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"Well Fuck." Allan said lookin g at the eyes of the divinities staring at him. 

"Why don't you and I have a brief chat Allan?" Draco asked and Allan nodded. With a wave of his strangely proportioned tail, Allan, Aly Draco and Xulgra stood alone in a space that seemed to be a pristine white plane of emptyness.

"So what the fuck Draco. I thought that you and your people were staying out of this?" Allan asked.

"Well, we are... Kind of." Draco said, taking a breath and then sighing out a breath that anyone could see was filled with exasperation. "The events of this reality are, concerning for a multitude of reasons, but the simplest one is that the Url'Esh have found a way to counteract divine energies. The divine energy that the gods use is the same energy we are composed of, simply on a different frequency. At least that is the simplest way I can put it without teaching you hundred of years of magi-lution theory." 

"So when they disrupted Elunitra's power..." Xulgra spoke with rising notes of concern in his voice.

"It literally ripped apart one of my brethren who was observing for me as I dealt with something else." Draco said with anger.

"Okay so  now that one of you has died, your people have decided to step in?" Aly asked.

Draco nodded, "Yes, and because I have an extensive relationship with you Allan, and because I have been interacting with the gods and goddesses of this realm for milenia, I have been tasked with bringing this conflict to a conclusion. Many think I should wipe the Gods and the Url'Esh from reality, and then kill the humans, simply for good measure. But I disagree with this. I think that rather than destroy a people, we should work to salvage a people, and to do that, I want to elevate you Allan."

"I hate Gods." Allan said with vitriol in his voice, "I have made that clear from day one. I do not want to be a God." 

"I understand that, I truly do, as did Elunitra, and as do Aly and Xulgra." Draco said, understanding filling his tone. "But I want you to think about this. Let me make the offer, and then I will give you some time to decide."

"Very well." Allan said, none too happy about the situation.

"Firstly you would be a god of a concept, like Xulgra, you would not have a species to preside over, and in order to enhance your concept, I would not grant you the powers of creation that the other gods have." Draco started, "I would name you God of Conflict, or God of War. In both of these you would work closely with Xulgra, and any god whose people were involved in a conflict. Or you would work only with Xulgra, and decide things within the conflict as you would. Within your aspect, you would have supreme authority." 

"So what's the catch?" Aly asked, holding Allan's hand tightly as she heard what was boing offered.

"The catch is that Allan would be unable to reside in the universe outside of his concept. As death is a universal constant, Xulgra is somewhat immune to this. But if you choose War, and the galaxy becomes a truly war-free place, there would be no way for Allan to enter the universe. He would live solely in the divine realm, and be granted a pocket dimension that he could have shaping as he saw fit. He would also have an afterlife for his worshipers, and he would set the entries and rules for that as he saw fit, much as you will now do so for the Quillinar." 

"If I do this, will I be able to have a family?" Allan asked.

"Well you are already married, but I assume you mean will you be able to have children?"


Draco smiled. "You and Aly would be able to have as many children as you wish, but I warn you after a brief time of their childhood, they would be required to leave the divine realm. Only in death, ascension, or special permission would they be permitted back into the divine realm." 

"I want to be there for the marriage of my children and births of any grandchildren or subsequent generations of children. If you grant me this concession to the restriction, I will do what needs to be done." Allan said after taking a moment to think.

"I am willing to allow this," Draco said, "I will also allow you to be there for funerals of family members. But no more than six hours for funerals, and a day for births. I wish I could be more lax in this but I must insist." 

Allan smiled. "Verry well Draco. I guess its time to become a god of war." 

[Several hours later, on board the Solstice]

As Eddy continued to work with the Quillinar and Chiln sanitation experts to remove the nuclear wast from the ocean with the teleporter, he felt a sudden flash of calm heat behind him and new a god was with him. As he turned to face the god he spoke. "I don't know which one of you glowing fucks is here but if I don't find out where Allan is..." 

The words caught in his mouth as he saw that it was Allan, standing reathed in a pulsating red divine light. He stared at his brother. "Allan. Jesus, Allan, what the fuck?" 

"Yeah, that is about what I said," Allan said embracing his brother.

"So you are a god. Did you kill Xulgra or something?" 

"Nope, newly minted. Fresh of the God-Press, courtesy of our very own space-horror-whale Draco. I am officially a The God of War." 

Eddy laughed heartily, "You gonna work on your Kratos voice or just stick with what you got now?"

Allan shrugged. "We will see. Right now I have a war to be godly over." 

"Well then, as your brother, and a former U.S. Marine, let me be the first to ask," Eddy dropped to his knees, the bloodlust and wrath that rolled off Allan in subconscious waves nearly driving him down, "Allan Mac'Millen, God of War, bless me, give me the strength to fight my enemies. Let me be stronger, faster, and more cunning than those that stand in my, way and should I fall, take to the fields of Valhalla, or whatever you decide to call your personal divine mead hall." 

Allan was shocked. But Xulgra had mention this might happen, and for that reason he had suggested Eddy be the first to get the news. Allan reached out a hand and placed it gently upon his brother Eddy's head. "Eddy, my brother, for as long as I live, you shall have my blessing, and for this current conflict and any others we both participate in, I name you divine general of all my forces. Rise Eddy. Stand ready to face the enemy, finish your tasks here, and then muster the troops. We have to show the Url'Esh the true meaning of war." 

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