Chapter 85

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As the group followed behind Hansel back to their room, neither of them had said a word  since they left the cafeteria area. Each person was lost in their thoughts about the shocking revelation of adopting Toby and the restructuring of their living quarters.

None of them had the courage to speak due to the awkward tension traversing through the air like an invisible wall between them. At least not a single one of them had the courage to speak about how tense this is becoming.

While the head doctor continues to lead them like no tomorrow, Danny, on the other hand, was having trouble deciding whether he had made the right choice in adopting a kid whom he had never met in his entire life.

He feels both guilty and responsible for taking in this child, which both of them had already been through a lot, his heart aching with sympathy for the kid, while his mind races with doubts and fears about the enormity of the task ahead. The responsibility of caring for not just one person but also another is a whole other beast to tame.

Glancing over his shoulder, he notices how Unity trusts the boy, seeing them walking side by side as if they were trusted siblings. It was the trust between them that got him thinking about what type of bond will form between the three of them once they are settled into their new living arrangements.

Although he hates to admit how tiresome it must be to care for the both of them, Danny prays for whatever deity is out there to hear his problems and find a solution to the concerns that were plaguing his mind: taking care of two individuals and figuring out his own identity.

Imagining himself having less freedom than the time he met either of those two, he cringed at the thought of it. Losing personal space is one thing, but losing the ability to have his own set of pace while not worrying about the problems of others is another issue.

"I guess this is the price of being a good person," he muttered under his breath, biting his lip with worry as they reached closer to the entrance of their room, wishing selectively in quiet prayer to whatever higher power is there for some miracle to solve this impending crisis he has.

The more they continued walking forward, the more awkward and tenser the atmosphere had become, to the point that Hansel felt obligated to break the ice. "You guys excited?" Lightening the mood with a smile seemed like his only option before things got out of hand, especially given how uneasy or conflicted his friend is after taking short glances behind his own back.

"Because Danny sure looks like he's having a sleepless night, haha," chuckling lightly at his terrible joke, to which none of them laughed in response, except for Toby, who snickered silently.

Narrowing his eyes a bit at the man before them, Danny doesn't know if the head doctor is trying to be helpful or just plain annoying; he decides to just get along with it and continues onward without saying another word.

He just doesn't want to make things weirder than they seem when he, Unity, and Toby are about to step into the newly redesigned space they will be sharing together. In his heart, he hopes the renovated room they are heading into is far better than the one he previously had.

Remembering the memories of having to sleep on the floor in behalf of Unity's comfort, it pains him to think about what kind of torments he has to face if they decide to keep sleeping separately, forcing him to pay the price of the discomfort of sleeping on the on the floor once again, making his sigh heavier than intended.

Just the thought of possibly sleeping on any floor gives him an idea of how awesome life would be again after getting back to having a proper bed once more.

The soft mattress behind his back, the pillows soft as the clouds themselves—man can only dream when he has the chance of laying his weary head upon the comfy bed he has wanted since the beginning.

Alas, all he could do now was pray and pray until they got to see their new room. It's something to be pessimistic about when things don't always go as planned, but it won't stop him from dreaming and hoping that the nightmare of having to sleep on the cold, hard floor is finally over for him.

After a while of walking through this seemingly never-ending hallway, they finally reached and stopped in front of the entrance, their breaths caught in anticipation as they stared at the wooden door that separated them from the unknown.

Unlocking the door, Hansel held it open for the trio. "This is it," he announced with a grandiose gesture, stepping aside to allow them entry first. "Come in and have a look," he grinned from ear to ear, confident that his friends would surely be amazed or relieved by the sight of their newly furnished room.

Upon entering the spacious room, the trio is greeted by a pleasant surprise: a completely refurbished living space designed specifically to accommodate the needs of its three inhabitants. Gone are the days of cramped quarters and makeshift bedding.

Instead, the room boasts a comfortable and stylish setup, infused with a sense of warmth and coziness. A plush king-sized bed dominates the center of the room, its rich, dark wood frame adorned with elegant carvings. The mattress is covered in crisp, white linens, inviting rest and relaxation. Pillows of varying sizes and materials are artfully arranged against the headboard, promising perfect support and comfort.

To the side of the bed, a sturdy, oak dresser stands tall, its many drawers providing ample storage for personal belongings. Beside the dresser, a cozy reading nook is nestled, complete with a plush armchair, a matching ottoman, and a small, circular table perfect for placing a book or a glass of wine.

Along with the sight, another bed, which is smaller in size compared to the one in the center, takes place opposite the reading nook, signaling that the room was designed to cater to the needs of two individuals or possibly even three if needed.

The walls, painted in a warm, earthy tone, provide a comforting backdrop for the plush furnishings, while the hard concrete floors, polished to a high shine, add a touch of elegance to the space. A large, rectangular window allows for an abundance of natural light to pour in, illuminating the room and highlighting the beauty of the decorations within.

Further including a couch located by the window, providing ample seating for all three occupants, it serves as a hub for socializing, sharing meals, or simply enjoying each other's company.

Soft lighting, in the form of floor lamps placed strategically throughout the room, casts a warm, inviting glow, further enhancing the ambiance of the space. The sight alone had made their jaws drop at the over-the-top transformation of their room from cramped quarters into a luxurious abode.

Meanwhile, Unity, unable to contain her excitement, let out a squeal of delight, rushing forward to examine every nook and cranny, running her fingers over the smooth surfaces, and marveling at the attention to detail.

"What do you think?"

Feeling Hansel's arm over Danny's shoulders, he doesn't know how to comment on this rapid change in their room. Judging by everything, he questions if it is remotely possible to change a lot of things within a single day, let alone a couple of minutes.

"How the hell did you guys manage to do something like this?" He was both amazed and confused, as was everyone else. "Was this here the whole time, but just... hidden or something?" Inquiry echoed with skepticism about the situation due to the suddenness of how things have changed for the better than he anticipated.

Short laughter emitted out of the man's lips. "You would be amazed at the talents and skills some of my peers are capable of doing," a satisfied sigh escaped from him before he had to remove his arm from his friend's shoulders.

"If you are wondering how the entire furniture looks freshly made or clean, let us say we had contact with another neighboring community and are currently taking bargains for goods and services in exchange for helping one another," Hansel replied in a matter-of-fact manner, as  mentioning his daily routine, unaware of how shocking the idea of trading with"an outside community in current times may sound.

Gazing around the room with wide eyes, Danny tried to wrap his head around the sheer amount of effort and resources that must have gone into transforming this space. "I thought..." He tried to make a logical response to this, "forget it," he said, shaking his head.

He was planning to question the absurdity of this all, but realizing how people still find ways to survive and thrive in the midst of chaos like war, famine, and pestilence, he wouldn't be surprised if someone told him that other human beings are either repairing or producing high-quality items and objects in this apocalyptic wasteland.

"Wait, how did we even get contact from another community?" The question he should've known ever since he came along with the head doctor outside of this hospital, yet he forgot about it until now, "I think I am forgetting something," he says, scratching the side of his head.

The amount of stress and frustration of his problems is starting to make him forget certain things that should be easily remembered by now. "Did we stumble across them by accident?" Recalling anything related to how they got to know about these new communities seems to evade his mind entirely at this point.

Lost for words, Hansel was unable to believe if his best friend was messing with him or not. "Haven't you forgotten we went out together to get working radio in some abandoned building? It is where you found Unity," reminding Danny about his own memory from days ago.

"It is all because of you that we managed to give you three a brand new, freshly renovated room that my friends can proudly call home." Pride radiated from his tone as he spoke, "or maybe your memory is worse than what I thought."

Taking a few steps forward, he turned around and faced the head doctor before blinking twice. "Yeah, I remember." Embarrassment crept upon Danny's face as he recalled the events that took place during his journey with the man. "I guess I just blocked it out," he said, scratching the back of his head again.

Danny felt silly for forgetting such crucial details when the outcome of their encounter was the best transformation he could ever imagine. "Anyways, why change our room? What about the other living spaces in the community?" Curiosity drove him to ask about the motives behind redesigning just their room instead of revamping the entire area.

Averting his attention away, he said, "Well," fiddling his hands together in an awkward manner, "I was planning to do that for someone else who is less unfortunate than you, but..." Looking down shamefully, "Since you were a great friend to me, I decided to offer you the first member of our community to have a better living condition instead."

A casual mention of the actions taken to help a fellow survivor was something Hansel didn't want to flaunt openly, showing his genuine appreciation for this befriended young man. "After that, I am planning to do all for the sake of my patients and staff in having a nicer and more modern place to live and work in."

Then genuine smile reached Danny's lips, finding the kind gesture of this man. "It's no bother," Danny said sincerely, his heart swelling with gratitude and affection.

"We appreciate it, trust me," showing how much he means with a nod of his head before approaching towards him as his hand reached over to pat Hansel's shoulder.

"Thanks for looking out for us," the very eyes of his sparkle with warmth, showing the depth of his feelings and displaying the truth of his words towards his only true friend.

"That's great to hear." Looking up with a smile as well, Hansel nodded in return and said, "I'm leaving; enjoy your new room, everyone!" Bright as daylight, his face lit up as he turned to leave. "Take care, and don't worry if you need anything; just knock on my door, okay?"

The brief moment of silence hangs heavily between them before Hansel's footsteps fade away, the door closing softly, leaving the group to absorb the reality of their transformed surroundings in the wake of his departure.

Standing before Danny is the boy himself, staring awkwardly at one another as none of the two have any clue what to do next.

Toby, possessing a cringe face from this situation they are in, glances back and forth at the adopted father, looking like a cat caught in the rain, wanting to figure out the protocol of being newly introduced as a family until he was forced to do something about it from the increasing suffocation this atmosphere is becoming due to their awkward states with one another.


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