Chapter 51

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There it is, or what Alucard had told him. Gazing upon the dark tunnel that led into the depths of this mountain, the cold breeze made everyone shiver slightly. He couldn't help but feel something ominous was waiting for them at the end of the tunnel. Knowing there is danger, and it's not the type of danger either wanted to experience.

Residing there is an infamous cult known by many as The Serpentine Cult, comprised of mostly abandoned outcasts of society that were looking for some meaning in their pitiful lives. Just like any other cult, they are nothing more than madmen who enjoy preaching the gospel of chaos and disorder to spread misery across the world and kill others in the name of their dark gods.

He almost pities them if not for the fact they kidnapped his daughter, an unforgettable crime that he swore to make them pay dearly for if these freaks did something horrible to her. There is a silent determination within him to never give up and find a way to bring her back safely no matter what; his goal will only stop when she is returned to him, and nothing can change his mind about it.

"Adam," Cain said, stepping to the young man's side, holding a blue cutlass in one hand, "don't you need a weapon to defend yourself?" With a worried expression plastered on his face, having at least something to protect themselves is important in this dangerous situation. Although he isn't entirely sure what they could be facing once they arrive inside this cavernous place,

"Don't worry about that," he said, turning his head around to look at him with a smile of his own, "I'm pretty good with persuading people to do things my way," having done this many times before just to do things without any fuss, "plus I have you all to back me up." Cain only gives him a slight nod before they all go down the tunnel and head into the depths of this cavern.

When they entered, the sharp rocks from the ceiling and some cracks on the walls were visible in their vision as they moved forward slowly, carefully keeping an eye out for any signs of trouble. A couple of seconds passed, and they only saw lit-up torches and lanterns in every direction, having a very minimalist appearance.

It seems the whole place around them has been occupied for a very long time. Questioning how long these cultists have been operating here, Garnet made a quick scan around them. "They don't seem much of a threat," she said when she floated at the center of the group. "Their nothing but a bunch of wackos to me with weapons," not convinced they are really dangerous after she got the chance to observe these surroundings more clearly.

Cain spoke in disagreement, having had a fair share of encounters with them in the past. "I wouldn't underestimate them," he said, even if they aren't exactly professional in their work. These cultists are suicidal and insane enough to follow through with their goals in order to get the job done. "These cultists won't hesitate to shoot or stab us," he said, seeing that the blood of others had corrupted their minds, losing any form of sanity that once resided in them.

"Is that so?" Alucard turned her head towards Cain, wearing a skeptical expression on her face. "Why is that?" She was rather curious about them, seeing as they aren't humans in the first place, but she also isn't familiar with them in general; the only thing they share some similarities with is being outcasts.

Sighing, the old man rubbed his eyes before responding; his voice sounded more serious and deadly than usual. "When they kidnap people, one of their main reasons is brainwashing them to join their ranks, or worse, use them for ritual in summoning dark creatures never seen before from another dimension, he said, thinking back of what he remembered from a long forgotten past. "But I hope we won't have to encounter a horrific scene when they finally rescue your daughter," turning to Adam with pity.

"That is what they are doing." Looking down in anger, he said, "I don't want to imagine these things happening to Lilim," unable to bear the thought of his daughter being involved with such things. All he wants is to be left alone with his family. How hard it is to keep their normal lives as peaceful as possible when threats are always present in their lives.

Noticing the change from anger to sadness on Adam's face, Cain reached out to put his hand on the younger man's shoulder as they stopped their tracks. "We are trying our best to do what we can," his words were gentle and comforting to Adam. "Don't lose hope just yet, he said, smiling comfortably at him, hoping that this would not bring the worst-case scenario to come.

Alucard listened carefully to their conversation before interjecting into it, "I know that there are things out there that want to destroy us," looking around in her surroundings with wary eyes, "but you know that they can't defeat us if we are all here together," turning to Cain with her cold, blank stare before glancing at her idol.

When he continued to think about the future possibilities that would come out of this, he realized his friends were right; he shouldn't worry too much about this when he has them by his side; after all, the burden on his shoulders isn't always meant to be carried alone. There is strength in numbers, and with his companions, he would surely prevail over any adversity that stood in their way.

He spun in motion, looking at his companions with a beaming smile. "I'm glad you are all with me," the smile on his face widened, taking a step back. "Together we can take on any threat," clenching his fists with determination to end this once and for all. "So I'm grateful, thank you for coming to help me." His words are filled with sincerity and appreciation, and he bows to show his gratitude.

Everyone smiled in return, relieved to know his understanding that he doesn't need to be alone every time but can lean on them for support and comfort if needed. With their resolve renewed, they are ready to face whatever hellish monsters or villains would dare cross their path.

However, this moment of tranquility came to a brief halt when loud, sprinting footsteps could be heard in every direction of their surroundings, causing his companions to huddle in groups, leaning each other back, ready to strike against whatever it is that lurks in the shadows. It didn't take long until they emerged from the darkness.

Dozens of them, wearing those varied red robes with masks or hoods covering their faces and holding crude firearms or melee weapons, increased in number with each passing second before, finally, they all surrounded them in silence, awaiting something to happen. After a few minutes of stillness, one of them moved forward from the crowd and stood in front of Adam.

The person spoke in a distorted voice as if he were gargling blood and throwing up at the same time: "Welcome to the world of madness," he gestured towards him and his companions, "the land of endless chaos," raising its bloody axe at him and then aiming at Adam with a sadistic grin beneath his mask, "or yet, maybe we should say welcome to your execution." It was a sickening statement rolled into one, leaving everyone except the young man to be surprised by the eerily

Instead of fearing his own life, he pulled out a cigar and lit it up, blowing out the smoke to show no sign of anxiety. In fact, he seems rather amused by this cultist's words, which sound like a line straight out of a cheap B-movie: "You can't say the same when your leader is just using you, your fellow brothers and sisters." The statement froze everyone, including the cultists.

"What you say?" The madman shouted, still having his axe high up in the air, "You speak of falsehoods!" he claimed as his fellow cultists nodded in agreement with him, "you have no idea what it is like to have a great and mighty master!" Keeping his eyes locked on him despite the hypnotic words affecting his brain and subconscious

"Really now?" Adam smirked confidently and said, "Tell me, who is this great and mighty master you all are so devoted to?" Seeing their confusion from his question, he simply stated, "Why would this master send all of you to your deaths, knowing that none of you are aware he is just using you for himself?" Loud whispers grew among the crowd, taking his word for this revelation.

"I can assure you all," Adam said calmly, switching his gaze to them as he stared directly into their eyes, "if he truly cared about any of you, then he would occupy with all of you; isn't that right, my would-be attacker?" Staring at the defeated person in front of him, feeling the man's loyalty wavering in his mind.

After a long silence between both sides, the madman replied, lowering his axe, "He's right." Looking down in shame, his voice shook from nervousness and regret, "Brothers and sisters!"

Spreading his arms like the wings of a bird to get their attention, he saw their reactions to this statement: "Our leader had never cared about us." Many of them were shocked and scared of the truth that they kept to themselves: "He only cares about himself! And this isn't what our dark masters would want us to do!"

Hearing their screams and shouts in protest to his words, he declared proudly and strongly to his people, "I don't know how much longer we can stay with the traitors, but this young man here," pointing his axe at Adam, "he is our new master, the one who speaks such truths that would help us see the light once again!" Everyone around them cheered in joy as the madman looked at Adam with gratitude.

Well, that went better than I expected, Adam thought, nodding at the madman with a smile on his face, "I'm glad you see the truth, brother," trying to sound like them in hopes of getting through their minds, "now, kneel to your new master!" Raising his clenched hand in the air, signaling to everyone in kneeling and joining him as one.

With the madman giving his order to the rest of the cultists to follow their new master, the cultists obeyed and knelt to Adam, placing their hands on the ground to signify their loyalty, surprising his companions with what they had just seen; even Cain was flabbergasted by this development.

"Did you just convince hundreds of madmen to align with us?" Confusion and surprise came from the old man, impressed by how dangerously persuasive the young man is, nodding at him. "But it won't be easy for us to get through those numbers," Cain continued, thinking about how they can easily make it out of here with minimal casualties. "They could just turn against us any minute now."

Adam shook his head, lowering his arm as he turned to Cain, saying, "You don't need to worry about them; I have these freaks under my control," he saw his friend give him a questioning look, "these people are no different than slaves that do what I say," closing his eyes to demonstrate what he was saying, "the only thing I need to do is tell them to fight against those who dare to stand in my way," opening his eyes again and turning back to the cultists before him.

Throwing the cigar, Adam looked at the group of cultists with satisfaction on his own expression, "we are going to slaughter these traitors," the group of cultists started to cheer, his companions on the other hand just watched dumbfounded, "and show those traitors what happens when you betray your own!" More cheers were heard when he continue to speak with his converted followers, "this is what it means to be a family!"

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