Chapter 69

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Laying down on the hard floor as Unity snore quietly on her comfortable bed, Danny had a hard trying to adjust his body to the cold, rough surface beneath him. He could feel every bump and imperfection of the floor itself, each chill seeping into his bones as the night wore on.

But he refused to move—to disturb his companion in her peaceful slumber. Instead, he turned back and forth while forcing his eyes to stay shut, wanting to just fall asleep in this position, yet the uncomfortable spot was still making it hard for him to relax.

As he tossed and turned, Danny had second thoughts of even trying to bother sleeping on this hellish night, his body exposed to the cold air without a blanket or mattress behind him to act as support for his weary form, groaning out loud from the discomfort he was experiencing.

"I hate this," he muttered under his breath. "I'm not going to get any sleep like this." His frustration began to rise as he tried to find a way to make himself more comfortable, but the harder he tries, the less successful he becomes.

Placing his back on the floor, he flashed his eyes open, staring directly at the ceiling above while sweating profusely from the cold, fatigued sleeping position he put himself into.

"I can't sleep like this," he quietly argued, wanting nothing more than to drift off to dreamland, but the cold, hard, unforgiving floor is the last thing he needs right now, especially with how disgustingly horrible it is to be in this very spot.

Glancing at the side with his eyes lifted upwards to her bed, he felt a ping of jealousy seeing Unity peacefully sleeping while he was struggling to find a way to rest. Mentally tired, stressed, and frustrated, the young man let out a deep sigh, his chest rising and falling from this very terrible situation he had gotten himself into.

While he was responsible for bringing this upon himself, it was out of his good will to have an innocent girl sleep comfortably without having to suffer the same fate as him, yet it seems that his kindness has only led to his own downfall.

"I should've just stayed in my bed," he grumbled. "At least it would be warm," his voice tinged with self-pity and regret for his foolish decision.

Having slept on the floor on his first day was one thing, but trying to grow accustomed to it is near impossible for him as he began to feel the effects of it, his body aching from the cold, his muscles tensing, and his mind racing with thoughts of how he could improve his situation.

Everything he tries leads to failure. "Damn it," he cursed under his breath, his patience wearing thin, knowing the only solution was to kick her off the bed or find another room for him to sleep in. Which he would choose either way.

The only problem is how impatient he is growing; the desperate need to sleep in a warm, cozy bed is driving him nuts. He felt like he was slowly going insane from the lack of rest, the cold, the discomfort, the frustration—all of it swirling together in a maelstrom of misery.

His desperately wants to get some rest, but having a special needs person sleep on the floor instead of in bed sounds morally wrong on so many levels. It would be fair to say that he is paying the price for his own self-interest in doing the right thing.

Tossing his head back to the ceiling, Danny wonders if he should ask the head doctor right away, as this is getting ridiculous at this point in time. But he knows that the doctor is already dealing with his own crisis in the other part of the building.

Seeing it as rude or inappropriate to wake him up in the middle of the night for something as trivial as his own personal comfort, he reluctantly decides to bear with the situation for a little longer, hoping that the cold and fatigue will eventually win over his stubborn mind and body, allowing him to drift off to sleep as he continues to stare blankly.

Yet the unforgiving floor never relents, the cold seeps deeper, the discomfort grows, and Danny's eyelids, heavy with the weight of his weariness, begin to droop, only to later just open them wide. "I can't," defeated, he forced his entire body to stand up despite how numb his legs are.

He was done with this; he needed a change, and he knew exactly what he had to do. Stepping closer to Unity's bed, he looked down at her sleeping form, her peaceful expression a stark contrast to the turmoil within him.

Clenching his fights tightly, jealously and anger boiling inside him, wanting nothing more than to kick her off the bed so he could just enjoy the peaceful bliss of sleeping through the night.

How he wishes she was not here, how he wishes he was alone—it's like a burning fire in his chest, a resentment towards her for being there, taking his rightful place in the bed. The fact that she is a special needs type of person does not matter to him in this moment. His entire instinct was to just kick her off her bed.

No, not her bed. It's his; he brought her here; he should be the one to sleep while she can stay on the floor; isn't that the least he could do for her? Yet the more he thinks about it, the more he feels the urge to just throw her off the bed, to make her suffer the same way he does, to teach her a lesson.

Retribution for the injustice he feels she has caused him. His hand hovered inches away from her, trembling with the effort it took to restrain himself from acting on his impulses. The temptation to give in to his base desires was almost overwhelming, but he fought against it, reminding himself of the reasons he brought her here in the first place and of his duty to protect and care for her.

How much he wants to physically slap her on the face for the audacity to think she can just take his bed, how much he wants to scream at her, to yell at her, to curse her name, his mind racing with all the nasty, mean, hurtful things he want to do to her, but he stopped himself, his rational mind slowly taking over, knowing that this is not the way to treat someone who is helplessly dependent on him, no matter how much he wants it to happen, as it is horrific to just do whatever he wants without caring about the consequences of his own actions.

This very girl is his friend, and friends don't hurt each other; they support and care for one another, even when the going gets tough, and right now, the going is extremely tough for him, yet he can't bring himself to hurt her, to take out his frustrations on her innocent form, his hand finally lowering, his anger spent, replaced by a sense of resignation and defeat while being humble about it.

"What the hell was I thinking?" Shaking his head shamefully, he turned around to walk away, leaving Unity to continue her peaceful slumber, unaware of the turmoil that had just passed between the two of them.

Heading to the window of this bedroom, where the forest stood quietly from outside, Danny sighs tiredly, looking out to the darkness of the night, the moon casting its silvery glow on the trees, and the stars twinkling like diamonds scattered across the velvet expanse of the sky.

He gazes out at the serene beauty of nature, a stark contrast to what he is feeling. Silence envelops him as he stands there, gazing through this window, his mind lost in thought without any show of expression on his face.

Blankly looking out with nothing but an empty , she is still struggling to find a way to sleep in a comforting manner.

He wonders the reason for his own kindness in being some selfless saint who would rather let his bed be used for the sake of others, yet in the end, it is the one who is most vulnerable, the one who needs the warmth and comfort the most, who ends up suffering the most.

And that would be this very young woman laying down in his room, satisfied with the beauty of sleep she is experiencing as he speaks.

He sighed, shrugging his shoulders without anything else to think about or do. Danny had to accept that the night was not going to go as planned. It was clear to him that he would not be able to sleep in his bed tonight, not with Unity occupying it, and the floor was not an option any longer.

So, he decided to find another solution, venturing out into the cold night air to take a breather from his thoughts. Staying here any longer than necessary, he knew it was time to move on, to find a way to rest elsewhere, leaving behind the memories of this night and of his failed attempt at sleep with peace of mind.

Turning around with a newfound solution, he quietly walked towards the door without looking back, ready to take a midnight stroll in the middle of the woods to find a place to rest his weary head, knowing that the cold, dark, and lonely forest might be the only solace he can find for now.

Regardless of how stupidly dangerous it is to wander around in the dead of night, he didn't care to find a way to quiet his mind and ease his aching body from the agonizing cold floor that is slowly driving him mad beyond his human limits.

The young man then stopped in front of the door, his hand gripping tightly at the door knob with no change of expression on his face, slowly turning his head to glance at the sleeping girl once again.

His face held no contempt, anger, malice, or even sympathy; it was just the empty look of a tired soul, silently wishing for the best for her, hoping that she would wake up refreshed and happy in the morning while he himself had to endure the discomfort throughout the entire night all by himself.

With a heavy heart and a deep breath, he finally pushed the door open, stepping into the empty hallway where many doors lined up on both sides, leading to various rooms filled with patients sleeping soundly, their gentle snores echoing softly in the silent corridor.

Danny remained there silently as the door behind him shut itself, leaving him to continue his journey in search of a place to lay his weary head and to escape the cold, hard, unforgiving floor that refuses to yield to the pleas for rest he desperately yearns for.

On the other hand, he could find an unoccupied room within this building, but he doubts it would be easy; there are many people here, and many of them need rest, so disturbing any of them is a risk he doesn't want to take, especially if it would cause more problems than solutions, so he decided to go outside for a while to see if he could find a spot in the woods that would allow him to get a decent sleep. The fresh air and the peacefulness of the night would be a welcome relief from the chaos of the building.

Inhaling quietly, he briefly closed his eyes, letting the cold air fill his lungs before exhaling slowly, his feet carrying him away from the warmth and comfort of the building towards the darkness and solitude of the forest outside.

He knows the potential danger that lurks for him if he chooses to sleep in the open. Wild Renegades is among the loose, dangerous thugs looking for their next victim or, worse, some supernatural entity that might be lurking in the shadows, but he is too exhausted to care.

Danny understands his Esper powers somewhat, being some kind of untouchable guy, so he's not worried about getting attacked by wild killer robots, knowing he can easily handle them, but the unknown monster out there is something he fears, something he can't explain; he can't even describe it.

It's just a feeling he has, a sixth sense telling him to stay away, to keep his distance, and to keep guard at all times regardless of how confident he is in the matter, but he ignores it, pushing forward, driven by the desperate need to ease his suffering at this very moment.

At least he is risking his life without reason; going into the wilderness is an idiotic thing to do. Going so far as to just wait for tomorrow is less stupid than having no reason to do so.

Although he still feels stupid for doing this, he is going to do it anyway because he is a fool who can't think straight anymore, blinded by his own desperation of just wanting some goodnight rest.

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