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The hour passed quickly, as a transmitted signal resounded through the ship, the Jumpgate informing nearby ships that it was prepared for the requested jump, Aly was begging. “Please don’t stop. Please don’t stop. For the Love of the Goddess don’t Stop!” At some point in the hour, after multiple orgasms, Aly had ended up with her shoulders pressed to the floor, her ass held in the air by her back resting against the bench that they had been sitting on earlier, and Allan stood above her, thrusting down into her, as he held her thighs so that she didn’t slip. 


Allan could feel that she was close from how her sex began to tighten, almost as if it wanted to form a seal that would prevent any of his seed from slipping out. He had a cruel thought, and just as she was about to cum, Allan pulled out. “Okay time to go.” He said, leaning down to help an incredulous Aly to her feet. 


“I… But what about… How dare you!” She stammered, with a look that said, fine I’ll do it myself, Aly reached down to finish herself. 


Allan snatched her hand. “No, you don’t.” He smiled at her look of dismay. She was so cute when she was angry. “If you finish yourself. Then you get nothing for the next three days.” 


“What?” She said, angry, horny, upset, and confused all at once. “But… I… Please, Allan?” She asked, begging, and fighting the urge to finish herself.


“Nope. Come on let’s go.” Allan said as he finished dressing. He grabbed her hand and pulled her through the ship to the bridge. “Alright, phase one, let’s go say hi to a certain spawn-father.” The conviction in his voice made an already incredibly horny and frustrated Aly shiver in excitement, but she didn’t think she could stand three days without him or his addictive, and sometimes violent, sex.


“Oh, my goddess.” She said, a realization washing over her. “I’m addicted to sex, but not all sex, just sex with you.” Blush flooded across her already flushing body. Lighting her up in a pinkish light, making Allan look at her appreciatively. 


“Good, now let’s do what we need, and then I promise you something that I have always found fun, and with your love of all things warm, I think you will find incredibly fun.” Allan said, winking at Aly, who nearly melted trying to figure out what he could possibly mean. 


Aly sent a confirmation to the Jumpgate, and an AI on the Jumpgate took control of the ship, aligning it to within a few nanometers if Allan had understood what Aly had said about the gates. A moment later, There was a sound that reminded Allan of old school air raid sirens, and then a bright flash of light, and they were at the other gate. When Allan had asked if the technology had ever been added to a ship, she had said that yes it had. Those were the blink drives that the security patrol had warned about activating.


“The issue is the magnitude,” Aly said, as she entered their destination, her home planet, using the explanation to distract herself from the tumultuous emotions that threatened a breakdown, “The gates can connect to one another and send a ship there in an instant, no matter the distance. When a blink drive runs it has to act as both origin and destination, and as such the power requirements go up by insane exponentials. To achieve the jumbo we just made, the power reactor of a blink drive would have to be the size of our ship.” She blushed to realize that she was rambling. “Sorry.” 


“Don’t be, I think it’s sexy that you are smarter than I am.” Allan smiled before asking another question, sensing that she needed a distraction. “So then why are all ships not massive lumbering things that jump from place to place?” 


The computer stated that they would arrive at the Quillinar homeworld in less than four hours. “It’s still magnitude. Magnitude, and mass, with a blink drive there is a finite curve of energy efficiency and ship size, ships that are smaller lack the space for the needed energy reactors if the ship is too large its mass causes such a drastic increase to the required energy for a blink drive to operate that it becomes unrealistic. So a ship has to meet a volume requirement that allows for the installation of the required energy reactors, without exceeding what most refer to as the blink limit in mass. If both are met, even then the farthest blink jump recorded is about the distance we traveled from Earth to the Jumpgate, with about fifteen times the energy requirements.” Aly said, sitting to look at Allan as she spoke.


Allan could tell that she was feeling jittery, as she seemed to be slipping back into the false ‘reserved’ persona she had used when they had met on earth, so he asked another question. “Okay so then was how you got me up to the ship a usage of the blink drive?”


Aly smiled, knowing full well what he was doing, and knowing that she would be eternally grateful for it. “No that is actually…” It continued like this for almost the entire ride to her homeworld, Allan asking increasingly in-depth questions, each one stemming from the prior explanation she had given. 


When they were roughly fifteen minutes from docking with the orbital shuttle station, Aly stopped mid explanation and walked up to Allan who was sitting on a blank console station. She sat on his lap, not with erotic intents, but to simply wrap her arms around Allan. “Thank you.” She whispered and kissed him on the cheek. “Allan, I’m scared, and worried, and…” 


He interrupted her with a gentle kiss. “Don’t be, I’ll be there. But there is one thing that I need from you.” He smiled at her as she looked at him with curiosity. “I need you to translate.” 


“Oh!” She jumped up and walked into the medical bay, and Allan followed her. “If you want you can use this, I’ll install the same English lexicon that I cave to Hilx’Nit on it.” She offered him a device that looked like an old gaming headset. One ear held a typical-looking headphone. And had a microphone that could be adjusted, the other side was a crescent-shaped pad that he guessed was meant to rest on the top of his ear. He nodded and she loaded the lexicon and handed it to him.


He put the device on and it hummed to life, “This does not mean you’re getting out of teaching me your language.” he said, and heard a string of Quilnarish come from the headset. 


Aly laughed. “I have to say knowing both languages it sounds funny hearing what you say in English than the translation.” 


Allan smiled, and then a thought occurred, “Hey Aly, do you have some kind of locators we can wear so that if we get separated we can find each other?”   


“No,” She said, wondering what he expected to happen, “but I can have the fabricator make some it should only take a few minutes.” 


He scooped her up to hold her and kissed her deeply. “You do that and I’ll go get our comms from the room.” He set her down, leaver her just a little breathless, and jogged off to the room, as she accessed the assembler controls from the bridge. When he got to the room he scooped up the comms, and then something else tugged at his mind. Purely on a gut feeling, he slipped the Glock from where he had dropped it inside the bag after things had settled down with the security patrol. He checked that it was still on safe and loaded and slipped it into the holster that was also in the bag. The holster attached to his pants and let the gun hang inside his pants on his thigh so that it wasn’t too noticeable. He picked up all the extra magazines that he had, making sure they were all full, there were five in total, and put them in his pockets. 


And as a last resort, he slipped an eight-inch boot knife into the slot designed for it on his boot. “Here’s to hoping that we won’t need it.” He said to himself, and then he walked to the Assembler to get the trackers, he only had to wait a minute or two before a ding sounded letting him know that they were ready. He scooped them up and jogged back to the bridge, handing Aly one, and her comm-link.


“Ready?” he asked slipping the tracker into his sock on the foot opposite the boot knife and put his comm-link in his free ear.


“No, but let’s go. Regardless of how this goes, I’m happy to be able to show you my home.” She took his hand and lead him to the cargo bay airlock and out onto the platform of the shuttle station.




Allan was blown away, firstly by the fact that the shuttle station was more aptly a city in orbit, the second thing that startled him was that he had expected all the other Quillinar to be the same color scheme as Aly was, with her vibrant blues, deep purples and lighter pinks around her more delicate areas, and the soft white-pink flesh that was revealed where she had no scales. The opposite seemed true for the rest of her people, they all had grey flesh where there were no scales, and their colors seemed to range from brownish oranges that barely showed up, to a muddy red, the overall effect was rather muddy and dark. 


Allan pushed the power button on the translation headset that he was wearing, disabling it, and spoke. “No wonder they say you are cursed, you are infinitely more attractive, so the jealous fucks had to say something out of sheer embarrassment.”


Aly smiled at the joke. She knew that her coloring was most certainly sought after. “There is a legend that says those born with bright colors like mine are descendants of the Kings of old, it’s not true, just recessive genes but I like to imagine.” She said, to him in English. 


“And you’re a princess to boot!” Allan said playfully, making her blush, “Man I hit the jackpot with you didn’t I?” 


“Allan,” She said, pulling on him, and blushing more intensely, “I told you how my people feel about Interbreeding, we don’t need any more attention than I will already get.” 


“Ahh, Fuck ‘em,” He said dismissively, “Let them be jealous.” 


But she was worried, it was not unheard of for groups of individuals, or even entire Clans to rise and hunt down those who ‘muddied the bloodlines.’ She looked to Allan remembering the speed, aggression, and strength he had shown. She relaxed and figured that he was right. “Fuck ‘em.” She said, getting a chuckle from Allan as she took his hand and lead him through the crowd that was staring at them to the shuttle that would take them to within a few minutes walk of her Spawn-Fathers house. 




When they landed planetside Allan heard the whispers and the reactivated translator went to work.


“Look there, the cursed girl is back.” An elderly-looking female Quillinar said.


“It’s a shame that she doesn’t just die and spare everyone.” The elderly male next to her said. 


Rage boiled through Allan, who let go of Aly’s hand and went over to the two of them who sat in strange chairs. He said something quietly enough that she could not hear, and a moment later the two elders went pale and retreated to the inside of their homes.


“Allan what did you say to them?” She asked curiously, not entirely sure if she wanted to know. 


“Ohh I just asked how they wanted their chairs shoved up their gills, one piece at a time, or all at once.” From the look on his face, she knew that the Elders would have believed him.


“It’s fine I really am used to it. Besides if we stop at every thousand-year-old gossips house, we will never make it to my spawn-fathers.” Aly said taking his hand again.


Allan smiled then stopped, “Wait a thousand years?” he asked, shock on his face.


“Well a thousand or so of your Earth years.” Aly smiled, a coy look came across her face. “How does it feel to be bedding a woman several hundred years your senior?” she asked playfully.


“Fucking great.” He said with a smile and began to sing quietly under his breath. “Older women... make better lovers...Because they understand…” this went on for a while until they got to the house that was their destination.


“Welp here we are, the house of my spawn-father, Yilkulatinar Jopleghxin.” Aly said and before Aly could stop him, Allan had turned the volume of the speaker on his translator all the way up and walked up to the door.


He raised his foot and slammed it into the door causing it to rip from the frame and fly across the room, impaling itself into the opposite wall, directly over where Aly’s spawn-father was resting in a mud bath. “Honey, I’m home!” he said a manic grin plastered on his face. 


Yilkulatinar Jopleghxin, took one look at the door, heard the translation that blasted from the speaker, looked at his spawn daughter, and then focused his eyes on the demon that had just destroyed the security door to his home. His response was natural, he screamed and passed out.


“Well, that was easy.” Allan said smiling, and Aly who was torn between the care her spawn-father had given her, and the hatred he had displayed after turning her out, found herself laughing. “Goddess.” she prayed as joy seemed to fill her very soul. “Thank you for sending me this loud, powerful boisterous man.”  She walked into the house and found Allan fishing her spawn-father out of the mud and setting him on a chair. 


Allan then turned the volume down on the translator to a normal level and slapped the man gently. “Ohh Yilkie,” his voice was sing-song, “time to wake up.” he picked up the water bucket that sat next to the mud bath and upended it over the man’s head.


“Wha.. what’s going on.” Yilkulatinar Jopleghxin sputtered out. Looking again at Aly. “Alyniqual?” He asked, and then Allan stepped into his line of sight squatting down so that he filled the man’s field of view.


“So here is the thing, I’m bad with names, so I’m gonna call you Yilkie.” Allan said, and the man’s eyes widened in fear. “That alright with you right?” Allan asked, smiling that manic smile.


“Yes, that’s fine.” Yilkie stammered out. “What can I do for you, I’m sure that this is some kind of misunderstanding” 


“No, Yilkie, see, you are Aly’s spawn-father right?” Allan asked and Yilkie nodded. “Great, so then you are most certainly who I am looking for. Now I need you to tell me in excruciating detail how all this curse mumbo-jumbo got started about your daughter.” 


“She just is, she is the cause of her mother’s death. She…” Yilkie said and was cut off by Allan’s hand lapping him softly across the face.


“Yilkie, baby,” Allan said in a bad jersey accent, Aly laughed at this, “You’re breakin’ muh friggin heart.” Allan’s tone went deadly serious and the look on his face made Yilkie and Aly both go wide in the eye. “Why don’t we try that again Yilkie, and no bullshit, see I don’t believe in curses, and I find it offensive that you think I’m stupid enough to buy that shit. You get one more chance, after that, I am going to ask your lovely spawn-daughter here to take a walk for a few minutes, and you and I are going to talk alone. When she gets back you will be happy to answer any question she has, but you will be missing at least one limb. Are we clear?” 


Yilkie nodded, knowing that this demon that Aly had brought to him sacred him far more than anything else he had ever seen. “She is not cursed in any mythical sense.” He started, taking a breath to align his thoughts. “She is cursed in that she has invoked the wrath of the council of purity.” 


Aly’s breath caught in her gills, and she stumbled, taking a seat she breathed deeply. Allan saw this and came to stand behind her, rubbing her shoulders gently. “Forgive me for being ignorant, but I believe that I said excruciating detail, so who the fuck is the council of purity.” 


“They are a shadow government that determines what genetics will best benefit the race, as well as which ones need to be removed.” Yilkie said, knowing that divulging this meant his death but he had had enough of the lie. “At every first spawning for a female of our race, there is a representative of the council present, if the first child is brightly colored as Aly is, they kill the mother and the other children, as that woman will only produce children colored in a similar manner to the first. It’s something about how our genetics work, I don’t fully understand it myself. But regardless, the child that is already born is allowed to live, and blamed for the death of the spawn-mother and their siblings. A rumor is put forth each time that the child’s coloring is the cause, that it is a mark from the Goddess of a curse that will kill all who are kind to the child. The council of purity then assigns an agent to follow that child, and gradually kill those who are kind to them.” 


“Why?” Aly asked, tears streaming down her face, “I didn’t ask to be born like this.” She gestured to herself. 


“The council of purity is composed only of those who are Hil’Vanq.” Yilkie said. 


Allan was confused, and he looked to Aly who mouth was open slack-jawed, she saw his look and thought for a moment, composing herself. “The council of purity is composed of those who have melanism, they are black from head to toe.” 


Yilkie nodded. “When a woman gives birth to a Hil’Vanq child first, it is the father who is killed. The mother is then forced to spawn as many times as she can, and the children are torn from her arms, the children are taken and indoctrinated into the cult that is the council of purity.” Yilkie looked to his spawn daughter. “I never wanted this for you, and I never wanted to let you go,” He took a stuttering breath, “but they told me that if I did not kick you out for being cursed, they would kill a thousand in your place.” 


“So let me get this straight these people are practicing eugenics?” Allan said, turning to Aly who understood the term. She nodded and knew that she wished she had just died. Allan turned to Yilkie, “Where oh where can I find these fuckers, Yilkie?” Allan asked his tone something that Aly had never heard before. 


Before Yilkie could answer, a voice spoke from the door. “We have found you impure one.” A Quillinar, black from head to toe, stepped into the building followed by three more, one moved to grab Aly and a sound like thunder followed immediately by a sickening crunch left the offending being without a head. Aly looked to see Allan holding the black weapon he had aimed at the Galgax, it smoked from the hole on the front. 


“Aly, come over here, behind me.” Allan said, his voice a sea of tranquil focus amidst the emotions that were rushing across everyone else’s faces. Aly stood and did so, instinctively avoiding getting between the man she love, this super predator, and its prey. “Now, who is in charge of you lot?” Allan asked the Council members in a tone that was far more chatty than it had any right to be.


“Why would we tell someone like you. You don…” Thunder. Crunch. The speaker fell to the ground missing its head as well.


“Now, once more, who is in charge of you?” Allan asked his tone still just as chatty as it had been. 


Neither Quillinar spoke, one even soiled itself. “Tick tock goes the clock. Somebody better tell me or I’m just going to kill you both.” Allan said smiling sweetly. 


One of the Quillinar stepped forward. “We can call them here. We don’t know who they are but we can tell them that you have the strength and right to call them for a meeting.” 


“Cool.” Allan said, walking over and taking two chairs and setting them in the mud bath, “Have a seat, both of you.” They did as he asked. “Now call.” The Quillinar that had spoken, a young-looking male raised its wrist and spoke into a decorative-looking wristband. A single word of acknowledgment came back in return. Allan held out a hand and both of them handed over their communications devices. 


They sat there in awkward silence for twenty minutes, Allan’s eyes only leaving the two in the mud bath, to check on Aly who was talking extremely quietly to her spawn-father. After this time a voice spoke from outside. “Impure one we have come.” 


“Well come on in, join the party!” Allan yelled back. Standing up and putting himself between Aly and the door. Seven Hil’Vanq Quillinar entered the building, stepping over the headless bodies in the doorway. “Why don’t you guys go sit next to your friends.” He flicked the end of the gun towards the mud bath.


They complied but one of them spoke. “If you kill us more will rise to take our place.” 


“Of that, I have no doubt.” Allan said, a venom in his voice that sent a shiver through every Quillinar in the room save for Aly. “You see, my people have dealt with your particular kind of idiocy before, and we learned something, there will always be some fucking moron that thinks because they are a different color they are better than the others. My people fought wars on a scale and with weapons, that as far as I understand from the ever so lovely Aly there, your people don’t have the words to even understand. So I am going to make you a promise, Aly and I are going to leave, I don’t think she wants anything to do with her homeworld for a while.” 


Aly nodded, even though it pained her to do so.


“And you are going to leave Yilkie here alone, and you are going to stop doing what have been doing.” Allan turned to Yilkie, “I am assuming that their existence is something of a commonly known secret?” Yilkie nodded. “Good,” He turned back to the council of purity, “When we leave you will let Yilkie be, unbothered about you or your actions, you will stop this bullshit of killing the mothers who give birth to colorful children, you will stop stealing away mothers that spawn Hil’Vanq, and you will spread no more rumors about curses. In fact, you will tell the truth, that you have been lying about this.” 


“Why in the name of the Goddess would we do this. We could just kill you and the tainted one, and continue how we have been.” 


“You could try.” Allan said with a predatory smile. “And in all honestly I’m needing a good tactical workout so I hope you do. But I think that you will find me much harder to kill than anything that you could possibly imagine.”


The council and their two underlings shrunk back from him, his smile triggering their long-dormant flight responses. “What do we get if we agree to this.” 


“You get my silence.” He said, looking each of them in the eye in turn. “If you keep up your end of the deal I won’t worry about you. Even if you recruit people to your cause using words, I won’t care, lord knows you can’t really change people. But you break the agreement I just laid out in any way.” He leaned forward somehow expressing his sheer rage as an almost physical force. “You kill a mother or father, you kidnap a child for any reason, you send someone after me or Aly, you tell anyone that somebody is cursed. And I will return to space, shooting my way to our ship If I must. And I will call in a favor owed to me by the captain of the Bastion of Law.” That got the attention of the council who knew the ship, to prove the point Allan fished into his pocket pulling out the scale bearing the mark Hilx’Nit had carved and filled with his blood. “The favor I will have him do is to fly me, and as many of the greatest warriors my people have, back here to wipe your ideology from existence, when we get through with you the council of purity will not even be a footnote in the history books of the future. We will reign down an unholy fire the likes of which you can’t begin to imagine, and we will follow you until the job is finished.” 


Allan gave them a moment and then spoke again. “So what do you think, how do you like this deal.” 


They all nodded, fear and terror sending shivers down their spines. One spoke, “We accept your deal.” 


Allan turned to Yilkie, “Yilkie, I am giving you a job, I want you to wait until this lot broadcasts their message about the curse being a lie.” He shoved the gun towards the council who all jumped slightly. “When they do you are going make your own council, I don’t care what you call it, and you will have only two jobs on this council. The First will be to contact me if these assholes start their shit up again. The second will be to promote the inclusion of people of all skin and scale colors. Find some people you trust, some people who have suffered as you have under their shit, and make it happen.” 


“I will do that,” Yilkie said, looking to Aly. “I’ll do it in the hopes that none will have to suffer like you did Alyniqual, and in the hopes that one day you can forgive me for not standing up for you more.” 


“Thak you, spawn-father.” Aly said, she turned to the council, “I have to know, how did you kill my adoptive clan? There was even a Hil’Vanq among them.” 


“He was a good operative, poisoning the crew one at a time, causing accidents for others, and then in the name of our order, he poisoned the captain, and then spaced himself.” The speaker was one of the older council members standing in the mud bath, he smiled with every word. 


“See that shit right there, that’s the shit you need to stop.” Allan said, walking up to the edge of the bath and backhanding the speaker in the face sending him to slam into the wall with a crunch that informed everyone that many bones had been broken. “I don’t trust you fucks to keep your word so I am going to go back to the ship with Aly, and we are going to hand around for a while, I don’t know how long. Yilkie you are going to have one more job. When they send out their message I need you to check around with anyone you know and make sure that it wasn’t a trick just to your communications, or TV, or whatever it is you have. If it is a trick tell me. If it is not a trick tell me as well.” Allan turned back to the council. “If it is a trick, my first stop is to cash in this lovely token.” He flipped the scale into the air before catching it and putting it back into his pocket. “If I don’t hear from Yilkie before I leave, I’m doing the same thing, are we understood?” 


Eight Hil’Vanq heads nodded. “Good!” Allan said happily. “Now this was a good club meeting, why don’t you guys take your party favors,” He gestured to the crumpled council member who was still breathing, and the headless bodies, “and fuck off.” The two junior Hil’Vanq grabbed the elder Allan had slapped, while the rest grabbed the bodies and left with as much speed as they could.


Aly ran up to him and threw her arms around him. “Please Allan, get me off this rock. Get me back to our ship. Get me home.” Tears streamed down her face.


“No problem gorgeous.” He said kissing the top of her head he scooped her up and she snuggled close to him, seeming to collapse into a deep sleep from the sheer emotional drain almost immediately.


“Allan,” Yilkie said, “thank you. I won’t let you down.” He said, staring at the demon his spawn-daughter had bewitched.


“It’s not me you should worry about Yilkie,” Allan said walking carefully so he didn’t bump Aly on anything or wake her, he looked over his shoulder, “Don’t let her down again, or I’ll kill you slowly.” Allan didn’t bother listening to his reply or looking at his face, he had precious cargo to get back to their home.

This story is ongoing! if you just want to read as it becomes publicly available, then feel free to do so here or on Reddit (r/HFY.)
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