Chapter 17

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After class was over, Sunny and his newfound friend exited the building, bringing them onto the open campus as the two walked side by side like two peas in a pod. They conversed with ease, with a natural flow of words and thoughts that resonated between them. The very fact that they were actually having fun just talking to each other was a breath of fresh air for either of them.

In the past, he would have considered this to be a form of weakness, but now he sees it as an opportunity to connect with another soul and learn from their experiences. It's becoming a new experience for him to start having friends for once.

"Mind explaining to me why you came to my class specifically?" Sunny asked, not showing hostility or suspicion but merely a genuine curiosity about the reason behind it: "It can't be a coincidence, right?" He is not a stupid person, having a keen sense of observation and intuition after their first encounter.

So it wouldn't be a realm of possibility that the person he had saved wished to get close to their rescuer. Not that he doesn't mind it, of course, as long as they share respective boundaries with one another like two individuals on a journey to discover the truth.

It's still, however, sort of creepy nonetheless, but it's not going to make him lose sleep over it. If anything, it might even be the start of their beautiful friendship with each other. Although the problem lies in the fact that Tom is even speaking with him at the moment.

Could there be any reasons, such as that he wants to befriend him or perhaps he has ulterior motives? Or maybe he simply enjoys the company of others. Or he is simply overthinking about it. He himself isn't really good at trusting people he has just met.

Sheepishly smiling, Tom looked at Sunny with a hint of embarrassment. "Eh, how did you know?" I was a little bit surprised by the young man's astute observations.

But he wasn't going to let it deter him from his reason for coming here: "Well, I guess you could say fate brought us together," but his eyes betrayed otherwise as a hint of sorrow lurked within their depths. Something he can't control or hide, no matter how desperately he wants to, due to his overwhelming feelings getting in the way.

Noticing this, he stopped and gestured his new friend towards the railings at the water fountain. "Can we talk here for a bit?" he asked softly, hoping to find solace in the serene surroundings.

Once they were seated, he watched the waiter take a deep breath about the situation he was in. Sunny was a little interested and more worried about the uneasy vibes he was getting from Tom. Suffice to say, this is getting more tense as the minute passes by. And it isn't good news either way, from the way Tom is showing.

"My father's restaurant is being targeted by Elvis gang."

Sunny's pupils shrank to icy points. "What are they planning?" He asked without hesitation, his voice betraying none of the fear that gripped his heart. It was a rhetorical question, a mere formality, for he already knew the answer.

Having encountered those thugs before, it doesn't seem like they are the type to forgive and move on. No, people like Elvis are simply sadistic individuals who wish to inflict pain and suffering on others because they can and could at any time without much difficulty.

Tom was hesitant at first, struggling with the decision whether to completely trust this stranger who had saved his life or not. However, upon remembering how righteous and compassionate this man is, he could only choose to believe him completely: "Tonight around eight p.m., me and my father were told by one of them to leave unless..." Gulping nervously, he averted his eyes from Sunny's gaze, knowing full well what kind of threats the thugs made. "We are willing to stay," he answered with heartache.

He was confused by this: "Did you report them to the authorities?" It is the most sensible and common response when dealing with those who wish to bring harm upon them. But then again, not everyone is willing to do so, especially when the victims are powerless against the predators for whatever reason.

"What's stopping you from doing that?" He inquired, wanting to understand the reasoning behind this decision, as it was the only way to help them avoid the looming danger.

"They will kill my father if that happens." Sadness and fear sprung from Tom's eyes, his voice trembling with emotion. "They've done it before, and they won't hesitate to do it again," hinting at previous victims whose fates were similar to his own.

Elvis had shown him and his father the hidden bodies scattered across the city, each one a grim reminder of the gang's willingness to resort to murder if things weren't on their way. The threats have gone too far, and he knows that this time they won't be able to escape their clutches of them.

Deep in his thoughts, Sunny doesn't have any wonders left other than how surprised he was to hear that. If the authorities couldn't do anything due to the looming threat hovering above them, Then there is only one option he can do: "I'll protect your business and your father," he declared with unwavering resolve.

He may not be a fighter, but there is something unusual about himself after something protected him from getting hurt when he was being assaulted by those thugs. As if a guardian angel were watching over him, a gift he could use to his advantage.

Tom looked at Sunny with a mixture of gratitude, disbelief, and wariness. Not only was he saved before, but the young man sitting beside him is going to do this just for what? Doing the right thing? "You're too kind, Sunny," he smiled, extremely grateful for the offer.

His own mother would be proud if she was still around. Yet he couldn't help feeling a tinge of guilt: "You are risking your life for this?" A question echoed in his mind. He didn't want to place such a heavy burden on this person.

But Sunny wasn't a stranger anymore. Their conversations revealed a kindred spirit, a friend if they will, "Yes, because you are in need of help? Isn't it obvious?" He asked, his eyes gleaming with determination and compassion.

He'd never let a friend down, and he'd be damned if he let an innocent person fall victim to these bastards. His mother would want him to be a good man by helping others preserve the hopes and dreams of everyone around him. Moreover, he doesn't wish to regret having missed opportunities to do so.

The waiter was lost for words; he did not expect this level of generosity coming from Sunny. If he knew any better, someone in this city wouldn't dream of getting involved with this. Especially when it comes to being caught in someone's mess, they would not want to risk themselves getting seriously injured or killed.

Despite their immortality, mankind can still be killed by natural causes other than old age. It's a price to pay to live in the real world rather than hide in simulated realities 24/7. Although 21st-century technology has advanced to the point where the line between reality and simulation blurs,

Before the two could say another word, Lei finally arrived in the net of time and said, "Sunny! I'm glad to see you have waited for me!" Greeting him with a smile, her eyes sparkling with mischief and warmth as she switched to someone else, peculiarly Tom, "who is this?" She looked to find a striking black man sitting with him.

"Oh," Sunny sighed inwardly, his shoulders slumping. "This guy is my friend," he said with a hint of embarrassment. He knew how Lei could be, always on the hunt for new experiences and thrills.

"You heard it, his my friend," confirming any doubts Lei might have when she saw them sitting together as she raised her brows in surprise at hearing that coming from his point, "Hey, what?" Noticing her shocked face, the sight of her is beginning to embarrass him further as time passes.

Tilting her head, she carefully looked him over. "So you have friends now?" She asked with a hint of skepticism in her voice. Having known Sunny for so many years, his demeanor and aloof nature had led her to believe he was incapable of forming meaningful relationships.

It seems she was wrong by now. "That's amazing!" Her mirthful eyes lit up with genuine delight and admiration. She couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy; for once in her long life, she found herself envious of another person associating themselves with her family's lives. Yet she is still happy to know he is beginning to open up to others, regardless of how long it will take.

"Ah, thanks?" Sunny was unsure of how to respond to her inquiry. She sounded very happy about it for some reason: "It's not really a big deal; Tom is someone I have grown to trust and respect. We got along quite well; he's a good guy," he explained with a hint of pride.

"You're not mad, are you after I told you everything?" Smiling nervously, he hoped she wouldn't hold a grudge against him for getting himself into trouble yesterday just to save a stranger in a suspicious alleyway.

Lei shook her head in response, "Not at all! In fact, I'm actually proud of you for standing up to those thugs and protecting the innocent. You've come a long way since we first met, Sunny." extending her hand, she reached onto his hair before caressing it firmly and gently at the same time.

"You're a very good boy! Yes, you are!" She echoed his words back at him, her voice dripping with some sarcasm as a wry grin played on her lips. The kind gesture caused him to freak out immensely from this action alone.

"Hey! What the hell?! I told you to stop this before, didn't I?!" He whined with the desperation of a kitten trapped inside a cardboard box, "I can't believe you are doing this in front of him!" Cringing beyond imagination, he can't dare himself to look into Tom's eyes; the idea of it can send chills down his spine.

It might even cause him to faint from just how embarrassed he is at the moment. Times like this can cause someone like him to disappear from this world and onto whatever the afterlife people believe in nowadays.

Seeing the two of them in this scene, Tom blinked twice at the sight of this; they're really close, aren't they? He thought to himself as he watched them interact. Their bantering repartee was akin to the ancient art of fencing, a dance of words and wit that left him breathless.

Instead, it's playful and distinctive, like close siblings who know each other's quirks and habits like the backs of their hands. "Miss?" He politely called her out, hoping to grab Lei's attention as there were other business matters to attend to.

Stopping herself, she stood up with her gathered bearings before turning to Tom with a friendly smile still plastered on her lips. "Yes, young man?" She responded to his question with warmth and professionalism in her voice: "What does Sunny's friend want from the likes of me?" Humorously playing the part of a skeptical inquisitor, she quizzically tilted her head and narrowed her eyes, a move that accentuated the sharp angles of her angular face and the piercing intensity of her gaze.

"I need Sunny's help in protecting my family's business."

Her once joyous smile transformed into a cautious frown. "What is this about?" Lei's eyes showed deep concern for what they were getting themselves into. She fears the idea that her family is about to get endangered because of Sunny's foolish actions in doing the right thing. And yet, she knows how much he means well in saving the day, even if it means looking for trouble.

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