Chapter 4

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With the help of his maid, they easily managed to pack the food in containers before putting them in one large bag that Yumi was able to easily carry it behind her shoulder much to his surprise. The sandbag weigh around 100kg but she carried it with ease despite her slender body, "you're really something else," Carter said in awe as he couldn't help but admire the girl's strength.

Bright smile formed on her face, feeling proud of herself for showing off her abilities, "I'm just full of surprises," she replied as she couldn't hide the amusement from her tone, "it is why I am your servant," Yumi said with confidence, "besides, you're not so bad yourself, master."

"I don't know what you're talking about," he responded with a slight shrug of his shoulders, "I'm just a regular guy, that's all," his words didn't sound convincing as the young man was trying to downplay his own abilities, "I'm not anything special, Yumi," he said, as he shook his head in disapproval.

"Oh really?" Challenging him with a smirk as they stood facing each other in this luxurious kitchen, "why are you the commissioner of the police force?" She asked with her voice full of curiosity and amusement, "and most of all, why are you the richest person in all of Japan?" Her eyes were filled with mirth.

He couldn't help but chuckle from her words, "you make me sound like some kind of god," his tone was light-hearted and he couldn't hide the amusement from his voice, "I'm not a god nor celebrity," Carter said, as he shook his head in disapproval, "I'm just an ordinary guy that wants to honor my parents legacy," truer words have never been said.

"Well, I think you're special," Yumi replied, her tone was sincere and full of affection, "you are not like anyone else in this world," she continued, unable to help herself in smiling brightly at him, "your the most amazing human being in the entire universe," her eyes were filled with extreme admiration for the young man.

"You're exaggerating," he responded with a slight shrug of his shoulders, "I'm not that great," Carter said, as he couldn't help but feel embarrassed by her compliments, "anyways," switching the subject as he didn't want to continue this discussion further, "we should get going," his voice was calm and collected.

"Yes, master," she replied with a slight nod of her head as they headed outside the kitchen and then the living room before finally exiting the mansion altogether, "where to?" Yumi asked with curiosity, "the homeless shelter or orphanages?" She inquired with slight smile on her face.

"Homeless shelter," he responded without hesitation after exiting out the door, "there are many homeless people out there that need help," the young man said as his tone became serious and resolute, "and I intend to help them in any way I can," his words were show of conviction.

"Of course," she agreed without a hint of hesitation, "I'm always by your side, master," her voice was filled with determination as they left their beloved home, walking at his side while holding the large bag of food with her right arm, "master, may I ask question?"

"Sure," Carter said without much thought behind it as they traverse through the neighborhood, not being bothered by the incoming vehicles or few pedestrians passing on the other side, "what's on your mind, Yumi?" He inquired with slight smile on his face.

"Why don't we use car instead?"

Good point but he prefers to walk everywhere he goes, "I prefer walking," Carter said as he continued to walk down the sidewalk, "it's better for your health and it helps you get exercise," explaining in slight shrug of his shoulders, "besides, I don't like using cars that much," he admitted before smiling sheepishly.

"Why not?" She asked with curiosity, unable to hide the confusion from her tone, "it's faster and more convenient," Yumi said in slight pout, "besides, I don't want you to get tired," the girl was concerned for his well being as she didn't want him to push himself too hard.

"It's fine, Yumi," he reassured her with a slight chuckle, "I'm not that old," jested as he shook his head in amusement, "besides, it's not like we're in a rush or anything," Carter told while they continued to walk at their own leisure pace, "we have all the time in the world," his tone was calm and collected, "so don't worry about me."

"Okay, master," she replied with a slight sigh of resignation, "if you say so," Yumi said as they continued to walk down the sidewalk, enjoying each other's company while basking in the sunlight. The weather was pleasant as it wasn't too hot nor too cold, and there was a gentle breeze blowing through the air, "it's a beautiful day, isn't it?" She said with a smile on her face.

"Yeah," he responded with a slight nod of his head, "it is," Carter agreed as they to walked, "I love days like this," his voice was filled with affection and nostalgia, "the weather is nice and there's not a cloud in the sky," compared to his previous life, the world he was raised in was filled with nothing but snow and ice.

He is so lucky to be in different life time where Carter could finally see the beautiful clear blue sky and vegetation all around him, "master?" Yumi called out to him with concern in her voice, "is everything alright?" She asked as she noticed his expression turned into melancholy.

"Yeah," Carter said, calm and collected like usual, "I'm fine," he reassured her before his eyes look up in the heavens above, deeply engrossed by the beautiful sight, "I'm just admiring the view. Just feeling really fortunate to be in this world," the young man announced with a slight smile on his face.

"Me too," she agreed, as she couldn't help but smile at the beautiful scenery, "with you master, I feel like I can do anything," Yumi admitted, her voice was full of affection as she stared at him, "and I'm so happy that I met you," she continued, unable to hide the happiness from her voice, "you're the greatest person I ever met and the only man I'll ever love."

Sighing tiredly, he turned his eyes back ahead, noticing there are now outside the suburbs of their neighborhood, where dozens of people and cars are all over the place. Tokyo city is known for its hustle and bustle of people, vehicles and activities going on throughout the entire city. There are many buildings, skyscrapers, shops, businesses, markets and entertainment facilities located throughout the metropolis.

There are many famous locations such as Shibuya, Akihabara, Roppongi and Shinjuku that attracts many tourists from around the world to come visit and enjoy themselves. Tokyo also has its share of unique cuisine and cultural festivals, which adds to the charm of the city.

Overall, the city is a bustling and exciting city with many attractions, opportunities and possibilities to experience and enjoy. As for the roads, they can often become crowded and jammed due to traffic congestion during certain hours of the day, such as morning rush hours or evening commute times.

"We're here," he announced, pointing to the homeless shelter that was directly at their right, "let's go in and—" The young man was quickly interrupted by his loyal maid, cutting off his words in mid sentence. "Master," Yumi said, her tone was mix of concern and worry, "I don't think that's a good idea," she was hesitant, but she couldn't hide the fear in her voice, "they might try to hurt us or even rob us."

Seeing where this is going, he became defeated and gave in her demands to do what she wants, "do what you want, Yumi," scratching the side of his head in slight irritation, "I'll wait here until you're done," he said before sighing tiredly.

"Thank you, master!" The maid exclaimed in joy before running at high speeds into the homeless shelter, not wasting a second to enter inside the building without hesitation. "Be safe," her master muttered under his breath as he watched her disappear inside.

Taking a deep breath and exhaling, Carter walked near the entrance before resting his back on the wall while crossing his arms. Not minding the passing crowds or vehicles that zoomed past him as he waited for her to come back.

Closing his eyes, there is many things to remember besides having job and being billionaire; its the fact that the existence of superpowers is real, people with extraordinary gifts and abilities are born with them. Despite this, there is a lack of understanding about himself.

Carter is gifted with the power to manipulate his own story but he has yet to understand how. Confusing but it makes sense why he never died in the shootout when he was child; because he subconsciously rewrite fate and causality in surviving that horrific encounter.

Its possible he can do more than that but not sure what else, "hey buddy, mind helping me with directions?" An voice of stranger called out to him, breaking his train of thought and causing the young man to open his eyes to see the source.

Staring back at him was a middle aged man wearing a green parka with hood over his head, his face was hidden in the dark, "hello?" The stranger called out once more, tilting his head slightly, "can you understand me?" He asked with confused tone.

"Yes, I can," the young man replied, feeling irritated by the interruption, "what do you want?" Carter questioned with annoyed tone, "are you lost or something?" He wondered while glaring at the stranger with disdain, not in the mood of talking at this time.

"Your that famous billionaire right?"

Ah, he feared the worst. Its not everyday people beg for money, "what do you want?" He questioned in a sharp tone, not wanting to waste time any further as the young man wanted to be alone right now, "spit it out," his patience was wearing thin.

"I need your help," the stranger pleaded, his voice was desperate and his tone was full of anxiety, "my name is Takashi," the man introduced himself as he extended his hand towards him, "and I'm being framed for murder!" He exclaimed with utmost seriousness.

Blinking in disbelief while processing what he just heard, "wait, what?" He questioned in a tone of utter disbelief, "what the hell are you talking about?" The young man asked while trying to figure out if this person was being serious, "did you just say murder?"

"Yes, I did," the man responded without hesitation, "I'm innocent, I swear," Takashi said, his tone was pleading and his voice was full of desperation, "could you know, give me some money to help me with my case?" His curious tone was hopeful for a positive response from the so called philanthropist billionaire.

At any circumstance, he would ignore or leave this person alone. But having made promise to live up towards his parent's legacy, Carter would give him the necessary yen needed to help with his case. However, he isn't stupid when he knew someone is lying or not.

Narrowing his eyes, he carefully look at him from toe to head while analyzing the stranger from head to toe, checking any subtle hint if there is lie or not. And what he found was obvious lie, "you're lying to me," the young man called out, his tone was sharp and full of distrust, "what do you really want?" He asked with suspicion.

"I-I," the man stuttered for moment before regaining his composure, "I didn't mean to lie to you," he lied again, his voice was filled with shame and remorse, "I'm sorry for lying but I really need the—" He froze from the moment Yumi have left the building, standing menacingly behind Carter with her eyes locked on Takashi.

Horror and sweat pure down on the unfortunate person as her expression was filled with nothing but malice and fury to the point that he decided to ran away without leaving explanation much of Carter's confusion in this abrupt situation.

"What was that about?" He didn't expect the guy in being suddenly sweating bullets and immediately run away from him without reason, "I'm more confused than ever," the young man was dumbfounded by the bizarre behavior of the stranger.

One moment he was desperate and the next, he became fearful of his own life. Not giving any explanation, the stranger ran away and disappeared into the crowd of pedestrians, leaving him more confused than ever, "well, that was weird," he muttered to himself as he couldn't understand why the man reacted the way he did.

His confused state disappeared when she abruptly felt his entire arm being wrapped around by Yumi herself, "Master Carter!" She jovially exclaimed in sheer delight, "I'm finished!" Her eyes were practically glowing with joy as she couldn't hide the enthusiasm from her voice, "they loved it!"

"That's great," responding back with a slight smile on his face, "but mind letting go of me? You can be a little too affectionate sometimes," he pointed out with slight amusement, "besides, I need to head back to my workplace, my men are probably waiting for the next course of action revolving our recent case."

"Hmm..." Cutely humming to herself, she thought for a moment before tightening the embrace around his arm, "nope!" Yumi replied in absolute glee, "I don't wanna," the girl refused with a pout, "I'm not letting go!" Persisted as always.

"Alright," looking down at the ground with smile of his own, "just don't waste anymore time," he warned before taking his first step, "there is lot of things to do, which is keeping the metropolis safe from further crime," not even mentioning about the existence of supervillains lurking in the shadows.

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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