Chapter 96

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Finally reaching the medical room where his daughter resides, Adam wasted no time in opening the door with all his might; the sweat continues to linger in his forehead as he's been running long before this.

Opening the door wide, what revealed before him was the sight of the bed with strong expectation of seeing his daughter there had been now dashed, replaced by the horror and dread that plagued his mind from what he had witnessed.

On the messy bed wasn't his daughter but Doctor Han, the man who was assigned to be looking after her. The very person he trusted in caring for Lilim is now dead without a shirt on, as a carved message of his very flesh was seen written around his bare chest.

The smell of rotten eggs hit his nostrils, indicating a sulfuric acid like acid was used. The corpse is completely bloodied and wet, showcasing the level of brutality this kill is.

Moving slowly, the young man's eyelids scanned the message that was written with the use of a sharp object, likely a scalpel or knife, to have the proper effect of whatever sick work they had planned. In conclusion, the message reads: "My father is the Father of lies." Adam didn't say a word; his disbelief wasn't enough to faze him. Only by the movement of his eyes could it be explained that he was stunned by this discovery.

He can only vomit in disgust and horror. This is much worse than what the vision showed; not only have they successfully taken her, but she is now in the hands of those freaks. The worst has yet to come, as after puking all over the dead man, Adam suffered one of the hardest mental traumas he has experienced, so far.

With puke still over his mouth, Adam let out a horrific scream of pure agony and pain never seen before in his whole life: losing his remaining family to the point that the only one he has left is gone, forced to never see the light of day again.

She was his humanity, her hope for something greater to look for in this tragic world full of suffering. She is his reason to live, and now the daughter he loved dearly is forever lost as his last chance of changing his pathetic life has vanished into oblivion.

With tears streaming down his eyes, the young man lets out a series of intense and insane screams of anguish, his vocal cords sounding strained and raw as his voice could barely be heard at this point. His hands clenched into fists as he began punching the walls and objects of the room around, not caring if his knuckles were bleeding.

His anger and pain were indescribable, and all he could focus on was his own despair and hopelessness, his heart breaking into a million pieces, and his mind shattering completely. He didn't care if anyone saw him or if he was injured; all he wanted was to let out his emotions and express his grief.

At some point, the tears became too much, and he could no longer breathe, his lungs burning and his head pounding with pain. He couldn't even stand up straight, his body slumping down to the ground as he sobbed uncontrollably, his hands covering his face in shame.

Unable to express the pain, he could only grunt and moan through his tears, his chest heaving and his body shaking as the hopelessness of the situation became too much to bear. He had lost his only chance of recovering for a better life, now having lost his sanity and mind altogether, unable to handle the emotional turmoil anymore.

Weakened and vulnerable, he couldn't even lift himself up if he wanted to, only to be found by Miller upon entering the room, already expecting something like this to happen but not in this extreme way that he is seeing. His friend looks like a complete wreck, one of a psychotic, catatonic individual that isn't able to take a hint.

"Jesus Adam," concern was present in Miller's eyes. Tensing his muscles, he knelt down near his hysteric friend to comfort him as best he could. "Is your daughter—" Quickly shutting up after glancing at the corpse of their doctor on the bed and confirming his worst suspicions, "Well shit, I guess not," he sincerely apologized, but words are all he's got in this situation.

"Its over...everything...nothing..." Adam began to speak in the ramblings of a broken man, unable to recuperate himself after all that had happened to him: "everyone...dead...gone." His voice was dead and lifeless, like an empty corpse, so hollow and without emotion that anyone could barely tell if he was still alive.

"Look at me," with a grip to the collar of his friend's coat, Miller did his best to shake his friend and snap him out of his reverie, only to fail in misery as the young man simply didn't react nor acknowledge being here. "Focus Adam," he insisted, his desperation growing and failing miserably to no avail.

The helpless and defeated partner before him wasn't the friend he met long ago, the one who was so confident and boastful of his knowledge and skills in the mental field; the man who never would have let himself go like this, having a tendency to keep going forward, is now reduced to a bubbling mess.

It was a depressing sight to see, and no amount of shouting or encouraging him could do anything but fall into deaf ears. "Don't you fucking lose on me, man, he said, speaking in an aggressive tone. He pinned his hands tightly around Adam's head, leaning towards him with eyes staring at him, hoping to get him back on his feet.

Not a single thing worked on his eyes: "She's gone, Miller, she's really gone." His friend whimpered, refusing to look back at his eyes. "All my fault. I should've taken her somewhere else." Adam croaked; his emotions became overbearing, almost to the point of driving him crazy from his guilt.

"No, we'll find her; I'll help you." Miller could not finish his sentence before being interrupted. His friend's next words surprised him: "Kill me." The request was outright sudden, and he could not believe his ears. Asking the boss to end his life is ludicrous. "No, I'm not doing that," he refused.

"Why...?" He couldn't handle it anymore; the emotions were too overwhelming, and the guilt and shame were consuming him. He didn't want to live anymore; it was too painful; he couldn't take it, and so far, life has given him nothing but suffering. "Why not?"

"I can't let you do that; we've come too far, man." With a stern gaze, the grizzled enforcer chief took a good long look into his friend's eyes; it was not only a look of pity or sympathy but also one of determination and resolve: "You're the only one that could make a difference."

Adam wanted to laugh at this speech; it was like a joke; the irony was, "What difference am I able to make?" There was no confidence in his voice; he sounded hopeless and defeated, and it was clear he wasn't going to try and fight back. "I have done all this for her and my friends, but everywhere I go, they all end up dying in the end," the young man lamented.

Miller can feel his friend's heart was heavy with the burden already crushing him: "We're still here and we'll fight till the end," reassuring him with the utmost confidence in his voice, but his attempts seem futile; his friend was not going to get over this, "so please, man, don't give up."

Silence was the only thing that came from his friend's lips; it was clear he needed some time to think and reflect on his decision, and perhaps leaving him to have some space on his own is a good idea at the moment. "Well, I'll leave you to grieve; try to stay strong, alright buddy?" Gently embracing him with a pat of the back, Walker's son mustered a small smile before walking out of the room.

Letting out a sigh of exhaustion from this whole mess, he must find another solution to bring his friend back to his feet and also to get their culprit without having to use magic or any of that crap again. Seeing how it would take a lot of time for them to prepare

Thinking carefully, Miller caressed his own chin with deep thought while staring down at the dirty floor, contemplating his next course of action. With only a few options available, there is the possibility of searching for more clues around the place, but that would still take effort.

Perhaps visiting Taylor again and finding a different solution is his only hope in all of this. Seeing this as his opportunity, he quickly walked across the many hallways in this hotel to find the nearest exit to the streets. Nevertheless, he did not expect his parked vehicle near the busy sidewalk at this late hour after departing from the building.

"I don't remember driving to here with my vehicle," confusion and stupor from his mind are apparent on his face, believing his memory would have recalled him getting inside the car. Such a thing is possible since there are many things happening in his life. "Whatever," he shrugged without much thought of it as he entered the car.

Surprisingly, the car keys were already inside the ignition. Turning it around, the engine roared to life, and after shifting into gear, The chief enforcer drove his car away from the sidewalk. Driving at a steady pace and with a soft hum on the calm but busy roads.

Maneuvering around traffic with haste in his attempt to hurry to his destination, ignoring the honking cars behind him, his mind is solely focused on getting to Taylor in hopes of fixing everything that came to be, feeling the increasing tension in his shoulders and back. It was as if a thousand pounds were weighing on him.

Nervousness and anxiety were getting to him; his friend was in despair while his target was nowhere to be found. All he could do was continue ahead and not stop, saying, "Sorry about this," feeling remorse for passing through the hard-working citizens in the traffic as he continued forward to the next intersection.

Deep down, he is deeply afraid of not only helping his broken friend but of ever bringing the perpetrator to justice. His team and he are relentless; however, he has not fully given up just yet when there is still hope ahead of him.

After a while of driving, he eventually parked on the sidewalk before quickly exiting the vehicle and running up the stairs, entering the library without much further distraction as he went up. Almost stumbling while on his way and catching his breath. He was absolutely relieved to be there at last.

Traversing around in the building while trying to make as little noise as possible out of respect for the people quietly reading their books or relaxing themselves, with caution and care, the young chief enforcer accidentally bumped into the person he was looking for.

Having held a large stock of books in her hands, Taylor fell on her back from the impact of the collision, dropping them all over the place while making a loud noise from her fall. He can hear her groaning in pain from this sudden incident and decides to help her up.

Miller extended his arm for her to take; the look in her eyes was genuine surprise for a moment before annoyance as she stared at him with contempt, saying, "Watch where you're going," scolding the boss man as she grabbed his hand to stand back up on her legs.

"I need your assistance once again, Taylor." His tone and posture were urgent and desperate in what he required; "it's about my case." The expression in her face changed to one of interest and curiosity; "my friend is in a really bad state and is extremely suicidal after The Deviler took her away." Hoping for the best, he never expected her to actually look concerned at this.

Nodding with an expression of sympathy, "it seems the ritual barely worked," her reply did not bring him the answer he was expecting as she sighs tiredly, "very well, there is one thing that can help you find him without the use of preparing such troubling rituals." For a moment, Miller felt more relieved in his life.

With a faint smile, she turned around, motioning the man to follow her, "Come with me, but when we get there," turning serious in her voice while leading the way, her behavior wasn't normal anymore, more so of a warning, "You won't like what happens next."

Storing the information in his mind for later, Walker's son is willing to take this all in because there is a chance it will work in his favor: "There is nothing to lose; why not give it a shot?"

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