Chapter 61

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After a long walk, they finally arrived at the hospital, an ordinary warehouse that seemed to have withstood the apocalypse surprisingly well, considering its age and the devastation around it. The building loomed before them, a sight of resilience and human ingenuity, a testament to the importance placed on preserving life and health, even in the darkest of times.

Without any further exchange of words, the pair of them entered inside as they held their individual stuff on them—one radio, which they needed to communicate with other surviving communities, and the other, bringing the first ever woman to their refuge.

Walking side by side together through this forsaken hallway, Hansel suddenly stopped in his tracks, which also caused his friend to do the same. "Danny," he said, calling out his attention. "I'll take the radio from you," said the head doctor of this hospital, his hand extended towards him for the device.

"While you take our patient here to your room," the man was ice-cold in the way he spoke. "I need to check on the other patients as well," he explained further of his reasons, hoping Danny could sympathize with his reason for it.

Nodding his head, Danny gave him the radio before moving around the doctor, stopping in front of the man's back as he then lifted Unity gently into his arms, careful not to jostle the woman."You can go," he replied, his voice soft and reassuring. "I'll get her settled in," he promised, making sure she is safe and sound with him.

Noticing the glimpse at the side of Hansel's face to smile warmly at this declaration, silently expressing his gratitude for him doing so. It's not everyday that people are willing to be kind and compassionate when there is no sign of benefit from doing so.

"I will be on my way," he said mirthfully. "If you need anything, ask one of my doctors or nurses; they'll help you out." After their short conversation, Hansel moved forward with the radio now in his hands as he was secretively filled with complete joy at accomplishing one of his missions to improve, help, and save many lives much easier thanks to the arrival of the new patient he saved.

It's as if the heavens themselves opened up to give him a gift—a symbol of hope that he'd never imagined to be real.

As the doctor continued moving forward, he then heard his name being called from behind. Sighing under his tired breath, he spun around to see Danny holding her in bridal style.

"Yes?" Hansel politely asked, raising one brow curiously, "What is it?"

The man inquired, wanting to ensure that his friend was alright or if there was something else worrying that needed to be addressed. For all tests and purposes, there is always trouble lurking around in every corner of their lives, and he hoped it was not severe enough to have him stay with them for hours to no end.

"Where is my room?"

The question was simple and straightforward. Frowning as he spoke to answer the young man's question, "I apologize about that; I have forgotten to tell you where your room is; I'll show you," he said, gesturing for Danny to follow him.

"Come," he ordered, leading his friend to the designated area of the hospital. "It's on the second floor; we won't be long." His steps were quick and purposeful as he guided him through the maze of corridors. Their trip to reach the set of stairs was unfruitful, to say the least.

They didn't say much during their short walk; only the sound of footsteps echoing against the floor of this place broke the silence between them.

"Hansel," Danny asked, his voice a little shaky, "if there are actually women still alive to this day, should we make this information public?" The pure uncertainty of the decision to reveal this discovery to the rest of the remaining men in this world.

However, he couldn't imagine how revered or popular they could be if they became the first leading founders of repopulating the human race back to its glory days. He doesn't want to admit it, but to be adored by the whole world as if he were their supreme leader or hero is enticing. He wants to be loved by everyone.

Reaching the public grand staircase, they began their ascent to the second floor, the creaking of the wooden steps beneath their feet echoing through the corridor. "Well, that's a tough call, Danny," Hansel pondered aloud, his brows furrowed in thought.

"On one hand, if we keep it quiet, we can protect her from potential harm or exploitation," he reasoned, "but on the other, if we don't share this information, it could mean the difference between life and death for many more," he mused, his expression conflicted, "not to mention the implications it could have on humanity as a whole."

Both agreed that revealing such dangerous information could lead to the capture of Unity by desperate men, which is far more risky than telling everyone across the world that they have women with them. "Let's say she walks around in this hospital of yours; wouldn't the guys notice her feminine features and right away start gossiping or, worse, have their way with her?"

Statistically speaking, especially in the animal kingdom, males are described as being biologically more aggressive and dominant compared to females, so the idea of having a woman in the middle of a bunch of men is quite unsafe.

Although it is subject to debate whether it is true or not, humans possess a far different level of rational thinking and societal norms that prevent them from acting on their base instincts, separating beast and man into logical, sane, and civilized beings.

Still, everyone is fundamentally different from cultural beliefs, ideology, and personality traits that define who they are, whether they are men or women. Danny is afraid of being hurt by them regardless of gender, as the possibility cannot be ignored.

Reaching at the top surface, they continued walking forward, Hansel's expression soften from what his friend's worry had brought upon him, "of course, there's that risk," he acknowledged, "but I doubt anyone would go far to think she is actually woman, let alone having them force their way with her," his disbelief look iced and firm, "the men here are not savages, they're survivors, just like us," he said firmly, "and we've worked hard to maintain some semblance of order and respect among ourselves."

"Unity is safe with us, I promise," the head doctor reassured without any hint or doubt in his voice, "no one in this world would believe Unity to be girl, they'll just think its some guy pretending to be one."

A sigh of relief escaped from his lips. "Your right," Danny said with a nod. "I guess we have to be careful then," he agreed. "Keep it quiet for now, until we figure out the best way to handle it," proposing a temporary solution to their problem.

"But if she's willing, maybe she could start helping out around the hospital; keep a low profile that way," suggesting the idea of having another nurse or the idea of having another nurse or at least a helper for the head doctor to make his work a lot easier with more hard-working nurses at his side.

Smiling at the idea, "That doesn't sound like a like a bad thing to consider," Hansel said, "it'll not only keep her occupied and safe but also give her a sense of purpose and belonging to this community we have." The growing excitement of having more good folks working along with him is a beautiful thing to contemplate.

"I'll speak with her and see how she feels about it," he promised. "In the meantime, let's get you two settled in your room," the doctor said happily, feeling nothing but joy over this good news.

A drop of sweat fell down from his own forehead after hearing that, "Doctor, I need to tell you this, but she isn't really mentally stable to do anything." Truth be told, Danny doesn't know how to say it in words without sounding like a complete douche bag; "she is... erm, special in way." That is the most polite way he could say it.

"I meant to say, she's not normal; she needs constant care, supervision, and protection; that's why I'm worried about putting her in public," explaining the condition of the girl to him. "I don't want her to get hurt or taken advantage of by others," he confessed his worries at the potential outcomes she would receive without proper guidance, "so I hope you understand my concerns."

Confusion flashed before the head doctor's face. "Special in what way?" While he understood everything else, he couldn't put a finger on what exactly Danny meant by saying Unity is 'special', "like she's autistic or something?" Speaking out what his partner might be implying, "because if that's the case, we can definitely find ways to accommodate her needs."

Hansel assured at treating those who are unfortunate, "We have experienced people here who can help her adjust and integrate into our community," he said confidently, "and I'm sure she'll be able to contribute in her own unique way." His optimism was palpable, a sign of how much his duty reflects who he is.

"Your good man," saying it once again, Danny noticed the doctor blushing from the compliment, "its not autism, Hansel, its..." Clicking his tongue, he wanted to say it in front of the man's face but couldn't for some reason.

He himself doesn't understand why he can't just say those words because it may sound borderline rude; the fact that he has to hide the truth about her condition from him makes him feel guilty. Still, it will be a matter of time for the head doctor to learn what she has.

"I see," Hansel said without hint of hostility or disappointment in his voice, "in any case, I'll discover her condition when she wakes up." Returning his smile back to Danny, "now here we are." stating this, he went to a random door before casually opening it, allowing them to enter inside while revealing the very same room when the young woman woke up.

"Take a rest, sleep. I will check on the both of you once in a while, so don't worry, I'll be watching over the both of you," he said warmly to them. "And remember, you two are safe here," he added, giving a reassuring pat to Danny's shoulder. "Get some rest. We'll talk more tonight or morning depending on how long either of you wake up."

Smiling back, Danny slightly bowed his head in gratitude. "Thank you, head doctor," he said sincerely. "I appreciate you taking us in," expressing his utmost thanks to this benevolent person, "we will make sure the both of us get a good rest," he promised, swearing to himself that he would watch over her as well.

"Goodnight or good morning, Hansel," he bid him farewell, his eyes already heavy with exhaustion from the fatigue rapidly consuming his entire being as a whole, compelling him to lay down on the bed.

Laughing wholeheartedly, he said, "Good night to you as well!" Friendly farewell between friends before he closed the door shut before them, leaving Danny and Unity alone in the room.

The young woman was still unconscious, her chest rising and falling steadily as she slept, unaware of the events that had transpired to bring her to this place. With this alone time between them, the young man turned around and headed towards his only bed before gently putting the malnourished woman on the mattress.

Putting the blankets over her, Danny wondered if he should sleep with him but decided to go against it. "I can't do that," he whispered loudly. "That doesn't sound inappropriate." With a tired sigh, he turned around once again before carefully laying his entire body on the hard floor, despite how uncomfortable it is. To exhaust himself beyond words, he watched as his own eyelids began to close shut, the soft creaking of the wooden floorboards beneath his head as he fell asleep.

The only remaining fading thoughts that remained in his head before drifting to sleep were whether he made the right choice of letting her sleep on his bed rather than the floor.

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