Chapter 4

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Notice: Click the pop out from below in the top corner of this box to hear the music! Moreover, any posted links are songs from Pixabay (Credit is required to use) or Udio which should be legal to use.

Plugging his earphones, Sunny casually walks through the streets of Ark City, heading toward the University of Espers, located not far from his home, where students gather together to learn math and science, as well as other boring subjects required to properly use their abilities. But even then, most males hardly use their power, for there is really no point in doing so.

He glanced around the bustling cityscape surrounding him, with various types of buildings ranging anywhere from tall skyscrapers to towering high overhead stretching endlessly upward, reaching the fake clouds floating leisurely.

The sun shone brightly upon its inhabitants, walking everywhere among shops selling goods needed on a on a daily basis, including food supplies stockpiled for future usage when necessary times arise, sooner rather than later, depending on the on the situation.

But the most detailed part of all of this is the people. Young men who were around his age or even younger, due to how every guy preferring to look more good-looking than their original age, Suffice it to say, reverse aging is a really beneficial gift granted to humanity. Without them, he wouldn't be sure how many elderly people would be walking among them.

Moreover, humanity would be extinct right now if it weren't for them. It's nonetheless a nice thing for these machines to be considerate enough to keep the human race alive. However, the only problem lies when humans begin to rely on them so much that they begin to lose sense of self-worth because artificial intelligence beings do things quicker than average mortals.

Even still, he can't deny his currently enjoying the best of his life, unlike those years prior to the cataclysmic event that wiped out all females throughout the world. The struggles of having to work, being forced to wake up every morning and night, and dealing with assholes were pain in the ass. It's like an endless cycle that he's forced to do 24/7, whether he wants it or not.

Nowadays, however, he has the freedom to choose whatever activity suits him perfectly fine without worrying about the about the consequences involved, somewhere along those lines.

A satisfied sigh escaped his lips when the music continued playing in his ears, smiling weakly at nothing in particular. "This song really takes me back," he whispered softly under his own breath.

"Underneath the rising sun, it starts to sprinkle in the sky~♫"

Following the lyrics of the song, he begins bobbing his own head from the song, unable to contain his gratification from listening to awesome tunes created by these angeloids, "da dao du du du," chirping happily while walking towards the destination point as people then pass him either sideways or sideways without even paying any mind whatsoever.

Humming the melodies of old songs made long ago before the modern world existed, Sunny reminisces about days when everyone continued their boring old lives. Stuck in the same routine until the world changed drastically. He doesn't want to say this out loud, but he was glad it happened because the life he has now is damn easier than ever before.

"Loving you like melody, every beat and note, you are all I see; in this world of ours, you are my harmony. Forever and together, you and me~♫"

Stopping at the pedestrian sign, the red light appeared on top of the traffic signal as he began humming along with the catchy tune playing through his earphones. Not paying attention to the moving cars in front of him.

"Below the cherry blossom's, our love's moon bright~♫"

Lost in the music, Sunny knew in the back of his head that what he was doing was stupid, as this was a dangerous thing to do, especially when crossing through the streets without anyone else with him. But because of his love for listening to songs and detaching himself from the world, he can't stop himself from doing it, regardless of how stupid he is.

After seeing not a single one passing through in front of him, he glanced at the sign to see it now being lit in green. "Guest, its my time to move," Sunny said to himself, reassured that this was a safe time to cross since there weren't any vehicles passing by. He took his first step and began walking ever so casually, nodding out loud from the rhythm bursting out of his earpads.

Moving through the crosswalk, Sunny felt like the entire world was in his hands. In his confidence, nothing could go wrong, right? With that thought in mind, he continued walking forward, only for something unexpected to happen. Suddenly, an oncoming car appeared swiftly, unaware that it was coming straight to him as the music loudly continued to play.

"Shit! SHIT!" The driver's eyes widen in horror. "Get out of the way, kid!" He honked his horn madly, hoping whoever was in his path would move away immediately. But it was no use; Sunny was too preoccupied with enjoying the song playing over his ears to notice anything else around him at all. "What the fuck are you doing? OH SHIT!" Fear, horror, and regret rushed into the man behind the wheel, screaming internally, Why isn't this moron pay attention to what was going on outside? but it was too late because the impact was imminent.

Until someone came to the rescue when Mei and Lei jumped towards the young man, grabbing him as they pulled him off the street just before the collision happened a second later as the screams were deafening while metal screeching against metal resounded throughout the area, giving everyone the time of their lives from the horrific scene being played.

People watch in surprise at the sudden turn of events; some even drop their groceries, while others gasp loudly in disbelief upon witnessing the act of heroism demonstrated right in front of them. It feels like time has stopped for a moment when everyone could've believed their eyes that someone was about to die in front of their eyes.

"What the hell were you thinking?!"

Pulling Sunny up, who was surprised or shocked like everyone else, sweat pouring out his face profusely due to adrenaline rushing through his veins, he felt light-headed as if seeing nothing but blackness surrounding him, completely enveloping every sight within his vicinity except two familiar faces staring at his sides. "sorry...?" Awkward and defeated, a smile painted across his lips feebly.

Mei and Lei both let go of the boy's arms with a disappointed look written all over their faces: "You almost got yourself killed." The twins said simultaneously, reminding him why he should always be careful on the streets without proper supervision of guardians watching closely behind whenever possible. Especially when someone like him gets lost in his own little world.

Taking off his earpads, he placed them in one of his pockets and sighed ashamedly at his own stupidity: "Yeah, I deserve whatever punishment you two will give me," feeling guilty for putting others in danger because of recklessness committed earlier today. Instead of yelling, they scowled disapprovingly while shaking heads disappointingly, as if they were his older siblings.

"Just be careful from now on! And you should stop doing this whenever you are walking outside!" One twin pointed firmly, causing Sunny to cringe slightly since she was literally right up against his face. "From now on, you are not leaving our sight!" The two said it in unison, horrifying the young man further from this bold deceleration.

"Oh what—!"

"What's your problem, man!?" The driver walked behind him, his anger steps moving towards Sunny with fists clenched tight. "Do you have any idea how close one of us is to dying?!" Wearing an icy glare directed at the boy's back, who still could feel guilty over such an incident that happened moments ago, "you also destroyed my brand new car, like, come on, man! It took them to build my dream vehicle."

Turning around, Sunny looked at the man who wore an expensive suit as he puffed out his chest, proudly showing off his physique, but unfortunately, it wasn't enough to intimidate him before the driver. "I never asked for anything bad to happen, so sorry about that," she said, bowing apologetically, hoping that would make things better between them and move away from here soon afterwards.

The irate man scoffed loudly while stomping his foot onto the ground surface furiously. "Do you seriously think apologies will fix everything?! Huh?" He demanded, sternly crossing arms underneath the breast area, "If I were you, I wouldn't leave campus without paying compensation firsthand." Eyes glued to him, Sunny has no clue what to do now.

It's his fault, that's for sure. And his willingness to accept his mistakes, but the fact that this guy is about to beat the living life out of him is becoming a bit much. "What do you want me to do then?" He already apologized, so there shouldn't be any more problems, right? Or so he hoped when the man began to get closer than before.

"How about this?!" Raising his fist, the man throws a punch towards Sunny, forcing the twins to quickly intervene by holding his raised fist and saying, "What the hell?!" He yelled angrily, trying to break free from their grip, but they refused to give up easily, as if protecting someone precious to them. "This kid needs to be punished!" Continuing his rant despite being held back.

"Crap..." Sweating bullets, Sunny could feel his own heart beating against his chest cavity like a drum rhythmically pounding faster with every passing second from almost being punched in the face. "If it weren't for them, I would be bruised right now," he admitted truthfully at how much Mei and Lei are important to him when it comes to protection and care.

Because of the android's superior physical strength, Mei continued to hold the man down with a cold, venomous look. "Violence is prohibited in the Ark." She glared dangerously as if warning the driver not to dare commit anything foolish again or else consequences would be severe. "Do I make myself clear?" Her icy voice sent chills running down the poor man's spine, causing sweat to drip profusely on his forehead area.


Letting his hand go, the driver swiftly turned and ran back to his car. As Lei and Sunny could only feel relief after everything was over, Mei smiled and said, "I think it's time we get going soon before something worse than that happens," pointing out how everyone is staring at them, "let's hurry along." The trio then left the scene behind them without another glance backward towards the crowd, who were gaping with astonished expressions upon witnessing such an interesting spectacle that had unfolded today.

Violence in the Ark is exceptionally rare to witness, and while it is part of every human to have emotional outbursts, they are still expected by Angeloids to maintain a civilized society together peacefully unless otherwise. So in a way, what happened here was an unexpected turn of events.

One thing is clear for everyone, and that is to never cause problems in the city. No one knows what happens when a troublemaker is captured by the authorities. "Why are you two following me?" Sunny glanced over his back to see Mei and Lei acting differently—once a mirthful and happy duo, now a strict guardian who wouldn't let their human companion do anything recklessly outside their home premises.

"Because you were reckless?" Lei answered curtly as she rolled her eyes, not even turning her head backwards to look directly at him from this distance alone. "You almost got yourself killed today, and you are asking why we were following you?" She sounded stern, as if talking down to a child, reminding him why he shouldn't be doing something foolish again.

He could only sigh heavily under breath. "I know," returning his attention ahead, Sunny then briefly massaged the back of his neck, "you two are just being extra cautious than needed." He was trying to make light out of the serious situation earlier, but they weren't having it. "Anyways, thanks for getting me to safety; I mean, for real this time."

The twins smiled warmly at the compliment behind his back, as despite being clearly upset at him for almost getting himself killed, they nonetheless cared for the young man as if he were their own little sibling.

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