Chapter 59

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"I believe this will be our last meeting with each other." Cain sadly sighed at this revelation as the two men stood outside of the repaired ship, facing each other with a solemn expression on their faces. "I suppose so," Vesh agreed, lightly nodding at him, "it had been interesting working with you." His respected companion slightly smiled at him before extending out his hand towards the blue alien and shaking their hands one last time before departing.

"It was," he responded, taking hold of the man's hand to shake them firmly while gazing into each other's eyes with a small smile on their faces, respectfully nodding at each other once again after what they have been through from night to day. A bond of friendship that formed between two people despite just meeting for a short period of time; something neither would ever forget until they returned home.

Alucard and her servant safely brought the unconscious duo into the ship, where the morning blue sky is now visible, shining light upon their surroundings, and the chirping birds are singing their beautiful melodies. It is peaceful, as if nothing has really happened, even though that wasn't true for the both of them.

"The town is seemingly destroyed," he commented at the prior sight of the wrecked houses and buildings. "If you don't mind me asking, where will you go next?" The blue alien inquired, curiously looking at him with interest on his face. Cain simply shrugged at him, rubbing his beard as he pondered about it for a moment before responding to him. "Hope," he replied in a simple and confusing answer.

"Hope?" He inquired, confused at what his new-found friend meant by that.

Could he be referring to Hope City? I

t's the logical assumption when it's one of the few places for civilization to have a more financially stable and safer environment than this desolated wasteland they are currently in. Although the man is likely referring to the concept of hope.

Smiling with his eyes closed, Cain stared down at his own two feet in a sad manner, thinking deeply about his troubling thoughts before explaining furthermore to him, "rebuild," he corrected him, opening his eyes to gaze upon him; "the small community of Hillfar is still intact despite most residents being either dead or missing, he strongly declared in great determination; "doesn't mean all hope is lost, however, he optimistically added with a hopeful expression.

Nodding at him in understanding, he crossed his arms together, thinking deeply about the matter before giving him a solution: "Why don't we give you a lending hand? It's the least I can do after what we had done for each other," he gladly offered with a friendly smile on his face while the elderly human returned it back to him with his own; feeling fortunate in having this level of respect, "thank you," the elderly man gratefully said before shaking his head, "but I am afraid I must refuse your generous offer."

He frowned at this; how could he reject such an offer? After all they did for each other? But he can guess why they have their own reasons and problems to deal with: Cain presumably doesn't want to burden others with unnecessary responsibilities, perhaps as a way to perhaps avoid troubles and distractions during their journey, or simply hesitating to ask them due to being a prideful man who does not want charity or handouts?

"That is shocking," furrowing his brows from this strange response, "primitives would love to be helped by higher technology advanced species like myself," he proudly stated while puffing out his chest in arrogance, "wouldn't you agree, Cain?" Continuing to question him in hopes of persuading his friend into accepting it, shook his head negatively again as he disagree with this take.

The elderly man couldn't believe his ears from what he heard, wanting to question the supremacy nature of his race to get a better understanding of the pride this blue alien is displaying: "You think humans are primitives?" He asked with an inquisitive expression on his face, "Humans are primitive in terms of the technology presented among the many advanced alien civilizations across the universe," humbly admitting the truth, "but that doesn't make them any less valuable than yourself."

This caused Vesh to widen his eyes at being insulted, becoming speechless at such a comment as he frowned at him in disbelief, believing that humans were inferior beings compared to himself and anyone in his race. However, he is interested in continuing to listen about humanity despite feeling a slight offense towards Cain for defending them so willingly without any shame or hesitation shown. Explain, he curiously requested, giving his friend a look of disappointment.

Cain only gave him a short nod before explaining how humanity has many positive aspects in itself despite the numerous flaws they Cain only gave him a short nod before explaining how humanity has many positive aspects in itself despite the numerous flaws they possess: "humans are capable of greatness," he passionately stated with a proud tone, continuing to explain further of their great achievements;  "they have built and created many things we cannot even fathom nor understand, he explained in full optimism; "it is true that humans may lack some qualities compared to ourselves," he reluctantly admitted while having a frown on his face; "but they make up for that through the wonders of what they create."

Tilting his head from the spike of confusion, finding it hard to believe such a claim considering how many times these primitives greedily overused their resources of this planet to no end, laughing at the idea of a civilization they call their own while they have slowly destroyed themselves along with everything else.

It's amusing to see them suffer so much having lived at such a low standard compared to his own kind, a comedy in itself since his friend believes humanity has the potential to be more than what he deems them to be; trusting these primitive creatures could do so much more if only given the right chance.

If only they weren't too greedy and selfish with their limited supply of resources, like all other races across the uncaring cosmos are.

Then perhaps he might be more lenient on the idea, but alas, his friend continues speaking further about humanity despite his doubts that any word the man says will change his mind, silently making him more annoyed than convinced, listening to further reasons for defending his kind even though he disagrees with every reason he gives.

But out of his respect for this elderly man, Vesh decided to listen quietly without resorting to getting annoyed further or creating arguments about this that might destroy their bond, patiently waiting for this old human to finish whenever he decides to stop talking in the meantime. Yet, it's better than interrupting Cain in mid-sentence.

"And that is why," he continued with a pause and smile on his face, hoping this alien explorer understands now and hopefully changes his mind about judging humanity too harshly. "Humans are worth cherishing and protecting," said the elderly man, taking a deep breath as he relaxed himself.

Sighing exhaustively, "you must be a bigger fool than I thought," sarcastically commented Vesh, frowning at him for such a foolish statement; shaking his head from disbelief before deciding to speak further on; "although I will not deny that humanity is an interesting race," pausing shortly before continuing further again; "they do have the potential to be something greater than what I believe they are," giving him a half-smile in return before sighing once again; "however, they lost these redeeming traits when they turned this planet into a barren wasteland of snow and ice," a sad reminder of their cruel actions towards nature itself.

"Yet, you defend them even though they have committed such atrocities to nature itself?" questioned the ship's pilot, raising an eyebrow before speaking further. "I still stand by my beliefs, Cain, and nothing you say will convince me otherwise," he said, expressing his own view point, frowning afterwards as he still has doubts about humanity despite how this old human is willing to defend them.

Both stood their ground, eyes locked at each other in competition of their own separate beliefs; one was defending humanity through faith and hope, the other through reason and logic. They are different in their views and ideals of seeing humanity, yet both are confident in what they believe, as the awkward silence is the only response between them, lasting nearly a minute before Cain sighed in defeat.

"Were really different you and I," said the elderly man, admitting to Vesh as he shakes his head, perhaps we were too different," still disagreeing further with his blue alien friend, seeing humanity isn't worth protecting nor redeeming from their mistakes; "even though I admire your point of view on defending them despite how flawed they are," smiled Cain afterwards, "I do believe a better tomorrow is still possible for humanity."

"How so?" He asked, curious to know the old human's answer as he awaited the human's response, thinking of how such a race could redeem themselves when they already ruined this planet to its former glory and the barbaric practices of killing others for their own selfish reasons. A race like them shouldn't even be allowed to live on in this universe, he thinks to himself.

"Us being still alive despite how much life throws at us is a living testament that we can still change," the answer broke Vesh's train of thought, caressing his own chin with both amusement and new-found realization. "Even if life is unfair or has hardships that will test our own endurance, we still push forward regardless of what happens to us."

That is a lot to take in; them being alive despite how much this planet suffered is rather curious and amusing to think about, but he perhaps can think about when he went to Hope City, "interesting point you have there," expressing his thoughts of this intriguing answer, "regardless, I have to go; my time to visit the city with my friends is up."

"Ah yes," Cain happily smiled at it, "visit me anytime; I would enjoy the company." As he said those words, he turned and left, satisfied enough to leave Vesh alone with his own thoughts, allowing the calm wind to finally be heard between them as he silently watched him walk away, deep in his contemplation of the philosophical conversation between them in regards to humanity's worth.

He was conflicted with Cain's ideology of redemption for the human race and the very idea of redeeming them despite how flawed they are, but he can at least try or find a way to redeem them himself. Maybe Cain is right; perhaps we are too different, and yet the primitive species managed to survive when the universe should have killed them off long ago.

There was a rather interesting conversation he had with him; however, now is not the time to dwell on this subject. He needs to head back into his ship and check everyone in there to see if all is well before departing to their designation, "well then." As he began to turn and walk towards the front of his flying craft, he first looked up at the sky, seeing it's now orange with a few clouds of white, "time to head back home."

With his final statement, he telepathically ordered his beloved ship to beam him inside as colorful lights around the vehicle flickered rapidly before blinding his eyes, and just like that, Vesh teleported inside his vessel, ready to start a new day tomorrow. The cold wind was finally gone, and silence now filled the atmosphere in his main room.

Although that lasted nearly a few seconds before Garnet accidentally flew to his face, she forgot to notice the sudden appearance of her pilot with her whole body slamming on her forehead, falling quickly down to the hard floor with a loud thud, "ow!" She was hurt, yet very confused about how she crashed into him.

"Watch where you're going!" She yelled angrily at him, feeling hurt from her fall: "It's not nice to surprise people like that!" As the annoying pixie stood up from the floor, Vesh simply stared down at her, rubbing his forehead while rolling his eyes, not amused by this situation whatsoever nor caring if she was hurt in any way.

"You were the one that flew to my face." As he said those words, Garnet pouted, pulling her tongue out at him before flying around his head. "Yeah, but you surprised me!" She argued back at him, trying to justify her own actions despite the fact that neither are really at fault; it's always someone else's fault no matter what.

"Forget it," he brushed off this childish behavior, "how are they doing?" The serious question changed the mood between them, causing Garnet to stop flying around his head, stopping in front of his blue bald face, causing her to hum loudly in response, thinking about the answer while tapping on her cheek with her index finger. "Well," she began contemplating in a long pause before shrugging her shoulders, "they're fine!"

That was all Vesh needed to hear as he sighed loudly in relief, finally knowing that everyone is safe and sound after being almost killed by Adam's unfortunate transformation. "That is good to know," he said with a monotone voice, prepared to visit their rooms just to check them, but before he does, however, the pixie has to make things much more difficult than they appear to be.

"Hey Vesh," she playfully teased him, squinting her eyes in a mischievous manner, "don't tell me you...cared about us?" The question caught him off guard as he felt his cheeks blush from this statement, turning away from her as he tried to avoid eye contact despite her flying around him like an annoying mosquito while giggling, "Is that true?"

"I just like them because they are entertaining." He denied the fact, not wanting to admit his feelings towards Adam and his companions, causing Garnet to gasp loudly, "Oh Veshie!" She teased him even more, flying around his head while cupping her own face. "You do care about us!" That was the last straw for him.

Without a second thought, he brushed her off with his hand, growling loudly at her before passing the bothersome pixie, wanting more than anything to get away from this irritating situation he landed himself in as he calmly and angrily walked in the noisy hallways that lead to the rooms where his friends are resting.

She can only giggle at this teasing sight, expressing her amusement, humming continuously while catching up to him by flying after their pilot, "aww Veshie~" She calls him by his childish nickname again, a mischievous and gleeful tone filling her words, "don't be so embarrassed!" This time she hugged his neck from behind while putting her chin on top of his bald head, saying, "We all like you!" This is too much for him, grunting loudly at the situation he has to deal with.

"I think I regret saving you..."

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