, the man in front of him finally depart after long conversation with the cashier; satisfied to know Adam is next from impatiently waiting for his turn until it was finally his time to pay for his own things before departing this gas station forever from never coming back here again unless needed.

As Adam approached the counter, he placed his soda and chocolate bar on the table, saying; "do you also have pack of cigars? I would like to buy one," when he said that, the old geezer immediately become dissatisfied from the response, causing him to stared at the young man in silent gaze that seemingly speaks of disbelief.

"Boy," the cashier told in pitying tone, sighing afterward as if he had witnessed this situation far too many times than what he's willing to count with; shaking his head before replying in tired manner; "don't you youngsters realize how they can destroy your health?" Seeing this old man lecturing him as if he is responsible for smoking cigars himself made Adam want to roll his eyes.

"So what?" He said without flinch or care, "its the only thing that helps me to calm myself," knowing fully well he sounds childish when telling this but in his own viewpoint, tobacco is truly one of main forms in euphoria to Adam whenever he lights up a cigar from calming himself. Furthermore, its addicting as hell and the short pleasurable effects is worth it for him.

"Sonny, as much I want to do my job; I feel terribly responsible for the customers health especially you," at this statement, Adam frowns but expresses a understanding of this person's consideration of other people, making him a decent old man than most others that he encounters throughout his life.

"I'm stupid and I know these will fuck me up but its what I want, right?" He asked with hint of seriousness, expressing honesty and willingness to smoke regardless if its bad for him, wanting it regardless of the consequences or outcome because he enjoy it regardless how harmful it is for him; he just wanted a nicotine rush at this instance.

"...Oh..." The cashier sighs but eventually replied in honest manner, reluctant to agree but at the same time understands Adam's willfulness of smoking whatever he wants despite health risk attached to it, "very well young man, I'll get you pack," the old man then turned and move towards one of the cabinets in back before taking out a pack of cigar inside and then giving it to Adam for purchase price; "just remember smoking damages your health," repeated once again.

Brushing him off with slight smile, "no need to tell me twice," he then waits as the man pulls out a scanner at the bars of these items, making them automatically scans itself for purchasing cost; waiting patiently until the person in front of him look at the computer next to him; seeing how much will it cost for the said items.

"That would be 50$," finally said by the cashier before typing at his keyboard to deduct amount of money, "any valuable items you have to trade is acceptable in this store," the man explained before placing the rest inside plastic bag and wrapping it; sliding it over the counter as Adam grab it without hesitation.

Shit, he doesn't have payment card to begin with; Adam should have went to the bank first before deciding to do some shopping. How idiotic is he for forgetting such crucial step before even doing grocery shopping? Adam sighs while looking down, scratching his head out of annoyance in having to resort in talking his way out of this again.

He doesn't like this to do at someone who was rather nice to him, because of this; the human wants to think of atleast something to do to compensate him for such kind gesture of being concerned of his well being. It isn't right to be stealing money from this kind man especially he doesn't have choice or alternatives of trading any valuables item for purchase cost.

"Keep them."

Adam eyes widen upon hearing such offer from the cashier himself, looking up to see a friendly smile being given by him; rejecting such generosity before politely decline once again; "no I can't sir, that isn't right to-" Adam attempts to reason out was futile for the generous old man simply laughed at the thought of this.

"Are you serious?" He asked in disbelief, not even caring anymore on trying to refuse once again, "why?" Reason must needed for this small act of generosity, its not everyday people can get free stuff from their local store. A shocking yet intriguing answer was given by him afterwards though; something he will remember for long time.

"Because your still child," a chuckle escapes his lips while smiling once again, "children doesn't deserve to pay for anything when they need something urgently," it wasn't wrong what he said though, because its true Adam indeed felt like he was still child from the all the years of growing up to adulthood.

But his already around his early twenties; he isn't little boy anymore, "I'm in my twenties," he answered in an unsure tone. rubbing his arm out of feeling embarrassed on such comment being given to him by this nice cashier man, "I'm not kid," a scoff escaped from his own lips , frowning on him while sighing once again.

Instead of proper response, the man laughed it off; "your still a child, sonny. I can see it in your eyes," the man commented once again with a friendly grin on his face, "some adults can still be children from time to time," Adam isn't sure whether its compliment or insult but regardless; he smiled awkwardly on this nice person.

"What are you implying?"

For a moment, the cashier switched into pure sadness, looking down in shame of remembering tragic event in his past before turning back to the normal conversation, "its not something I wish to talk about," his focused gaze was now on the young man, giving him a hint of what he wanted to say from this treatment.

Nodding out of respect, "I understand," ready to leave the man on his own devices, "by the way," smile on his face returned, wanting to at least to remember this person before leaving with plastic bag on one hand; "I never get your name," Adam was silently hesitant on asking this question but its a polite thing to do anyway.

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