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Allan was overwhelmed, after dragging him back to the sleeping pit, the Tillia, as tall as he was, had immediately set about making sure that he was as hard as could be by taking him into her mouth. The sensation of her teeth combined with how long her actual mouth was, resulted in only the head of his manhood occasionally slipping into the tightness of her throat. It was a sensation that completely unique.


Allan looked over to Aly who was on her back with Jalla’s face buried between her legs. Aly saw him looking and smiled at him, her eyes rolling back as Jalla’s tongue worked her over the edge. She stood pulling Jalla up and then over to Allan and Tillia. Tillia had pulled her mouth from around his cock and was moving to mount him when Aly stopped her.


“Allan has not given an answer to your question.” Aly said, holding the larger woman back, her hands cupping the woman’s breasts, and pinching the nipples. “You both must promise that tonight at least, and until Allan says otherwise, you will not conceive. If you can not promise this, then we are done.” Tillia moaned her agreement as Aly continued to torture her with quick flicks to her nipples. 


“I agree as well.” Jalla said, kneeling by Allan’s head, watching with hunger in her eyes as Aly teased Tillia. Without warning, Allan shifted his position sliding his head between her legs and lifting it so that his tongue made contact with her sex. A pleased moan slipped from Jalla’s mouth as she sat down more firmly on Allan’s face, letting his tongue explore her every fold. 


Aly saw this and leaned down, taking one hand from Tillia’s breasts to reach down and guide Allan’s cock inside the woman. As she slid onto Allan’s erect manhood he moaned into Jalla who had grabbed his hand and guided them to her breasts. 


Aly moved to stand between the two women, one riding Allan’s face, the other bouncing on his cock. They seemed to know what she wanted, ass both leaned forward, Tillia snaking her tongue out to lick rapidly Aly’s sex, and Jalla grabbing Aly’s waist as she licks from the bottom of Aly’s dripping pussy, to farther back teasing Aly, and then licking back to her sex. 


Allan worked feverishly to please the three of them, the rest of the night spent in a cacophony of lust. He learned many things that night, but most of all he learned that he quite enjoyed the idea of three women eager to please him. At the end, after he had cum inside each of them, they had teased him back to the brink again. 


“Kneel.” Aly said Jalla and Tillia, her tone commanding and filled with lust. The women did so without hesitation. Aly stood behind them, pressing their heads together. Jalla and Tillia, each with one hand working Allan’s cock as he stood, played with themselves. Aly saw that Allan was close, “Cum on them, cum for me.” Her tone was filled with pleading, and it sparked Allan’s orgasm. 


As his hips bucked, sending his load to cover Tillia and Jalla’s faces, Aly leaned forward from where she stood and wrapped a hand around Allan’s neck pulling him forward to kiss him aggressively. Her tongue was domineering in his mouth. The excitement that Allan felt at her taking charge like this prolonged his orgasm, and as Tillia and Jalla kept stroking, he felt his loins contract again and again pumping out more cum. He fell back onto the bed, totally spent. 


Aly looked from Jalla and Tillia who were frantically playing with their own clits. “Stop.” She said, Kneeling down, and pulling their hands away, much to their dismay. “We don’t waste anything on this ship, now make sure that neither of you misses any of it.” She said playfully, sliding around behind the women who were still kneeling and reaching underneath them each with one hand, to continue the work they had been performing. 


Jalla and Tillia whined pleasantly but glanced nervously at Allan. He could see that they had been holding back from each other as they knew he was not entirely comfortable with the idea that they were sisters. Allan rolled to his stomach, and then up onto his knees and moved to kneel with them, he reached out and grabbed the tip of the outermost breast of each woman, twisting gently and eliciting more moans from them. 


“You heard the boss.” He said, his tone full of sex. “And you still have one more day that you have to do all that she asks.” The women moaned and began kissing and licking the cum from each other. By the time they had finished, Allan and Aly had worked them up to the edge, and the women hugged each other, climaxing together as Aly’s fingers beat a frantic tempo inside them, and Allan’s relentless hands brutalized their breasts.


They collapsed, falling onto Aly, waves of pleasure washing over them, setting their fur to stand on end. Allan leaned down to a very comfy-looking Aly and kissed her gently before laying down himself and the four of them falling asleep. 




Much of the night had been spent in passion, so about an hour after they had fallen asleep, an alarm rang out, notifying them that someone was requesting access to the ship’s systems. Aly rose and headed to the bridge as Allan, Jalla, and Tillia dressed in their clothes.


“You aren’t disgusted by us are you?” Jalla said as she slid the strange robelike garment that served as her underwear over her head.


“No, why would you think that?” Allan asked pulling a shirt on.


“When you talked of siblings being with one man yesterday...” Tillia said searching for the right words. 


“No, look,” Allan said, pausing to pull up his pants and take a seat to do up his boots. “Was last night a first for me? Yes, it was, was it a little weird at first as well? I would be lying if I said it wasn’t, but that is not a reflection of either of you.” Allan finished lacing his first boot and pulled on the second. “I realize that there are things that are normal that I won’t be used to, and things that I think are normal, that you won’t be used to.” 


“So you are not upset?” The women said almost in unison.


“No, do I think that I can do that every night? Hell no, not because of anything other than the fact that you three put me through one hell of a workout.” Allan said, smiling at the giggle this got.


“What about being our Alpha?” Jalla asked quietly, as she finished putting on her own clothes. 


“Let’s tackle breakfast, and whatever is going on with that Alarm and then we can talk, Deal?” Allan asked, looking from Jalla to Tillia who both nodded with a smile.


They made their way to the bridge, where Aly was typing. “What’s going on?” Allan asked.


“Hilx’Nit has returned,” She turned to Jalla and Tillia, “he has seen to it that he was buried with honor, and that none can disturb him.” The sisters smiled their thanks. “And Doc wanted me to tell you that you need to stop by the medical ward in the station for something that the AI has requested.” 


“Okay, cool. First, can we go get some food though?” I asked, the stews and broths I had been eating while confined to quarters were good, and the fact that they had continued wanting to feed him in the ever so suggestive manner they had the first time was nice, but Allan wanted real food.


“Yes of course, though I think we should deal with these first.” Aly said, holding up both her and Allan’s marks from Hilx’Nit. 


“True, don’t want Hilx’Nit trying to jump me if he sees me without it in public, because of some misconception,” Allan said, and then told the girls he would meet them at the cargo bay doors and ran back to the room. 


He pulled the Glock from his pack, where it had been since he had shot all those people on Aly’s homeworld, ejected the magazine and cleared the round that was in the chamber, and gave the weapon a once over. He took a different magazine that was full and slid it into the weapon, racked the slide back, sending a round forward into the chamber. And then slid the weapon into the concealed holster still on his belt. He slid an extra magazine into his pants pocket. He also replaced the tracker and belt knife in his boots, from where Aly had placed them beside his pack. “Yeah, I’m not fucking around if something happens again.” He said out loud, confirming to himself what he had decided.


Feeling better with the weight of the Glock on his belt. He jogged to the cargo hold, where he found Aly, Jalla, and Tillia, staring at a screen. Aly was tapping her lower lip with one finger, contemplatively. “What is it?” Allan asked.


“Well it looks like someone tried to open the doors, several times in the last hour, but with you down for the count, and frankly everyone we know being gone, I set the doors to lockout, so they could only be opened from the inside.” Aly said, trying to think of anyone who might be here. She glanced at the sisters, “Either of you know anyone who might be looking for you?” Aly asked and both of them said they did not.


“Fuck it.” Allan said, stepping up to where the door opened. “Open it up, lets see what’s going on.” 


When she opened the doors, they saw two groups of people, the first was a group of three, two adults, and a child all wearing long black robes, and the second was a group of four, all adults who Allan recognized as members of the treelike race he and Aly had gotten dirty looks from on their first shuttle ride in the station. 


The tree-like group stepped forward before the other group and began talking in Galcom. They looked angry. Allan felt Aly slip the translator over his head and he cast a thankful glance back at her.


“Alright, stop.” Allan said, startling the four creatures, “Now I have my translator so I can understand you, but I am only going to listen to you all one at a time, so if you would be so kind as to either pick one person to speak or to speak one at a time, I will gladly have a conversation with you.” He was reassured by how Jalla and Tillia had subtly edged to stand to either side of the group, He may not be their Alpha but they were sure acting like it.


“Yes, I will speak for our group.” the shortest among the tree-like beings said. Allan had to stifle a laugh, and succeeded, coughing into his hand. “Holy shit, they are Ents!” He thought to himself, as the branches of the being rattled with each step. “We are here on the account that you are the third name on the rights reservation for the scale-rot cure, filed by doctors” The Ent surprised him them and pronounced two Gish names, Allan had a confused look. “You would probably know them as Yilvar and Iqualthus.” The ent said at Allan’s confused look.


“Oh yeah, I know them, and I know they included me in their rights reservation.” Allan said, then a thought occurred to them. “How did you find me?” Allan asked, he had been under the impression that he was effectively invisible to the eyes of galactic law because he had no bank account.


“It was not easy. I can assure you of that. It was more of a fluke than anything. A request came into the medical ward, where we all work, for analasis of care on an unknown subject by our AI, we were surprised when it was from Yilvar, and it was in regards to the same biological data that he had based his cure on. All updates from the AI were to be sent to this ship. We had hoped you were here but now that we know you are the one Known as Allan Mac’Millin, we demand that you show us the biological specimen that provided the needed solution for the cure.” The Ent said, again. 


“Okay, hold on let me consult with someone.” Allan said, taking off his translator and making sure that it was off. He turned and walked over to Aly, the ent made as if to follow, but Tillia stepped in front of the ent, talking in Galcom. “Aly, is this bad news?” He asked quietly. 


“Maybe?” She said, thinking fast. “My best guess would be that they were also working on a cure, in which case no not really, just tell them to leave. The worst case is that they can tell that the biological material is from a deathworlder, in which case I think you should laugh and tell them to leave.” 


“So tell them to kick rocks is about what it boils down to.” He said with a smile, giving her a quick kiss, and walked back to the Ent, turning the translator back on and placing it on his head. “Okay,” He said, and then saw the disapproving looks that he was getting from all four Ents. “What?” he asked confused.


“You are building quite the interspecies Harem aren’t you?” One of the Ents said. 


“That is enough.” The one who had been speaking first, said despite the look of distaste on its face. “Apologies Allan, my subordinate does not know to keep their comments to themself. We do, however, demand to see the specimen.” 


“Why?” Allan said, looking over the second group, he thought he had seen, but it couldn’t be. He saw a confused look on the face of the Ent, so he clarified. “Why should I show it to you? What authority do you have to see it?” 


The Ent stuttered something out about, being a well-known and established medical researcher. “We are the only ones qualified to determine if it has any other medical uses.” The Ent finished strong.


“Yeah, No.” Allan said, deciding he did not like the pompous attitude. “Thanks for stopping by, but no.” 


“What?!” The ent said, sounding confused. 


“I said no.” Allan said, looking up to meet the Ent’s eyes. “Meaning, leave. Go away, Vanish, Kick Rocks.” He turned to Aly, “How do you say fuck off in Quilnarish?” She rattled off a string of sounds in her language. Allan nodded and turned to Jalla, who was smiling at the display, “What about your language Jalla?” The woman opened her mouth and let loose a sting of sound that while beautiful, sounded offensive with the discordant notes that accompanied it. He smiled to her, then looked at the Ent. “Do you understand now?” 


The Ents each looked outraged, but nonetheless, turned and stormed away, the sound they made sounding like the wind rattling the branches of trees back home. Allan turned to the second group focusing on the one who had caught his eye. “Now what do you three want.” The being that had Allan actually so on edge, lowered its hood, revealing a Quillinar face, a pitch-black quillinar face. 


Before any words were said, Allan had catapulted across the short distance, and snatched the Quillinar man from his feet by his throat, shoving him into the wall. The next thing he felt was a series of small taps on his lower thigh. Allan looked down, and saw a young Quillinar girl, her hood had fallen back to reveal a black face with beautiful red and yellow highlights, the little girl was pounding on his leg. “Put my daddy down!” She was demanding. The Quillinar man reached up with both hands holding them up for him to see there were no weapons. 


Allan lowered the man to his feet, and the girl rushed to her father. The man smiled at her, rubbing his gills, and assured her that he was okay. The man stood up lifting the girl with him, and the other hooded being rushed over. Her hood falling back to reveal a quillinar woman that was as brightly colored as Aly, her color scheme making her look as if she radiated heat, with shades of bright red, orange and yellow, speks of maroon covered her pale yellow skin.


“I’m sorry.” Allan said, hesitantly. Still a little on edge.


“You should be!” the woman said, angry as she checked the man and the girl.


“No It’s fine darling, I half expected that he would attack, but lord did they ever understate your speed.” The man said laughing. “I came here to thank you, Allan. And to warn you.” 




Plans for breakfast were canceled, and everyone, including the three new Quillinar went to the dining hall on board the ship. Once everyone had some food, they all sat down, Aly and the orange Quillinar woman, sitting on either side of the little girl, and Jalla and Tillia sitting across from her, the four women seemed perfectly content to listen to the little girl’s ramblings. Something in Allan pined for that for himself. 


“So you said you came to thank me and warn me.” Allan said, scooping a large chunk of the strange bland meat and eating it. “I’m assuming that it’s not the ‘I’ll be coming for you’ kind of waning.” 


“No it isn’t” The man said, taking a drink from his own bowl of greenish paste that the food dispenser had produced. “Firstly, the things that you put in motion, they are going to be hard-won. But I can take my wife, and my daughter places now, they don’t have to live hidden away.” He looked over to the woman and child, a bright smile crossing his dark features.


“So I have to ask how did that happen?” Allan said, gesturing from the man to the woman.


“I was actually the one assigned to shadow her, and in the end, ensure that the lies of the council were believed.” The man spoke stiffly as if he didn’t like recounting it. “But thanks to a fluke in some records, I had never actually gone through a lot of the brainwashing that my spawn-siblings did. I acted like I had, because I had seen another have the same error occur to him, and they killed him outright. So I ‘graduated’ from their training and was immediately assigned to her. We were of a similar age, and though I wanted to be able to see my Spawn-Siblings again, I found myself screwing up my attempts to hurt those who cared for her on purpose after her father sent her here to this station." 


He smiled. “I would leave her things that reminded me of her, and I realized that I could never do what I was supposed to. So I confronted her and told her the truth, all of it, and for months she hated me. Every day I would bring her food and things she needed, and notes telling her that I was sorry and that if she could forgive me I would do what I could to protect her. One day when I came to leave some food in front of the home she was staying in, she was there waiting. She asked me why I kept bothering her,” The woman looked up and smiled at him then, and he smiled back. “I told her that I had never met another woman who I found as beautiful as she was, and after that, she would meet me every day for the things I would bring. It took many years, but she finally agreed to be my wife. And now she is Spawn-Mother to our only daughter.” 


“Huh, that’s beautiful,” Allan said. “A little bit fucked up but beautiful.” 


“I know,” the man cringed, “But I ask her every year if she wants me to leave, and she always says no, so I stick around for another year.” The man got a serious look on his face. “The council is out for you Allan. They sent out a message, that any member who brings back your head will have any reward they ask for. They also sent a recording of what you did back on my homeworld, as well as a rough estimate of the limits of your ability.” 


“So did you think about it yourself? Trying to kill me and ask that you and your family be left alone?” Allan asked looking at the little girl who had finished her meal and was currently climbing onto Tillia’s shoulders.


“I would be lying if I said I didn’t, but I also knew that even if I had a ninety-nine percent chance of success, the one percent chance that I would never see my family again, was not worth it, and I didn’t think I had even a thirty percent chance.” The man said, watching the orange woman move to take the child off of Tillia, who was flushing with embarrassment as the child was playing with her ears. 


“They have agents outside the Quillinar, one of them spotted you and sent out word that you are here on the station. I just wanted you to know that you should be on the lookout, that’s why I wanted to come, to show you the family that you have given hope to, and to warn you that the Council of Purity may have stopped its more overt operations, but not its subversive ones.” The man stood, and thanked Allan for the food, he walked over, and the little girl held up her arms, and the mand scooped her up. Aly walked them to the cargo hold, and let them out returning a few minutes later. 


“So what was that all about?” Jalla asked.


Allan and Aly told of what they had done on Aly’s homeworld, and Allan passed on what the man had told her. “So that’s what this was all about, and also the reason that I reacted so strongly to the man.” Allan said and Jalla and Tillia nodded in understanding. “If you want me as your Alpha still, this is what you will be dealing with, I do not lead a peaceful life it would seem.” The last part about his life was more Allan talking to himself, but they should know.


“We do.” They both said. If anything they sounded more sure than they had in the past.


“Hmm, well I’m still turning a few things over in my mind, would be okay to waiting for an answer until lunch?” Allan said, and they both smiled and nodded.




They left the ship finally and made it to a jewelry shop that seemed to be very high-end to Allan’s untrained eye. The jeweler took one look at the marks and heard what Aly said and quickly set about making two settings that would hold the marks attached to chains that he stated would not break, and had nano-tech infused into them so that if someone tried to use them to choke the owner, the chain would simply slip through the attacker’s fingers. Aly paid and they both set the scales into the settings and placed them around their necks. 


The next stop was the Bank. “Allan, when you go to get your account, we can not go with you. You must not lie. The Galgax are great at sensing lies, but the Banker clan actually know. There is not a single test for lies more accurate than the Banker clan.”


“Why are they called the Banker clan?” Allan asked as they moved towards a tall grey building with a circle with three lines running through it vertically.


“When the core worlds first began interspecies banking, they learned very quickly, that whatever race was in control of the Bank had a distinct advantage over any other race.” Aly said as they walked, Allan looked around and saw many dirty looks being cast at them. “So to deal with this, they came up with a set of requirements for who could run the bank, it was incredibly extensive, but the three main points that all agreed on were first that they need to immune to coercion and torture, secondly that they be willing to accept a role as a species that was only running the Bank, no war, no art, no interest in any market other than the enjoyment of its products, and finally that they be capable of perfect impartiality at all times.”


“That’s insane.” Allan said somewhat in awe that they ever even managed to find a race.


“Oh, it was.” Jalla said, “There were about a thousand years that the bank was run by a council of races that came the closest to meeting the requirements, but none could truly be impartial. They teach about these years in history classes, economists refer to them as the dark years because of how insane the preferential treatment got, as well as how badly every race ended up in debt to every other race.” 


“After this, they tried running the banks with an AI, but apparently whatever race built it were the only ones recognized as actual people, so the first thing the AI did, was take all the wealth from every other race and give it to its makers and then close out all accounts that were not of its maker’s race.” Tillia said thinking back to her own schooling. “ That set off a war that went on for several years, the race that made the banking AI was eradicated.” 


Aly nodded. “That was also when the Banker Clan was discovered, some dying world that was in the path of a roving black hole apparently was their homeworld. A Galgax war patrol found the ship containing the last million or so of their race. The Galgax, being bound by their code of honor, called for a cease-fire while a new home was found these poor sentients.” She stopped as they neared the building its doors standing open wide. “After they found a suitable planet near a Jumpgate, and got them settled, The Banker Clan asked what the war was all about, and the Galgax explained.” 


“The banker clan admitted that they met every single requirement wanted by the core worlds, and in addition could always tell apart a lie from the truth.” Jalla said her eyes lost as if she were reliving whatever school passed for on her homeworld. “The Galgax asked them to please fulfill the role of bankers and asked them what they should call the race, and apparently they responded with ‘The Bankers’ but they made one request, that was that since they would develop no weapons, or art, or practically anything of their own, that all forms of entertainment be given to them for free. And that every race Assign a single warship to be stationed on their new home.”


“I believe the exact phrasing that my Grandfather used was ‘if you protect our home and our sanity, we will protect your money’ but he liked to embellish.” A new voice spoke up from behind them causing the four of them to turn as one and see a strange crystalline being behind them. “I am sorry for eavesdropping, but I did very much enjoy hearing you speak of my people.” 


Allan was floored, this thing was speaking flawless English, “Well color me impressed, where did you learn English?” Allan asked wondering if he had some starcrossed brethren out here in the galaxy.


“Oh I have never heard this language before, it is part of why I was eavesdropping.” the being said. “One of the many requirements set forward by the Core worlds was the ability to understand and speak any language. And thanks to the slight telepathic, oh that word is fun in this English you say it is called, oh but yes thanks to our slight telepathic abilities we are able to learn almost any language instantly as well as read the truth of any statement.” 


“Huh, well I’m guessing that you are headed to work.” Allan said in Spanish, drawing confused looks from Aly, Jalla, and Tillia. 


“Of course, it is the only place we Banker Clan work.” The crystals that seemed to compose the head of the creature shifted to the side. “You have changed languages to another that I have never heard.” 


Allan smiled and then spoke in what little horrible German he knew, “Have a great day.” 

The flurry of German that the Banker spoke back shocked him. “Oh,” The creature had switched back to English, “you are an interesting being. I will see you inside, and judging from what your friend here,” it gestured to Aly, “was saying you are worried about someone finding out who you are. I can assure you that no matter the circumstances both legally and morally a member of the Banker Clan would be unable to divulge anything told to them in the application process.” The creature raised a limb that was oddly lithe compared to its body, and walked away, going into the bank.


“So don’t lie and tell the truth no matter what?” Allan asked looking at the three women who stood somewhat in shock. 


“Yes.” Aly said watching the Banker disappear into the door completely. “Allan what did you do?” She asked still shocked.


“I really don’t know what you mean.” He said confused.


“I have heard plenty of newly found races talk like that in front of a Banker,” Aly said, and Jalla and Tillia nodded, “but I have never heard one interject or even hold much of a conversation before, they tend to isolate themselves so that they don’t appear to be taking a side, despite their actual disinterest in politics.” 


“Hm, well maybe I’ll ask.” He smiled at the three. “Come on it was probably just a quirk of that particular Banker, just because most of them are boring slouches doesn’t mean that there aren’t odd-balls among them, just like any other race.” 


Aly nodded, “You are probably right. Here,” She handed him a data rod, “you’ll need that. Good luck, we will meet you at the restaurant from the other day after I conclude my business with the bank.” 


“Copy that,” Allan said, giving a look to Jalla and Tillia, who both nodded slightly. He had asked them to watch over her if anything crazy should happen. “See you all soon.” He turned and walked into the bank.



Allan walked in and immediately found himself alone, the door disappearing behind him. “What the hell.” He said, and then a voice spoke.


“Do not be alarmed, the Bank itself is a series of rooms, one per banker, that all move to allow new guests when your transaction is concluded, or at any point that you wish, you may leave.” 

Allan stepped towards the door, and though he felt no movement, he could very clearly see the door slide up from below the floor, at an amazing pace. He remembered something that Aly had said when he was trying to distract her with questions before going to her homeworld. “Inertial dampeners?” He asked out loud, and the voice spoke again from behind him, where a desk he had not noticed before sat.


“Yes, indeed.” The crystalline head looked up from a monitor set into the desk. “Oh, it’s you.” 


“Are you the Banker that I was just talking to outside?” Allan asked, not sure if he was being rude.


“Yes.” It said. “My name is” The sound of stones grinding together filled the air, “But you may call me Zall. For your time in the building today, I will be your personal Banker.” 


“Well Zall, I am told that I need to open an account. Can you help me with that?” Allan asked sitting in a chair that sat across from Zall.


“Of course, while I open the required programs feel free to ask any questions you may have, it does take a moment.” Zall said, tapping away on the screen in the desk.


“What are credits backed by?” Allan asked, wondering if it was backed by anything. “I guess I mean what gives them value.” 


“The word of the Banker clan, and our very lives.” Zall said without missing a beat. “Should anyone ever be able to artificially inflate an account balance, or take money that does not belong to them the entire Banker Clan will promptly activate an automated system that will allow automated banking to a certain extent, and will then retreat to our homeworld where we will either kill ourselves, or the entire race will be destroyed in the glassing of our planet. Carried out seven standard days later by the united forces present for protection.” Zall looked up, “We take your job and our responsibilities as the Banker Clan very seriously.” 


“Wow, that’s a little extreme but hey good dedication to your work I say man.” Allan said, “One more thing, when you were outside the Bank you stopped and talked with me and three women, they were a little surprised that you did so, and I’m curious, are you Banks not supposed to talk to people outside of work?”


“Oh on the contrary,” Zall said a happy note in their voice, “We very much love to engage in conversation outside of work, but most others seem to be unable to talk about anything other than ‘how do I make more money’ and that is frankly a boring and overused conversation with us. The unfortunate truth is that most view us as incredibly strange and unsociable creatures due to our unwillingness to speak about what they want to speak about with us, so most of us intentionally adopt a shall we say, very stalwart front when we are among other races, myself included, but you seemed to want to know about everything but money so I eavesdropped, I am sure that the other bankers that you meet will feel the same. And just so you know I am a woman.”


“I’m sorry what?” Allan said trying to figure out where he had misgendered the creature.


“Earlier you said, good dedication to your work I say, Man, I am a woman.” Zall said.


“Oh that’s slang, in the language English using Man as I did is gender-neutral, Like if I saw you outside the Bank and said Hey man what’s up, what I really mean is something close to ‘Hello person who I am familiar with, how are you doing’ So yeah. Sorry to make you think I was calling you a man.” Allan explained all this and Zall seemed to stop tapping and Allan thought he saw a more defined shape in the crystal, but as soon as he tried to focus on it, it vanished.


“Thank you for explaining, I am ready to begin if you have no more questions,” Zall said going back to all business 


“Alright, let’s do this.” Allan pulled the data rod that Aly had made out of his pocket and placed it on the desk, “I think that I’m supposed to give this to you.” 


“Thank you, Now I must ask you some question, one hundred twenty-three to be exact.” Zall said, “Should you require refreshment please let me know at any time. Until all questions are answered honestly you will not be permitted to leave, this is the only time that the Bank will enact this policy. Let us begin. And please keep in mind that none of your answers will be known to anyone outside the Banker Clan unless it is your will.” 


The questions were mostly biology-related, and yes or no, but the final five sent Allan for a loop. 


“Question one hundred nineteen: Have you ever met a being claiming to be A god that provided significant evidence for you to believe them?” 


“Yes.” Allan said, his hair on edge, this did not seem to be a normal banking procedure but hey he also thought gods didn’t exist up until a few weeks ago. 


“Question one hundred twenty: Have you ever visited a deathworld without appropriate permissions?” 


“Yes.” If the Hair on Allan’s neck could jump out of his skin it just might have.


“Question one hundred twenty-one: What planet do you consider to be your homeworld?” 


“Earth, though I know it is not called that by most. And I do not know its official designation.” Allan said calming down a little he knew that question had been coming.


“Question one hundred twenty-two: What is your racial Identifier?”


“I’m sorry I don’t understand the question.” Not understanding the question made him feel uneasy, as almost every single other question he had known what was meant.


“Each race is given A racial Identifier, although after checking our records you are the first in the Banker Clan history to register using the race Human, and your bio-scans confirm that we have no others of your kind in the system. Zall said, confusion in her voice. “In this instance, I must ask that you select the racial identifier that best describes your race, based on your biology and social tendencies please pick one of the following, one - Amphibious producers, two - landbound warriors, three - amphibious warriors, four - air bound warriors, five - Category III or higher deathworlder.” Zall’s voice stumbled on that, and her crystalline head seemed to turn to Allan despite not having moved once.


Allan cleared his throat. “Um, number five.” Allan said, expecting security to storm in and attack him.


“Forgive me for making you uncomfortable Allan,” Zall said, “the last question, question one hundred twenty-three: Do you believe that at this time there is any reason that the Banker Clan should not provide you with an account, yes or no?”


“Yes.” Allan said, preparing to leave. 


“I am sorry Allan, but where are you going?” 


“I’m leaving, I thought I failed whatever kind of test this is?” Allan said confusion riddling his voice. “I just said that not only should I not be here but my planet will get glassed if people find out, and on top of that I said that I probably should not have an account.” 


“You did indeed say that,” Zall said, and finished typing in his answer. “It is standard policy to inform you that the last five questions are the only ones that we verify the truth on as the rest will all be verified when you receive your ID chip, if you answered any of the biological questions it could kill you. I must also inform you that the last five questions are intentionally things that are meant to provoke you into lying, and are unique for every individual that comes in the door, based on an algorithm that analyses millions upon millions of variables from the way you answer questions to whatever questions that you ask in the beginning. The only way to not get an account is to lie. Now I must ask do you want to change any of your answers.” 


“Nope,” Allan barely got it out, he was in a flop sweat, he was sure that they were going to deny him an account, and as soon as he left there would be soldiers waiting. “Can I get some water?” He asked and no sooner had he finished the question, a small door slid open on the desk, and a full glass of water appeared. He chugged it setting it down and slid down into the desk. 


“Very well, Welcome Allan, to the Galactic bank.” Zall said standing and bowing. She asked him to hold out his hand over a green circle that appeared on the desk. He did so and it injected a small chip that Zall assured him was unhackable. “Have a great day Allan.” 


“Thanks, you too Zall.” Allan said and stepped out the door that had slid into placee from the side this time, and headed off to meet the others.




“It’s not funny.” Allan said, smiling despite his insistence, “I thought I was about to be arrested and killed.” Allan had just finished telling Aly, Jalla, and Tillia about my last five questions, after removing his translator and making sure that it was off.


Aly was wiping tears from her eyes, “I’m sorry but it is. We knew they would ask something but that was too good.” Aly sat upright, “Wait you said yes to the question about Gods?” 


“Um yeah?” Allan said, not sure if he should tell her that her Goddes would come to speak with him and not her. “Why? Is it that uncommon for someone to speak to a deity?” All three women looked at him and nodded in stunned silence. “Is it even weirder that it seems to be a recurring thing?” Silence around the table. Allan looked down at his plate and began chomping down on the strange steak-looking dish he had ordered last time.


“Allan, what god have you spoken to?” Aly asked her face a blank slate.


Allan opened his mouth to answer her question when a strange sound filled the air, a discordant, yet somehow harmonious tremor seemed to vibrate the air, the liquids in every bowl and cup in the restaurant seemed to respond, patterns forming on their surface. As Allan listened, a heavy thump, seeming to keep time with the strange sound, seemed to grow steadily closer.

This story is ongoing! if you just want to read as it becomes publicly available, then feel free to do so here or on Reddit (r/HFY.)
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