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President Rorgan felt refreshed as he woke. Without opening his eyes, as he did not want to see the bright light of the sun quite yet, he stood and spoke. “Darling, I had the strangest dream, you would never believe it.”


President Rorgan was shocked when a voice that he did not know spoke to him in response. “Mr. President, unfortunately it was not a dream and you are not at home. Please open your eyes and speak with me.”


The president felt a deep twisting in his gut like things were about to change in a way he would not like and opened his eyes with a sigh. “I believe you said your name was Allan?”


“Yes sir,” Allan said, “I understand this is a shock but the things we must discuss with you are of, quite literally, galactic importance.” 


Without passing out this time, introductions were made by Mack. After everyone present had said hello, the president asked for a seat and then began speaking. “So, now that I have had my worldview shattered and something I dreaded confirmed, what is it you so desperately needed to speak to me about?”


“I need your help to bring humanity forward into the intergalactic community, and to recruit those who would fight against the end of the galaxy on behalf of the gods and the higher beings,” Allan said, keeping a calm glare on his face when the president laughed.


“On behalf of the gods and higher beings.” The president said, mockingly. “Surely you can’t expect me to believe that. Why, I have…” he trailed off as he took a look around the room and saw the expressions on the faces of those gathered. 


The president licked his lips. “You are serious.” 


“Yes sir.” Eddy said. stepping forward. “If you look out the view port over here you will see the ship I have been placed in charge of by Hix’nit of the Core Worlds Security corp. I have been asked to recruit troops, enough to fill that ship.” 


The president looked out the window at the Hamunaptra, and his mouth fell open. He staggered back to his seat. “How did you all… Why are there….” he continued to stammer until his eyes fell on Aly, and then he finally stammered out a coherent thought. “Where the hell are her clothes?” 


Everyone around the room laughed. Aly stepped forward and smiled at the president. “My people do not wear clothing, unless it is illegal in the world where we travel.”


The president nodded, accepting what he could of her statement. He turned to Mack, “Mack, lay it all out straight for me, tell me how it came to be.” 


“Yes sir.” Mack said and with Allan’s and Eddy’s help, they began explaining the series of events that lead to the president being on the Solstice.


Several hours later, and a move to the mess hall where food was served to everyone, the president said he understood everything. “I think I agree with what you are doing, but you can not expect me to go and believe you died and spoke with a being more powerful than a god, let alone that gods are real.”


Allan opened his mouth to speak, but a flash of light left Elunitra and Xulgra standing next to him. Elunitra smiled and placed a hand on Allan’s arm. Allan in turn gestured for her to step forward. “Thank you Allan. Mr. President, I am Elunitra, Goddess of the Quillinar people, and this is Xulgra, God of Death, and by defacto rules of power, God of Humanity.”


Elunitra shook his hand and the president dropped to his knees and looked up at the clearly divine being. “Gods do exist.” He said, a tear forming in his eyes.


“Yes we do,” Xulgra said, “And unfortunately we require humanity’s help. There are things that we can not do. Things only those of the physical realm can do. Things young Allan here has repeatedly shown humanity to excel at beyond any other race.”


Xulgra lent a hand to the president and pulled him to his feet. “We are not what humanity thinks of as gods. Yes we can create life, but we are not omnipotent, we make mistakes, as Allan is always more than happy to point out. But I will still ask you please.”


Xulgra bowed deeply to the president. “Please help us, help Allan fix the mistakes we made countless eons ago.”


The president looked shocked, and nodded. “It seems that I have no choice, I will help.” 


“Thank you.” Elunitra smiled at the president. “Allan, should you need something, I, Xulgra, or one of the others will be keeping an eye on things.”


Allan smiled at Elunitra as she and Xulgra vanished in a burst of light. Allan turned to the president. “Well Mr. President, where do you think we should start?” 


The president gave an appreciative look to Allan. “I get the sense that you probably hold a higher rank than me in the big picture, so just call me Hal.” 


Allan smiled. “Alright then Hal, where do you want to start?” 


“Normally I would say with our allies, but we need power and the ability to push even the strictest of enemies into this, so I say we start with the Russians.” Hal said.


“Very well, Aly if you would, find whoever is in charge of Russia these days, and bring them aboard.” Allan said.


“Of course my love.” Aly said, steppeing up to a bank of controls and beginning to work them. 


The next four hours saw a similar scene play out with the Russian president, minus the appearance of the gods. After that, they worked on the primary allies of Russia and America. By the second day, there was a veritable united nations of world leaders on board.


When they had a vast majority of the countries in the world on board, Allan had Aly bring up an entire news crew and drop them right into the cargo hold where Eddy and Mack were busy setting up seats for the world leaders. 


“Hello.” Allan smiled at the three women and five men of the American News Network. 


“Where the hell are we?” demanded a man who was dressed in a suit that probably cost more than any car Allan had ever owned. 


“You are currently in orbit above  Earth on board the Solstice, a Quillinar ship owned by the Jushintorg Clan, of which I am a member. You have been selected to broadcast what will probably be the most important message humanity has ever heard.” Allan hoped to reach out to their inner journalist.


What he got was a chuckle from the man and a woman who Allan assumed was his co-host. “Listen man, we don’t work with terrorists, nice try though.” 


The woman pulled a taser and mace from her purse. “Why don’t you just let us go before you….”


The woman cut off as Jalla and Tillia materialized next to Allan, holding the camera equipment he had asked them to get. They both took one look at the weapon the woman held and snarled, the openings on the sides of their noses echoed  the snarl in a deadly but beautiful harmony.


“I think maybe you should put the taser away Veronica.” The oldest among the group said. He wore a suit, nothing pricey, and had more white in his beard and hair than any other color. “My apologies sir, we did not mean to upset your companions. I…” 


Just as he was about to launch into what Allan was sure would be a great speech about why they could not possibly do what he was asking, Hal walked in. “Ah good, Frecrich, I’m glad he was able to get your whole team. Are you ready to make history?” 


“Mr. President?” The white haired man asked, a baffled tone. “What is going on?” 


As Hal gave them a quick rundown of what was happening, Aly showed the other world leaders in and had them all take seats. As they seated themselves, Aly went about tapping on a console behind where Allan had begun setting up a camera. 


The news crew was stunned, unable to take their eyes off the alien women as they worked. Finally they agreed to help. After twenty minutes of labor by the camera crew and some magic on the part of the communications AI, every communications station on Earth was suddenly relaying the same thing. 


To start, each world leader stood and stated their name, country, and that they supported the following message. After they finished, Allan deliver the message he had prepared.


“Hello everyone. My name is Allan, and I have news the likes of which you have never heard before. Humanity is not alone.” As Allan said this line, Aly, Jalla, and Tillia stepped out of the shadows to positions behind him. 


Taking strength from the presence of Aly, Allan smiled and began to tell his story.


An hour and a half later, Allan was finishing his address and looked with intense emotion into the camera. “I am here to try and help those who need it. Humanity has been a bystander in the galaxy it is a part of. But no more. By some twist of nature, we are strong, we are powerful. We are warriors the likes of which are few and far between in this galaxy. So I call on you all for a vote. Two days from now polls will be opened via the internet and managed with AI. Every person is urged to vote. Do we fight for those who need our help, or do we run and hide? The choice is yours, this is something that the fine leaders of our world agree on, they will not force humanity into this, it needs to be a choice made by everyone. So in two days time, I urge you to vote how your heart sees fit.” 


Allan waited till the red light on the camera turned off, indicating he was no longer ‘live’ and then he took a deep breath. “Well, now we wait.” 


The following two days were not wasted. With the realization of humanity being one of many species, and the fact that the resource scarcity humanity faced, forcing them to fight was essentially over. A vast majority of the countries agreed they needed a centralized government. They quickly formed what would later be called the United Earth War Council, and granted it special provisionary powers, on the condition the vote went through and that it was in favor of fighting.

When the time for the vote came, Allan and Aly simply retreated to the sleeping chamber and slept, as they could not handle the stress. They were woken by Nara, who was caring for Sarah, calling for them. “It is time.” 


“Thank you Nara.” Allan turned over in the sand of the sleeping pit, pulling Aly close to him.


“Allan, if they don’t vote to fight…” She hesitated and Allan could see the idea of humanity not stepping forward terrified her.


“Even if I have to get a ragtag team together like I did last time, I can assure you humanity will not ignore what is happening, at least not humanity as a whole.” Allan planted a kiss filled with lust that promised more, before pulling away and smiling. “Lets go and see the results shall we?”


“Of course.” Aly said and let him pull her to her feet.


When they got to the bridge, Nara and Tillia had already finished bringing the world leaders to the room. Aly stepped up and spoke. “Display the results of the poll please.” 


The AI acknowledged the command and a clear voice spoke out. “In regard to humanity joining the fight, the poll passed, with 2.3 billion voting against, and 5.58 billion voting in favor As of now, humanity is prepared to fight and the United Earth War Council has taken control of the world's militaries.


The world leaders let out a cheer. Allan rushed down to the cargo hold where the camera crew once again waitedt. The red light came on and Allan smiled into the camera. “Humanity is united. You all have voted to fight.” 


Another cheer from the world leaders caused Allan to pause with a smile. “Now the hard work begins. There are ships to be built, weapons to train on. If you are willing and have a skill set, step forward and become part of the most monumental effort in human history!”


Allan stepped down leaving the spokesperson for the UEWC, an Australian woman, to start speaking. Already he could hear the staff of the world leaders on board the Solstice calling shipyards and sending plans that the AI’s had come up with for simple but effective transport ships and fighters. Allan walked back with Aly and fell back into the sand, deciding he deserved some time with his wife. He pulled her over on top of him and she lent her body to what he had promised earlier.

This story is ongoing! if you just want to read as it becomes publicly available, then feel free to do so here or on Reddit (r/HFY.)
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