Chapter 99

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The storm intensified, the lightning crackling throughout the sky while the rain poured down heavily, allowing anyone to see the vast horizon despite the chaos and screaming reverberating throughout the streets below this building. The wind whipped wildly around them, making it difficult for him to keep his balance on the rooftop, but he managed to stand still.

After having reached into the rooftop in time, he finally met Lilith again; dripped with blood that seemingly never washed away despite the heavy rain pouring all over them, her devilish smile seemed as if it were to have no end.

But this isn't what his concerned about; the fact that his abusive mother of all places is holding his unconsciousness daughter with her right arm, provoking the young man into doing something drastic rather than face her head on.

"GET THE HELL OFF HER!" Adam growled in feral manner, his posture straightening as he grips the gun tightly, aiming directly at their direction, "NOW!" His sense of reason and humanity came back from the mere sight of his only family member.

Lilith smirked evilly, amused from the sight of her favorite toy, "ah~ you've finally arrived, my beloved pet~" her voice was filled with sadistic, licking her lips as the demon woman looked upon him, "what are you going to do, my little boy? Hm?" She asked, teasing him in a condescending tone.

"Let.Her.Go," glaring furiously, "if you don't, I swear I'll do whatever is necessary to kill you," fighting against his own irrational anger and bloodlust for the sake of protecting his daughter, "and I mean it, you are absolutely fucking insane for all of the shit you've been putting me through," the hardest part was controlling his emotions at this state.

He needed to keep his head clear and try to think rationally before acting impulsively, it is very difficult without going into an emotional turmoil within him. Adam had no choice but to listen whatever his former tormentor has to say before confronting her.

The young man cannot escalate this situation any further by antagonizing this demonic succubus. Let alone allow the situation be controlled by the likes of her, "do you fucking hear me?" His lips twitched in annoyance from the growing darkness within him.

But she didn't respond, only a smile.

"Why are you so damn funny?!" Crazed laughter emitted out of his own lips, "alright, if you're not going to answer me—let's make the first move," raising his weapon at Lilith again only to manage in snapping out his insanity, "let my daughter go, now!"

The heavy rain kept on pouring down despite the clouds slowly dispersing among them, showing a glimpse of sunlight through those dark thunderclouds. Feeling slightly calm about the storm subsiding, but his anxiety and the urges was overshadowed when confronted with Lilith; whose demeanor grew more sinister than ever before.

Lilith's cried with tears of blood, smiling happily from the sight of this, "you feel it, don't you?" Her fake sob sounded more mocking than heartbreaking. "That rage...that pain; how they linger inside you...becoming worse with each passing moment," she stated matter of factly, "your finally seeing how I see the world, right Adam~"

Baring his teeth, "fuck you," snarled loudly in reply to her rhetorical question. This feeling of hatred, violence and fury coursed through him, the overwhelming desire to hurt someone. No, he needs to resist it for the sake of his child, "I'm not you, I will never be you!"

The malevolent woman hummed with curiosity, tilting her head in response to the accusation. Before smirking once again, revealing her razor sharp teeth; like a wolf about to attack its prey. "Such naivety~" she mocked as her features changed drastically, "but you know its not the truth. I know how you hate me deep down, the passion of never letting go. Even after everything we've been through together—" Lilith smiled even wider, "and you thought that all these years were for nothing."

Hissing angrily, "shut up!" He shouted at the top of his lungs, it is true in what she says; while he isn't sure if Adam does love her as his own mother, there is still hatred lingering in his heart and no matter how much he wants to get it off from his back, that feeling will always stay with him in the rest of his life.

However, what if that wasn't the case? Perhaps there is different way of dealing with the problem then, it would be easier, "just...." lowering his weapon down, exhausted look was apparent on his face, "why are you doing this?" Asking the same question even though he already know the answer.

She laughed with glee from this, turning her head towards the sky before looking downwards to the young man standing in front of her, "the pleasure of watching you suffer!" The succubus gleefully informed, "I love to see you writhe in pain. I want you to feel all the agony you went through during that time!"

Her grin was wide enough to reveal every sharp tooth, "in fact, this is what makes me whole. To see you lose the remaining of your innocence as I had violated it; just imagining it excites me! Your soul shattering, breaking; I live for your despair," purring contentedly while closing her eyes as if she could still remember their time together.

Adam puked in horror and disgust from the flashback when she did that to him, he could feel the vomit still building up at his throat while the tears welling up inside his own eyes at the revelation of Lilith's perversions, "stop it!" He ordered forcefully to which caused the vile woman opened one of her crimson irises, peering at her victim with delight.

"I know you love it~" Lilith told him without any signs of stopping, "to relive all the experiences you went through, all of them haunting you in nightmares and dreams. You are to become mine!" she proclaimed possessively, her grip on her arm begin to tighten on the girl's body, "face it boy, you can never get rid of me. You will always keep thinking of me, the memories we shared and the look of betrayal after you realize what I see you as. There is no escaping what in all the years I did," the sound of laughter echoing all over this place until there was nothing but deathly silence.

The young man sobbed miserably, dropping his rifle on the ground; his face looking down at the wet floor, unable to fathom that there is no trace of good left within her. He wanted to have parental figure show genuine love of care in his entire life and so far, he never got the very person he still had hoped to have.

Its if the term of parent was nothing more than synonymous to abusive and sadistic, "no matter where I run," clenching his fists tightly while the gun remained fallen to the ground. Tears falling down his cheeks as he gazed at his tormentor's demonic features, "you will always be there in the end."

As much he wants to hide, run and start new life; Adam would always get tormented once again by her. Never ending cycle of pain and suffering in his path. The young man saw no point of escaping from her. After all, his incapable of fighting against the unavoidable.

"I'm so tired Lilith," staring directly at her eyes while crying from all the pain he went, "tired of running, continuing to go on and just....," Adam let out heavy breath, his voice was hoarse and full regret in this moment. Forcing a painful smile that made him felt pathetic in every angle, "I just don't have what its takes to live anymore."

"Then come with me~" she beckoned sweetly with wickedness in her tone of voice, "don't you think its unfair for me to remain here, when your mother needs her loving embrace to make you feel safe?" With that said, she extended her free arm towards his direction.

Adam know what she wants from him, his own adopted mother wanted to make him as toy and demon; losing everything he has with his humanity, "if I do that then will you let my daughter go?" The only thing keeping the woman alive right now was asking nicely, without getting angry or hostile to the threat she possesses.

To his surprise, the demon nodded with smile, "of course, I'm a woman of my word after all." Gently patting the girl's head as if she was petting some animal instead of human being, "I don't care about anyone except you, my baby.

"Okay," lowering his shoulders in defeat, "that is all you want from me, right?" The young man asked once again before receiving another nod from her, "then promise me, that once I walk up to you..." Taking step forward with a deep breathe in hesitation, "you will release my daughter and leave everyone I cared about alone," he slowly but steadily raised one foot, then placed it firmly behind the other. "Just me, only me, nothing else."

The demon's smile widen greatly, opening her mouth as wide as possible while she spoke softly; her words coming out like honey dripping from a bottle, "your desires shall be done as you wish, my little boy~" nodding again before glancing away from him momentarily with fixated grin. "All you have to do is take my hand and we can finally be a family. "

His breathing began to increase, taking shallow gasps of air as Adam knew that all would be okay after he surrenders. But it still hurts him deeply when those emotions of sorrow welled up in him. Not ever going to see Alucard or Garnet again, never having to hear Miller say something stupid about what should he do next; even Meridiana, the wonderful woman whom he engaged with is going to be left in the dark.

Not only that, his daughter would also suffer from all of this because of him; the worst thing imaginable is never seeing their child or father ever again. Hurting everyone else around him and he won't know what happened next because all he has done is give them more grief to deal with. "I am such terrible person," choking through broken speech while tears poured out uncontrollably from his face.


Miller exited the door, panting heavily from all the running, "Adam, you know this is not we wanted to become!" Reasoning with his friend in this matter is difficult since it sounds impossible at first, "what are you thinking?! Trying to sacrifice yourself in vain!?"

The chief enforcer glanced towards the naked and bloody woman that held Adam's daughter hostage, who then smirked sinisterly at the newcomer before snarling loudly at him; bearing her pointed teeth menacingly, "mind leaving a lady at her own devices?" She suggested arrogantly.

Ignoring the demoness' provocation entirely, "do you really trust that monster is going to keep her words?" Questioning with intense doubt at his partner, "she is evil, Adam! You know better than allowing yourself to fall into a trap that will get you killed!" Miller then pulled out a pistol at Lilith, targeting directly demon's forehead.

The demon shrugged casually at them while holding onto her hostage, "you should worry about your own skin, human~ Adam will be all mine." Looking at the helpless girl with a cruel smile across her face; "right, baby?" Licking her lips maliciously while she turned her attention back to the boy she desired for all this time, "what it be?"

He stood in uncertainty, looking up at the sky with deep thought; eyes closed from the uncertainty playing in his life. Everything is crazy, all of this is. But just as he opened his eyes, he can see the rising sun across the horizon, bringing him a moment where she wanted to promise him of something.

Then it clicked him as his eyes widen from this memory, slowly bringing his head down to directly look at the very monster that tormented his entire life, he said something that shocked everyone here in this very spot that they stand at.

"I forgive you."

Miller and Lilith couldn't believe what they were hearing, the chief enforcer stared blankly at Adam; dumbfounded. While the succubus was taken back by her son's statement, her expression becoming uncertain at this moment. However, her confusion was replaced by rage when he started walking towards her with open arms.

"Everything you did, the horrible things you have done to me and the countless lives you harmed, I forgive you Lilith," repeating those five words towards the creature that haunted his existence as tears continued falling down upon his cheek, feeling the weight of his soul being lifted away from saying this, "I forgive—"

Lilith angrily threw her at the side, landing at the very edge before lunging toward him with anger never seen before. For what she had heard is the biggest insult of them all, "HOW DARE YOU!!" Snarling madly with fury at his supposed forgiveness of all sins she has done, "I"LL RIP YOUR INTESTINES APART!"

With a last sad smile, he brought the dagger out of his chest and then stabbed her neck; letting a pool of blood ooze from the gash he created as she landed face flat on the ground, surprised from the unexpected attack coming from the likes of him.

His boss could only watch in horror as Adam his melancholic face turned to maniacal look as he turned to use the knife in violently mutilating his former adoptive mother, screaming insanely while the heavy rain and thunderstorm slowly dissipates.

"I FORGIVE YOU! YOU HEAR ME EVERYONE?!" Using his fists and knife, he squashed or cut her to many pieces with the additional inhumane strength he gotten; smiling ear to ear, "I LOVE YOU! AND I FORGIVE EVERYONE HERE! THE WHOLE WORLD TOO!! ALL OF YOU!" Tears continue to fall down on his cheeks with red glowing pupils as he spread his arms like bird.

Looking up in the morning sky, his insane laughter continued until he heard his daughter calling his name, "daddy?" Her sudden wary and tired voice snap him back to reality like ice water poured over him, looking to the source in seeing her laid form, extending her arm towards him with tears running down from her face.

"What have I become?" Adam look down to see the mutilated corpse of Lilith even though she will regenerate later as he drug her arm near the front edge of this very roof, looking down to see all the deaths and destruction he brought, "oh god, I cannot..." the whole streets was mess, filled with corpses and rubble of stores and vehicles.

Miller lowered his weapon, taking careful steps towards him, "listen, it isn't your fault man," trying to approach him while reassuring, "we can fix this," but what he saw next was not what he expected from him, having pulled pulled out a molotov from one of his pockets.

Turning around, the young man smiled happily one last time; where the sunlight hit his face, "tell everyone that I'm sorry," he let go of the thing, causing it to drop as it hit the floor, creating flames into engulfing him and Lilith. All he can hear is the screams of his daughter in seeing him committing self-immolation, followed by loud scream from Miller.


Looking back at the terrified and tearful daughter, he let out his final words to her; "I love you," taking a step back, Adam allowed himself to fall while holding Lilith's arm; dragging her with him down the ground that awaited below.

Falling further down as the past memories of leading up to this point made him proud in the life he lived and the friends he met throughout his journey. As he went lower, his vision became more distorted and hazy while all the voices began to fade away; finally having peace before his body collided with concrete ground.

"I love you to, dad."

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