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[Aly, Jalla, Tillia]


Aly was in a bit of a daze, Fredrich, Sarah, and Mara were quickly bringing different dresses, veils, and fabric samples to her asking her what they thought. Jalla and Tillia, looking supremely uncomfortable, had taken to talking and playing with Jessie.


“I’m sorry, stop for a moment, everyone.” Aly said and the three humans stopped and looked at her. Aly turned her gaze to Sarah. “Please, I know I am getting a wedding dress, but what for? And why the rush?” 


“Ah,” Sarah nodded, understanding the question, and pulling her cellphone from her pocket she dialed quickly and handed the phone to Aly. 


“Hello?” Eddy said on the other end of the phone.


Aly quickly repeated her question and explained that Sarah had handed her the phone. “What is going on Eddy?” She asked.


“You trust Allan right?” Eddy asked.


“Of course.” Aly said without hesitation.


“And you love him right?” Eddy asked again.


“With all my heart.” She said without missing a beat.


“Then do me favor and just play along. Let Mom pamper you, and do all the things a mother-in-law should do. Tonight all your questions will be answered I promise.” Eddy said. “Trust Allan, he is the one who planned all this.” 


“Okay.” Aly said even more confused as tonight they were supposed to be leaving. But she handed the phone back to Sarah, who put it to her ear, and Eddy spoke quickly and Sarah said thanks and hung up.


“Aly,” Sarah said looking to her, “Allan is going to marry you according to earth customs tonight. He knows that it means nothing to the rest of the galaxy, but he thought that you would like it. If I know anything about the two of them, Allan and Eddy have gone to great lengths to ensure that it is an amazing wedding, and to make sure that you are in the dark until the moment of the wedding itself.” 


“What?!” Aly asked, surprised. 


“Yep.” Said Mara.


“I don’t think that you should be in the dark about your own wedding. I won’t tell you what they have planned, but I will at least tell you that is the plan.” Sarah said smiling happily at Aly. “Fair?” 


Aly who was blushing and feeling happy simply nodded, and let the three humans get back to work, bringing her an untold number of things needing her opinion. 



[Yokohama Japan, Allan]


“No, as I said, everything will be taken care of, we simply need the space, and to ensure that there is no possible way for you, your staff, or anyone else to see into the event hall.” Allan said to the Japanese man, who had introduced himself as Ena.


“Mr. Mac'Millen, we have agreed to what your associate Eddy stated, but this additional request is almost impossible to fulfill. We would have to remove every other guest on the floor you are staying on, and restrict them to use a side entrance only.” Ena looked like he might start pulling what little hair he had left out.


“Okay, so let’s do that.” Allan said, and looked directly at Ena. “Name the price.” 


“Excuse me?” Ena looked both shocked and confused. 

“How much?” Allan asked. “As my friend Eddy said, money is no object. Name the price it will take to make this happen?” 


“It would be extensive, it would almost triple the amount that Mr. Eddy already agreed to.” Ena said, his mind faltering somewhat as it realized that this man was serious.


“Very well, why don’t we quadruple it, and then any leftover from the costs and feels of the business will go to you, and your employees, to make sure that no one gets loose lips?” Allan asked looking at the man with a look that he hoped conveyed that they did not want any surprises from this.


Ena froze for a second, and Allan would swear he could see the wheels in the man’s mind turning. Ena then looked up at Allan. “Fine, I will make this happen within the next twenty minutes, and as of now, I will ensure that no one will see into the event hall. I have to ask Mr.Mac'Millen, who are you?” 


Allan smiled at the man and pulled out his phone to start dialing Eddy as he spoke. “A man with pockets deeper than the Marianas trench, with an even deeper love of privacy.” Ena walked away with a confused look, but he seemed to understand the gist of what Allan was implying. “Eddy,” Allan said into the phone as the doors to the large beautiful hall closed behind Ena, “we are good, had to quadruple what you agreed to, but we got it. Start sending them down.” 


Allan hung up the phone as a bright flash of light appeared and seemed to resolve itself into a cluster of beings. Hilx’Nit, his family in tow, among them. Eddy was with them. 


“Doc says he will handle the transporter, I’m honestly glad the last thing I need to do is accidentally send someone to the moon with that thing.” Eddy said, setting down a box, and many of the other humans moved their own boxes into place and began to decorate the hall in a vibrant rainbow of color. 


“Allan.” Hilx’Nit said walking up with what could only be a female of his species. “This is my wife, Jik’Ra, and our youngest children Qol, Kex, and Tij. I need to speak to you quickly about the thing that you asked if it were possible.” 


“Of course Hilx’Nit, and it is pleasure to meet you Jik’Ra.” Allan said before walking away from the bubbling crowd with Hilx’Nit. “So was it even a possibility?” 


“It is,” Hilx’Nit said, “all unions of marital, clan, or company nature are somewhat legal anyways, so I asked around and was able to find the woman you spoke of, she is here, but she will not leave the ship until you speak with her in private.” 


“Hmm, well you already dragger across this much of the Galaxy, I guess I can go the last little bit.” Allan said with a smile and moved to call Doc and have him transport the two of them to the Bastion of Law.


Hilx’Nit stopped him. “There is one more thing Allan, we have another ship that somehow heard what was happening, and agreed to the secrecy of this meeting if they were allowed to follow us. You should meet with them as well.” 


“Okay, but first the one I asked for.” Allan said confused and hit a button to contact Doc.



[Bastion of Law, Allan]


Allan walked out of the room where he was meeting the person he had requested. “Okay that’s, settled, let’s go see these uninvited guests.” He said to Hilx’Nit who nodded.


“What did she want?” Hilx’Nit asked and began guiding him through the twists and turns of the ship to a waiting shuttle and then inside. 


“Just to clarify a few things about what is taking place,” Allan said, continuing to explain as they drifted closer to the waiting ship. 


When the Airlock opened, Allan was immediately confronted by a small Chiln. “Allan!” The young Chiln said excitedly. “I heard of your battle and your success, congratulations!” 


“Chalxra, is that you?” Allan asked. He didn’t think he would ever be able to tell one Chiln from another.


“Yes, that is Chalxra.” Another voice said, the voice and the upright posture struck a chord with Allan and he recognized the woman almost immediately.


“Kilndla, well this is a surprise.” Allan said, smiling up at the woman.


“Well, when we received word of your battle it was accompanied by the news that you were to take a mate.” Kilndla said. “And when Chalxra put two and two together that you were a deathworlder, he simply would not be left from attendance. I caught him attempting to sneak onto a freighter bound for a transit station before I agreed to come.”


Allan laughed and then looked up at the woman. “Kilndla, I have to ask how did you make it here in time. When we left the world where we met, you were not going to be able to make the same jump as us.”


“That is very true.” Kilndla said, and Allan waited for more but it never came.


“So some Chiln secret then?” Allan asked probingly.


“Something like that, in concurrence with a highly optimized route.” Kilndla said with the strange smile her people had. “But, though we were not invited, my son and I would appreciate being permitted to attend the ceremony. We were informed that a gift was typically given, so we have brought a gift as well.” 


Allan was surprised at how well-informed she seemed, but ignored it and nodded. “Perfect, we are just getting everything set up, everyone is helping out, if you want to help you can, or I can send word when it’s time.” 


“I believe that if I do not take Chalxra down as soon as possible, he will find his way down, so we will help.” Chalxra had already stepped onto the shuttle before his mother finished speaking. 


They all climbed into the shuttle and made their way back to the Solstice, where Doc teleported them all down to the event hall in Japan. “Chalxra,” Allan said, and waved Eddy over, “This is my brother Eddy, not by blood, but he is family, if you need anything you go to him, and if he tells you not to do something you hop to it you hear?” 


“Hey man.” Eddy said, nodding to the strange creature, and Chalxra nodded eagerly, beginning to follow Eddy around. 


“And Kilndla, if you need anything or if you have concerns about anything, please don’t hesitate to ask Eddy or myself.” Allan said turning to the mother who was watching her child ask question after question of Eddy.


“I will, now what can I do to help?” That was when one of the female marines saw Kilndla and stepped over.

“Hello, if you are looking for something to do, I could use your help with some of the flowers that are supposed to be high up then I can reach.” The woman said smiling at the Princess of the Chiln. 


“Speak and be heard.” Was all Allan said shrugging to Kilndla as she walked away with the human woman.


“Now let’s get to work Hilx’Nit” Allan said, moving over to a group setting up chairs.



[Aly, Jalla Tillia]


“Oh Aly, you look gorgeous.” Sarah said, and Jalla and Tillia had agreed. It had been several hours now, and for the last forty-five minutes, Fredrich had been in the back room modifying the dress that had been chosen to meet what standards Aly had asked for. Now she was trying it on. 


“If you would, please just spin for me?” Fredrich asked, using a light chalky pencil to make marks on the dress in areas that needed adjusting. “Very good, if you would remove it, I will fit it, and then you can be on your way.” He said with a smile. 


Aly removed the clothes with the help of Sarah and Mara. Jessie was talking eagerly about how she wanted a dress like that when she was older. They handed the dress to Fredrich who disappeared into the back once more. 


Aly had been trying to pry information from the human women about what was going on but neither of them would say anything, so she had instead begun grilling them about what kind of things took place at a wedding. “Please tell me once more about what will happen, I just want to make sure I understand it all.” 


Sarah smiled at Aly and she and Mara began walking her through the course of the ceremony once more. Aly didn’t know it, but Sarah and Mara could both see the pre-wedding jitters when they were present.


Fredrich returned once again, after only fifteen minutes, and asked her to put the dress back on. After having Aly turn in place once more and making sure that everything was done, Fredrich nodded. “I think that this just may be one of the best dresses that I have ever produced. Though that is in large part to you.” He gestured at Aly. “Thank you for coming in today, if you remove the dress I will place it in a bag so that the rain will not damage it.” 

Aly thanked him and removed the dress and got back into the clothes she had worn to the store. And as they were about to depart, Sarah got a text message. “Oh, it seems that Allan and Eddy are ready ahead of schedule.” She turned to Fredrich. “I hate to ask one more favor but can we have the room for a few minutes?” 


“Of course Ma’am,” Fredrich said, and nodded to Aly with a smile, saying “Good luck.” before disappearing into the back. Sarah response to the text on her phone, and suddenly they were all back on the ship.


Standing in front of Aly was her father, and Eddy. “Okay so get changed into your dress, and when you are ready we will proceed.” Eddy said, nonchalant in his tuxedo. 


Sarah and Mara ushered her away and helped her into the dress. When she returned with the wedding veil in place Eddy whistled. “Allan is not going to know what hit him. Now, Aly, there is a portion of the ceremony where typically your father, in this case, it would be your Spawn-Father or Clan-Father, would walk you down the aisle. Your Spawn-Father here wants to be sure that you want him to do this cause of well, you know why.” Eddy cast a look at Yilkie that told Aly someone had filled him on Yilkie’s behavior. 


“If you want to I would appreciate it.” Aly said looking at her father. A part of her expected him to turn away from her, and dismiss her like he had when she came of age. 


“It would be my greatest honor.” Yilkie said with tears in her eyes. “May I have a moment with Aly?” He asked everyone, and everyone, Eddy only after a nod from Aly, left them alone for a moment. “Aly, I know I haven’t been the greatest Spawn-Father or person for that fact, but I want you to know two things.”


Aly didn’t trust herself to speak, so she nodded, encouraging him to speak. “Firstly, other than the coloring of your scales, you are the spitting image of your mother and she would want you to have this.” Yilkie handed her a traditional Quillinar wedding necklace, which was a smattering of colors, mostly grey. “You should take a scale from your body and add it to the necklace, and then pass it to your eldest daughter.” He explained, and Aly did so, pulling two of the purple scales from her body and adding them to the necklace before placing it over her neck.


“The second thing that I want you to know, is that I do care for you, and I am incredibly happy that I can see this today. If you and Allan ever need anything, please do not hesitate to reach out.” Yilkie said, and then called for the others.


When they came back in they all grouped up and were teleported to the planet once more, specifically into a small waiting room. “Okay,” Eddy said, peaking out the door as Sarah quickly instructed Yilkie how to escort her down the hall, and sent Mara and Jessie to make sure he had a seat. Once she was done, Jalla, Tillia, Sarah, and Doc who had appeared moments after them left and found their seats.


“You ready?” Eddy asked, and Aly nodded, unsure if she was ready for anything. “Okay, when these doors open again go ahead and follow the cloth laid on the ground.” He said this and then snuck out of the room. 


Moments later Aly saw the doors open and she and her Spawn-Father Yilkie stepped out to follow the cloth. 




Allan stood on the portable stage that had been set up. As he wondered if something was wrong, the music started playing and the doors at the end of the room opened and Allan saw Aly. His jaw fell open.


Aly was wearing a dress that was clearly a wedding dress, but not like any wedding dress he had ever seen, Eddy nudged him. “Close your mouth, Allan.” He said before stepping down from where he had been fixing something on the back of Allan’s tux. 


Allan closed his mouth and looked again. The dress that she was wearing was a pastel white that made her natural coloring seem to pop even more. Since her natural clothing was no clothing, the tailor had taken advantage of that. A short piece of cloth wrapped her hips from mid-thigh to just below her navel, from there solid cloth stretched up her sides seeming to follow the natural curve of her exposed flesh where her skin met her scales when it reached her chest the dress seemed to form a shelf accented the natural curve of her already perky breasts. In between these two strips of cloth that wrapped to cover her back, lace that was so transparent it almost didn’t exist stretched from where the cloth split to just under her neckline. From the bottom of the solid pice wrapping her thighs, the dress was floor length and split up the front. The sides were made of the same lace that covered her stomach and chest and seemed to float around her as she walked.


When Aly made it up to the stage and Yilkie let her go, she stepped up with a hand from Allan. “You look spectacular.” Allan said, and Aly could tell that he truly meant it. 


“Thank you, so do you.” She said, mimicking his whisper. Then it was her turn for her mouth to fall open, as she looked out in the audience and saw everyone who was attending. There were two hundred individuals, including two Chiln and the one that shocked her the most, a Banker. “Allan, what the hell is that about?” She asked panicked almost. 


“Don’t worry about it, we will talk later for now just enjoy the experience.” Allan said with a smile, as Eddy stepped up to the stand and began the Ceremony.


Several minutes went by of Eddy talking, and then asking the both of them to repeat after him. And finally, the ending came. “You may now kiss the bride.” Eddy said with a smile and then stepped back as Allan took her by the waist and dipped her into a long kiss amidst hoots and holers from the humans which all the others joined in on. 


The crowd burst into applause, and then music started and so did the dancing. After an hour or two, Sarah came over and whispered to Aly and Allan. “You should go, people won’t leave until you have, it’s just the way things are.” So Allan and Aly snuck away to a room that had been prepared. They decided to spend the night on the ship, as that was their true home. 


“Well then Mrs.Mac'Millen, what do you want to do? Sleep or something else.” Allan said playfully once they were back in the sleeping chamber. 


“Allan Mac'Millen, my husband, if you don’t fuck me in this dress, I’m going to tear it off and tease you for the next month.” She said, kissing him passionately. 


“As you wish my blushing bride.” Allan said and set to work

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