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The three days leading up to the jump from the near-earth Jumpgate to the one located near Aly’s homeworld were spent as follows.




The first day, after deciding that Instead of having no command, it was decided Eddy would act as their commander. They also decided that they would operate in eight four-man teams, with the seven most experience acting as rapid response and support units. 


These seven were made up of three navy-seals who were separated for some mental or medical reason, two green barrettes, one marine who had more active combat time and training than she had any right to have, and the last a shorter man who was almost as wide as he was tall and all muscle who went by Mack.  


When anyone asked Mack what unit he had served in, he simply smiled and said, “A lot of them.” Allan was impressed by the fact that it seemed that every operator here had a story of Mack swooping in out of nowhere to save their asses in every theater of operations and a couple that Allan knew the U.S. would never admit to being in.


For the first day, they drilled together, utilizing the cargo hold and information that Aly provided to play out likely scenarios. Jalla and Tillia watched. “They are incredibly precise, and from how they move, it is like they are preparing to hunt prey.” Jalla said as Allan sat down next to her.


“Well, they are,” He smiled watching the four-person squad that had just finished a run through the current scenario discuss what they could do better, “what this is, in simplest terms, is a collection of some of the deadliest men and women my planet has ever produced preparing for a hunt the likes of which the Council of Purity could not imagine. In more complex terms, They are preparing a search and destroy mission, in which they will infiltrate the surrounding areas of where we land, seek out and terminate with prejudice anyone who is hostile or sides with the Council. Once they secure the area, I plan to have them push and begin clearing as much of whatever continent we are on for as long as they wish to.” 


“Is this normal warfare on Earth?” Tillia asked, watching the next group set up, and begin to push and clear the area that was filled with their fellow operators acting as the enemy.


“Kind of?” Allan said hesitantly. “On my world, we have rules to war, things that can and can not be targeted, who we are allowed to kill, what types of weapons are permitted.” Allan watched as the largest man in the current squad simulated fire with an M-60 machine gun that almost looked comically small in his gargantuan hands.


“So I am about to unleash a bunch of warriors that are so deadly, that on their own world they are forced to limit their combat capabilities,  onto my world?” Aly said, walking up from where she had been discussing her world, the conditions, and the weapons technology that was common, with Eddy, Mack, and one of the Seals who had a little more grey than back in his impressive beard.


“Yes.” Allan said placing a reassuring hand on her shoulders. “Despite how they look, and the ferocity that they all are sure to display, they will do their best not to harm anyone who is not a threat.”


“But what if they do?” Aly said, looking up at him.


“Unfortunately we have a few terms on Earth that describe this perfectly.” Allan looked at Aly somberly. “Acceptable Losses, or collateral damage.” Allan walked away to talk with Eddy and Mack about the details of the plan.


Aly looked out across the room of highly trained killers that she would soon willingly unleash upon her world. “Goddess, forgive me for what I must do. Please let all of this go smoothly.” She silently prayed as she wondered at what kind of world, even a deathworld, would spawn beings that had to come up with more than one term to describe civilian casualties in war. “And one more thing, if you are listening Goddess, please protect them, each of these selfless, violent, crazy humans, protect them all.”


The rest of the day was spent similarly. 




The second day was spent with each smaller unit retreating to a separate part of the ship to work out how they would interact. Eddy and the special group of seven going to the bridge to utilize the mapping systems there after a quick rundown of its controls by Aly.


Allan took Aly, Jalla, and Tillia to their sleeping quarters, and they all sat in the sand facing one another. “We are going to be doing something a little different than everyone else. After the initial securing of our landing area, which will be wherever Aly’s Spawn-Father has set up this supposed refugee slash militia camp, we will be rolling out to do one thing, and one thing only.”


Aly looked up and spoke, as she was the one who had suggested this course of action to both Allan and Eddy at the end of the previous day. “We will be doing our best to recover any members of the Council of Purity that we can alive, and to see if we can find any of the lower ranks that never were brainwashed like Jilnitequa’s mate, Alguien.” 


The sisters looked at each other and nodded. “Good,” Allan said smiling at all three women. “So the plan that I have in mind, is that I will lead, Jalla and Tillia, you will each take a flank and Aly will act as a lookout.” He turned to Aly. “I don’t have time right now to get you to a point with my weapons that you would be comfortable in combat with them. So rely on the suits auto-targeting system.” 


“I understand,” Aly said nodding, “but don’t think this means you are off the hook about teaching me to fight someday.”


“Of course.” Allan said, “So in this fight you will act as a lookout, using your suit’s comms and auto-targeting systems to provide supporting fire and to relay information. You should also bring anything that you need to hack into any computers or similar systems we come across and need to access.”


Just then Eddy stuck his head in the door, “Yo, Allan. Is there some kind of comms that we can have? A lot of us didn’t bring compatible stuff, plus it’s all low-tech, non-encrypted.” 

Allan looked to Aly who nodded. “I can do that, relatively quickly. I will be back. I will make sure they can translate for you as well.” She stood and walked to Eddy who accompanied her, as she moved down the hall. 


As they got out of earshot, Allan made sure his comm-link was off, gesturing for the sisters to do the same, and they did. “If I go down, or I get captured, or anything puts me out of commission, you take Aly, kicking and screaming if you have to, and get her back to the ship, and after that, do what you can, but if it turns against us badly enough, you pick up all the humans, and if there is time any refugees that you can fit, and you take them all to Earth. Then you go ahead and have Eddy talk to the president of the united states, force the issue if you have to, and teleport him onto the ship. Get support, and then you take this,” he removed the marker that Hilx’Nit had given him and handed it to Jalla, “and you get Hilx’Nit to come and ferry as many humans as he can fit into his ship back to Aly’s planet.” 


“Allan we won…” Tillia and Jala said together, but Allan cut them off.


“If Hilx’Nit refuses, play him this.” He handed Tillia a memory-rod. “It is a message that is my final request to him, and my last will and testament. After that, I want the two of you to find mates and an Alpha, and live long and happy lives.” Allan said the last part with a smile that the two women smiled at as they nodded. 


Aly returned a short while later, and they spent the rest of the day, like the other teams, creating, planning, and practicing how they would handle different situations. 




Day three was a flurry of activity, in the morning, the teams met with each other, coordinating initial movements, and actions upon landing. They worked this plan and the overall plan until it was diner time when Eddy stood up on a table in the dining hall.


“Alright, you bastards and Bitches.” Eddy said, getting cheers from all the humans. “We are about to embark on an adventure that we might not return from, so eat well, and regroup in the rec room in one hour.” 


Everyone cheered excitedly, except for Aly, Jalla, and Tillia. “Allan, what’s going on?” Aly asked, and Jalla and Tillia nodded wondering the same.


“Wait and see.” Allan said with a smile, knowing what Eddy had planned. 


An hour later they were all packed into the rec-room, it was tight but not uncomfortable. “Ladies and Gentlemen, Tomorrow as planned, we will make the jump to Aly’s homeworld, and after that, we will descend from the heavens to wreak havoc upon a group of assholes that have no business existing anymore.” This got hoots and hollers from the humans and Jalla.


“But for the next four hours, celebrate this last night, live it up. Though it may not be your last night on earth, it may be your last night, so,” Eddy slid a crate out from behind the speaker that was to his left, “Here is the booze.” He opened the crate to reveal a case of vodka, with one bottle missing. “And here to provide the entertainment, is DJ Eddy.” He stepped up to the wall panel and hit play on a playlist that he had already put together. 


The humans cheered and Jalla and Tillia closed their eyes focusing on the music, faint smiles playing across their lips. “Allan, what is this?” Aly said looking confused as a stack of red-solo cups seemed to materialize from the air and begin getting filled with vodka, while others were set up on a makeshift table for drinking games.


“A celebration,” Allan said moving to the beat of the song slightly, “If we die tomorrow we do so with no regrets, having lived life to the fullest tonight.” He smiled watching the women in the group grabbing a man and dragging them off the wall, beginning to dance with them. 


For the first few minutes, Aly, Jalla, and Tillia seemed to be unsure of what to do. Then Tillia surprised them. “Okay, I want to learn.” She walked over to Eddy who was in the middle of getting his ass kicked at a game of vodka-pong, and grabbed him, literally picking him up and carrying him with her hands under his arms to the dance floor. 


“I want to learn how you dance. So please dance with me.” Tillia said, to him, and he indeed moving to take her hands in a more classical dancing position, and she shook her head after a few steps. “Not like that.” She gestured at one of the female marines who was working her hips in an aggressive bump-and-grind against one of the male marines. 


Eddy looked over at me with a look that said “I’m not gonna cross any lines that will get me killed,” and I laughed and shot him a look and a smile that caused him to grin and grab Tillia by the waist. “Oh, honey,” the woman who Tillia had gestured at had moved over so that she and Tillia were face to face, she leaned in and whispered in Tillia’s ear “it’s not that hard, just move your hips over his cock until it gets hard, and then do everything in your power to make him stay that way.” She smiled and took Tillias hands, and Tillia began to mirror her movements.


The woman that Eddy had called Johnson made her move then walking up to Jalla, “Hey umm, do you want to dance.” She sounded awkward despite her ferocity in training. 


Jalla gave her an appraising look, the woman was obviously a little tipsy, having shot a cup full of vodka as soon as it was in her hand. “On three conditions,” Jalla said, and Johnson nodded eagerly. “firstly, tell me your first name.”


“Oh, yeah, my name is Emma.” She said looking flustered for not thinking to introduce herself properly to the woman that was a living incarnation of her fetish.


“Secondly, please explain why the others around you call you a Furry? And what that is?” Jalla said with genuine curiosity.


Emma’s face fell, thinking that this would be the end of her interactions with Jalla. “They call me that because that is what I am, and a Furry is, at a basic level, someone who has a fetish for anthropomorphized animals, specifically for me dog types.” 


“Interesting,” Jalla was smiling at the woman’s discomfort, “So I guess you could say I am like a dream come true for you?” 


“Yeah.” Emma said, face a bright red and looking down as she assumed this was the part where Jalla refused to dance with her. 


“Well then,” Jalla used a hand to pull her chin up so Emma could see her face, “my third condition has changed. Third, don’t start anything you can’t finish.” She smiled at Emma.


“Really?!” Emma said, louder than she intended, and then grabbed Jalla’s hand and taking her to stand near her sister, who was by the looks of it driving Eddy mad with the crazy gyrations her hips were making. Soon Jalla was face to face with Emma, as they did their own little bump-and-grind.


“So, Aly, my love.” Allan said, pulling her close as she had slid up under his arm and they both rocked slowly to the music. “Do you want to dance or do you want to do something else?” 


“I have to wonder about the wisdom in this,” Aly said, looking around the room. “But yes I want to dance.” She took his hand and pulled him so that she was standing in the circle that the other dancing couples formed, and Allan slid up behind her, grabbing her by her hips as she slowly figured out what hip movements to make. She surprised him then by guiding his hands up her sides to where they were copper her breasts. 


“Hell yeah Aly!” The marine who had shown Tillia how to move her hips shouted, following suit, guiding the hands of the man, who Allan now realized was Troy, up to her own breasts. 


They danced for an hour, and then many of the marines without partners started to filter out and head to do other things, or to sleep, by the second hour, the room was empty but for the dancers. And the dancing, if it could be called that had devolved to little more than foreplay. Eddy at, Tillia’s not so subtle urging was fondling her breasts as her hand was reached behind her, between their bodies moving to the beat. Jalla and Emma were kissing, and Jalla had snaked a hand up her shirt. Troy and the woman that was his partner, were making out, as he held her off the floor, rocking to the beat from side to side. And the other couples had given up on the music entirely, retreating to one couch or a corner, to explore their partners in more detail. 


Aly was being surprisingly prudish, she had teased Allan, by guiding his hand down towards her sex, and then pulling it back up to her chest. This had gone on the entire dance, once she had gotten the hip movements down. When Tillia moved to guide Eddy from the room and back to his sleeping quarters. Jalla followed suit, taking a panting and quivering Emma with her. “Come with me.” Aly said, grabbing Allan’s hand and nearly sprinting to the observation bubble, and dropping the shields that sank into the floor.


“Allan,” She said, surprising him yet again, stopping him from preceding with the fucking that she clearly wanted, as evident from her erect nipples, panting breath, and already wet pussy, “I need to tell you something.” 


“What is it?” Allan asked, he could feel his manhood straining to rip through the fabric of his pants but he could hear the sincerity in her voice.


“I love you.” She said looking up at him. 


“I know you do.” Allan said smiling at her.


“No, I mean, I love only you, I love you more than anyone I have ever been with. I…” She did not have any words to describe what she was feeling. Instead, she reached up to her arm and detached one of the strange pouches that blended with her scales and pulled from it a ring. “Your mother slipped me this when she hugged me, and she said something,” She handed it to Allan who recognized it as his mother’s heirloom ring from her great grandmother, “She said that this was for the right time.” 


“Oh!” Allan said surprised and laughing. “My mother does like to meddle.” 


“Yes, but I don’t know what she meant by the right time.” Aly said, feeling more nervous than she had when they had first gone back to see her Spawn-Father only a few short months ago. “I still am not sure what it means, but I think that to live with no regrets like Eddy and you both said tonight, I need to…” She paused taking a deep breath as apprehension of the answer to her question flooded her body. “...I need to ask you, please, will you be my mate?” 


“Alyniqual Jushintorg,” Allan said, smiling at the surprise on her face at her full name, Jalla had helped him figure out how to say it, “Are you asking me to marry you?”


Aly covered her face with her hands and nodded, feeling foolish, embarrassed, and insecure all at once. “I know it has only been a few months and that I am arguably not the most stable person, and I’m…” She was quieted by a gentle and loving laugh.


Allan reached up and gently pulled her hands from her face and saw confused tears spilling down her face. “So normally I would give you the ring,” he gently pulled the ring from her hand, “and I would do the asking,” He sat her down on the bench that rose from the floor, “so let’s do this right.” 


If Aly was nervous before she did not have words for what she was feeling as Allan dropped to one knee, and held the ring before him in both hands. “Alyniqual Jushintorg, will you marry me?” He smiled, and leaned forward whispering, “this is usually where the woman says yes or no.” 


“Yes.” she said, happy tears streaming down her face. Allan slid the ring over her left ring finger, and then he stood and kissed her. “I love you.” 


“I love you too Aly.” he said smiling.


“Now, take off those pants so I can give you a gift.” She said, forcing her tongue into her mouth. The next hour was bliss for them both, after giving Allan a mind-shattering blowjob, he returned the favor using his tongue to bring her to climax several times before she pushed him onto his back. 


“Now I am in charge.” Aly said, climbing on top of him and guiding his hard cock into her tight sex. She rode him then, hard and fast, she seemed to be slamming herself onto him with the intent of impaling herself on his cock. She came multiple times, and when he was about to cum, she stopped with only the very tip of his manhood inside her. “Not yet baby, don’t cum yet.” She repeated this like a mantra as she watched him, his eyes aching to thrust up inside her.


“Yes, Ma’am.” Allan panted.


She reached down and grabbed his balls, squeezing gently, “No, for tonight at least, it is Mistress.” 


“Yes, Mistress.” Allan said, moaning as she started riding again. She did this several times, bringing him to the edge, and then holding his hands and cooing to him that he was not to cum yet, after losing count as to how many times she did this, Allan was at his breaking point. “Mistress, I can’t hold it in anymore.” 


“Beg.” Aly said simply, despite her entire body quivering in pleasure from the repeated orgasms that she had inflicted upon herself. 


“Please Mistress Aly, can I cum?” Allan asked, reveling in this dominance that she was displaying, even more so than the other times that she had shown some of it. She made him beg for several minutes and then stood up off of him, making him make a dejected sound. 


She helped him to his feet and then she spoke, as her hand gently stroked, teasing him, just to the point before he exploded. “I will give you this gift, you choose, do you cum inside me, on my face, or somewhere else?” 


Allan pushed her to her knees, and then as she wrapped both hands around his visibly throbbing cock, squeezing hard and stroking fast, he exploded over her chest. She grinned evilly, as he continued to shoot ropes of fluid across her body, and continued stroking him as she saw him struggle to pull away. When she finally stopped he collapsed onto the bench. “Now we do it my way.” Allan said, touching himself gently, his cock still hyper-sensitive, looking at her as her chest heaved, cum slipping down her body.


“What?” Aly said, looking up from where she knelt.


Allan stood and looked down at her, “You stay right there, and with one hand I want you to finger yourself, with the other, well do whatever suits you.” He smiled at her, and then sat back down, and leaned back, one hand touching his cock. 


Aly smiled and reached down with her right hand, slipping two fingers inside her sex. “Yes, Daddy.” She purred. Her other hand started by running up her stomach scooping some of the cum into it, and then into her mouth. This went on for several minutes, Aly pinching and pulling her nipples, and Allan stroking his reinvigorated manhood. 


It only took few minutes before they were both ready again. “On your back.” Allan grunted out, his voice a storm of sex and aggression.


Aly scrambled to comply with an urgency that demonstrated her hunger for him. Allan moved equally fast, slipping his manhood inside her. “Oh, Fuck yes. Thank you, Daddy!” She squealed as Allan began pumping inside her hard and fast. Moments later, she begged. “Daddy, please, can I cum, Let me Cum Daddy!” 


Allan waited a few more moments and then as he was about to cum he leaned down, and whispered “Cum for Daddy, baby,” and then bit her ears.


Her legs and arms came up around him pulling him deep inside her as she yelled. “Oh fuck yes, Thank you Daddy!” both their bodies shivered as her sex contracted around every inch of his cock, milking him. He exploded inside her and felt her gloriously tight sex fill with his load. He collapsed on top of her, and she continued to shiver, waves of pleasure rushing over her, and every time she would mutter “Thank you. I love you, Daddy.” 


He pulled out of her, sending a final wave of pleasure through her, and he scooped her up and carried her to the sleeping pit. She was still muttering, asking ‘Daddy’ if she had done well. “Aly, I love you. Sleep well.” Allan said, watching her eyes, drift close with a smile. 




The next morning was somber for everyone. When Aly and Allan joined them all for breakfast, Tillia and Jalla broke away from their meals and came to sit with Allan and Aly.


“Allan, we need to apologize.” Jalla said quietly and Tillia nodded flushing as she recalled the night’s pleasures.


“No need. The whole point of last night was to have no regrets. You did as you pleased, there is nothing to apologize for.” Allan said, honestly grateful that they had found fun elsewhere and given Aly and He the night alone.


The conversation other than that was almost non-existent. After everyone had eaten and drank water. They all assembled down in the Cargo hold where Allan addressed them. “In thirty minutes, we use the Jumpgate to make way to our destination, and shortly after that, we will land this ship, and unleash our wrath upon our enemy. So say your final farewells, record any messages you want to be sent home in your stead should you fall, and prepare. For once we land there is no telling when the next chance to rest will be. Regroup here in two hours, or if you hear any alarms.”


The group broke up, almost to a fighter, the group later handed Allan or Aly a memory-rod with a message for their friends or family should they fall. The exceptions were Mack and Eddy.


“Eddy, Mack.” Allan said, stepping up to the two in conversation. “Everyone else has given me a message for their family, do you have one?” 


Mack shrugged. “Unfortunately, the only love I have ever had is war, and you don’t get to where I was by being sentimental. Those who know me know how I feel.” He smiled and clapped Allan on the shoulder walking away to check his kit.


“Fair enough, what about you Eddy?” Allan asked turning to his oldest friend.


“You and mom are the only ones I would send word to.” He shrugged, “and you both already know what I would say.” 


“Did I die fighting?” Allan said in a poor impersonation of Eddy who laughed and punched him in the shoulder playfully.


“You do know me so well.” Eddy said, then his face took on a far-off look. “If I die, Allan, please tell mom that I was so incredibly thankful for her, and everything she did for me despite not being my birth mother.”


“She knows, and you won’t die.” Allan said, patting him on the shoulder.


The rest of the time was spent by Allan relaxing with Aly, Jalla, and Tillia. After the sensation of the Jumpgate activating. Aly received a notice that a comms hail was coming through for Allan and herself.


They went to the bridge and found two signals and a message. The message Aly read quickly, was from Yilkie telling them where he and those on our side were positioned. They then activated the first signal, they saw that it was a looping broadcast from a member of the council of purity, denouncing the current leadership of the Quillinar as traitors to the race, it also requested that any and all further communication be ignored or blocked as the issue of a rebellion centered around the former government was being handled internally.


“Well, I can’t say that I am surprised,” Allan said shaking his head. “So what’s the next one?” 


The next signal was a live feed from none other than Hilx’Nit. “Allan, Aly, it is good to see you well. I have been asked by the core worlds to intervene if the local government asks.”


“Oh, this is perfect,” Allan said assuming that the ship’s AI was handling the translation, “So is your ship capable of scrambling all communications from the planet?” 


“Yes?” Hilx’Nit said hesitantly, not liking the cruel smile that was played out on Allan’s lips.


“Well then as per the request being broadcast by the ‘new government’ you should begin scrambling all transmissions.” Allan said then he looked at Hilx’Nit. “Me and a good number of my friends are just going down to the surface to make sure that Aly’s Spawn-Father and some of his friends are safe.”


Hilx’Nit’s eyes went wide as the meaning of what Allan was saying dawned on him. Then he looked to the side. “Please stand by.” Hilx’Nit muted his mic and stepped off-screen for a moment, and then stepped back into view activating his mic. “Understood Allan, Aly, the Solstice is granted permission to land for personal reasons, The Bastion of Law will begin blocking all communications as soon as you enter the atmosphere. A shuttle from the Bastion of Law will accompany you to ensure you land safely.” As he spoke a shuttle broke off from where it docked with the larger ship and began flying with them. “Blessing be upon you Allan, Aly, and may the Gods grant you and your allies honor in battle.” Hilx’Nit broke off the comms channel and it was replaced by a hail from the shuttle. 

Aly opened it and Doc was in the shuttle. “Doc!” Allan said smiling at the Gish man. “What the hell are you doing.” 


“Well I am to escort you down to the surface, and then I will be providing all the medical assistance I can to you and yours, as I have decided to take emergency leave as soon as we land.” Yilvar said smiling that terrifying smile of his.


“Well, we will be glad to have you Doc.” Allan said with a smile.


“Thank you Yilvar,” Aly said, “buy your lead then Doctor.” She sent him the coordinates that Yilkie had given them and then she allowed the ship’s AI to take over piloting. Aly and Allan moved to the storage room where Jalla and Tillia were already waiting in their new combat suits, and Aly and Allan quickly got theirs on.


They made their way through the ship to the cargo hold where the forty veterans waited fully kitted out. When they came in everyone stopped talking and Allan stepped forward. “Ladies and Gentlemen it is time.” He paused making eye contact with several of them. “I can think of no more fitting saying to describe what we are about to unleash on this world than this, so forgive my paraphrasing. Fresh from hell we will cry forth, Unleash the hounds of hell, and watch as the streets are filled with corpses begging to be buried! Move fast, strike hard, never give up! 


The chorus of primal screams that issued forth from the forty humans assembled, sent shivers down the spines of Aly, Jalla, and Tillia.


Allan shut the faceplate on his helmet and stepped up to the front of the line of humans waiting eagerly to de-ship as he felt the ship touching down. “Here we go.” He muttered to himself, Aly, Jalla, and Tillia stepped up next to him, and he activated their comms. “Alright ladies, here we go, lets turn the speed up on these suits of ours, and see just how fast we can go.” 


Allan activated his external speaker for Eddy next to him. “Fight hard.” He held up his hand balled in a fist, and Eddy pounded it. 


“Blood for the blood god.” Eddy said, gripping his weapon again.


The doors to the cargo hold slid open, and Allan, Aly, Jalla, and Tillia shot out at frightening speeds thanks to their combat suits. The rest of the humans spilled forth,  moving silently through the field of combat, like shades they arrived at the front lines of the camp and began to distribute death with a cold and calculated precision that sent fear into the hearts of their enemies.

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