Chapter 69

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Extreme fear and despair filled Adam's body entirely as Lilith approached closer, making Pumpkin bark bravely at her face without hesitation of getting himself killed, but unfortunately, Adam could see him hesitating on continuing due to recognizing this very monster as someone that should never be taken lightly or faced, for they would die painfully slowly.

He can only kneel down on the dirty floor, defeated and losing words as streams of tears fall from his eyes. Adam knew what would happen next would be the absolute worst torture possible if Lilith wasn't already planning to do that by remembering all the brutal acts she had done to him alone, having not forgotten the crap he has been through.

Everything was pointless; all of this was. He should have died with his family; none of this would have happened if it weren't for Adam's cowardice decision back then; she would never exist nor haunt him every waking moment he had spent on earth, but even then, this woman won't rest until she claims him as her toy again, just like all those years ago, repeating this eternal nightmare all over again.

Its all pointless.It's Its all pointless.It's Its all pointless.It's Its all pointless.It's Its all pointless.It's Its all pointless.It's Its all pointless.It's Its all pointless.It's Its all pointless.It's Its all pointless.It's Its all pointless.It's Its all pointless.It's Its all pointless.It's Its all pointless.It's Its all pointless.It's Its all pointless.It's Its all pointless.It's Its all pointless.It's Its all pointless.It's Its all pointless.It's Its all pointless.It's Its all pointless.It's Its all pointless.It's Its all pointless.It's Its all pointless.It's Its all pointless.It's Its all pointless.It's Its all pointless.It's Its all pointless.It's Its all pointless.It's Its all pointless.It's Its all pointless.It's Its all pointless.It's Its all pointless.It's Its all pointless.It's Its all pointless.

Then his attention quickly switched to the situation before him as he heard his beloved pet being painfully pulled up by his paw, bringing the whimpering Pumpkin to her devilish expression: "My, is this your pet?" Lilith curiously asks, firmly gripping the poor dog's limb in painful ways before grinning sinisterly, "Or perhaps a new source of food?" He instantly gasped upon realizing what she was about to do.

With sadness still in his eyes, he pathetically begged in desperation, holding his hands together in front of her, "Please, please, please, please! Don't do it! I'll do anything! Just spare him!" Lilith stares at him for a brief moment before smiling sadistically while tightening her grip on Pumpkin's paw, which causes him to whine loudly: "Anything? ~ Then...."

Without a show of compassion or empathy, she opened her mouth, slowly and terrifyingly bringing her lips towards the limb she was holding, intending to tear it off, displaying a level of sadism even Adam never expected out of her, resulting in the poor pooch whimpering louder, struggling desperately to escape, but she continued on doing so, pulling him closer and closer.

Immediately covering his ears in reflex along with his closing eyes, he trembles, fumblingly awaiting what horror is about to happen next. He wants to believe this is a nightmare, a genuine dream that he would wake up from eventually, but deep down, he knows it's reality, and no matter how much he wants to believe, this is reality.

Why, why is she so cruel? Is it because she is a demon? That wouldn't make sense when Meridana had shown empathy despite being succubus too, pondering what reasons Lilith might have for doing such horrifying acts.

Perhaps there is no reason for it; perhaps it's just plain sadism itself, as the person likes causing misery. Perhaps Adam should be happy to know her motive just so he can mentally prepare himself for what is about to happen next.

However, something he realized after seeing her again with his own eyes He wasn't hallucinating or having his perception messed up. In fact, the sight of her was normal if it was as clean as the day he had seen her during his horrible childhood. Because of this notion, an idea brought him back to the light.

He can see her without suffering any vision distortion or having his senses completely blinded; she looks perfectly fine, just like anybody else. While he still fears her, Adam can finally have the chance to stand up and fight against the very woman that has haunted him for so long without feeling helpless anymore.

Controlling his shuddering form, the young man opened his eyes and cautiously stood up, much to Lilith's surprise, causing her to stop what she was doing as her intrigued gaze landed on him. Her expression changed from glee to disappointment in seeing him recover from his fearful state, almost as if the vile woman was angry at this sight.

"I-I am," trying to control his still terrified tone, Adam declared his will towards her, clenching his fists in determination, "I won't be scared of you anymore!" His quivering voice gradually gained volume as he continued: "You might have tortured me countless times since our reunion, but I won't give you the satisfaction!" Confidently proclaiming his determination towards her, declaring this statement towards the very person who abused his entire life: "because I refuse to let you ruin my life any longer!"

After declaring his words, he stared at her for a brief moment, glaring at her and baring his teeth, giving a menacing look to the monster he despises so much, even though he was still conflicted about whether to outright hate her. "So go back to the hell where you come from, bitch! I'm done playing your sick games!" Having his fear gone, he confidently spat those words with the utmost hateful tone towards her as if to challenge her.

Scowling angrily, she threw Pumpkin at a nearby wall, painfully knocking him out, much to the owner's surprise and horror, only to stop and stare back at her, more determined and ready to fight than ever, as Adam nervously grinned, preparing himself for whatever Lilith would throw at him next as he awaited what action she would take next.

Only to watch in astonishment as her whole demeanor quickly changed to laughter, mocking him while covering her mouth with one hand, giggling amusingly from the sight of this, causing Adam to sweat nervously at this confusing reaction; her laughter gradually grew louder before she calmed herself down and grinned smugly at him. "Oh Adam!" Gazing at him with a condescending gaze while walking towards him, she said, "you really think you had grown enough to fight against me?"

"Wha—" He didn't have the time to react when she pushed him down, lying on the back of the floor with a loud thud as she sat on his crotch, legs straddling him with one hand pinned on his chest while the other grasped firmly on his shirt, gazing at him with a condescending smirk on her face as Adam widened his eyes, fearfully gasping from this shocking event.

"No, no, no, no!" The mere touch had caused him to remember all the terrible past memories of his childhood once again, tears beginning to stream down on his cheeks once more as she grinned bemusedly at his horrified expression. "Please anything but this!" Pleading her to get off him as she merely scoffed at this plea, making her ever more delighted in seeing this sight once again, making him beg once more while whimpering, "plea—"

Before he could finish pleading once more, her lips were planted on his, causing him to widen his eyes once more from this sensation, not the pleasurable kind when he did with Merdiana but simply pure terror and horror that coursed through his veins once again, remembering all the horrendous acts she had done to him.

Lilith's hand then went under his shirt, digging her nails into his stomach until he could feel his own intestines to be definition fondle in a playfully manner, causing Adam to wail loudly from this agonizing pain, causing her to moan pleasurably at this; the mere action of this excoriating suffering and pain was what excited this monster.

But his cries of help were only muffled by the kiss she was giving him. He was helplessly struggling from this act, attempting to push her off him only to fail when Lilith tightly grabbed his hair with her other hand, causing him to cry even more from the physical and mental pain he was experiencing at this multitude.

Someone save him! Please, anyone! He needs help right now!

The young man prayed someone would hear him, begging God or whatever deities there are for salvation as he struggled once more, only to learn that no deity was going to listen to his pleas as his supposed mother merely increased her assault on him even more; delightfully moaning from this agony; Crying even more when he felt her tongue forced its way inside his throat as he struggled once more to breathe

"YOU CALL ME!" The very voice he remembers, one with so much hatred towards everything around it, "I SEE HER; I SEE THE WOMAN WHO RUINED OUR LIVES! LET ME HELP YOU, AND I WILL SAVE THEM." The beast then snarled threateningly towards her, "I WANT TO TEAR HER BREASTS, TEAR THE FLESH, AND TEAR HER LIMBS FROM FOR WHAT SHE DID TO ME AND YOU!" Adam widens his eyes even more, having not forgotten about him.

"How can I trust you?" He isn't one percent sure if this thing was willing to take his word for it: "What if you start killing them!" She desperately questioned him, struggling once more against him only to earn him another response from the beast himself, this time even more intimidating than last time as it growled towards him.

"TRUST?! TRUST!" He cackled in the back of his head, "ALL I CARE IS SHREDDING THIS WHORE, PULLING HER LIMBS APART, AND CHEWING HER OWN BONES AS MINE!" Growling even more, bearing his invisible teeth towards the woman, the human shivers from this response: "ALLOW ME TO DO IT! THINK ABOUT THIS PERFECT OPPORTUNITY BEING PRESENTED IN FRONT OF US?!"

"Opportunity..." Could it be possible? A dream come true where he can finally be free from her influence? Wouldn't it be better if he allowed him to do so? However, Adam hesitated as he knew if he agreed, there was no guarantee this beast wouldn't go against his promise, deciding to ask him once more, "How can I be sure?"

"LOOK AROUND YOU! DO YOU HAVE A CHOICE TO BEGIN WITH?" The beast responded once more towards him, making Adam look around his surroundings: the injured pooch lying on the cold and dirty floor, his daughter unconscious from a mental breakdown from seeing the very person who caused her to become who she is now.

He is right; there is no choice; this is the only logical answer for him to choose here. No god is going to save him; no deity is willing to listen to his prayers, and he sure is that even if he screams loud enough for help, no one is going to answer it either, as most would simply leave or stand and watch from afar.

"Do it."

In that single confirmation, Adam could feel the rage and hatred entering his body, causing his eyes to glow blue as he grabbed the succubus in the neck, standing up with his hand firmly gripping her throat and pulling this vile woman towards the sky with his stretched arm. As expected, she was already enjoying this act, smiling gleefully towards him.

"Hurry, Adam! Hurry! Peel my skin off; remove my breasts and legs!" Snarling in excitement at experiencing a level of pain coming from the victim she enjoys torturing, she says, "Come on, faster! I want it, Adam! GIVE IT TO ME!" The latter caused him to snap as his bared teeth rapidly turned sharp in size, intending to do the things she requested only to have her blown off unexpectedly.

Instantly bringing back to his humanity, "huh...?" He could only take a step back and watch her fallen corpse, confused by the sudden action. His answer would come to fruition when a mysterious and sprinting figure passed by his side with a shotgun held in his hands before aiming it directly at her naked body.

"Die demon!" The mysterious figure shouted in anger, blasting her until there was nothing left: "Die, die!" Shooting once more without stopping, his vengeful expression wasn't satisfied enough when he began to see this monster regenerating, forcing him to keep firing his weapon in a never-ending supply of ammunition.


Blam! Blam!

"Die and go back to the hell where you came from!" Letting another shot go, his gun finally gave itself up; having drained all of its ammo, nothing more would come out of it anymore. Breathing heavily, he looked up at the sky for a brief moment before staring down at his handywork, all there were was pieces of meat lying on the ground.

Adam knows she can likely return from this, but knowing how much damage this person has done to her, it's a matter of when, and he's not going to stand and wait to figure that out. "You saved me." He said in surprise, staring at the man who is seemingly young like him as the individual turned his attention to him, nodding with a smile.

"I'm finally glad to meet you, Adam."

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