Chapter 58

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Time on Pluto is quite longer than on earth, as one month equals around five more in total. For what felt like years went by, their progress in terraforming this world continued as Carter's colony rapidly built their colonization efforts on the surface through the use of microscopic machines that are the size of an atom as they harvested any form of substance, trash, or organic matter to produce the desired results.

Like a swarm of flees, these quadrillion nanobots spread like wildfire, being responsible for terraforming this little dwarf planet into something suitable to be livable to the point that in a matter of mere hours, the atmosphere on Pluto became stable and the temperature began to warm up while the clouds and storms stopped forming altogether as they replaced the underground with soil and dirt for plants to grow.

Artificial sun and moon were soon created, made out of tiny artificial particles of substances and trash that glow from the inside with light while also being controlled and rotated by the same nanobots to provide sustainable power to their population, simulating the normal gravitational pull of the earth's to ensure stability and orderliness.

These tiny machines surrounded the entire small world in a protective bubble shield to prevent hostile meteorites or invaders from entering while also preventing heat, cosmic radiation, and other harmful solar rays that might damage the ecosystem they are trying to build and develop.

With this in mind, his next plan of action is to create a massive building comprised of many rooms and tasks for doing many projects such as science, research, medicine, and medical treatments that can improve their lives here, as well as many other departments in planning for a brighter future for them all.

Thanks to his little machines, it didn't take long for them to build towering dome housing millions of residents inside as they expanded the cityscape beyond what human technology could ever accomplish in decades. His focus on improving their quality of living is not as important as providing them necessities and other utilities to help their daily lives, including clean water, food, medicines, healthcare, clothing, etcetera.

Having built everything with their assistance, he didn't waste anymore time building a cloning factory of himself, cloning himself in the billions for them to perform duties and tasks that needed to be done to ensure the progress and stability in this new world he called home.

Every clone shares the same personality, beliefs, and appearance, with the exception of having their traits tinkered to be suited for specific roles, with his powers having disappointingly not transferred due to complex and unexplained factors that even he is unaware of.

Despite this, all his clones are connected in a telepathic hive mind where the original Randolph Carter, also referred to as 'Prime Carter,' holding all the intelligence, knowledge, and personalities of the others. Regardless, everyone is capable of maintaining their individuality and identity to distinguish themselves from others and of learning, innovating, and socializing to achieve their assigned goals.

Nanobots and nanotechnology also became a main foundation of their civilization as a whole. They used these machines in everything imaginable, from their city, buildings, and factories to the simple household chores, cooking, and maintenance, in helping them to live their lives and being also part of the said hive mind as a whole.

Intangible and invisible to the eye due to how tiny they are, everything in the air is made of them, giving Carter and his clones full control over their own world. True paradise was not as easy as it seemed, however; he does feel homesick whenever he thinks about returning to earth, but that will soon change after claiming this whole world as his own.

Just as his clones continue their jobs, Carter spends his whole days and nights relaxing, reading books and smoking fine cigars from tobacco he farms from the plants that were sown with seeds made through machines that alter their DNA to match what he wants. Furthermore, Carter's clones are working at their own pace to explore the inner layer of Pluto itself.

Perhaps staying here is better than doing his duty as a philanthropist billionaire who has to worry about business and investments or handling political problems in the country he lives in. Now he doesn't have to care about those things in the past, only the endless blessing of spending in this utopia that he built through his own mind, body, and will.

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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