Chapter 21

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"Phew!" Garnet breathes a sigh of relief, having packed most of the important staff that her young mistress has instructed her to do. Good thing she was able to escape those bad people that tried to kill her after being spotted, unknown to them; she can teleport herself to any places she knows, and since this place is her home, it was easy for her to go where she wants.

Flying above a stack of bags wrapped with one connected string for her to carry, consisting of important resources to set up a campsite, the pixie is happy to know that she has finished packing them; the only thing she has to do is wait for them to come into this throne room, sitting down on top of the said bags.

Despite the loud noises of these invaders making a huge fuss around the castle, it is still quiet and peaceful in here, knowing that she will be safe from them for now. In fact, Alucard's personal chamber is one of the most secret rooms known to man, confident that no one would know where to find her or any valuable resources she has collected throughout this time.

"These humans..." She fell flat on her back, exhausted from overusing her magic to do so many things. "Jeez, what is their deal with us?" They called her an abomination, a mutant, a monster, or other insulting names when this unknown group of people spotted her. Having strange vindictiveness against non-humans.

"The Order of Solomon," her young mistress partially told her everything about it, but she isn't sure if the vampire girl is spilling all the information Garnet needed to get a better understanding of their predicament. "From what I heard, their group of fanatic and xenophobic humans had created a rather dangerous organization to track down supernatural beings," but something is telling her there is more to it than meets the eye.

She hasn't forgotten the way her aura changed drastically after I told her about it, sensing a vengeful and hateful feeling from the person she serves under, as if she knew them personally and suffered greatly at their hands, or at least that is what she thinks, but it is also clear to her that she doesn't want to talk about it.

Regardless, it doesn't excuse them for being so freaking rude by barging into their home and destroying many of their valuable items and furniture that they have worked so hard to get and make; the only thing they didn't destroy was this very room itself. Although she knew that she shouldn't let their behavior get to her head, this is not her castle; it is theirs, and if she wants to have a say in what they do with it, she will have to take care of them.

Speaking of which, the invaders wore painted red armor that covered their face and body, reminiscing of knights from medieval times with a more modern touch to it. It is like they are prepared to fight a bunch of supernatural creatures, something she finds ridiculous from these humans, wanting to justify their actions from what they did.

Just by looking at what they did to their home, Garnet sees that their actions are placed above whatever words they claim to be; the way they moved is so unrefined and uncouth, almost as if they don't care for anything else but themselves. Anger filled her heart once again as she remembered how those people had the audacity to not only destroy their home but also harm her mistress.

"Jerks!" The pixie angrily muttered, feeling rage filling up her body, raising herself from the ground with her hands clenched into fists, "What they did to this place is unforgivable!" It is one thing for them to attack them; it is another to desecrate their home in the process. Those people should pay for what they did.

It is not right to destroy someone else's property like that, and no amount of justification they give can make her understand their actions. That is a promise she will make sure to keep with them when she gets the chance to face them directly, just to show them how much anger she has towards them.

Flying from her sitting position, she flied around the room, looking for anything that needed to be packed in their bags for moving out of their home. So far, nothing seems to be broken or destroyed, as everything is still in its rightful place, which is a relief for her. There is no way she can let her mistress see this mess of an entrance, knowing how much she hates being in any kind of disarray.

For a moment, she would have expected at least something broken or moved from the blaring activities these robbers are doing, but all she sees is nothing but an intact room, just like how they always left it before those people came in. Sighing in disappointment, the pixie stopped her flight, turning herself to look around her surroundings for anything that she might have missed; unfortunately, there is nothing more than what she has packed.

Everything here is in order, and nothing else should be valuable to bring with them, soothing her nerves as she was going to be safe from these invaders for now. All that's left is to simply continue waiting for her young mistress to come back and get out of here before the people start finding this room; hopefully, she will be safe when that happens.

That is, until she sensed something coming from the outside of the room—something that felt unfamiliar to her. Narrowing her eyes, she tried to focus her sight in on what was coming into this room, making out a single figure she didn't recognize by the mere feeling of its presence and aura, causing her to think of one thing.

It's not them!

Knowing that the person coming to this room isn't her mistress or the guests, she wasted no time in hiding from this invader, quickly stashing herself in one of the stacks of books that were left on the shelf, moving between the tight spaces of these books that are neatly colliding with each other. They may be dusty and old, but they provide her with ample space to hide within, which is helpful in situations like this.

All she has to do is wait for whoever is coming, hoping that they won't find her hiding spot. Even if they do, Garnet doesn't have anything useful to give them. And even if she does, they won't be getting it from her either way because Alucard's life is more important to her than some scraps of information she knows.

All that matters is to protect her mistress and ensure that she will be safe from harm's way, including the guests that started living with them after rescuing this father and daughter. She will not regret her action after seeing how much the vampire girl isolated herself from the outside world, and just seeing her finally leaving the comfort of her zone is the best thing that happened to the both of them.

A smile graced her lips from the thought that it is not often to see Alucard interact with others other than her. Garnet is glad that they are making progress in their relationship, hoping that the girl is learning how to open herself up to people more, considering her shy nature and insecurities.

While it is clear to her that the vampire girl isn't used to this kind of interaction with other people, she knows that they will help her open up more than before and become a part of their new family. Just like how she did when she first met Adam and his daughter, Lilim, knowing that they would get along since they seemed to be good people.

However, her thoughts were interrupted when the large door creaked open, revealing a young man with brown hair wearing a black trench coat and blue pants stepping inside of this room while his hands held a glowing gun. At first, she thought that it was one of the guests, but when she saw his facial features, she immediately recognized him.

Brown, short hair is neatly coiffured to reveal a lean, time-worn face. Sparkling hazel eyes, set low within their sockets, Puncher wore the same attire as his colleagues, holding a yellow assault rifle between his hands as he cautiously entered the room, checking every corner of it in case anyone was hiding or ambushing from it.

Almost immediately, his expression changed when he realized that the room was empty, and he breathed a sigh of relief. Looking around the room with his gun pointed forward, looking for any sign of life but seeing none except from the igniting camp fire that seemingly continues to burn while closer to the center of the room, he scanned every inch of this place, paying extra attention to any possible hiding spots, not trusting if the place is truly secured.

As everything around them looked perfect, a pile of stacked bags was visibly apparent on the floor, making him question further if he was really alone in this room. Thinking of possible reasons behind it, Puncher held his breath as he pointed his gun towards the bags, ready to fire at a moment's notice just to make sure if there was anything inside that could harm him.

Garnet wanted to scream but held her mouth from doing so. She can't let this guy destroy their stack of food and equipment needed to survive out in the freezing winter. Shaking her head, she is not going to let that happen one bit. But before she could do anything else, the pixie noticed him putting his rifle away from it.

"Could be a bomb or something..." He said to himself, not wise to simply think that destroying something he doesn't know is a great idea for an explosion, but as a precaution, he will be safe and secure with his gun on him just to be sure, looking at the pile of bags with a critical eye, "or not." Sighing in relief, Puncher turned himself away from the bags and started walking towards the books.


The guy will likely find her if she remains in her spot, thinking of ways to get out of this situation before he can see her. Garnet is not going to let herself be captured and have Alucard become sad because of her. While she doesn't mind dying for the sake of the young mistress, she can't bear the sadness and rage that the poor girl will experience.

Just when things get any better, the dust around her from breathing its foreign particles is irritating her nasal mucosa as the pixie's nose and mouth let out an exhalation of air, expelling air from a reflex induced by an irritation in the nose. The act was so loud that it finally gave her location away, causing Puncher to raise his weapon with silver bullets meant to harm the supernatural.

"Shit! There is someone there!" Wasting no time, he opened fire, releasing a barrage of gunfire towards the books, firing and reloading again and again while making sure that he wouldn't miss. Just as that happened, including the fact that she can't teleport for the time being due to her overuse of magic, Garnet blindly flew away from her hiding spot.

The resounding gunfire and smoke deprived her of her vision and hearing, making her fly around in random directions. Panic was starting to fill her mind as she had no idea where she should be going, forcing Garnet to believe in her instincts and escape to the nearest cover she could find. But it was too late; someone managed to grab her.

As her senses slowly return, she can finally see who grabbed her—no other than the person that tried to kill her. Nervous laughter left her lips. Trying to keep her composure despite being in the grip of a killer, her heart is starting to pound as adrenaline rushes through her veins.

"Hey buddy, mind letting me go?" She asked cautiously.

What she got instead was a rifle gripped firmly in his other hand as Puncher pointed it directly at her head, his eyes narrowing with hostility. "Where is the vampire?" His tone was stern, and his words were sharp, full of hostility towards the pixie herself.

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