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"Allan, father my children," Aly said, gripping his face, every inch of her seemed poised, waiting for his answer. Allan knew he needed to be careful here, as this reminded him far too hauntingly of the time Eddy had set him up with a female marine he knew, and she had said much the same after he treated her with even the most basic kindness.

"I am not, opposed to the idea." Allan said, looking into her eyes, "but I want to know your reasoning. And I want you to tell me what you know of human parenting." Allan saw a look of confusion cross Aly's eyes. He leaned down and kissed her gently, "Just tell me."

"Okay," Aly said, trying to organize the thoughts that rushed through her head in a flash only moments earlier. "First of all, you are kind, and you would not believe how rare that has been for me to find in anyone let alone someone who I am currently, shall we say involved with." Allan nodded slightly and Aly guessed correctly that Allan could understand what she was saying based on the bit of her life before meeting him that she explained. "Not to mention that most of my people despise me in one way or another, because of the supposed curse, A vast majority of races, at least a majority of the race's members, don't much like the idea of interbreeding. The ones who are okay with it or actually find a partner outside their race, are ostracized, and since my own people seem to hate me..." Aly shrugged her shoulders, hoping he understood what she was saying.

"Alright." Allan smiled, "that is a good reason, what else, cause it looked like a lot more went through your head than just that."

"You have conviction." She said, even speaking of it and imagining the look he had had on his face when he kissed earlier, that strange kiss, made her body ache to be his. "The idea that because you say something you will make it happen or just because I say no to something it won't happen is, compared to your world and the ideals I read of while learning your language, almost entirely considered a moot point by many races. Only three that I can think of off the top of my head still hold to those ideas, as well as the concept of honor, the rest, well if it is not a direct violation of the laws in a given system, it must be okay." Aly brushed against him, despite her sad state she was excited by the thoughts that she was voicing, excited sexually and emotionally that someone would listen. "To make this even more apparent, you have decided in a very short time on a plan and course of actions that will hopefully end with the thought of me being cursed, dispelled from anyone's mind." She looked up into his eyes and kissed him. "That is more than any individual has ever done for me, and you have only known me for a few days."

"Okay fair, enough. What else?" He asked, thinking all of this through, and trying to find some faulty logic or negative impact that she had not noticed regarding him. He had thought of a few points but they all petered out in his mind as petty and tactless.

"You have gone out of your way to talk to me." She gestured at the toys that Allan had left dropped on the floor from when he first came in. "You stopped everything you were doing, no matter how excited you were." She teased him gently by running her hands down his chest, and smiled at the shiver it sent down his spine. "You dropped it all and immediately came to me, to make sure of one thing, was I okay. Despite the belief in the core worlds, and through much of galactic society that we spacefaring races are better than others, many hold that belief that care of one's self takes priority over the care of another. And from everything you have shown me, I am fairly certain that you are the opposite. The only exception to this in my people is the care of the clan as a whole, is more important."

That little tidbit, shocked Allan a bit, as he was fairly confident that any human who was involved with another as he was with her, would stop and make sure that they are okay. "Okay, is there anything else?" Allan asked, he was curious, no woman he had ever been with had ever been this honest about what she thought of him.

"Just one more thing, it's not as deep as the others though," Aly said, that flush of embarrassment washing over her with a new wave of emotion. "It's just that, you are one hell of a man. I can't put it any other way, yes part of it is sexual, you fuck me into stupidity, but a lot of it is not, it's just that..." She stopped as she searched for the right words. "I don't know how to describe it, you are just a man, not like any other male that would call himself one, you are a...True?... man." She sounded unsure of her verbiage.

Allan snuggled down into the sand more, so that they were face to face at eye level and kissed her gently. "Thank you." He said, meaning it in the most wholesome way he could manage.

"What for?" Aly asked confusion riddling her voice.

"For you honesty." Allan kissed her again, and continued kissing her between each thing he said next."For telling me how you feel... For finding me on Earth and inviting me here with you... For everything you have told me and taught me... For being you." He kissed her one more time and then in a playful tone, trying to lighten the mood, "And of course for the mind shatteringly good sex."

Aly laughed and then spoke. "You also wanted to know what I knew of human parenting."

"Yeah, I'm curious what you know of it, actually mostly what you know of what leads up to it, how humans meet and find a mate, that kind of thing." Allan said, "Because the real issue for me is not that you want kids, hell I have wanted kids since I sixteen, it's that we barely know each other, and if I have kids..." it was Allan's turn to look for the right words. "Let's just say that I want to make sure that any children I father, no matter if it's one child or a hundred, I want to make sure that they have a good father, better than the one that I had anyways."

Aly could hear the pain and venom in his voice at the mention of his father and pulled him close nestling his head on her chest and hugging him. "I will admit that I had not thought about that," Aly said thinking quickly about all she had learned of human mating habits. She pulled back and slid down so that they were looking into each other's eyes again. "I am sorry Allan, I asked that in a rush without taking your emotions into consideration. I will retract that request, and put forward a different one." She smiled at the look of confusion that crossed his eyes. "Instead I ask that you consider me as a potential mate, and once we get to one another better, and we see this plan of yours through, we can speak of children once again."

"That I can do," Allan said, kissing her deeply.

"Now," Aly said, pulling back, "that does not mean that we should stop practicing the making of those children..." She trailed off as she reached between his legs to wrap her fingers around his still hard cock and begin to stroke him slowly, as much as she knew she was submissive when it came to sex, there certainly was something empowering watching this deathworlder squirm and moan, begging her not to stop.

"I agree." He panted out as she worked her hand up and down on his shaft. Her other hand reaching to run her now exposed claws down his chest. "But what if you get with child before we come to our conclusion." He barely managed to moan the last words out as she was picking up the pace.

"Ohh?" She tightened her grip, stopping her hand, just below the head of his cock, a dollop of precum pushed out, and she leaned down to suck it off. "I guess we will stop." She said teasingly, glancing up to catch the torn look on his face, a part of him wanting to beg her to keep going, and another larger part wanting to respect her wishes and to follow the idea she had proposed only moments before. She trailed kisses up his chest, with each kiss she tightened her hold on his manhood a little more, and moved her hand to the other end of the shaft, when she finally kissed his neck, Allan was close to reaching his climax. Aly bit his earlobe, and whispered, her voice a honeyed melody of sex. "All sentients receive a nanite treatment when they come to legal age that lets them choose if they will get pregnant. I promise that unless we both agree I will not allow myself to become pregnant. Is that acceptable?" As she spoke she was furiously stroking his cock.

Allan's brain only barely registered the words, but he did understand what she had said, and he nodded. "Yes!" he moaned out. "I'm coming baby." was the only thing he said, and in a swift movement Aly moved down, trying to get her lips around him but failing, every ounce of his load splattered across her face, and she moaned loving the feeling of his hips bucking forward to try and get deeper, forcing more cum to splash onto her face.

Aly sat up when he was finished. "Ohh, I like this."

Her tone told Allan that she was somewhat embarrassed by this realization, and then he leaned forward, and taking his middle and ring finger on his hand, slipped them inside her forcing her to let out a surprised sound as she had her eyes closed. "Don't waste it now. Make sure it all makes it into your mouth." He whispered as he curved his fingers up and began moving them inside her. She nodded bringing her hands up to cup the bottom of her face, as her long, almost serpent-like tongue, snaked out and went to work, clearing her eyes first, and then working to pull the rest into her mouth.

She moaned the whole time, and after a few moments she was finished and she sat obediently, letting him bring her closer and closer with only his fingers. "Allan," she moaned breathily, "I want it inside me. Please."

"I will but tonight is not about being rough. Trust me." He said as he pulled his finger from inside her, licking them clean. "I do love the way you taste." He kissed her and surprised her. Aly had expected the ravenous, devouring kisses from the night before, but this was gentle, more like a caress than a kiss in comparison. He used his lips to push her to her back, and then position himself between her legs, slipping his newly aroused manhood into her sex. She moaned into his mouth as he began thrusting, so slowly into her, every time he pulled back he almost left her, and she pleaded mentally for him not to take it out, moaning into his mouth, his tongue now gently working its way inside to tease hers. When she would moan, he would push his cock forward again, inch by glorious inch until she could feel that there was no more room inside her, and no more cock to take.

This went on for what seemed like hours until she felt as if she would explode. "Allan, I'm going to..." she never finished the sentence as if the admittance that she was close seemed like a trigger for Allan. While she was still on her back, and without breaking stride, his hips still moving in their slow rhythm, he sat back, grasping her hips. "You cum as many times as you can baby." He said smiling, "I may not be roughing you up, but I will keep my promise, I won't let you off easy, no matter how much you struggle I'm going to be right here. Thrusting away."

Aly moaned at his words as her body began to convulse in pleasure, her body tried, against her will to pull away from the maddeningly slow thrusts but Allan's grip clamped down holding her steady, and his pace picked up slightly, already another orgasm build inside Aly. "You're so mean!" Aly cried out, tears of pure ecstasy streaming down her face, her hands moving to her chest, her right hand grabbed her whole breast squeezing it in time with his thrusts, while her left grabbed the very tip of her nipple and alternated between twisting and pulling. "For the love of the Goddess, Don't stop." That was all she managed before crying out as another mind-numbing orgasm washed across her body.

When Aly next spoke, it was after she had lost count of the times she had cum. Allan had increased his speed ever so slightly with each orgasm, so she guessed it had been a lot as he now gripped her hips firmly, slamming into her like a jackhammer. "Ohh Allan, please baby, cum for me, I want to feel it fill me up." She was raw, the pain came with every thrust, but she found herself craving the pain as much as the pleasure.

"I'm close." He panted, as to Aly's shock he started to thrust even faster. "Yes. Baby. oh fuck you are still so tight." he moaned feeling her already tight sex, tighten, even more, intent on pulling every last drop of cum from him as she built to orgasm once again as well. He thrust one last time and her legs locked around him pulling him to new depths within her. His grip slackened and collapsed on top of her, his hips and cock twitching, and Aly screaming out in pleasure.

They lay like that, Aly moaning quietly to herself, still going through waves of pleasure as his softening member twitched every so often. Allan was breathing ragged, his hot breath on her neck, and after several minutes it softened and he rolled slightly to the side, slipping from her nethers, and laying next to her. She slid down to take him in her mouth and sucked every last drop out, making him shudder at the sensation of his super-sensitive cock being licked by her tongue. She finished and slid back up to look at him. "Sleep?" She asked, hoping that he said yes as she didn't think that she was capable of another round of that.

"Yes." He said, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close.

"Did I..." She looked at his face and his eyes that had been drooping shut opened to look at hers. She could tell he was fighting exhaustion. "Did I do good, were you satisfied?"

Allan could tell that this meant a lot to her and that it was probably the first time that someone had taken a less transactional approach to sex with her. He nodded, "You did great. And yes, I don't think that I could go again if I tried." He leaned down to nuzzle his face into her hair, taking a deep breath of her very tropical scent, and then whispered "You are an amazing lover and an amazing person."

Aly giggled at that and then snuggled up as close as she could to him, wincing slightly as she felt the bruising that her people did, start inside her. A moment later they were both asleep.

The next morning Aly woke up alone and felt a little panic start to set in when she found a piece of paper with a note and a small object lying next to her. She read it: Good morning beautiful, I got the feeling that you were going to be sleeping late today, so I went ahead and had the Assembler make those comms. I am not familiar with the design but from what I was able to figure out it should work, I tried them both out and they work. Aly recognized the comms as one that was commonly used by her race. The note went on: Whenever you wake up put it on and I can bring you some food, and if you need it again I can take you to the med bay. Let me know, and remember you are awesome. :) Aly smiled at the simple smiley face drawn at the end, as she could picture Allan writing it with the goofy grin that he got when he told her jokes, plastered across his face.

She clutched the note to her breasts, Goddess, what have I done to deserve such a man wanting to take care of me? she prayed silently. Aly didn't know if the Goddess existed, other gods had revealed themselves to be real, but only at the times of their leaving or choosing to die, never had any of the proven gods given any indication of which gods were real or not. She hoped the Goddess was real, and she hoped when she died the Goddess would do as her people's holy scripture said, taking Aly into her arms, and craft an endless dream for her to share with her loved ones for all time. Maybe she was in that dream now, she mused, putting the comm unit in her ear, and stretching, and opening her legs in a way that had Allan been in the room, he would have loved. "Ohhhh." Aly said out loud, in a mix of pain and pleasure, as she felt her insides protest, and at the same time scream for more of what she had been given the night before.

"Aly?" Allan's voice said in her ear through the comm unit. Aly felt her own goofy grin well up on her face simply at the sound of his voice.

"Yes, lover?" She said, stretching and groaning some more.

"You okay, you sound kind of like you are in pain?" He asked, the concern that she heard in his voice, made both of her hearts flutter.

"Ohh I am," She said, stretching her hand down to feel inside her, making sure that the two mucosal membranes that protected the always nude and scaleless vagina were still intact. "But I am healthy, and would happily pay this price every night for the pleasure you gave me." She was relieved to find that the membranes were okay and functioning normally, when aroused they drew back, and when not they filled with blood, effectively shutting out water, air, or anything else that may get in and cause an infection.

Allan laughed, "Well that's all well and good, but I guess the real question is can you walk?" Aly wondered the same, and stood, though it was painful as every step reminded her of the thrashing her sex had received the night before, she decided that she liked the feeling. "I'm just a dirty little masochist." She muttered to herself, honestly happy about it, and excited by the thought that there were other pains that she knew Allan could inflict on her.

"What was that?" Allan asked, the mic must have picked up a little of what she said.

"Nothing." She said quickly, a flush coming to her cheeks. "I'll meet you at the dining hall."

"Copy that," Allan said, and then the channel went dead.

Aly moved slowly but surely to the dining hall, and when she got there she was surprised as a pair of arms swept her off her feet and spun her around in circles. "Eep!" She exclaimed involuntarily, as she spun.

"Awe, now that was cute," Allan said, placing her gently on a seat, and taking the one next to her after walking up to the food extruder, and pressing two buttons, two bowls of paste appeared, and he walked back. "So, you sleep well?" He asked in between mouthfuls of paste.

She nodded swallowing her own paste. "Yes, what time is it?"

"No idea." He said, picking up the bowl and driving the rest with two large swallows. "I haven't know what time it is since we left Earth. Shit, I don't even know what day it is. I figured that time and dates would be very different from where I was so I left my watch at my mother's house." Allan grew silent at that.

Aly could see the mix of emotions running through him and remembered what he had said about fathers last night. "You will miss her won't you?" Aly asked, trying to be as delicate as she could.

"Of course, she was the only good parent I had, and she made everything else that happened in my life possible by giving me the love and support I needed." He looked down at the empty bowl. "But she also told me that she knew the day that I would leave and probably never come back was always coming. Hell, she even encouraged me to go with you. She didn't know where I was going, but I told her that the odds I would be back were most likely zero." He laughed out loud, smiling as he remembered her. "And honestly I'm not too worried, my friend Eddy who I thought had sent you when you first spoke to me, he loves my mom, and she practically raised him when we were little, woe be unto anyone that decides they have a problem with my mother, Eddy will show up with an angry gagglefuck of marines in full combat regalia."

Aly looked confused, "Allan I thought I was fairly well studied in English but, what is a Gag-old-fuck." She about died in embarrassment, when he started chortling while gripping his side.

"Oh, beautiful sweet Aly, I'm not laughing at you it's just, that I forget that you are not a native English speaker, despite your looks, the use of English that you have is great, and it's not gag-old-fuck, it is gaggle-fuck. That is a slang term I picked up from Eddy, it just means a disorganized group as best as I can understand it." Allan smiled at her, and seeing that her bowl was empty he grabbed it standing up with both bowls in his hands. "Want more?" and she shook her head no, he deposited the bowls into the machine, it would wash them and then use them again.

"Come with me," Aly said, taking his hand leading him through the ship. they came to a large door marked with what Allan assumed was the Jushintorg clan crest. She pressed her hand to a matte black panel in the middle of the large symbol and we walked out into a dome-shaped room. The walls were blank Allan looked for what he was supposed to be seeing and Aly watched him bemused. Then she spoke, "Wel'Xinas." The room rumbled slightly as the roof retracted in seven even segments to the floor, outside the moving walls he saw that they were standing in a large glass dome.

"Wow." Allan said, dumbstruck he walked to the glass and got there just as the dome finished retracting. He realized that the ship was far larger than he had thought and that he knew at that moment that he would never be able to go back to Earth if it meant giving up space travel. "This is...It's fantastic." He turned to her. "Thank you."

She smiled, her hearts fluttering as she saw the look of wonder on his face at everything there was to see. A bench rose from the floor, and they sat there for hours talking. At the end, Allan looked somber.

"So you opened up about your past yesterday." Allan's face told Aly that he just needed her to listen right now, so she nodded. "So it is my turn now. First off my full name is Allan James Mac'Millen, my mother is Sarah Luise Mac'Millen, and my father," His eyes narrowed, and his whole body seemed to tighten as he thought of his father. A deep breath and he relaxed continuing, "my father is Henry Thomas Mac'Millen. I had a good childhood, as good as can be expected, so I won't bore you with the details of it. But when I hit puberty, I got to be this big." He gestured at himself, she knew that Allan was tall for the average human. "You may not know this but being 6'4 and in as good of shape as I am, tends to put a target on your back on Earth. People think one of two things, one that you are big and strong so they need to prove they are better than you by fighting you. Or two, that you are big and dumb so they can push you around and take advantage of you."

Aly looked up at him truly noticing that compared to all the actors in the porn she had watched, all the images while searching for reference materials to words, all the videos of people in front of 'white boards' explaining things, Allan was truly a specimen to behold. "They are wrong." She said, trying to put some conviction into her voice, but feeling that she failed miserably.

"Yes, they are wrong," Allan said, sitting down next to her. "But even so, they weren't nearly as wrong as my father. See, by the first time that I came home bruised up, my father was already a drinker who loved to gamble, and abuse his wife. When he saw me walk in the door with a black eye and split knuckles from punching the guys who had jumped me, I saw something in his eyes, I thought maybe he was worried, maybe he would finally do something fatherly for once. Maybe he cared." Allan took a deep breath trying to push down the rage that Aly could see building in him once again, it scared her, in this moment Aly truly understood that she had brought a deathworlder onto her ship and made him her lover, her clan, her everything.

"I was so, so wrong," Allan said, standing up to pace in front of her. "He cared all right, just not about me. He cared how much money that he thought I could make him. He called up his buddy who happened to be a marine corps combat arms guy with a blackbelt in about every martial art you could think of and told him to come on over and bring his son." Allan smiled, "I do have my father to thank for letting me meet Eddy, 'cause Eddy was my dad's friend's kid. So this friend, I think his name was Jonas?" Allan struggled to remember the name, "Whatever, my father only ever called him Tombstone. Long story short my father worked out a deal with Tombstone, where if he trained me up to fight, all the money that I won would be split between my dad and him."

Aly was shocked, even her own spawn-father had taken good care of her until she reached adulthood. Allan saw the look of shock on her face. "Yeah, a real nice guy my dad. Anyways, it started small, every day after school, I had one hour to do my homework, then Eddy and his dad would show up, and they would make Eddy and I fight while they drank. Tombstone would step in and show us how to do whatever he wanted us to work on for the day and then we would beat the ever-living shit out of each other. Our only saving grace was my mom, after my dad and Tombstone," he said the name mockingly, "Had drunk themselves into a stupor she would come out, and talk to both of us, doing what she did best, being a mom. She would patch us up, stitches, setting broken bones, Ice for dislocated joints, the whole nine yards, had she been allowed to work by my father she would have made a damn good nurse." Allan smiled thinking of his mother again, and Aly was surprised how quickly his mood could change.

"After about six months of this, my dad loaded me up and took me to a bar in Mexico where Eddy and his dad met us." Allan's eyes seemed lost in a different plane of reality as he remembered this, his tone growing somber. "Eddy's dad was known there so they got us a fight each, they didn't think too highly of a couple of gringo kids wanting to fight real men, as they called it, but at that point, Eddy's dad had done one thing right, he had trained Eddy and I into ruthless fighters who could dish out a beating and take one too. Before the fights, my dad would place bets, as he would send me in with Eddy and Tombstone so that he could pretend that I wasn't his kid and be allowed to bet. Each time Tombstone would tell us in what round we had to either take a fall and lose, or destroy our opponent."

Aly couldn't contain herself anymore, she stood up in a rush and threw her arms around him. Tears streamed down her face. "I'm so sorry that he did that. I..." She didn't know what to say. "goddess please tell me what to say to this man. Tell me how to let him know that it's all right now. Tell me anything that will make this better." She said the prayer in her head as she held onto him, thinking that he would grow angry with the memory, or break down and sob with the recollection of violence.

Allan surprised her then, by reaching down and gently lifting her face to look at him. "It's all right Aly. It's in the past, they got what was coming to them, and Eddy and I are some certifiable hardcore motherfuckers to boot, so don't look so sad, besides there is more to tell." He kissed her gently, with a smile on his face. "I get angry about it when I talk about it but, my mom sure as shit made sure that Eddy and I both got the help we needed after how it ended." Aly nodded, understanding that this meant that he had moved beyond this pain in some way.

"So yeah, anyways, Mexico, as we started to get known more and more, we started making more and more of these trips, always further and further into Mexico, away from the prying eyes of the U.S. government. Eddy and I grew close on these trips after our dads had left to find some fun for a few days, we would travel around the village they would leave us in and see the sights, we both learned Spanish real fast trying to pick up some of the local girls. Anyways, the whole while Eddy's dad continued training us in more and more different styles of fighting, and eventually moving on to weapons and tactics. From when this had started to the fight I'm gonna talk about only three years had passed. We had been invited to fight by some cartel boss in the deep south of Mexico, so like normal we all loaded up and headed down." Allan shuddered thinking of that day.

"When we got there, Eddy and I knew something was off. The places that dad and Tombstone had taken us to before were always seedy and dangerous but not like this. This place seemed to vibrate with violence, and the feeling that if you offended the wrong person there wouldn't be a fight, they would just shoot you in the head. So Eddy and I kept our heads down and did what we were told." Allan sat back down next to Aly, looking out into space. "That night Eddy was to be the warmup fight, and he did great, our dads had been paid a flat fee, with a bonus if we won so my dad and tombstone sat together laughing and drinking with girls on their laps as he fought. Eddy won quite easily. Next up I stepped into the ring and listened to the guy who was what I would call an announcer. As I listened I watched Eddy get lead away from the ring by a naked woman into a room and he looked back just as we both heard the announcer say that my fight would be to the death."

"I panicked, I had never killed before. I didn't think I could, but my father appeared behind me at that moment and told me that if I didn't finish this, exactly how the cartel boss wanted, he would kill my mother. So I stepped into the ring and beat my opponent to death in a blind rage. When I had finished there was very little of his head remaining. I was lead away in a daze by a trio of naked women to the room next to Eddy's and they took my virginity while I was in shock and covered in blood from the man I killed, if anything I think it made them more excited rather than repulsed." Allan was pale, his tone was robotic as it seemed he had relegated the telling of this part to something other than his conscious mind.

Aly knelt in front of him, placing her hands on his face, and his eyes seemed to focus on her. "You don't need to finish the story. You are here with me now they can not get to you." Aly hoped that she had guessed right that it was this he worried about.

"That's not what I'm worried about, and I know Aly." He said with a smile. "I do need to finish, like my therapist said, face the trauma head-on, but yeah, I want you to know how it ends so that you don't worry about this story. Thank you though." He leaned down and kissed her gently and she sat down on the floor to listen to the rest, hoping that keeping her in his sight would make it easier for him.

"Anyways after that happened, my dad collected the money and we headed home. I told Eddy what had happened in Spanish since neither of our dads had bothered to learn Spanish, usually using someone as a mediator or using a website to write down their bets and demands before we even left home. We were pissed, Eddy loved my mom, his mom had died in a hit and run when he was only two, and in his heart, my mom was the closest thing he had ever had to a real mother. The whole time we talked, my father was ranting and raving saying that if I had let the fight drag out there might have been more money in it for him. Eddy and I listened in a quiet rage the whole multi-day drive home." Allan smiled at Aly, a smile that thanked her for listening and for her idea to sit where he could see her.

"When we finally got home, Eddy and I went into my house and slept on the couches as our fathers drove off to find a drink. The next morning my father came home with Tombstone, both of them were drunker than I had ever seen, they came into where me, Eddy, and my mom were having breakfast and laughing, my mother kindly not asking about the blood that still covered the shirt I was wearing. My father walked up to my mother, saying lewd things, and she said no. He raised his fist, and before I knew it, my father was on the ground with my knee in his neck, 'never touch her again, or it will be you that gets the beating.'" Allan took a breath. "Next thing I knew Tombstone had me up against the wall with a gun pressed to my head telling me what an ungrateful maggot I was, I closed my eyes and heard a gunshot after a sharp sound that I recognized as the breaking of a bone. When I opened my eyes Tombstone's hand fell away from me as his body crumpled to the floor, Eddy standing to the side with a smoking gun."

Allan stood and wiggled his arms, feeling tense and like a million ants were under his skin. "Sit," Aly said, standing to move behind him as he did as she said. She placed her hands on his shoulders and began to massage them, "oh, woman, you are one in a million." he said to her, before continuing his story with his eyes closed in bliss. "My mom called the cops, and Eddy and I sat there waiting for them to come sure that we would both be arrested. When the police arrived, my mother surprised us all by producing a shocking amount of evidence of everything that my father and Tombstone had done and been doing to Eddy and I. She also explained what had lead to the shooting of Eddy's father, the cops declared it to be justified self-defense, and arrested my dad, and took Tombstone's body, which eddy told them to throw in the landfill. My father ended up in prison for several years, before some hotshot lawyer of the cartel boss got him off on some bullshit. Eddy and I were waiting for him when he came home, already drunk, I had his gun in my hand. I told him in no uncertain terms that he was never to come back and that if he did I would happily go to jail for killing him. Eddy told him that no matter what happened to me he would happily do the same. We never saw him around the house again, on occasion he would try and contact me saying he needed money or he had a fight for me but I would just blow him off. The end."

Allan let out a deep sigh, as he finished the story. He leaned back into Aly as her finger worked magic on his shoulders, she worked down his shoulders to his collar bone, and then back up. "You deserved better." She said in a tone that was soothing and equally erotic.

"I known but I have it now so I am good." He moaned out the last word as she worked her thumbs into his neck. She stepped over the bench, moving so that she could keep massaging as she came to straddle him, "Well hello there." He said, and then moaned softly as she kissed him.

"I will always give you better, that is the least I promise to you Allan, no matter if we end up as anything more than space fuck buddies." She smiled as she used the English term that she had finally figured out its meaning. While she was saying this one of her hands had taken over the massaging of his neck, while the other deftly undid his pants, she was still hurting but she could also feel herself ready and willing, needing to make him feel something good. She slipped her hand into his pants feeling him already hard, she pulled him out and rose to slide him inside her.

"For now though focus only on this." She whispered into his ear as she bit it. Her free hand guided his hands to her breasts before she took both of her hands and grabbed his shoulders and rode him hard. In only a few minutes they were both crying out in ecstasy as he thrust up into her and then they both exploded. She sat there for a few minutes, exhausted, yet excited as she felt his hard manhood yet to deflate.

She moved to start again when he spoke, a note of concern in his voice. "Aly what the fuck is that."

This story is ongoing! if you just want to read as it becomes publicly available, then feel free to do so here or on Reddit (r/HFY.)
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