Chapter 3

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Nelson, the father of Sunny, sat comfortably in the morning kitchen table while overhearing some loud sounds from upstairs with a warm smile plastered on his face while staring down at his own coffee mug. His eyes sparkles brightly reflecting the sunlight pouring through the windows near him, contemplating about a past so long ago that he should've forgotten if it weren't for his love for the wife he once had.

Inside their house, where the beautiful white walls surrounded him everywhere inside their precious home giving an air of peacefulness throughout the entire residence, the kitchen were filled of nothing but simplicity consisting of few cabinets, wooden countertop island, sink area, stove top oven combo unit, fridge door beside pantry closet containing food supplies stockpiled for future use whenever necessary, small dining room adjacent corner space next to main entrance doorway opening.

Aside from that, they prefer to live in such simple life as his son also preferred. Nothing fancy or extravagant decorations littered across rooms except for minimalist furniture sets placed strategically around each location, providing maximum utility value combined with aesthetic appeal, creating a cozy atmosphere suitable for family members residing presently occupying current premises.

Just the way she used to be.

A shift of sadness spew onto his once happy face, glued to his steaming coffee mug that still continues to steam despite sitting idle on the table. Nelson sighed wistfully, remembering fond memories spent with women whom he loved dearly enough to marry till death does part between them forever more. Sadly, however, fate intervened, unexpectedly changing course drastically when the cosmic malestorm came down onto earth.

Closing his eyes, he firmly tightened his hands into fists from the horrific global event that eradicated every female, regardless if they were humans or animals; even insects were affected too. Only men survived due to the unusual resistance of these unknown particles that emitted during the storm, resulting in all males being somehow unaffected by it, with minor sickness reported worldwide.

Oh, how he remembered when he woke up from his bed to see her unresponsive next to him. It hurt greatly knowing she died in sleep without any warning signs given to prepare herself for a final departure towards the afterlife, leaving behind a brokenhearted husband whose now sole purpose was raising their beloved son alone amidst chaos happening outside.

 Though it has been centuries past, new technologies have been created thanks to bright-minded inventors and researchers. One of their new wonders that came to fruition was the process of reverse aging to prevent human beings from dying naturally, achieving a form of immortality to the point they can also forever lock in a specific age.

There were many techniques and actions to do it, but one of the main things was genetic manipulation for reversing aging, involving tweaking the instructions within cells and genes alike. Complex task for humans, but easy-to-think machines that do not tire or lose focus easily. None of it matters when his wife isn't here with them.

"Adia...." Tears began rolling down his face again, unable to hold them anymore. "Oh my sweet Adia, please forgive me for not letting go of you," choking slightly from words spoken out loud, heart clenching tightly at the thought losing someone dear to him. He wondered if this was healthy for someone who had lived for so long at this point.

"Woof! was the familiar sound of nails clicking on the floor as their pet dog rushed inside the kitchen with its tongue out in the open. "Woof!" It barked again, running next to his master before jumping excitedly onto the man's lap, resulting in the cup holder spilling hot liquid onto the table without striking the dog or Nelson altogether.

An icy cold chill went down on the man's spine in what he had thought to have been hit by it before feeling relieved when everything turned out fine in the end.

Their three-year-old beagle dog jumped close to the owner's face before licking his tears gently and whimpering quietly to console his grieving soul. Dogs sense emotions better than people, sometimes especially the ones closest to their owners.

Dogs sense emotions better than people, sometimes especially the ones closest to their owners. Its instinctual behavior honed over thousands of year evolutionary history passed down generational among breeders worldwide.

Trait he and his son adored greatly, "okay Bubble, that's enough," chuckling at this furry friend of theirs, patting lightly head affectionately showing gratitude for company provided whole time, "you hungry kiddo?" He asked the dog, which in returned bark at the response, "I'll take that as yes," before getting up from the chair, he carefully placing the pup safely on ground level surface.

Standing up from his seat, he was immediately greeted of his son entering inside the kitchen with nothing but the same clothes he wears everyday, "hows your beauty sleep?" The father of Sunny smirked playfully, ruffling the boy's hair messily causing the younger male squirm uncomfortably from having to endure this from time to time.

Sunny swatted his dad's arm away irritated, pushing glasses higher up nose bridge, "dad... stop doing that already," he answered with clear exasperation evident in tone voice. This act happens frequently between them, annoying the poor lad almost daily basis.

"I'm already grown as a man; I am not that little kid you used to think I was back then." Its a fair argument considering the circumstances involved currently. Although Sunny knew deep down that his parents would treat him just like a baby unless proven otherwise someday, "hey boy!" Smiling widely at the dog, Bubbles became ecstatic at being noticed by his favorite human companion. Kneeling down to the dog's level, it adorably nuzzled against chest cavity making soft rumbling noise signaling contentment felt deeply within the pup's body.

"I take it this is the day for you to get your lazy ass out of the bed and get to school?"

Hearing his old man, Sunny cringed at the notion, "ugh, that again?" He causally stood up while their dog whined from the lack of belly rubs Bubbles is getting from his owners, "you know full well that I dislike having to hear something like in any conversation?" He hoped for one day that once his proved to be capable of utilizing his Esper powers then his finally free of having to go to that damn academy all the time.

In second thoughts, he does not have any clue of what kind a power he posses? Telekinesis? Mind reading? The ability to fly or shoot lasers from one's eyes? The possibilities are endless but for the time being, he should focused entirely on school and once he unlocked his own Esper ability then surely it must be something worthwhile for going to classes in every week.

Folding his arms together, Nelson sighed disappointingly at his son, "you need to be reminded of the reasons why every man has to go study math and science in order to properly utilize abilities granted upon awakening because the Angeloids had good enough reason of why everyone has to go," understandable statement coming from both the father and authorities altogether.

Still, it doesn't make himself truly feel free and even alive of being taught what to do and where he is supposed to go. But who can blame them when everyone is capable of possessing supernatural powers beyond comprehension? Not only that, but there is great danger lurking beneath those who abuse their gifts recklessly. Therefore, proper education is needed to avoid catastrophes occurring anywhere else in the ark.

However, isn't the main reason why this new civilization was created—living in full-blown utopia? Wouldn't it be contradictory and possibly hypocritical for these angeloids to do something like this? While he clearly understands the reason for forcing everyone to go to school, it still doesn't set well for him one hundred percent. Perhaps it would help if they told him exactly why instead of keeping things straight forward.

Sighing heavily, Sunny looked down at his feet shamefully admitting defeat, "Fine." Having given up on this topic, he suggested to himself in preserving to continue studying these damn boring classes so he could unlock his Esper powers already. Honestly, he just hoped it would happen today because it has been so many years since it happened.

Noticing his son's distraught, Nelson remorsefully apologized profusely, albeit reluctantly, "sorry, I didn't mean to upset you furthermore," trying hard to cheer him up somewhat, "just remember though that no matter whatever happens, whether bad or good, I'll always love you for who you are," a sweet sentiment shared openly amongst themselves.

Smiling faintly, Sunny walked closer to embrace, hugging his father lovingly, "thanks dad," an appreciating gesture made by the older man. As much as he hates hearing lectures regarding the importance of attending class, he knows that his parents are in his best interest. And perhaps somewhere along the lines, maybe they might find answers hidden underneath the layers obscurity of their lives.

"Hey dad."

"What is it, kiddo?" Nelson said in response. What could possibly bother a young adult in the early morning hours? Or did his son forget some important assignment? "Something troubling you?" He asked as they departed from their embrace. "You can ask your old man for anything."

Sighing softly under breath, Sunny wasn't sure what to say other than just focusing on today. "Can we sit down? I want to ask you something important," he stated seriously, wanting privacy for the momentous occasion about to come forth soon afterwards.

Nodding slowly, Nelson agreed to listen attentively, giving undivided attention as the two sat down on the messy, drink-spilled table while Bubbles slept soundly on the floor.

"Okay, what is it?" Nelson asked patiently, waiting for an answer, "seriously, your old man for anything," smiling warmly and reassuringly. Even though he himself may look tough exterior, Nelson is actually quite a gentle individual deep down in his personality. His kindness is shown whenever opportunity presents itself thus far throughout his life as a good father.

A slight pause occurred briefly until eventually gathering courage: "I have recurring dreams every time I sleep; it's a dream I can't pinpoint why, but it's..." How does he explain this strange phenomenon haunting him since many days ago? There aren't any right way telling others about such weird occurrence happening repeatedly each night except describing vivid details accurately portrayed within subconscious state of existence called 'sleep'.

"Go on," Nelson listened attentively, his eyes not wavering off his gaze directed towards his son sitting opposite side across from him despite growing impatient wondering what sort revelations await ahead of their talk, "is it nightmare? We can go to therapist if you'd like," he suggested politely hoping that wouldn't insult his child in anyway shape or form.

Shrugging shoulders nonchalantly, Sunny shook his head negatively refusing idea proposed earlier, "no, no!" Raising his hands up in the air with denial, "its not like that," he explained quickly avoiding misunderstanding taking place accidentally due to miscommunication error committed prior instance, "it's more complicated than simple explanation."

"Really? I would like to learn more about it myself too," Nelson admitted honestly curious now after seeing how serious expression formed around his lips revealing truthfulness behind statements uttered moments ago, "tell me what is this mysterious dream of yours that is plaguing your mind that could make a old man like myself worried?" He asked patiently.

"Its a girl that keeps appearing in my dreams."

Suddenly, Nelson's eyes darkened from this, "I get it now," he immediately understood everything as the man quickly stood up from his seat, surprising his son from this sudden action done unexpectedly, "I was confused of why you were sometimes acting differently lately," grumbling angrily under his breathe with his fists tightening into balls, ready to strike anyone foolish enough in crossing his path with enraged beast hiding dormant inside calm demeanor.

Glaring daggers at him, the atmosphere became tense and cold like iced frozen tundras. Neither said another word, for the air between them was becoming more hostile as seconds ticked by. Their gazes locked firmly, staring directly into eye-to-eye contact and intently watching reactions emitted from either side.


Sunny can feel his own heart throbbing against his ribcage, rapidly beating faster than normal rhythmic rate, indicating stress levels are increasing exponentially. Foreboding impending disaster looming on the horizon as sweat dripped profusely onto his forehead area, forming droplets rolling freely down his cheeks as if it were an avalanche.

What's going on? Sunny was in shock at the turn of events. His father had never done this before! This is the first time paps have ever felt anger, let alone something menacing and intimidating in the same place. It's unbelievable, really. To think a good man like Nelson could present himself as such a terrifying person is inconceivable.

Biting his own lip nervously, he tried desperately thinking of ways to defuse tension building fast between the pair without triggering his father further into whatever emotional turmoil was brewing below the surface. After all, family matters above all else, regardless of personal feelings hurt during the process. So it would be reasonable for someone like him to control his father from doing anything rush.

However something unexpected happened.

"Son..." Small, creepy cackle escaped from the man's lips as his once darkened eyes were replaced with look of joy, "I never knew you had crush on someone!" This completely threw him off guard; leaving the youngster baffled speechless unable comprehend recent development unfolded suddenly mere minutes ago, "tell me! What fictional character is she?" Wondering what virtual simulations his son went.

Dumbfounded beyond belief, Sunny had no words as he slowly grabbed his glasses before putting it away in one of his pockets, "dad..." Eyes squinting dangerously, "your unbelievable!" Huffing loudly, he would have stormed upstairs if it weren't for his father calling out for him, making Nelson confused by this reaction alone.

"Hey! What's the big deal?" Finding this response uncalled for, "why don't tell me which game universe her based off from?" Curiosity got better of him, "its normal for someone like your age to fantasize over characters drawn beautifully compared to real people."

The boy stared back incredulously, shaking head vehemently in disagreement, "she's not from any video game nor anime show," speaking sternly, "frankly, Its a person from my—"

"Yahoo!" The twins shouted gleefully barging inside kitchen door entrance carrying his shoulder bag, "we found what you were looking for Sunny!" They said in chorus happily handing item requested previously mentioned earlier before noticing the father and son strange demeanors emitting from their faces, "did we interrupt something important?"

As Nelson chuckled nervously, Sunny scratched the side of his back head from frustration, "its nothing," he answered with fake smile painted on face, "so um....thanks girls," waving slightly gesturing farewell, he quickly grabbed the bag and left the area, leaving everyone in the kitchen without further explanation of what had transpired.

"So mind telling us what went with the both of you?"

Mei and Lei both looked at the sweating father, whose face were covered with confusion and shame simultaneously, "its a long story," he said quietly, scratching his own hair awkwardly of feeling embarrassed from the reason why his son is troubled, being at fault here for jumping into conclusions than outright listening to him.

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